Breaking News

We interrupt this program to bring you BREAKING NEWS.  I have nothing to lose and NO SPONSORS. The occupants residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue should not be allowed to give a repeat performance of Helter-Skelter Decisions.  Our special task force unit will come around to check and remove all rolls of quarters. There will be NO KOOL-AID served. I repeat, NO KOOL-AID will be served. This is not the Jim Jones’ Inaugural Ball.

The Super Brains of Intelligence and the Emojis of Emotional Intelligence has left the Whitehouse.  The Lights are OFF.  The departure of President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and Dr. Jill Biden taught skills of expressive language.  These great orators embraced the podium with their smiles, laughter, tears, and sincerity.  We The People felt the connection. We The People open our minds, hearts and were receptive.  It was not just a dream but this team took the lead.  Match Point!  President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden’s intelligence reflected Equality of the People and Equality of our Nation Rights. Great minds will always Lead the Dream of Hope, Change, Diversity, and Inclusion.

Speaking of great minds, the Obama Administration had their moments.  When President Obama penned an Executive Order I don’t recall feeling threaten and bullied. LEFTY signed off on Executive Orders and I felt quite relieved as he poured the concrete.   Our Nation moved FORWARD in a positive direction. This was the moment of truth for Hope and Change.   President Obama did not send my brain and the old memories stored in my brain into fight or flight mode. I did not feel I was on the reality show SURVIVAL. The limbic system plays a huge part in our gut feelings and survival role.  My brain was in Safety Mode.  My central nervous system wasn’t singing Boyz To Mens, End Of The Road.   President Obama was my Uber driver for motivation and learning. He kept my emotional engine running.  My Limbic System was set on cruise control.  The Limbic System structure of the temporal lobe is responsible for regulating many of our emotions, as well as forming and processing memories. It’s wasn’t all about my Limbic System.  My dawgs in the carpool, Amygdala, Hippocampus, Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Cingulate Gyrus, and Basal Ganglia all played great roles.  You got to give credit where credit is due. It’s fun riding 6 deep. Just keeping it real.  Trump better keep plenty of fuel in all of his modes of transportation.  Bottom line, Trump shakes my Sh*t up. How about you America? I am not giving him a ride. Okay! A-myg-da-la plays a hell-of-role and should be nominated for the Oscars. Girlfriend is packing Fear along with her BFF, Cingulate Gyrus.

A-myg-da-la is the grand central station for emotions.  She takes her job serious integrating and coordinating emotional behavior.  There is 2 almond-shaped mass. One on each side of the brain located in the temporal lobe (hearing and memory).  Amygdala hangs out with Arousal.  She is associated with fear and anxiety disorder, OCD, Post Traumatic Stress, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Personality Disorder. My girl can jack with your blood pressure and play Fast and Furious with your heart rate.  Amygdala and fear shouldn’t hang out.  She is hard on the nervous system. My Lessons Learned is from Hard Yard University. It’s Hard in the yard.  There is a price to pay. It is called Accountability.

1.) autonomic response associated with fear

2.) hormone secretions

3.) arousal

4.) memory

5.) emotional response

Hippocampus brings new memories to the table. We never forget to grab her on the way to work. Why? Without my dawg, you couldn’t live in the present.  You would be stuck in the past. If hippocampus gets damage we’re looking at severe mental illness (schizophrenia) and some severe depression. Oh boy! When the hippocampus shrink it is said a treatment has been made available to reverse the process and help people with bipolar disorder and depression.  Hippocampus can get affected by estrogen.  Alzheimer will be looking up your address and staring you in the face. Special Note: Steve Banning, Chief White House Strategist, and White Supremacist ideologies are not New Memories. Steve Banning ideologies of Make America White Again should be BANNED. Living in the PAST. BIG TIME!  Hippocampus, Banning, and Trump will never be on the same flight or in the same car.

1.) hippocampus is seahorse in shape. Mirrored in the right hemisphere of the brain and left hemisphere of the brain.

2.) emotional response

3.) navigation-mapping out one’s environment

4.) spatial orientation-just your memory being able to navigate through your environment (and if you can’t navigate through your environment use the cell phone GPS, the car high-tech verbal GPS)

5,) long-term memory cannot record new memories but connect emotions to memories

6.) declarative memory-memories purposely recalled for facts and events

7.) motivation

Thalamus involves sensory perception. Understanding is gained through one’s senses (sight, taste, smell, sound, hearing, touch etc.).   Thalamus functions control motor, sleep, and awake states. Memory formation, pain perception, and emotional expression is part of Thalamus function. Other functions of the Thalamus package are sensory signals to the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex which process the majority of our information is divided into 4 lobes.  The cortex thin layer of tissue is grey and referred to as grey matter. Nerves in this area lack insulation which makes other parts of the brain appear white.  The Thalamus process information. More functions included by the Thalamus is thinking, perceiving, producing and understanding language. My dawg has nerve connection with the cerebral cortex and the hippocampus.

1.) motor control

2.) receives auditory, Somatosensory (conscious of touch, perception of pain, and warmth that occurs anywhere in the body, position of movement, vibrations of muscles and joints, skin fascia (connective tissue), and visual-perceptual

3.) relays sensory signals to the cerebral cortex

4.) memory formation and emotional expression, pain perception

5.) controls sleep and awake stakes

Hypothalamus, pearl shape size, is the control center of autonomic functions. This is respiration, blood pressure body temperature, regulation of the endocrine structure. Endocrine System secretes a hormone, regulates growth, digestion, metabolism, sexual development. Homeostasis process of maintaining body equilibrium by monitoring and adjusting (physiological process) body part functions. Hypothalamus regulates emotional responses through its influences on the pituitary gland, skeleton muscle system, and nervous system (brain and spinal cord and complex neurons). Hunger, thirst, sleep mood, and sex in addition to stress and emotional responses are regulated by the Hypothalamus.

1.) balance of water and electrolytes such as sodium and calcium

2.) production of body fluids (saliva, sweat, tears, urination, defecation)

3.) Endocrine System glands-pineal, thyroid, parathyroids, thymus, adrenal, pancreas, gonads (ovaries and testes)

Cingulate Gyrus helps put emotions and pain in check. It involves predicting and avoiding negative consequences. Functions of the Cingulate Gyrus are listed as followed: Communication, maternal bonding, language expression, decision-making, regulate aggressive behaviors and coordinates sensory input with emotions.  Cingulate Gyrus has tapped on our door because We The People and Our Nation feel the heat from all the turmoil. Who better to walk us through this unpleasant experience of fear.  The body definitely wakes and truly traumatized. I will personally fasten Cingulate Gyrus into the car. Damages to (CG) can cause cognitive, behavioral and emotional disorders. This includes Depression Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Chronic Pain, Alcohol and Drug Abuse, problems with communication dealing with changing situations, anger, easily frustrated, emotional and violent outburst linked to attention deficit disorder. Schizophrenia, Autism, and Psychiatric Disorders are inclusive when damages to the Cingulate Gyrus.

Basil Ganglia is Mr. Motor City. He is involved in a primary movement, processes information related to emotions motivations and cognitive functions. BG’s home address or location is deep within the cerebral hemisphere of the brain. Basal Ganglia is associated with a number of disorders that influence movement.  Parkinson disease demonstrates gradual loss of the ability to initiate movement.  Huntington Disease characteristics are the failure to prevent parts of the body to move unintentionally. Hemiballismus is a very rare movement disorder with involuntary flinging motions of extremities.

BG has 3 cousins who are a cluster of neurons (caudate nucleus, putamen, and globus pallidus). Did you say, Putin? No, I said PUTAMEN. Just checking! They are responsible for involuntary movement such as tremors,  athetosis (characteristics: involuntary, convoluted writhing movement/twisting/squirming and contortions).  The person in this situation is suffering great physical and emotional pain.  Fingers, hands, toes, feet, and sometimes the leg, tongue, and neck are affected.  Lesion to the brain is the cause. Athetosis does not act alone.  It is accompanied by cerebral palsy. Chorea is abnormal involuntary movement. It is located in one of the neurological groups called dyskinesias meaning involuntary muscle movement.

Basal Ganglia is responsible for voluntary motor control, eye movement, cognitive and emotional functions along with procedural learning. The MRI SCAN has been ordered. I needed a Refresher Course on the Limbic System. I’m the star of Homeland and I cannot miss anything. I will not risk We The People and Our Nation. Sh**t I got to make sure I take my meds. Trump will go into an impulsive tango and will do something more erratic to bring the White House Down ( Jamie Fox plays the role as President. Whitehouse is under assault by the terrorist, released 2013) Sounds familiar.

When Executed Orders are signed by Trump it feels like Weapons of Mass Destruction against We The People and Our Nation.  I arrive on the set of FEAR FACTOR fearing for my life and angry as hell.  No PROMISES KEPT for our FUTURE GENERATION because we have an Incompetent President with Severe Mental Illness (SMI) with the Nuclear Codes in his Pockets. If they are not in his pocket check Putin’s Pocket.  Andrea Mitchell could use the No Drama Obama Factor.  So could the entire nation. Trevor Noah’s Tweet of No Excuses turns into Fear All You Can Fear It’s The American Way.  This Does NOT Make American Great Again. Once again I will not sit at the table with Caligula. The words of Caligula “Let Them Hate So Long As They FEAR.”  My response was Hell To The No! No! Democrats rise up from the table and fight an untraditional fight. Where is Dan Rather? I need to talk to him.

Are you ready for the RECALL? Big Eddie would say “Get Out Your Cell Phones. Secret Agent RA! RA! would say, “Let’s see what the results of the PPP Poll are today.” She then would lean in toward the camera, clap her hands together with her eyebrows arched in an arrow position. The next words out her mouth are “BREAKING NEWS.” 🙂  Sir Chris Matthews, Knight of the Round Table, you can delay having your GD moment. Trump has not made it to the SITUATION WAR ROOM. Thank God! Can you even imagine what the outcome of a Global Situation would be? Yes! We’re looking at what Trump has done to the Muslin community. Straight Up Unconstitutional! Do we run the course of fighting it out in court? YES, We CAN! 🙂  Before We, The People and Our Nation get our A** blown to Smithereens let’s go for THE RECALL.  Just 10 days in office! To hell with 100 Days. Get me Michael Moore on the phone.  Also, call Oprah. She knows the process of RECALLS. Tell Ari, Joy, Krystal, Tamara, Toure, Chris H., Andrea and Chuck Todd to get their A** in here Now! I want real stand up journalism when more BREAKING NEWS come in.  Sir Lawrence, why are you standing over there in the corner with that blank sheet of paper with those big black dots? I get it. Wipe that smile off your face before I give you a visual image you won’t be able to get rid of.  Have Gail bring me my notes from the last briefing on the 25th Amendment. I called Oprah and her line is still busy. Keep trying. I need that information.

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) Mad Cows Disease, the Cattle and the Beef was RECALLED. Ford Motor Company RECALLED their cars. Tylenol RECALLED their pills,  EBOLI OUTBREAK, people were RECALLED, and AUTOPSIES were performed.  Whenever there is an outbreak or Epidemic and lives are endangered a RECALL by the CENTER OF DISEASE CONTROL (CDC) or NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH (NIMH) is convened.  It is Time to convene and RECALL the President.  We The People should not live in FEAR.   We The People should not work in FEAR. We The People should live to Survive our own adversities. We The People CLOCK OUT from the Job. We will not let TRUMP CLOCK OUT our LIVES by his irrational behaviors and decisions.  Our Nation should not Die at the hands of Trump Adversities. Trump has disorders wrapped around many concurring conditions including Hatred and Racism.  You would think Benny and The Jets Carson would come forward and validate Trump’s behavior. Ain’t he a neurosurgeon? Carson is retired from that position and so is his mind. RECALL him too.

RECALL the Electoral College, Mitch McConnell (Senate Majority Leader), Paul Ryan (Speaker Of The House), and Reince Priebus (Chief Of Staff of the White House), They appear to be the New Order and the faces of White Supremacy.  NOS (Not Otherwise Specified) has been Identified.  Has there been any sudden outburst of Irrational, Impulsive and Destructive Behavior? Yes, the firing of Sally Yates. She is Acting Attorney General from the Obama Administration. Sally Yates is of sound mind and body. Did Trump process any of his actions before he took the path of Mental Shortcuts?  Did he have any bullet points or his less information sheet to carry out his irrational behavior? What?  No Mam! Future Lady President. Did He carry this action out on Twitter? LAWD! LAWD! Dear JE–SUS! Are the results in?  The New Order of White Supremacy took over the Republican Party. Well, it is the same Order of White Supremacy who held the backroom meeting to make sure President Barack Obama would only be a 1 term president. The same Order of White Supremacy dressed in suits who would not allow President Obama to select a Supreme Court Justice. Really! The idea of letting Black, Brown, Tan, Beige tell the HOODIE BROTHERS what to do. Have you forgotten already? Conversion Time! Take back the country and MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN.

President Obama was called out on his Birth Certificate. He was called an appeaser.  The PRICE OF HOPE was extremely costly but through it all, he remains quite calm. I never worried about the Nuclear Codes. I’m quite sure President Obama did not sit in the SITUATION WAR ROOM and take MENTAL SHORTCUTS.  Mental Shortcuts can lead to COGNITIVE BIASES. Mental Shortcuts are used to classify and categorize people. RELEVANT information which is overlooked.  Stereotypes and Prejudiced will ascend from the ashes of hell to create a false reality.  President Obama absorbs an abundance of information.  He was there for ALL the briefings.  TWITTER IS NOT THE PLACE  to run the United States of America.

President Obama was able to apply old information to new.  He was not stuck in the past. President Obama’s hippocampus checked out perfectly. President Obama did not FADE OUR NATION TO BLACK.  We are a Nation that has Come out of the Dark no longer to live in the Shadows. YES WE CAN__FORWARD. President Obama used his Executive Pen to move FORWARD but not for the purpose of Hatred, Racism Retaliation, and Discrimination.  Congress blocked the President at every turn.   Now it is TIME to hold Congress ACCOUNTABLE for cheering on Negative Behaviors. If I couldn’t get the job done I would be out of a job. President Obama did not sign We The People and Our Nation’s Life away. He fulfilled many promises. He reached across oceans and climbed the highest mountains for our NATION to be that of an INCLUSIVE NATION. This Is The PRICE OF HOPE, CHANGE, DIVERSITY, and INCLUSIVENESS. The Lights are On Lead by a Magnificent Mind.

Trump goes into his mantra/chant of “You know what this Mean” Hell Yell! I know exactly what it means.  Repetitive Obsessive, Impulsive, Destructive Behaviors of punishment all caught on tape. Did President Obama ever DRAW his signature on an Executive Order? Did President Obama ever say, ” you know what this means?”  A sharpie! Look closer at the signature.  You call that writing?  I call it dysgraphia. Whew! When a child sits down and is forced to write. You know what this means. As soon as they get up from their desk or table the frustration and anger will manifest itself. Surprise! All hell is going to break loose.  The behavior will become quite explosive. Baby girl just broke my TV.   Replace this skill set of writing with the use of an iPad.  Thank God for Steve Jobs. Look what Trump broke in less than 100 days in office with that sharpie. Hmm!  Can Trump write?  He lied about writing the book Art Of The New Deal. Do you recall President Obama ever holding up the Executive order and using a flat or monotone facial expression? He can write. President Obama had his mind made up about the Affordable Health Care Act. He leads his own thoughts and was not manipulated by others.  Here we go with 69 Shades of Grey from Congress and they don’t have a plan yet to Repeal and Replace Obama Care. President Obama executive functioning really is functioning. The lights are OFF in the White House. Does Trump have a mind? I sure would like to see the results of his MRI SCAN.

The results are in. Where did you get that MRI SCAN from? Don’t worry about it. I got connections at Grey’s Academy. Don’t you mean Grey’s Anatomy? No! We have to find a way to call the cable company and disconnect Trump Tv.  Is this legal? Where have you been?  Everything that has happened in this week is not legal and Unconstitutional. BREAKING NEWS: The Cerebral Cortex and its 4 lobes checked out. The Frontal Lobe: voluntary muscle movement/motor functions, thinking, decision-making and planning, higher order functions, reasoning, judgment, impulse control, memory, language, and speech.  (Check Baby, Check Baby 1,2,3). Well, he’s top Lefty Chief of Organization Skills. Parietal Lobe: Cognition, Receiving and processing sensory information. The 5 senses are in excellent condition. Taste/gustation, smell/olfaction, touch/somatosensory, sight/visual, and hearing/auditory, movement coordination, visual perception, reading and writing, math computation, understanding spatial orientation.  (Check Baby, Check Baby 1,2,3).  Occipital Lobe: process visual information from the retina, visual perception, color recognition, reading, reading comprehension, depth perception, recognition.   Lefty clearly understands what he is seeing. Can I sing a new tune? Please! When I first saw you, you had Sparkle in your eyes. Go Head! Cameo 1979. Shut Up before you tell our ages.  Okay Stevie B imitation. Joy has told you about she can do her job. Don’t ever say Shut Up again. I apologize. Okay: Temporal Lobe: Organize sensory as well as auditory, perception, memory information, speech production, and language. Checkmate!

Dan Rather, you are absolutely right. Extraordinary Times cause for Extraordinary Measures. The election was an Enigma. Trump is an Enigma. I will keep my promise.  Here is the information you wanted on Severe Mental Illness (SMI) and concurring conditions which overlap.(In real time, Dan did not ask for this information).   There will not be a stain or stigma residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.  In the first 2 years of President Barack Obama’s PROMISES KEPT  he stated, “LET’S BE THE GENERATION THAT MAKES FUTURE GENERATIONS PROUD OF WHAT WE DID HERE. Will there be a future generation if Trump continues his Negative Behaviors?  Has anyone seen Trump replace any Negative Behaviors With Positive Behaviors? Will there be a moment in time NOW where our nation can survive the punishment that is being inflicted by an Incompetent President with monumental threatening behaviors?  Instead of Donald Trump being held accountable he is rewarded for Negative Behavior.  He does not understand Consequences nor does he fear consequences.  Trump’s cheerleader is mirrored after him and lacks knowledge just like him. Look at the Billion Dollars Babies he picked for his cabinet who are not qualified to do the job.   Trump cabinet members will hinder his ability to make an appropriate or good decision and solve problems. Steve Banning(Chief Strategist of the Whitehouse) is on my knock-off list. Don’t you mean 250 counts white sheet and white pillowcase man? Low Count!  More like No Count.  What’s up with the Bullet Points?  Hmmm! MENTAL SHORTCUTS.

There are times when we need to put our brain on speed dial.  Mental shortcuts (heuristics) allow us to problem solve and make decisions quickly and effectively.  The 2 most common heuristic are availability heuristic (accessing relevant information in your mind). Representative heuristics (decision-making process by comparing the Present Day situation to mental examples in your mind). These shortcuts are designed to save on time when determining risk.  This process filter through a lot of information.  Just think if our brain had to analyze every single aspect of a situation or every decision we make.  This is a nice coping skill device to keep our brain from going into maximum overdrive. If our brain takes a walk on the wild side not a D**n thing will get done.  Whew! Makes me tired just thinking about the outcome.  Okay! Reach down into your pocket and pull out your RULE-OF THUMB. We can save on brain gas and function more effectively so we don’t blow out all of the tires having to think about everything and what will be the next step of action. Lots of people don’t have a spare in the back of their trunk or a donut. These are the people using fix-a-flat. Sir Lawrence O’Donnell can you imagine fix-a-flat brain?  Mental Shortcuts  can be dangerous and can lead to the following  BIASES:

1.) confirmation bias-People refuse to listening to the other person point of view or consider facts in a logical manner. Information given only confirms what they believe.  ex., People who feel global warming doesn’t exist and confirm their belief.  People who believe there should be no background checks for Gun control. The Wayne La Pierre Syndrome, ” the only way to defeat a bad guy with a gun is to arm a good guy with a gun”.   Trump who thinks there is voters fraud. American should be White again. Trump confirms his belief that Muslims are terrorist.  I’m not hearing it. I Did It My Way Program. Even when you know there needs to be No hearing for voters fraud, Trump needs to confirm what exist in his mind only.

2.) hindsight bias-When you here, I knew it was going to happen. I knew it all along. It was inevitable. Polls being more predictable than what they truly are. I knew it syndrome. Well, that sure in the hell didn’t happen in the 2017 elections. Just venting!

3.) anchoring bias-The first piece of information we hear. Quick decisions we make when we don’t shop around. How much are we willing to pay?  The information you give your doctor can make him susceptible/influence to make the wrong diagnosis.  When you go to negotiate for a salary increase the First Lady would say, when they go low you go high. 🙂 Just letting you know I was paying attention. How long a person expect to live? When should my kid start dating?

4.) misinformation effect-The questions contain misleading information distorted by memory. The original information got mixed up with the misleading information. The misleading information took over my memory. The misleading information is more recent. Misleading information comes to mind first.  When the incident happen the information that was important got switch around in one’s head. So now their using the misleading information to fill in the gaps.  Time, discussing the events with other people/witnesses, news (especially fake news) and excessive exposure to alternative facts plays a major role in misinformation effect. 🙂 Okay!

5.)  actor-observer bias-People can’t see their own actions or behaviors. When something goes wrong they blame their action on some outside force. ex. Danny’s teacher gives long and drawn out lectures. He failed his exam. The teacher got blamed. No! Danny A** didn’t study?  As the observer people tend to blame their actions on internal causes. John is never on time for the movies (internal) John is always so tired and sleepy.

6.) false consensus effect-over value their own opinion, Overestimate how many people beliefs, behaviors attitudes and values are the same as theirs. Overestimate the vast majority think the way they do and it will benefit their self-esteem. Overestimates the people who share your political views, share your preference. The false reality if one person support you in that particular neighborhood everyone will support you. False reality if I like it or buy it everyone should follow my lead.

7.) halo effect-overall impression impacts you evaluation process.  Physical Attractive people or more favorable. Global impact of  likable personalities. (stereotype) The smart and pretty effect. Drab and not attractive would be considered not intelligent. Employers rate eye candy as smart, competent, and qualified. Marketers get a celebrity to endorse a product and the rating goes up.

8.) self-serving bias-Give themselves credit for SUCCESS and lay the blame for FAILURES on others. TRUMP SYNDROME. LLC Incorporation! Since people became INCORPORATION let’s include Mitch McConnell (Senator Majority Leader of Kentucky), Paul Ryan (House Speaker), Reince Priebus (Chief-of-staff). This is the New Order. The self-esteem protector leads to faulty attributes such as blaming others for their shortcomings.  It also keeps the self-esteem intact by blaming a person age, gender, race, and DISABILITY.  NOT MY FAULT, NEVER! NO APOLOGIES.

9.) availability heuristics mental shortcuts design to save time when determining risk. Relying on this way of thinking lead to bad decisions and poor estimates. ex. Lotto time. I need to start buying tickets. What are your chances of winning. Making judgements on what is readily brought to mind. Man! There have been a lot of airplane crashes. Hmm! I bet not take a plane. Whatever comes to mind you base your decision on that information. Even if the information is not relevant.  Ford had 64 layoffs. I probably be next.

10.) optimism bias-Too optimistic for your own good. It can happen to you not me. Why me! Our rational and logical brain goes south. Ain’t no way in the world I’m suppose to lose my house, get a divorce, diagnose with an incurable disease. You are vulnerable and suffer illusions of vulnerability. We believe we are less likely to suffer misfortunes and more likely to be successful.  What are the odds of being struck by lightning? The odds of a tornado striking because one has not hit the area you live in.  Impacts of false optimism is health risk, drinking, drugs, gambling, and smoking. The God will take care of it Syndrome. God needs your undivided attention, cooperation and participation. This Bias isn’t all bad. We need optimism with a sense of REALTY to move forward and look toward the future. Giving hope and motivation so when we do fail we will take responsibility and not blame others.

What! Trump has no THUMBS. That is NO EXCUSE he has feet. He needs to be held ACCOUNTABLE for whatever body part he has left.  Trump has more biases than what I listed.  Donald Trump stepped on a lot of toes and pissed a lot of people off. Has anyone checked on Mitt, Chris, and Rudy? We thought we give them some time and space to cool off. Well, you better ship them to Alaska because I don’t think it will be no time soon. Do you think they were committed? No!  This is what happens when Affluent Mental Illness Goes Untreated. This is the facts, not alternative facts. What is Affluent Mental Illness gone untreated? The high dollar privileged individual (Richey Rich) folks that are let off the hook for their disruptive and violent Intentional Behaviors by their peers, a judge, and society.  Even when mental illness can be a factor in their national cheerleaders don’t seem to care and encourage more negative behaviors. All sins are forgiven and it is okay for the person or persons to pay for their sins with cash, corporate credit cards donate high dollars to affluent judges or charities. The list gets better. Sleeping With The Enemy Part II influences a Nation Election being compromised.  BECOME THE PRESIDENT, LIE, CHEAT, STEAL, and even RISK the lives of the many troops for the Dumb A** oil statement.  Speaking of OIL, Trump even pissed Dick Cheney off. Wow! Cheney said he went too far on the Muslin ban. Unbelievable! Even Cheney changed his position. What do you think Sr? Chris Matthew? You think Dick just want a piece of the Spotlight? Make me smile and say CHENEY for me. Come on!

Trump does not reside in Reality Boulevard.  The President lacks information, gullible, lack wisdom, experience, lacks judgment, especially in foreign affairs. These are the components of NAIVENESS. Who can benefit from exploiting Trump deficiencies?  Say It With Me Now! Vladimir Putin! Who will feed Trump the BS he wants to here so he thinks he is King? Who wants to control the WORLD? Who played Russian Roulette with our Nation’s Election? Everyone in the Nation has witnessed Trump out of control behaviors. The media and the Democrats are looking in the wrong spot. Revealed through the lens under the surface of one’s skin a passageway has open and revealed what is deep within. There is nothing for you to attain. Right before your lens, the answer lies in Trump’s Brain. The RNC wants an AUTOPSY. Well here’s my Contribution. Fight On The Assessment of Observation and Evaluation.  With the biases listed above, we will not judge. We will be able to evaluate REALISTICALLY.  All have been documented on tape and viewed through the lens of We The People and Our Nation. RECALL:


The Package_HotSpot II

Let’s find out what’s in The Package. Are you sure R. Kelly has nothing to do with this box? Absolutely! Eric!  I’m the only one that can call her Eric, just a friendly reminder.  To the rest of you Herefords, Whores, and Hussies, it is Erica to you.  I can call the Drag Queen something else but I will give her a pass since Erica spent most of her life in and out of prison. D**n Girl!  Bring it on in and show the Drag B***h some love. You can call Ru Paul for me.   Society never showed me anything but a jail cell. That was not a good treatment plan. I had more pills in my medicine cabinet than Imelda Marcos had shoes.  Before I cut the bow I just like to reiterate my struggle with Ano-sog-no-sia a Severe Mental Illness (SMI). You girls thought I was a selfish, rude, and an ungrateful Drag Queen B***h.  People viewed me as having the I NUCLEUS Syndrome.  The center of the world was all about me and nobody else mattered. Hell, I thought everyone was like me. I did not know I had a problem.  You know what, I thought that too. Thank you for straightening me out. I said that about you in the first story. See. I misjudged you all those years. That’s what happens when you are not informed or educated about mental illness.  I couldn’t feel or even begin to put myself in their Red Bottoms. Girl, you got some Red Bottoms?  Hell No! They are some pretty D**N good knockoffs.  Okay, they are not even knockoffs. Maxine painted the bottom of my shoe red. What! Shut Up! Maxwell, excuse me, I know you Queens are sensitive about your names. Maxine is so creative. Baby Girl, I don’t know about creative but the rent had to be paid. Maxine made a killing off of those shoes. What if it rains or snow?  I don’t know what kind of sealant Maxine put on those shoes but my shoes never bleed. Who wears their designer shoes in the rain?  Did you ever wonder why Maxine move from city to city and state to state?  Girlfriend was brilliant. No! Maxine didn’t want to get her A** beat for scamming people. Hey, protecting ones A** is brilliant.

Oh God! We totally got sidetrack. Check this out. Anosognosia (Ano-sog-no-sia) is recognized in people with Strokes, Alzheimer’s, Brain Tumors, Huntington Disorder and most recently NLD Syndrome. For some reason, it was not recognized in people with Schizophrenia and Bi-Polar disorders. Several neurological disorders come with the Package of Anosognosia. Dementia is included in the box along with Parkinson Disease. What really pisses me off is people think being transgender is a disease. Even worse Black and transgender is off the chain mentally challenge. When I go to the doc he has this expression on his face like I’m really sick. I’m sitting there thinking, “Is it my eyeshadow or my lipstick?”  It takes a true artist to put 24 shades of eyeshadow around the eye. Baby, I’m not working with a lot of space. Hey, maybe your doc is jealous and he really wants to come out. You do look fabulous. Connie! Close it down.  It couldn’t be my breath because I keep my Altoids with me. Those mints are strong. Is my presence too much for the doc?  The last session doc and I had was terrible. He asks me what did I want to discuss. I told him he never talks about race and gun violence. I wasn’t worried about what I am labeled. My concern is real life issues when I walked out the door of his office and people stare, curse at me, and bully me. Hell, I’m not worried about his Trumped Up diagnosis of Schizophrenia. I’m worried about getting my Black A** killed. Paranoid No! HotSpot Connectivity. Hell Yell.  I talk to myself because there is no one else to talk to. People ask me why I do what I do.  Isn’t that song by Christopher Williams?  Guess who wrote it and starred in the video. Get out of here! You know what? I’m going to make this my RAPID RESPONSE and tell Michael Moore to weigh in. Tell that good-looking knight, Sir Lawrence, to jump in and add his 50 Cent. Before you ask Nadine, it is not that 50 Cent. I bet not find out this Psych Baby voted for the President-Elect. His office is going up in flames. Did I say that? I did not hear any voices that came straight out of my mouth. Sounds like somebody else we know. Here we go! Let’s cut the bow.

Where is Francis? She is running a little late. Yeah, like 5 years. What! When is the last time you talk to Francis?  I haven’t.  Jeannine, her sister,  always tell me Francis is doing fine and the kids are okay. She likes her space and privacy. Frances doesn’t have much space and no privacy. She is in jail.  Jeannie has the kids. What happened! She stabs Marcus. Well, not directly. She talked someone else into doing it. I told her about that Charlie Manson BS years ago. Ms. Drag B**ch by Proxy. Okay, for all the people who cannot LOOK and LEARN, Charlie Manson is the perfect example.  Mr. Mind Control of Murder by Proxy committed the crime in 1969 and still doing time. Here it is 2017 and he is still locked up. Tax dollar waste baby. Know This! Do not try any acts of violence today. You will not be so lucky.  I hope you make bail the next day, court or come out alive.  It didn’t work for Charlie Manson it will not work for you. Charlie is alive. The consequences are grave. Girlfriend you are hard on the justice system.  I will say this again.   Me, Erica, not Sammy, is the Black Drag Queen B***ch with Schizophrenia. I was incarcerated not put in a mental institution but jailed. I did not have a bracelet like people with diabetes to get medical help if something goes wrong. A bracelet with schizophrenia would have been stolen. Why would you say that? Who in hell in the prison system knows about all these different diagnoses.  Negro Please! Just a friendly reminder to let you know the stats are there in the first story.  Pay attention!  People with Mental Illness and Severe Mental Illness do not get special treatment. They are not excused and highly criminalized.  Let me cut this D**n bow before my scissors slip and we have another stat for the New Year.  You know how it happens. People’s guns go off on New Years and they ACCIDENTALLY get the opportunity to shoot the person they wanted to shoot for years. Didn’t we have a Vice-President who accidentally shot his hunting buddy? It wasn’t New Years. Maybe he couldn’t wait.   Remember Ladies! No anger up in the house just Love.  Bring it on in.

Erica, are you okay. Is that a tear I see coming from your eye. Girls, this is too much. What! Look! It’s a turd key ring. Remember Mr. Hanky from South Park. Ahhh No! He was the Sh*t in the toilet who change the minds of people religious views on Christmas Day. It was Kyle’s friend. He never showed up when Kyle tried to make his family, friends, and associates see him. Kyle ended up in an institution diagnosed with schizophrenia.  Thank God he wasn’t put in jail.  I guess this key ring is perfect for you Erica. You are schizophrenic and you have a lot of friends that are pieces of Sh*t.  At least I have friends. Yeah, and most of them are in your head. Are you my friend Nadine?  Yes, I’m your friend. Well, ladies, that being said Nadine is the biggest piece of Sh*t I know. Happy New Year to you Bi-atch! Okay, ladies Calm down. If you were paying attention those turds begin to pop up everywhere. I saw a Turd Emoji in CVS. Pharmacy with a happy smile.  I went to Target and a large chair was made into a Turd.  JC Penny had a turd bank. Sooo! Your point is?  Sh*t is popping up everywhere.   There are 15 days before the Inauguration and Sh*t is all over the map.  That is not in my mind. People see it and feel the anxiety and depression from the days to come.  Whose walking in our shoes now? Look at the expression on Mika Brzezinski face.  Her emoji doll shows ultimate shame. Joe Scarborough was Father Time Line handling his Tweets calling out Sopan Deb. Joe straight up called Sopan a LIAR.  Sopan Deb should go work for Fake News CNN.  No! Gorgeous Ari would say LIAR CNN NEWS. Have Mercy! Joe won the Pissed Off of the year emoji doll award for dissing a racist.  HotSpot Connectivity elevated. Andrea Mitchell looks totally washed out.  Mitchell should have her own emoji doll.  If you could not read pain on a person’s face you can now. Written all over her face is total disgust. Isn’t that a song by Rude Boys. Yes! May I continue. Nadine Mind Dots connects to music.  Nadine is one of the patients in Oliver Sack’s book.  There is more Erica. Go ahead. Oh My God! Oh My God! I heard Girlfriend say shellacked.

It makes me want to cry. You know Girlfriend has been a real trooper and one hell-of-a cheerleader. All of us at this celebration carries a Yellow Pen. Well, Smokey got carried away. We all went out one night. We were sitting at the bar so we decided to share what the Knights of the Roundtable had taught us. Smokey whips out and X-ACTO KNIFE. I look across the table and see several WHITE  people picking up their cell phones and dialing. Ahh, Sh*t.  We are going to jail tonight. I grabbed her A** and all 6 of us ran for the door and jumped in Connie’s Mazda CR-9.  Ha! Ha!  Michael Moore this was a mandatory Raid Response. 🙂 So I asked Smokey what-the-hell was she thinking about.  She said Babygirl showed her how to get rid of information because you couldn’t trust the BLACK PEN to hide the info. Did BabyGirl tell you not to pull a stunt like that in a predominately WHITE neighborhood? It looks as though you were drawing out a weapon.  We learned the strategy for when we go places with Smokey. We MUST ALWAYS keep bail money.  She sent It. Oh, My God! She did not forget me. Share Girlfriend! A Package of information. I know it will help me write my next story.  Breathtaking! What!  THESE NUTS. They really are nuts. Maybe in your mind Connie they are NUTS. I’m schizophrenic and I will leave it there.   To the real media, Knights of the RoundTable who are the FACT CHECK BABIES and  FLAME-THROWERS of hope, Press On.

Happy NEW YEAR :)k

Ignorance Is Not Allowed

It is about the safety of our nation and waking up in a world where you feel your life, your children live, and the many lives that come after being put into the hands of a World Leader who is a true Organizer. The Leader of the Free World rocked his  2 terms (8 years) legacy with high power executive functions, and his Fluid Intelligence is off the Richter scale.    The  Commander and Chief who is head of the Executive Branch surrounded himself with a remarkable team of Do Something people who moved our nation FORWARD and has continued to help our nation evolve. I like to take you back to the character trait of Fluid Intelligence.  It is practical, hands-on intelligence; how well a person “thinks on his or her feet”; how quickly and how competently a person process and utilizes the information at his or her disposal.

May Day Baby! How well was the situation handled in keeping our nation safe from the mastermind behind the September 11 terrorist attack?  Just to remind you there have been many decisions made but not hastily or impulsively to keep the communication lines open to World Leaders so they would not become RATTLED.  Intelligent decisions were made.  The flow of knowledge did not RATTLE these World Leaders.  Yup! We can no longer IG-NOR the RANT.  Working with IGNORANT people or future IGNORANT Contenders is quite disturbing. Knowledgeable people pose a threat but IGNORANT people are deadly.

Who do you know has graduated from their class as summa-cum-IGNORANT? Parents do not work two or three jobs and make sacrifices to put their children through a college or university for their son/daughter to return home from the chain of IGNORANCE. As the world evolves, mankind search for greater knowledge through Artificial Intelligence, not through Artificial Ignorance. I strongly agree with Joy-Ann Reid statement of Trump being fake but there is no intelligence behind his action what-so-ever. Not only that, this contender does not possess any of the above character traits to run the nation or keep our nation safe.  Nan Aron, the Do-Nothing Congress has fallen in line behind the most IGNORANT talk show contender of all time. The guy name Cecil, I mean Cecil Guy missed the IGNORANT EXPERIENCES. To our World Leaders don’t be RATTLED. This is how it began.

First, it was talk show host trash then but it is reality trash talk now with the exception of this trash wants to run our nation. There was Wally George of Hot Seat; Tom Metzger of Race and Reason: Morton Downing Jr. of Morton Downing Jr. Show that set the stage for pure IGNORANCE and VIOLENCE and elevated the power of IGNORANCE. Wally George had this strange hairdo. I recall watching the show where Lance LaCour calls Wally George a Liberal. Whew! This is definitely a YouTube moment. It will also help Guy Cecil run other tapes and actually hear Wally George say the words, “Get Out Of Here.” Who does this remind you of?  It was Morton Downing Jr. who failed to apologize to the Asian Community which leads to Morton’s demise.  Guess who replaced Morton Downing Jr.?  Rush Limbaugh!  We listened to 20 years of pure bona fide IGNORANCE from Rush.  We can not run the risk of putting our nation and we the people in the hand of Artificial IGNORANCE.

Nobody wants to admit they watched trash TV.  One side of the spectrum watched As The World Turn; Search For Tomorrow; All My Children; General Hospital; Guiding Light; and Days Of Our Lives. This was a great escape or another option for living in a fantasy world and not drinking or gambling your problems away. The other end of the spectrum watch the Shock Jocks, Howard Stern and Rick Dees come in and tear apart the trash talk show hosts.  Rick Dees and Wally George went after each others jugular vein all the time.

Ignorance increase it flows to the brain by sitting in front of the TV all day watching whatever did not make us smart nor increase our intelligence. As time passed and your life crumbled around you, so did your knowledge. Ones Fluid Intelligence was like a Candle In The Wind. More and more trash TV, trash reality shows, trash media came into play and celebrated the INTENTIONAL BEHAVIORS of trash Contenders. So to all the Worlds Leaders do not be RATTLED.  If the Contenders do not possess the character traits of The Leader of the Free World in this Day and Moment in TIME just know Ignorance Is Not Allowed.

2016 NLD___Reverse Mode

You click on and you saw What? I saw the poem Through It All. I went back to the story, The Five Days Before Christmas and at the very bottom, it said 2016 NLD__Reverse Mode Coming Soon. What did you do after that? I pulled out my iPhone and Googled NLD Recognition.  When the site rolled up I saw NLD Recognition and We Need To Rethink the Way We Think. Underneath the titles, it had Snitch This. So I went to Yahoo and it said May 2011 <<NLD Recognition>> and April 2011 <<NLD Recognition>>. Did you find what you were looking for?  First, let me say this. Okay!  You update all the time so Yahoo and Bing need to place 2016 or start putting your most recent titles out there. I learned a lot from the story The Five Days Before Christmas.  That story was written in January 2016.  Girlfriend, talking about a BOOTY-SCORCHER!  You are going to have Employment Attorneys lined up everywhere. I rather sit in front of a Senate Investigating Committee or speak out to the Supreme Court on how Corporations Violate the rights of their employees.  Honestly! I don’t think you are doing too bad pointing out INTENTIONAL BEHAVIORS vs UNINTENTIONAL BEHAVIORS. Throughout this blog, you have made some hella-fide comparison and contrast to the Opposite End Of The Spectrum (the so-called normal folks) to the Flip Side Of The Chart (folks with neurological or behavioral diagnoses). Boo Boo, you covered some ground.

What I love about this blog you INCLUDED the government, corporations, media, sports world, entertainment world, LGBT community.  You spotlighted, women rights, Black Lives Matter, gun violence, and children/adults with disabilities.  Hold up, partner. Hold Up!  Whatever word you would like to use, society stigmatizes, condemn, and reach down into hell’s fire pit to label people disabled. This is exactly why so many people fail to reach out because of the Shame, Humiliation, and Guilt.  Be it medical or psychological, Intervention is mandatory and the path to discovery.  Intervention is the path to health and recovery. Oh! Did I trigger your behavior? Are you Having a PURPLE RAIN MOMENT?  No! I’m having a Let’s, Go Crazy Moment.  Help me LAWD! Just a friendly reminder to society for those individuals who are labeled as disabled can be viewed through another lens. These are the people with extraordinary minds, unique abilities, and multi-level learning styles.  I said it once and I will repeat it a thousand times.  All-righty Girlfriend! Did I touch off a nerve? No! You Pissed Me Off. More neurons were involved. Big Difference!.

Thank you for bringing up Prince’s song. He was Mr. Edwardian Architect.  He was the creator of kicking Traditional to the curb. Prince Body Language was definitely a Sign of the Times.   Prince personality was one of a Good-Hearted King.  He owns the title better known as your Royal Purpleness. He mastered the art of caring. His sharing was prolific.  Van Jones has made it clear that it should be POINTED OUT Prince was not only the man out in front of his music but an Iconic Philanthropist who held many keys and open many doors.   Prince style was built from boulders of confidence. Brick by brick and stone by stone he endured hurt and pain. Prince rose to the occasion of becoming better and not bitter.  He was the Pied Piper of Diversity. The colors Prince bathe his life it was the representation of inclusion.  Even Prince the Genius was excluded because of his unique dress did not impress nor did it fit in with the average rocker. Clothing is on the top 100 Bill Board of Non-Verbal Communication. Clothing speaks when words aren’t present.  It was his flair, the ability to change in style and in his music.

Humanity was served on Prince’s versatile guitars, pianos, and the multiple instruments which he charmed our hearts and mesmerized our minds. After all, he served the people.  Was he viewed through the lens of being weird and strange?   Absolutely?  Prince represented the Purple EMOJI of Self Confidence wrapped in a cloud of INDIVIDUALITY.  Different is OKAY. The Royal Purpleness in all his shyness roared letting nothing stand in his way of building his dream. In return, he helps many people build their dreams. In the face of disaster, Prince suited up and rescued the needy from their nightmares.   Fabrics of purple silk ripple in the high winds now flying at half-mast.  The lesson Prince bestowed upon me was Wear You, Be For Real With You,  Accept You, You are You, Be ever so Merciful To You and Others.

This brings me to the question again. Did you find the story 2016 NLD__Reverse Mode?  No, I  didn’t. The story is taking place right here right now. How is that possible?  It’s happening all around us on a daily basis.  We see it all the time yet we ignore or take it for granted.   People who are put under the microscope, viewed differently, condemned, punished, and isolated for being born with neurological disorders and Unintentional Behaviors do not choose to fail.  NLD Syndrome is an excellent example of neurological disorders whereabout people who are diagnosed with this particular disorder aren’t Emotionally disturbed or behavioral problems. Let’s get it, straight people. When you see the word neurological connect the dots to the nervous system. Before I go any further NLD (Nonverbal Learning Disability) encompass three areas: Social,  Motoric, and Visual-Spatial.

Nonverbal Learning Disability (NLD) is a developmental disability in which the individual demonstrates a mature vocabulary, rote memory skills, and an excellent reading ability,  Children/adults have a difficult time interacting with others, transitioning to new settings, working with new people, trouble with writing/fine motor coordination.

1.) motor impairment-causing difficulty in tasks that requires dexterity, manipulating small objects, coordinated handling tasks, such as writing, typing, and buttoning buttons

2.) attentional deficits-causing difficulty in coping with over-stimulating or distracting environments and requiring the person to have limited distractions and assistance in focusing oneself.

3.) difficulties in performing multiple tasks simultaneously causing in the individual to only need to do one thing at a time and limit the amount of information he/she can take in at the same time (he/she cannot follow multiple commands given at once).

4.) difficulty organizing material on their own-requiring the person to receive assistance in writing outlines, determining how to sequence/order, and prioritizing, and planning, and transitioning from one idea aspect of a project to another.

5.) visual-perceptual/visual-spatial deficits-difficulty reading maps, differentiating left and right, drawing complex figures, and understanding higher levels of arithmetic (such as geometry).

6.) social miscueing-causing the individual to have difficulty interpreting body language and facial expressions, knowing when the person is too close or too far away from someone with whom he/she is conversing, and understanding pragmatics.

7.) difficulty thinking creatively or abstractly causing the individual to think in “black or white” instead of considering the gray area and to have difficulties being flexible instead of rigid in their ideas.

These character traits with the proper support of family, friends, and other trusted relationships will help the individual EXCEED EXPECTATION. People with Neurological Unintentional Behavior do not wish to fail. Go back and review The Truth About NLD (Nonverbal Learning Disability) And Who It Can Resemble, Who In The World Is NLD?, We Need An Interpreter, Refresher Course NLD and there is so much more. The core problem of NLD Syndrome is putting the pieces of the puzzle together and getting the whole picture. If the whole picture does not come together the BOTTOM LINE will be quite sufficient. The following 7 character traits will be flipped for the Reverse Mode. Let’s see if you get the Whole Picture or the Bottom Line.


Recapturing The Recap

June 2014- My Friend With The Yellow Pen

There is a lot of information in the syllabus SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, WALMART STORES, INC. v. DUKE ET. AL What I find strange is the documentation from the associates supports a definite pattern of Intentional Behaviors of how Walmart takes control over everything.  Do you have a breathing mask? All the oxygen gets sucked up out of the room when you mention Walmart.  Why? It is Walmart’s World. You would think a new CEO coming in would want to make positive changes. No! It is initiation day for CEO Doug McMillon to show Walmart appoints all the people in their company. You can work your A** off but once again if you are not the Anointed you will not be Appointed. It has nothing to do with the size of the company but it has everything to do with how rotten the company has operated, the rights of the people in the company who are violated, and all of the labor violations that are broken.  No matter how big the size of the fruit if the core is rotten the fruit is rotten and can be replaced with something else.  Walmart is not the only alternative.

CEO Doug McMill0n enter this company knowing all the problems that existed at Walmart.  He gets an F.  A new plan was implemented to take effect on March 5, 2016.  Not only did the associates get milked by Walmart but the 2% increase was a slap in the face.  The associate realized they had been hosed down.  The  40, 50, and 60 cents (standard, exceed, role model) went to spoiled milk. The associates are nickeled and dime to death. If you are a top worker you will receive the same as a bad worker. It will take more years to max out which is a shame when the CEO doesn’t get maxed out. None of the top Dawgs in the company are held accountable for their sins.  They screw up and get GI-NOR-MOUS BONUSES, remain on the board, wreck cars, or skip prison time.

So the CEO is the Big Daddy or the highest-ranking executive in the company whose major responsibilities is making sure he is keeping all the money on company turf, for his investors, and tripling his salary instead of the associates. I thought CEO Doug McMillon main responsibilities include developing and implementing high-level strategies making major corporate decisions managing the overall operations and resource of the company. If CEO DOUG-GIE FRESH is the bullhorn for communication in Walmart, well the associates must all be deaf or need hearing aids. Who stole my battery out of my hearing aid?  On top of it, all the associates got screwed again. The only growth and the development CEO DOUG-GIE FRESH or CEO Doug McMillon AKA Babyface Nelson is watching is the green growing out of his pockets. Between the board of directors and corporate operations, this brother sits in many chairs and figures out a way to bank all the dough for his crew not for me or you.   November 2013-Lucy And The Football Taken Away will help connect the dots.

Read and Pay close attention to items 1-9 in this story.  The new plan takes away from all long-term associates benefits.  Grandfathered in associates are totally out. Every reward to benefit an older associate or associates who worked for the company many years has been taken away. The raise an associate would receive is worse than 2% milk. This plan definitely pushes the older associates away. This is what Walmart wanted to do all along. From the time Walmart has put up the Now Hiring sign, there haven’t been people knocking on Walmart’s door to get in. As a matter of fact, associates from other stores have come in to help with store #2857 inventory. Who fired and ran all the associate off?  Mistreatment of associates and turnover is destroying Walmart.   Let’s focus on something in the Northland that’s a major shake-up and MONUMENTAL.

Costco is coming to town. Ray Kroc (the real-estate King for putting the McDonald Burgers on the map)  would be screaming from the top of his lungs, “LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION.”  The new Costco will be located off of 152 and Platte Purchase Drive. LOCATION baby! Here is a company that apologizes for not raising their minimum wages. A company that has invested and valued their employees. Costco focuses on minimizing their employee turnover and maximizing keeping their associates happy with good health benefits and a pretty darn good salary.  A company that donated land to Platte County School District. CEO Craig Jelinek spoke out in favor of the minimum wage. After that speech, Costco profited $537 million for the business quarter.  According to Fortune Magazine in 2011 the average worker at COSTCO made $45,000 compared to WALMART $17,486. Who do you think to invest in their associates? Say it with me now. COSTCO! The Assistant managers coming to Walmart only makes $43,000 to get the HELL DOG OUT. Do you hear me Sethy? Take heed! What! Shut Up!  HAMMER TIME! You Can’t Touch This!  A company through their lens understand what it takes to lift people out of the poverty level and sustained the middle class.  Costco is on the MOVE.  Other corporations are falling in line.  A company who cares about their reputation and not bent on destruction.  See There! It didn’t matter about Walmart size. Costco is a company with positive plans. Quality v. Quantity will win every time.

This is WHY the MEDIA should focus their TIME and ENERGY on companies or people who are doing what works for the country.  My friend with the yellow pen this is KEY for the CONTENDERS also. There are many people in the Northland knows how Walmart treats their associates.  It would take many years to get nowhere in a company bent on having everything for themselves and their investors. A company who will not apologize for keeping their associates down and making billions off of Welfare. Walmart has lost many customers and associates. The same will play itself out in the election. Either way, what comes down the pipeline is Lost Of Respectability.  Whoever you ENDORSE your RESPECTABILITY can go right down the pipeline.  You are unconventional and as useless as Tarsands. The mess will be so much harder to clean up.  Keeping It Real.  Sir Lawrence O’Donnell,  Knight of the ROUNDTABLE on MSNBC I will definitely continue to be a DISRUPTIVE INNOVATOR/ADVOCATE/ MOTIVATOR and I will keep it REAL. Special shout out to Abby Huntsman of Huff Live. Looking Good ABBY! Just to let Blake Shelton of the VOICE know there is more to his comment of Miley Cyrus WRECKING BALL than he can ever imagine.

August 2014-Inspirational__You

Intentional Behaviors to the right of me. Intentional Behaviors to the left of me. How will I be able to see what is being done to me if I don’t maintain my cool? Anger is not the answer. A lot is going on and it is the Tax-Free weekend. Who can I MIRROR-IMAGE  to keep me on track and help me get to the heart of the problem?  Why not choose The Birthday Leader Of The Free World? Continue to read and see how race plays a big part in the workforce. Time to get Shorty again? Who is Shorty?  She is the Black CSM down front who wants what is best for the Associates and the management who are decent.  We are peeking into the window of age, race, and pay discrimination. The mirror has fingerprints of store violations. Notice the repeat pattern of behavior Walmart constantly displays,

September 2014-Trenches

Learn who the Big Money Dawgs really care about. Let’s take a look at all the INTENTIONAL BEHAVIOR and COVERS ups to keep the money in their home court.  This story takes a glimpse of how corporations and franchises invest in themselves and let their employees suffer abuse in their home court from physical, social/emotional, psychological damages. Investment in Investors instead of the people who put these companies and franchises all over the map. Who walks away with the scars?  These stories demonstrate how employees go to work day in and day out and build the dreams of others. Now it is TIME to go out and build your own dream. When trouble arises there are very view people who are rooting for you.  Where are the cheerleaders?

November 2014-Undisputed Truth__ KCMO A.

Charles Fishman published an article on the Walmart You Don’t know and his bestseller rated by New York Times, The Walmart Effect.  The will be no more Secrecy.   Strange how his article focuses on the BIG OLD COMPANIES Walmart went after. Let’s see if we can step inside and familiarize yourself with Walmart strategies of getting rid of the OLD. It was Mit Romney who said, “Corporation Are People.”   Older Corporation should be able to file Age Discrimination. What is it about the aging Walmart has problems against? I’m Just Saying. If we don’t know we know now. Including into Walmart plans should be a buyout. I’m not talking about no cheesy cheap plan to pay the associates $1000 per year for every year they have worked for Walmart. Sounds like the plan offered when the ZMS positions were slashed. It has been the case where people came to Walmart and slipped on a grape and were paid a million dollars. Yet associates who have given years of loyal service is ripped off by not getting any BENEFITS from this company. Did the associates get Jacked?  Yes, it is ALL ABOUT THE  BENJAMINS BABY. Where is the BENEFIT BABY? A big piece of the puzzle.

January 2015-Thanks For The Memory__Wordpress

This story MIRROR IMAGE the story My Friend With The Yellow Pen. The New Year was coming in. I have made several corrections since then. Here is an example.  Legion was corrected to LEGEND with my new pen. Admitting you made a mistake is no sin. I will carry on then.   Assistant Manager Stephanie Pope made a public service announcement. She gets on the PA or intercom system and wishes only one associate Happy New Year, Happy Birthday, and congratulates him on becoming Assistant Manager. Sad because that very announcement made a lot of associates angry at support manager Jake. Many of the associates felt they had worked they’re a** off and did not get wished a Happy New Year. Another strategy to keep the associates angry at each other so the focus is not on the real issue of the company, store manager, and the same members of management who are causing absolute chaos. Sounds familiar My Friend With The Yellow Pen. Well, Stephanie Pope is no longer at #2857 because of the RULE, an Abusive/Intolerable, Hostile environment.  Now she may have gone to another store but she definitely walked out of store #2857 also because of the store manager or other members of management.

The announcement of support manager Jake taking this position sent one of the CSM into a tailspin.  She eventually left the store and transferred to another Walmart store only to find out the store manager brother-in-law is now the store manager. Jake, you might want to RETHINK the tap on the shoulder. Is it worth it?   CEO Doug McMillon gave his Okay Placke stamp or validation when he gave a Tap On The Shoulder to an associate who only had been with the company for two years. Associates have stood in line for years were passed up. DSW SHOE-IN ruled the market.  No matter how hard you work the opportunity was not there. The very Tap on The Shoulders strips Walmart of Respectability. Walmart’s World is shrinking. The Tap on the shoulder is definitely not worth the pay.  The Tap On The Shoulder is like the Adam’s Family Groove.  They do what they wanna do. Say what they wanna say. Live how they wanna live. Play how they wanna play. Dance how they wanna dance. Kick and they slap a friend. The Walmart Family!  This is not Legit!  Whenever Doug McMillon is ready to apologize I will be listening.

March 2015-CEO Doug McMillon__AKA Babyface Nelson

Looks can be quite deceiving.  CEO Doug McMillon’s baby face didn’t fool me at all. Yep! A new CEO rolls into town with an innocent look only to rip off the associates and triple his salary. CEO Doug McMillon got an F then and he gets an F now. What did COSTCO do? They tripled the salary of the associates. Who cares about their people. Say it with me now. COSTCO!  Walmart associates got less than 2% milk from the new so so-called plan that took effect on March 5, 2016.  CEO Doug McMillon, you are being called out to step down from your position. COSTCO CEO rolled up and took the lead. The associates from Walmart no longer needs to be lead by a FAILED CEO who kept the great map makers in the SHADOWS.   The pieces of the puzzle are lining themselves up. The role out of Walmart wage increase was an admission of guilt. Do you think CEO Doug McMillon will ever apologize? He has issued an even worse plan for the associates.  All the associates reading this story can find out about Walmart team leaders.  Remember the movie, Whatever Happen To Baby Jane? Whatever happened to Patrick Shanks?  He was the store manager close connection for a minute. Walmart has a big problem of not taking care of the management team who creates an atmosphere of fear. The bullies can change their mind and CONVINCE their reflection (the store manager) to stay in the store and continue to terrorize the associates.  It’s all good because who will they terrorized after all the associates say ENOUGH is ENOUGH and leave.

It has already come to pass. CEO Doug McMillon has continued to lead from the bottom. How can he tell his employees he has done a good deed when the CEO of COSTCO was humble enough to apologize for not giving their associates more than what Walmart associates will ever receive in their working lifetime. CEO Doug McMillon playbook will never make it to the bestseller list. CEO Doug McMillon did NOT exceed Walmart’s Expectation. COSTCO has put Walmart on Front Street. It starts from the top. So the problem will not be resolved because of FAILED LEADERSHIP. This same FAILED LEADERSHIP is the pattern of behavior of the store manager and his crew.  CEO Doug McMillon is his worse PR NIGHTMARE.  Walmart made out like they have done so much for the associates.  YEAH RIGHT! Costco is in a league of their own. The temp agencies are scooping all the associates up from Walmart who were wrongfully fired and forced out by Constructive Discharge, an intolerable abusive hostile environment.  The retaliation, harassment, and discrimination is over the top.  The temp agencies place Walmart’s formal associates in higher paying jobs after 30-90 days depending on the company. It takes 30 years or more at Walmart to get a halfway decent salary and your salary is maxed out at a rate of $20.00. Unbelievable! This is not decent or Legit at all. By that time you are too tired and too old.  Your health is shot to hell from the many years of Walmart stringing you along,  and stressing the associates out.

March 2015-The Final Straw__CEO Doug McMillon

Well, not quite.  The Empire Strikes Back. The associates got pushed off the bridge with the so-called new PTO (Paid Time Off) package. Ripped off and Jacked Up.   The 1% who receives 100% increase in salaries and a whopping Bonuses never max out. Check their salaries out. Lee Scott in 2005 received $15.7 million dollars. In 2006 Lee Scott receive a package of $29.7 million dollars. Can you imagine what his package would look like today?  Mike Duke salary is the kicker. Who said crime doesn’t pay. His top off was $140 million and his stock was $200 million. Good, Grief Charlie Brown!  Bill Simon former CEO of Walmart salary was $ 11.8 million.  CEO Doug McMillon straight out LIED.  In 2015 his bonus was $1,035,019. His salary coming into Walmart was 9.5 million and skyrocketed to 25.6 million. Now you know it is time to call for CEO Doug McMillon RESIGNATION when you got Target offering $15.50, T.J. Max offering $13.50, Amazon $14.25. Come On Now! Walmart needs to cease construction of opening more stores.   Stop shutting down stores and remodel the older stores with the latest technology.  Get rid of the same members of management that have abused, retaliated, humiliated, and created an atmosphere of fear in an intolerable environment. Give the Associates a real PAY INCREASE and offer a decent buyout or retirement package for those who wish to move on.

It was Black Friday, November 2012 in the story Please Proceed__Get The Transcript.  KORY LUNDBERG, Senior Manager and Head of Sustainability Communication stated the average Walmart associate makes an average of $12.00 an hour. He LIED! KORY LUNDBERG in 2012 was the plain old Walmart Spokesman. What a jump. Hmmm!  Where is David Tovar when you need him? Tovar was picked up by a former associate of Walmart who recognized Tovar skills. Connected dots of this story can be linked to Screamers, Shouters, Shouters   He overcame the lies he told, cleaned up his act and took it on the road. He was the PR President of Communication for Walmart who wasn’t the anointed.  PLEASE stop lying about the associate’s salaries. Really! From $9.00 an hour to finally $10.00 an hour, Walmart will lead a Pathway to find jobs for new associates which will pay better salaries from other companies.  Why worry about being terminated from a small salary but graduating with a better salary and more opportunity from companies who INVEST in their associates.  Walmart will wear the stigma of Low-End Jobs targeting the communities of the impoverished, people who are not well-educated, and newcomers from foreign countries.

Once again we see the store manager and his two homies (same members of management) putting the associates through pure hell with the denial of transfers, retaliation, discrimination, excessive surveillance, forcing associates out without giving them the right to resign or retire. Personal Discussions and Coaching was a strategy used by Walmart to take your Evaluations down to totally avoid wage increase. It was also used as a means to keep associates locked in the store so they could not transfer, get promoted, or a raise. The store manager, Randall Addison locked in all of his management team with the exception of one manager who later walked out of the store.

We need Henry Waxman, former Chairman of the Government Reform Committee on the case. He held the Tobacco Industry Accountable and made them do anti-smoking ads. Henry Waxman can come back and hold Walmart accountable.   Waxman can make Walmart do Human Right Commission ads and pay for all the injustice ever done to any Walmart associate. Yes, the associates jump through hoops for less pay and the wage increase as of today is not competitive.  It is a suppressive wage for all the associates who have stayed. Yes, it does hinder the development of all workers in their job performance. Hours are slashed as a strategy to increase wages and bring in new associates at Walmart every day low prices.  Once again the sign was up to hire more people. Maybe if Walmart stops setting people up for failure, pay their associate a decent wage, and get rid of the members of management that have called all the chaos and create an atmosphere of fear. Climate change in the environment of Walmart is very abusive, intolerable and hostile.

July 2015- Snitch This!  Here’s The Playlist

Kicked out of every corner in Walmart you will come to understand why They Painted Me As The Enemy-December 2012. Walmart is not an Inclusive Environment. It is Walmart’s World. Walmart Works For Walmart. Every right a human life need to fight for will be violated and swept under the rug by Walmart. I want the associates to understand it is not HR playground. As associates, you have the right to bring in outside help when you don’t feel your complaint has been heard and no appropriate action has been taken. It is called a check and balance system. For all those associates who feel HR will pick up the tab go with HR.  For the associates who feel they have exhausted talking to management and their team of people, you can bring in Human Rights Commission. Their number is 573-751-3300

I was talking to Sall, an exceptional worker who came from Africa. Sall has since left the company. Sall made it clear he came to America for liberties.  Through his lens, he wanted to be so much more within the company but Walmart has its anointed.   He was tired of all the switching around and working so many departments because of understaffing.  He did not want to become bitter and felt there was no opportunity at store #2857.  Sall did not like living in silence.  He was afraid if he spoke out the consequences would be great. Well, Sall was absolutely right about the consequences. You will be harassed, retaliated under excessive surveillance, and discriminated against. As I said once before you are now the ENEMY. We can connect the dots to Message To The People-December 2013. Why did all of the foreigners disappear? What really happened.

Hi! I’m Linda Garrett at store #2857. This story was motivated by Assistant Manager Seth Blakely. He was out doing his CBWA (Coaching By Walking Around) There were long lines at the front end and on register 1. Ms. Theresa line was backed up. I was coming down to register 5 but when I got to register 7 there was Assistant Manager Seth and support manager Jake standing out in front of the register. I approached him to ask for more assistant. He was pissed off. He turns to me and said I was a SNITCH. Yep! I knew he had read one of my stories or had been called on the carpet. Bottomline, Ms. Theresa is no longer there. Her dismissal was truly a Wrongful Termination. Assistant Manager Seth Blakely said, “If I have to get on a register I don’t need you running the front end.”  Wow! Waiting for the people who pay your salary is beneath management.

I have made so many lists to see the Intentional patterns of Behaviors Walmart has inflicted on the associates. When you focus on the money you can’t see what Walmart has in store for the associates. The lists in this story consist of a website when Walmart tells us “if you don’t like it go somewhere else.”  Another list in this story tells of the blacks who were fired and singled out. The lost of a black assistant manager who was replaced by another assistant black manager immediately to cover Walmart’s A**. Another list was constructed to show  I have taken an interest in the associates. The associates are not to be considered as familiar strangers.  Since that list was generated 11 associates are no longer on the list. Deshanti and Joey you are sadly missed.

1.) Ms. Karen-transferred to another shift

2.) Charlotte-transferred to Bebe Arkansas

3.) Alex-disappeared

4.) DeAndre-Wrongfully terminated

5.) Ashley-found a better job

6.) Daniel-found a better job

7.) Tretez-transferred to automotive

8.) Peggy Wrongfully terminated but has another job

9.) David-Wrongfully terminated

10.) Derrick-disappeared

11.) Ms. Lauren-Forced out,  last words from Ms. Lauren, “I’m sick and tired of Walmart’s BS”

There once was an LGBT community in Walmart. Have the list but they are all gone. Were these associates targeted? Hmm! So were the Disabled. Hmm! Have the list. This is connected to Message to the People-December 2013 where all the foreigner disappeared from the grocery side of the store. Have the list. Hmm! Something is seriously wrong with this picture. Do you think Walmart has a DISCRIMINATION PROBLEM?

Then there was the rollout of the survey on the wage increase or an admission of failure.  CEO Doug McMillon gets an F big time.  Once again suppressive wage not competitive with other companies. Low wages contributed to Walmart success, not the associate’s success. Costco CEO Craig Jelinek understand what turnover, low wages can do to the company and what investing in the associates can do for the company. Walmart wants ultimate control even over the air you breathe. There was a disconnect in the store with the store manager Randall Addison. If you want to connect with HR call 913-268-7904. Get in touch with Delinda Davis or Gerald Hendrickson. As of this date, the people in HR may have change.  This story is a must read and you will learn about the violation in the store. Walmart’s Scarred Reputation.

October 2015-Charlotte’s Web__Redemption Times

Charlotte has left the gate and transferred to BEBE ARKANSAS. She was sick and tired of the punishment she received from Theresa (Trez) Renzetti and Diane Statler.  It is TIME to learn to advocate. Charlotte’s Web__ Redemption Time will demonstrate the questions you need to ask management or someone you can place a grievance with. A list of agencies was compiled in this story so the associates would have an equal balance. Walmart is not the only option for the associates to get their problems resolve. Peep inside this story. The associates will find more help and realize they are not alone. Walmart has no inclusive environment. Developing friends and relationships is a major threat to Walmart Inc.  Strategies for Walmart is to keep the chaos going among the associates and let the anger take over. It feels like you are locked inside a Trump Rally and the LIES keep pouring in.

What is important to Walmart?  Check out the salaries of the Walmart family. Find out what are the salaries of the people backing the 1%.  Why did Assistant Manager Stephanie Pope walk out? What is Constructive Discharge?  Find out who was the only manager that did not get a development needed.  So WHY would the assistant manager walk out?  What Co-Manager went to the floor and discuss the lock-in of the negative evaluations handed down by the store manager Randall Addison? Who did Randall Addison CONVINCE to come to store #2857 after he had destroyed the store and the morale of store #1802 in Topeka, Kansas?  Why hasn’t HR intervened?  What purpose does HR serve?  Who does HR work for? What action should be taken when the Store Manager and the Co-Manager failed to correct their Intentional Behavior? Who did Co-Manager Theresa Renzetti CONVINCE to stay at store #2857 after all of the years of harassment, retaliation, and discriminating against the associates? Are the daytime associates dreading her coming back to days? In the words of Baritone Barry White, Sho Your Right.   Who created the abusive, intolerable, and hostile environment?  What other members of management have followed the directives of the store manager and the Co-Manager?  Who would the associates like to see ousted from the store?

I want to say this to Sir Lawrence O’Donnell, Knight of the Roundtable of MSNBC, I know each member of management is reading these stories. On Friday night once again another CBL was due to all of a sudden.  There are keywords that are dropped by each member of management to let me know they have read the story.  Co-manager Therese (Trez) Renzetti stood over my head with support manager Jake alongside her.  The Key Word was Allison. It was to let me know she read the story or she is still in contact with Assistant Manager Allison out on 40 hwy. store #4553.  Jake seems to keep popping up. Hmmm!  Other keywords dropped by Co-Manager Trez is Reasonable Associate and Keeping It Real.  Assistant Manager Seth Blakely keywords are No one is Untouchable, he will use the word harassed in a sentence, or the word excessive surveillance in a sentence. Co-Manager Ben Abbott came in one morning and said he could not speak and I knew exactly what story he had read.  I was back in the office with Assistant Manager Dianne Statler and out of the clear blue, she said she liked CEO Doug McMillon. Good for Dianne Statler. He still gets an F in my book. Furthermore, we were nowhere near the subject of discussing the CEO. Reading is fundamental and I’m glad they are all reading.

This is the WORLD WIDE WEB so the rest of the world is reading also. These managers will not silence my VOICE.  I will use the media, FaceBook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, WordPress and any means of communication to let the world know how rotten the associates have been treated by certain members of management, the store manager, and Walmart Corporation. In the meantime, HR stood by and did nothing.  CEO Doug McMillon played on the bullies playground with the Walton family.  He did not take a stand for the associates. Failure of management from the top brings failure of management to the bottom. CEO Doug McMillon filled his pockets with gold and took everything away from the associates.  It was hard going back through reading all these stories and reliving what I work every night. The retaliation has never ceased, nor the harassment, nor the discrimination.

Reflecting back, so many GOOD ASSOCIATES were lost.  GOOD ASSOCIATES that were denied the opportunity of a promotion because they were not the anointed.  I want these members of management to look down and view what their destructive Intentional Behavior cost store #2857. I want these members of management to know when it was time to stand against the store manager they did nothing but followed a failed person lead. These managers have no balls, tenacity, or guts to stand up for the associates. Sir Lawrence O’Donnell let these words be the new keywords for these members of management who don’t give a d**n about the associates.

December 2015-Grandma Had No Thesaurus

Grandma called you out. She did not have big fancy words.  Grandma thought people who were scripted are fake.  Grandma believed in keeping it simple and breaking it down in laymen terms so when you walked away from you either leaked blood of you knew if you were going to either live or die. Grandma had her way of explaining the rules or the law. In this story Grandma wants you to understand why people don’t like old people and the knowledge the great ones possess. Read and learn what Grandma wanted you to know about Rule 23, Rule 68, force arbitration and cases that are debatable and when cases are considered moot. Grandma wanted you to know who are the Justices of the Supreme Court and where they stood on court issues.  Grandma wanted everyone to have their day in court.

January 2016- Five Days Before Christmas

To the associates: You have more rights than you think you do. Please stand up for your rights and let your voice be heard. There were many incidences that happened.  The associates may not have understood what has happened to them. Every person cannot look and learn.  It is time to learn the laws or rules to keep the associates from being in the shadows.  This story wraps around the pieces of the puzzle and connects all dots for a much bigger picture. I Don’t want to Spoil It. This is the Sum Of All Fears for Walmart and a must read. Time to dig into the 22 stories. This includes the last 2 condense version of all stories put into a Timeline. As the President of the United States would say, “You just can’t make this stuff  up.”

February 2016-Accountability__ReCap

March 2016-Recapturing The ReCap

The following stories 2011-2016 are dedicated to President of the United States, United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch,  United States Supreme Court Justices, Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez, Human Rights Commission, MSNBC, 2016 Presidential Contenders Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bernie Sanders,  Senator Elizabeth Warren, Attorney General Chris Koster of Missouri, Senator Claire McCaskill and all the media who has place a cup up to the wall.

To my friend with the yellow pen, there was something wrong within. I just want you to know I could have started this timeline from 2007-2016 when things really began to get horribly out of control. Walking in the door in 2001-2016 is a much greater picture of living inside of Walmart. Accepting myself for who I am and using what others call a deficit has become my greatest strengths. This is my contribution to every Walmart associate around the World.  Dig In. Hey, What do I know? It has only been 15 years. I lived it.




















Don’t Spoil It!

Is the coast clear?  Did you actually believe the words written on the card? Don’t you wish that all the people who could express their true feelings do so? Have the flowers died?  Are the balloons beginning to deflate? Did you get the special Valentine’s Dinner offer? Do you have any more candy left?  Has the bubbly gone out the campaign? Were you playing the Isley Brother’s throwback, Love The One You With?  Were you singing Rude Boys and Gerald Levert, Written All Over Your Face?  Were you caught up in the Red Moment?  Are you seeing Red?  How many people out there in the universe think Valentine’s Day is OVERRATED?  Are you mad because everything you purchase is now on clearance?  Do you feel like you want to put your relationship on clearance? There are 365 days in a year on a regular note and 1 extra day allowed in 2016. Did I strike a nerve? Don’t Spoil It!




There was plenty of TIME to pour the wine.

Did you forget or fail to do so?

I could not read was Written All Over Your Face.

I’m confused, angry and caught up in a bind.

Where is your navigational device, Robinson Crusoe?

Shipwrecked again! What a sin!  Is it so hard for you to find my place?




Baby! You know it doubles and I have boo-coo trouble with any type of directions.

Time escapes me and totally flies by.

This navigational device failed and really stinks.

I made a WRONG TURN so I call my BOI’s for protection.

Pharrell, Bruno, and Will I Am won’t LIE.

OMG! You bought the device for me. Forgive me, Baby, I didn’t think.




There will be no cuddle or huddle at this address.

Don’t bother to give me your worthless card.

I tried to be understanding when you said the words don’t come out right.

Take your dead flowers and your deflated balloons so I can clean up this mess.

Your clothes will be out in the yard.

Tell your Posse your lady got bossy. You are lucky you did not get a knuckle-soup fight.




Baby! I know the dinner did not make me a winner.

I am sorry I ate some of your candy on the way.

Hey! How was I supposed to know the champagne was flat?

A few pieces of candy missing won’t help you look thinner.

That was a rotten and awful thing for me to say.

It was a slip of the lip but Baby I did not call you fat.




I wanted to scream and shout as I sat there pouring my heart out.

So I began to sing Chaka Khan’s, My Funny Valentine.

What happened next didn’t EVEN seem real.

This Brother had used up all of his clouts.

Yes, I was tipsy but not drunk nor out of mind.

What did you say Boo? You know you’re through. I’m sober and here’s the deal.




Wait for a minute baby! You’re driving me crazy. It’s just a simple mistake.

My tongue got twisted and I pronounced your name wrong.

I struggle with expressive/receptive language and a speech impediment.

I’m starting to get a massive headache.

I’ve tried everything plus a  dance and a song.

Really! This argument is silly. Don’t make me get belligerent.




It’s a shame you blame the UNINTENTIONAL BEHAVIORS.

Your CHOICE was to LIE and bring on the external commotion.

Critical thinking and logic is the sum of cold cognition.

Word Up! Bro, you are not the only man nor my savior.

I did not CHOOSE but was born not understanding my internal emotions.

Look me up. I will Hook you up. GOOGLE NLD RECOGNITION.


Don’t Spoil It.
































































































What Did They Contribute?__Mental Illness

Hold up! Hold Up! I’m not off the grid. I am here. I am laying back in the cut chilling. It is my “cooling down process.” You will see these words again. Ah Hell Naw! Don’t be throwing MENTAL ILLNESS around like it’s a wet rag. Dude, back the Hell Up! You do not mess with my EMOTIONS nor will you play with my PASSION. You are about to see THIRTY SHADES OF BLACK. Step off and just sit BACK.

Watch out! Before you know it, parents will be fighting the battle of integration/inclusion into the classroom once again. We are going down the alley of SEPARATE SELF-CONTAINED SCHOOLS. Any child who is labeled emotionally disturbed, mentally challenged, and has a behavior disorder will be “UNABLE TO BE DISABLE IN A ZERO TOLERANCE ZONE.” The gap is closing fast and more students will be pushed into the court system based on how they are documented by the schools and their districts. Where does the BURDEN OF RESPONSIBILITY LIE to prove whether or not your child shall remain in his placement? You got it, the SCHOOLS DISTRICTS and their SCHOOLS. Who is documenting your child? I hope the parents have documentation to refute the schools/districts negative hit list. The school districts are laying the groundwork for a paper trail yeah long and Lehigh University Deep. 🙂 You can’t hide your IVIES from me. This is very important. Gun violence is closing the gap. It is a shame that whatever the schools and their districts document can reach out from the grave. The greatest injustice and disrespect is TRAYVON MARTIN’S family has to defend his rights. Before we get anything twisted I am not saying TRAYVON MARTIN had any problems with his mental processing. I take it as if he was the victim. His school records were dirty laundry to seal his coffin. What did the schools and their districts contribute?

Yeah, Baby! The schools/districts just got another powerful weapon to EXCLUDE your child with a disability out of their schools. WOW! Lock and load TIME. A child will get suspended and excessive expulsions at the drop of a dime. LOOPHOLE! The SUPREME COURT RULING 484U.S.305-HONIG V DOE laws and regulations did not define the disciplinary action of a child with a disability. If you see the words Violent, Disruptive Conduct, and Dangerous Student anywhere on paper get ready to fight. The schools decide who will be delivered to the special “DAY SCHOOLS.” Are we back to SEGREGATION in our schools again? UNILATERAL DECISIONS will be made by your districts at night behind closed doors like the 47% video. This violates the SUPREME COURT RULING 484U.S.305-HONIG V DOE It reminds me of Michigan having those emergency manager meetings to sort of kick a child to the curb. Rick Snyder, governor of Michigan, is probably doing the training session with the Superintendent of your local school districts.

Parents just won’t get a say and all the child’s right will be stripped. Parents get it together. Your child is your responsibility. Don’t go calling the police on your child, talking about he is out of control, and you can’t do anything with him/her. How old is your child? What! He is 17. What do you think the police is going to do in 17 minutes of his police report that you should have done 17 years of his/her life? Come on Parents! We must change and change the stigmas that have been placed upon our children’s heads. Keep your MONKEY A.. out of the casinos and bars. Go home and spend some quality TIME with your children. Don’t wait until your child graduates and find out they can’t read. This doesn’t look very promising for a bright future in college or anywhere else. What did you contribute?__MENTAL ILLNESS

Your child is put up under the microscope from day one to see if he/she can be mainstreamed with the so-called normal behaviors. Whatever the hell that means. The highest level of government officials did not display appropriate behaviors. Their BEHAVIORS were INTENTIONAL along with CONGRESS, WALL STREET, AIG, CORPORATE AMERICA, the OIL, AND GAS INDUSTRY.They were rough riding tough along the side of a bunch of RUTHLESS PEOPLE. Still is. Some schools/districts go through the motion and pretend; a.) We did everything we could to help your child. b) we included you in the decision-making process although we already made up our minds at the late night candlelight dinner. c.) Every TIME your child acted out we drew up several IEPs to set him/her up for failure. d.) We went back to the drawing board to figure out a way to screw your child out of his education. The idea, NOT the IDEA which includes disabling children, was to document your child as a dangerous and violent student so we can push him out of our school. e.) We don’t care where he lands as long as he is out of our hair. Parents who are staunch advocates for their children know it is all about EXCLUSION and the BUDGET CUTS BABY. Holla! For the Dollar!

You are now looking at Light V. Parkway who claims the school and their district did everything they could for your child. Yes, they went out their way and bent over backward to include your disabled child. Even though the schools and their districts did not understand your child disability, were not trained, had no intention to get trained, documented your child to the tenth degree indicating he is a danger to himself and he will cause danger to others. We have done our good deed and we are not punishing your child. We just want him the hell out of our schools and to put his education into limbo. Well, doesn’t that sounds like CONGRESS and the beef they have with the President? No Good Deed Goes Unpunished. BS! What! BACHELOR of SCIENCE? NO! MALARKY!

One of the top priority of some educational institutions is getting rid of the wounded and the refusal to accommodate children who are mentally, socially, and emotionally challenged. Why? We wanted a bigger swimming team or a better football team. Having a football team did not ensure the safety of children. Are you sure you want to put a gun in a teacher’s hand when children are now being molested by their teachers? EX-CUUUSE ME! Don’t ask. Don’t tell. What did they contribute?__MENTAL ILLNESS

Yes, there are laws or SAFEGUARD PROCEDURALS put in place to SAFEGUARD your child. There are loopholes in the laws. PARENTS should always be included in the decision-making process so their child cannot be WAREHOUSED into a SEPARATE SELF-CONTAINED SCHOOL or CLASSROOM. Who wants to STAY-PUT in a placement that is no longer SAFE for anyone as long as they have these crazy gun laws? Whose shoulders do the burden of responsibility rest upon? I know it’s VIDEO GAMES. Yeah right! Will the responsibility rest at the feet of the MENTALLY CHALLENGED?

How do we go about getting rid of your child that is MENTALLY CHALLENGE and keep them out of the mainstream? I know! School Districts will go through the back door of education. Let’s make a List.

1.) They can Create An Atmosphere of Fear around the individual, (Wayne La Pierre Syndrome).

2.)Go to due process but we can’t let the kid hang out in our schools for 45 days or more until the hearing gets started. Hey, what is the rush? Why would you have a due process hearing under Chapter 536? Wouldn’t you end up in court? Get out of here! Really! Don’t the due process hearing takes care of that? Isn’t that what the STAY-PUT PROVISION under IDEA does?

3.) Look dumb A.. we are not trying to get the kid to stay in his/her placement just in case something unforeseen comes up. We will be ready to roll the TROs (TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDERS). These restraining orders will buy TIME to keep this child out of his PLACEMENT. You get 15 days on a TRO. Our plan is to keep renewing the TROs just in case the DUE PROCESS HEARING goes pass the number of days of the hearing. The power will be placed in the Districts hands. They will become Untouchable and Invincible.

4.) Can you do that to a child? What is the Purpose of the restraining order? The purpose of the restraining order is to ALLEVIATE the RETURN of the child to school as a RESULT of the STAY-PUT PROVISION. WOW! We never did that before.

5.) Okay, we will document him/her to be the next CHARLES MANSION. CHARLIE is still on lockdown. That is dangerous as dangerous can get. The idea of documenting your child like a criminal. Whew! From School To Prison Pipeline.

6.) That will help us get around that stupid rule, “10 Day Suspension Does Not Constitute A Change In Placement”. We don’t care if it was a manifestation of the child’s disability. You see we have ways of getting around his/her behaviors. Later in life, we can come back and Permanently ruin the life of the individual with a permanent restraint to lock the person down forever.

7.) Let’s make a MOUNTAIN out of A MOLEHILL for the child’s Attorney. The Attorney will be too busy fighting the child isn’t violent, dangerous, and disruptive. In the mean TIME, the FOCUS will be lost on restoring the child’s placement. Bottom line: Do not let SEGREGATION happen again in the schools because of the gun violence. Children who are mentally challenged will be ship off. They will not stand a chance in the mainstream.

I have been advocating and teaching my son how to advocate for himself for years. I had to back it up and put on the brakes. I realize parents are advocating for the LOSS OF their CHILDREN not the LIFE OF their CHILDREN. What happen PEOPLE? It is not supposed to go down like this. Why can’t gun laws be given immediate disciplinary actions if behaviors can be given immediate disciplinary actions? The laws will kick children out of their school placements, put them in the court system, be placed in the INSTITUTION of PRISON. This is not the way to help children who are disabled. Instead of getting help through their schools, children are railroaded out of their FREE AND APPROPRIATE EDUCATION (FAPE). Are your guns more important than a CHILD’S LIFE? So are we back to the BEHEMOTH of a gun industry called the NRA who are out of step with their own members? What did they contribute?__MENTAL ILLNESS

Oh! Don’t tell me you don’t want to talk about it. It is debatable. Excuse me! It is not MOOT. Why? Why should I answer you when you want to cut me off at the knees? What do you mean it ain’t important or relevant enough and we just can’t make no decision? I’m cool. You are the one that can’t make up your mind. It is happening all over again. How many TIMES does an incident have to occur before we can make a final decision and take action? Get the Hell out of here. It is called PROBABILITY and REASONABLE EXPECTATION. How many schools have fallen victim to gun violence? SHUT UP! Whose head will be severed? Who will be made the SCAPEGOAT? Are we back to the HIGHLANDER? There can only be one Get my DRIFT. I got your DRIFT 🙂

Dedicated to President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Arne Duncan, Katrina Vanden Heuvel, Joan Walsh, Dan Malloy, Dr. James Peterson, Michael Eric Dyson, and Chris Matthews.

My contribution__MENTAL ILLNESS is to keep from placing all the blame on MENTAL ILLNESS, educate people to seek help, and minimize stereotyping/destigmatization.

Painted Me As The Enemy

Why would I stick my neck out?
Should I bother to come to your aid?
Has there ever been any doubt?
We both receive minimum wage.

Unless you lied and have deceived me.
The Company thought it would be easy.
They allow “no friends” contract.

Why am I receiving the cold shoulder?
Is there something you wish to tell?
Your LIES turned into huge boulders.
Will this send us straight to hell?

Do you understand why they chose you?
Our lives share a bonded pack.
I hope you realize whatever you do.
We are expendable and we’ll both get jacked.

Who really does have a spine?
Here lies the sword of the COMPANY’S mighty wedge?
What did the policies and procedures define?
I’ll be d..n! It’s GROVER NORQUIST pledge.

Did you read all of the reason?
JOHN BOEHNER would think he has the upper hand.
This list is an act of treason.
It was designed so we couldn’t take a stand.

A lot of hard work hours was put in.
Companies use all sorts of dirty tricks.
Turning you against me was a nasty sin.
They found your weakness so they thought they were slick.

The roads we have travel were long, hard, and rough.
We bumped heads, compromised, and discard what we didn’t need.
Anything that appears easy might get sort of tough.
A natural ingredient to help us both succeed.

The memories we have shared, Companies will try to strip away.
For years we have guarded one another against danger.
It is TIME to face off and get through this day.
Look very close. Do you think I am a stranger?

When we started work here years ago.
Our families broke bread together.
The money we made was not enough dough.
We made it and survive the stormy weather.

The Company promised you one hell of a deal.
An offer you just couldn’t resist.
After listening, you didn’t like their diabolical spill.
The plan ceased to exist.

Would you like to tell me more?
You thought there was a remedy.
The policy is called OPEN DOOR.

Who is carrying 30 silver pieces around?
If you hear a jingle jangle stay away from this clown.
I don’t think you know what is about to go down.
Look over your shoulders, JUDAS is the one with the frown.
Make sure the FISCAL CURVE agreement is safe and sound. 🙂

On With The Cheer

You are pressing the skirt today. Who came up with this idea cheerleaders should wear pleated skirts? I don’t know but they sure in the hell wasn’t thinking about us. Who said we are cheerleaders? We need APPLE BOTTOMS’ GEAR. No, we need to go somewhere and sit our tired BOTTOMS down.

These skirts are like cheering in a pair of Gloria Vanderbilt jeans. They brought the skinny jeans back into style. It doesn’t matter your butt has never been skinny. Girl, you need a crowbar and some 10W-D40 to get into those jeans. Mae Rita looks like a giant rubber band.

Sho-nuff and this 18-hour girdle I’m playing have only 2 hours left so this better be a quick cheer. Look at Bobbi Jean. She doesn’t have one pleat in the back of her skirt. Look how it dips to the front.

Bobbi Jean has parted the Red Sea and not a pleat is left standing. WHEW! Bobbi Jean got MOSES beat on this one. I want you ladies to know this was inherited from my Aunt Shirley Calhoun. She had one of those old TIME CHIFFEROBE SHELF.

Sister Calhoun was packing a wardrobe closet. She was “DOING DA BUTT.” EU put it out there in “SPIKE LEE’S SCHOOL DAZE.” She could swing her two holsters around and it would be damage control for those who did not give it up for the church.

Yes LAWD! Her swivel hips and her MAYTAG TUMBLER got the job done. For all my NLDERS who cannot follow this script, Sister Calhoun had the ASS–SETS. BOTTOM LINE: GOD had blessed Sister Calhoun with the MAXIMUM amount of BOOTY. AMEN!

If she was alive today PRESIDENT OBAMA campaign contribution would be nothing to talk about. Nancy Pelosi would not have to lift a finger or raise a hand to ask the BIG D for any money for a campaign contribution. I could see Sister Calhoun putting a hurting on the BIG D.

Remember how on the 3rd Sunday of the month the church would take up a special contribution for the Week and Weary. She was the fundraising queen. Yeah, Sister Calhoun could throw down. Whenever MACEDONIA BAPTIST CHURCH had their late night revivals you could smell the food for miles.

People would come from all over to buy her strawberry rhubarb pies and that wonderful mixture of her mustard, spinach, and turnip greens. She stepped on the cornbread. Every person I have known who tasted Sister Calhoun cornbread never ask for any desserts.

Laurasteen and the twins’ daddy, Frank Ezell, told Sister Calhoun he wasn’t contributing after he had eaten one of the pies. Reverend Whiteside told Mr. Ezell this would be a wonderful opportunity to show the congregation how God had healed his spirit.

Sister Calhoun turned to the pastor and said, “Don’t worry pastor I’m grateful GOD healed FRANKY’S spirit now GOD can heal FRANKY’S wounds.” She reached for her Bible and turn the pages to ECCLESIASTIC–Chapter 3. You know the REPUBLICANS don’t like CHANGE.

To everything, there is a season, and a TIME to every purpose under the heaven: NEGRO you ate my pie you better hope this ain’t your TIME to die. Mr. EZELL went flying across the room. It was Mr. Ezell TIME to weep. It was the congregation TIME to laugh. WHOLLY GUACAMOLE!

I can say after that day in the church Mr. Ezell did mine his manners. He gave to the church faithfully. He wore that cast around his neck for almost a year. It wasn’t anything wrong with Mr. Ezell neck. I asked the twins Arlean and Darlean.

They pointed out their father had suffered great embarrassment because he was supposed to be MR. TOUGH GUY around town. He didn’t want the Heavenly Angel to find out GOD had healed his wounds. He did not want a rematch with Sister Calhoun’s left hook.

Bobbi Jean, did you ever think that your Aunt used her size to intimidate people? Sure she did but it was a big coverup. Sister Calhoun, an Auntie, was a gentle bear who always struggled with her weight because she suffered from an iodine deficiency causing hypothyroidism.

It caused her to gain weight and retain fluids. Stress was a major contributor to my aunts eating habits. Stress was an even larger contributor to her hypothyroidism. Did you know there are a lot of men in the UK 65 and older suffer from an underactive thyroid gland?

I didn’t know that. Do you know what MITT ROMNEY suffer from? We know he is a BALD FACE LIAR, he gives NO APOLOGY, and he hasn’t released his TAX INFORMATION. NITTY GRITTY MITTY is another poem another day because there are too many MITTS.

What do you think Sister Calhoun would have said about MITT ROMNEY if she was alive today? She would put on her church attire and say, “GOD takes care of the SOUL, the OLD, and the ones who are too BOLD.” This would be her prayer. Lord have mercy on MITT’S soul.

How many LIES has MITT told? How many Jobs has MITT stolen? Who would MITT play in his PRESIDENTIAL role? My Aunt would have a lot to say. I can see her now punching The REPUBLICANS, MITT, and the SUPER PACs out.

We know MITT ROMNEY would not be himself. It didn’t take the BRITISH no TIME to see that MITT ROMNEY is not worth the SUPER PACs investment. How many TIMES have his own backers stated he wasn’t a strong candidate.

My aunt would say she couldn’t believe the SUPER PACs had all that money to donate to SATAN and HATRED. It probably surprised the hell out of the PRIME MINISTER, DAVID CAMERON, to sit down and talk to MITT ROMNEY who toots his own horn and beat his own drum.

Ain’t no way the PRIME MINISTER of the UNITED KINGDOM would engage in a conversation with MITT ROMNEY and run the risk of being LIED to at a later date or on the same day. MITT ROMNEY is his own ENTOURAGE. Why do you think we have DOUBLE STANDARDS? RIGHT! DOUBLE MITT SH..T.

I know I didn’t like DOUBLE MITT GUM for some reason. You would be chewing all day and LYING out the side of your mouth. I guess MITT ROMNEY discovered “LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR STATE FARM WASN’T THERE.” Man, this is a BROTHER WITHOUT DIPLOMATIC SKILLS.

PRIME MINISTER, DAVID CAMERON runs the UNITED KINGDOM and I’m quite sure he would not want to engage in any policymaking or business deals with a man who is DIVIDED HIMSELF. MITT ROMNEY has really made a splash all over the papers on his SOCIAL BLUNDERS/GAFFE.

The sad part about the many MITTS none of them can tell the TRUTH. All the MITTS are running around playing SPLICER DICER with PRESIDENT OBAMA’S videos and his quotes. MITT has gotten BUSTED so many TIMES by the UNITED STATES DEEP SIX MEDIA UNIT, MSNBC.

Was I supposed to mention our special task force media, MSNBC? HELL TO THE YE-AH It was MITT DUMB A… that wasn’t supposed to say MI6. Our special task force unit is kicking A… and REAMING some BOOTY when it comes to PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA. KNOW THIS!

The President doesn’t have to say one word when MITT steps in his wife’s HORSE SH… every day. We need a picture of MITT ROMNEY up to his neck in DEEP DO-DO tagging it as MITT’S SH… Throw a few of his SUPER PACs contributors in and top it off with a brownie, whip cream, and a cherry.

Don’t leave out the nuts. We can re-roll the tape and MAYOR BORIS JOHNSON of LONDON can step out on the stage and say: “ARE WE READY!” There is a person visiting LONDON who has no sense of DIRECTION or TRUTH. We are calling him out early before MITT ROMNEY edit our program.

Here in LONDON MITT gets no BROWNIE POINTS. Londoners are ready to WHIP MITT’S A.. into shape. This isn’t the CREAM of the crop of candidates for the PRESIDENCY in the UNITED STATES. We know you have a much better candidate and PRESIDENT.

Here in the UK, he is known to us as the TRIPLE CHOCOLATE SUNDAY STACK DECK, PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA. Sounds YUMMY! Unlike MITT ROMNEY who has insulted the UK in his book NO APOLOGIES, I BORIS JOHNSON will not apologize for the UNSTACKED DUMMY.

Yes, the CHERRY on the top of MITT’S head has proven he is FRUITCAKE but definitely a NUT CASE. MITT ROMNEY is insane if he thinks he can come on the UK turf and DIS the preparation of the OLYMPIC GAMES. Why this FAKE BAKE CONTENDER doesn’t know ED MILIBAND.

If he watched C-SPAN every WEDNESDAY you would know ED MILIBAND is the LEADER of the LABOR PARTY and the LEADER of THE OPPOSITION. It was an insult to call ED MILIBAND the LEADER.


The UNITED KINGDOM welcome the opportunity to work with a man who understands diversity and not PISS 63,000,000 WHITE PEOPLE OFF. MITT ROMNEY you have shown the world how ineffective you are on FOREIGN RELATIONSHIP. We will take BARACK OBAMA any day.

Go home and look in the mirror and know who is FOREIGN and who is the OTHER. MITT ROMNEY will learn who BIG PAPA is when he is left standing out in the cold singing NOTORIOUS B.I.G.–“BIGGIE GIVE ME ONE MORE CHANCE.” You heard it here first, live from me the MAYOR.

MITT ROMNEY wants to take our government system back to the BUSH FAILED POLICY DAYS. BILL O’REILLY thinks the government is trying to cripple people with welfare assistance.

BILL O’REILLY would like it much better if we were DEPENDENT upon the 1%, REPUBLICANS, MITT ROMNEY, the SUPER PACs and FOX NEWS. The PEOPLE and OUR NATION would be left to DIE and no factual information would be given for the reason WHY. MITT has begun to LIE to FOX NEWS.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN can’t catch up to MITT and she looks PISSED. GRETA doesn’t want MITT to LIE and say FOX NEWS is on the case. She has barely seen MITT. What coverage? GRETA VAN SUSTEREN is keeping it LEGIT. DANG MITT!

Crippling is MITT ROMNEY as a PRESIDENT and a government system that wants the PEOPLE and OUR NATION to revert back to SLAVERY. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA has been received abroad but has not been accepted at home. Our President has restored the ways of AMERICA’S thinking.

One is not to conform to traditional thinking but to transform and accept changes along the way. WHEW! I had to DANCE AROUND the word PROPHET. I better leave well enough alone. People love taking words out of context.

The REPUBLICANS will identify our PRESIDENT as a MUSLIM walking on water. MATTHEW would have like this message and so would MARK, LUKE, and JOHN. We all have our codes.

Do you remember this store MICHAEL ERIC DYSON? Vaguely, a lot has changed since those days. Does this store look familiar to you BILL WOLFF? Sure, this is KROGER grocery store. Come with me.

DR JAMES PETERSON for $500 PLEASE! Tell me what you see down this aisle? It is snow blinding and all the packaging is WHITE. That is rather odd all the packaging is WHITE. This was called the ALPHABET AISLE. AID FOR DEPENDENT CHILDREN (AFDC) no longer exist.

There are programs provided today that are funded by the government, not for DEPENDENCY but to help those in financial need to get assistant and to keep the PEOPLE and our NATION from starving.

NO THANKS to people like MITT ROMNEY and the REPUBLICANS who have caused the loss of many jobs and try to place the blame on PRESIDENT OBAMA.

This aisle fed many families and save the lives of many children that could have starved to death including me and my family. Many people went on to hold many rewarding occupations in life.

They were doctors, attorneys and many successful people in life who survived the hardships and weather the storm. I will take ZERO for BILL O’REILLY PLEASE. Can you do that in this game? Sure, BILL O’REILLY knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

There are those that talk a good game but when they get into those shoes you will see the difference in their stride. The media report what we live, suffer our losses and our gains. What connection has been lost between the people and the media?

It is hard to see the media cheering for the suffering and downfall of THE PEOPLE and OUR NATION just to line their pockets with money. It gets worse when you have certain media outlets that thrive on HATRED.

It is harmful and dangerous when the media fails to talk in laymen terms so the message can be understood by the general population. There is the analyst that have criticized the PRESIDENT about his message and how he relates to people.

Our PRESIDENT has made it clear about not reading between the lines but understanding THE BOTTOM LINE. This is the connection between the people and our PRESIDENT. It is called INCLUSION.

It is TIME to get On With The Cheer. Girls lets work this cheer because my 2 hours on my girdle is about to blow. Go get our HEET, VICK SALVE, and ICY HOT. Did you take your GLUCOSAMINE tablets for your joints?

I did even better. I borrowed some PETROLEUM from that BS PLAN of MITT ROMNEY. I can slide from here to where MITT is hiding his money. We want to send a SHOUT OUT to CHRIS MATTHEWS for taking people OUT OF THE BOX when you try to talk over the audience head.

CHRIS MATTHEWS makes it real clear to break it down and “say what you mean and mean what you say.” This is for BIG EDDIE and WENDY our prays are with you. GODSPEED–All in his TIME.

We miss BIG ED ROTATING EYES and his greatest feature of all, “I don’t believe you D..N REPUBLICANS and I will nail your A.. to the wall.” MICHAEL ERIC DYSON is HOLDING THE FORT DOWN and doing one hell of a job.

Are you ready yet? What is this the ACADEMY AWARD? BOBBI JEAN is fired up now. Come on lets ROCK THIS. Girl if you throw your leg up in the air it will take not MAST UNIT but a SWAT TEAM to lower those tree trunks to the ground.

The world will get the chance to take a tour and see a new roadmap developed from all the stretch marks on your body. Oh, you are really cute. You better be glad I like you.

ON WITH THE CHEER! DEEP SIX MSNBC MEDIA is putting the information along with charts out there in a format so the PEOPLE can congest who is the best for OUR NATION. THEY are putting out the PRESIDENTS CREDENTIAL. DEEP SIX MSNBC has all the POTENTIAL.

We know who looks and is PRESIDENTIAL. Only 97 days left which is very ESSENTIAL. Come on GIRLS and SWING IT OUT:







We made it through the CHEER. Hey, I reveal my taxes and they told me don’t ever do that again with my BROKE A… You know what the GIRDLE has SNAPPED–DONE. Next TIME go get a UNIROYAL TIRE for your TIRED body. It hurts to be BEAUTIFUL. ALL TOGETHER!


DEDICATED: To all the countries around the world who understand MITT ROMNEY is BY NO MEANS a FOREIGN POLICY PERSON. I want to send a SHOUT OUT to the PRIME MINISTER(DAVID CAMERON) of the UK, MAYOR of LONDON BORIS JOHNSON, ED MILIBAND.

We know who ED MILIBAND is. We can watch you in the morning or night on C-SPAN (PRIME MINISTER QUESTIONS). MITT ROMNEY has a hard TIME developing friendships and relationships. This is a BROTHER with SOCIAL BLUNDERS/GAFFE.

Now to all my NLDERS do not become hostile. MITT needs a friend. Okay, we will wait for MITT ROMNEY to DEFRIEND himself. Then maybe we can extend a hand of friendship.

NLD Rapper’s Delight__Nitty Gritty Mitty

All across the NATION,

We are faced with DISCRIMINATION.


Are we back to SEGREGATION?

The People are really CURIOUS.

Has it made you sort of FURIOUS?


This sucker is DELIRIOUS.


He lied on the NAACP COMMITTEE.

Staging RACE BAITING wasn’t WITTY.

This is really STRAIGHT UP SH..TY.

Nawl he didn’t dis the PRESIDENT.

MITTY is way out of his ELEMENT.

His LIES will constantly CIRCUMVENT.

What he said is IRRELEVANT.

Wiggly Jiggly Wack!


The REPUBLICANS can’t state the FACTS.


MITTY stepped up to the PODIUM.

Selling a bag of BS SODIUM.

No RESPECT, NO TRUTH, not one iota or MODICUM

A 59 Point Plan extracted from PETROLEUM.

We know this ain’t a PLAN.

This Sh.. will never STAND.

It’s designed just like the MAN.

MITT is his own true FAN.

It is a shame and a PITY.

Where is MITTY’S dog or KITTY

He wasn’t fit to run his CITY.



MITTY needs to go get CIRCUMCISED.

This Brother needs to RECOGNIZE.

We are sick and tired of all the LIES.


ROMNEY didn’t know “WHAT THE HAH HELL” to DO

KOCH BROTHERS I think you just got SCREWED.



Get from behind your wife’s PANTIES.

The 411 on his TAXES are SCANTY




Who is the CONTENDER that needs to QUITTY?


This poem gives practice to NLDER’S who have difficulty rhyming and making sense of the content of the material in the poem.

Dedicated to First Lady MICHELLE OBAMA who likes to jump rope and can have some fun.

To the CROONER in the family, this is for you to just sit back on AIR FORCE ONE and laugh your A… off. I’M JUST SAYING. Okay, the BUS! Is MITT CAMPAIGNING on his JET SKI?