We Are

We are the students in total fear, marching for the rights of our life.

We are the children and the young adults who grew up hastily overnight.

We are the parents, friends, and family not threatened by the NRA’s bluff.

We are devasted, heartbroken, and driven.  #ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!



We are the undertakers preparing riddled bodies of victims fallen to gun violence.

We are the lens and ears that hear the screams and cries of a cemetery that holds no silence.

We are the activists, voters, supporters disappointed in our legislators NO vote on gun laws.

We are the senators and congressmen who let money reveal the weakness of our human flaws.



We are the blue and white collar workers who stood by and watched as Corporate America ship our jobs overseas.

We are the betrayed, lied to, and we’re definitely not pleased.

We are the punished, retaliated against, our rights were signed away.

We are the employees who suffer and we are in total dismay.



We are the entire White House Staff that works in an atmosphere created by fear.

We are the men and women tolerating the chaos, scandals awaiting the moment for the final frontier.

We are the poor, middle class, homeless, and tired.

We are no longer your working class because we all have been fired.



We are Corporate Banks never judge harshly or indicted and too big to fail.

We are Black, Brown, and Beige who didn’t commit a felony but was quickly introduce to a jail cell.

We are mentally disabled, shamed, framed and blamed for every Intentional incident.

We are the first budget cut. There are no institutions.  Jails are not the cure nor should it be our resident.



We are without support systems and there is no triage.

We are on the opposite end of the spectrum.  Our lives are being sabotaged.

We are labeled as socially unacceptable, the worst of the worst behaviors.

We are isolated from society. Who will be our savior?



We are scientists, think tanks, entrepreneurs, gathering information from the four corners of the earth.

We are a Good Nation investing in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Climate Change, Education, Cancer, and Multiple Disease Research.

We are the Media, Journalist, Writers, that needs to be reassured Democracy Did Not Die In The Darkness.

We are the Intelligent Minds who must continue to Recognize the man who seeks power is unorganized and lacks the skill set of smartness.



We are Breaking News where many stories rapidly unfold.

We are not confused. There are many strategies and tools for our brain’s sensory overload.

We are Athletes, Sports Executives, and Commentators socialized in a culture of gambling, drugs, and alcohol use.

We are the Women who voices were heard.  Women who rose to the occasion, and remain to fight against sexual harassment, child, and spousal abuse.



We are immigrants, Grand Guardians and protectors taking a stand.

We are the children of the undocumented that has every right to reside on U.S. Land.

We are UK, United States, Germany, in total disagreement of Rusia sinister act of war.

We are the messengers with our megaphones serving notice to Russia’s Czar.



We are the special counsel, FBI, investigators gathering evidence into the Russia Probe.

We are staying focus, factual and thorough sealing the gaps and closing down the loopholes.

We are the pragmatist, listeners, humble and ready to jump-start the conversation.

We are Susan Rice and General H.R. McMaster, National Security Advisors, understanding the relevance of communication.



We are Command, taking Command working with all faculties and common sense.

We are the Army, the Navy, the Airforce, the Marines, honoring the strategies of a strong Secretary of Defense.

We are the Red States and the Blue States with different opinions, taking different actions.

We are the United States, a nation that can govern, unlike McConnell, Ryan, and the GOP faction.



We are religious, God-fearing let no man put asunder.

We are all God’s Creatures, not the Commander In Cheif Creation. This is Why he lost his thunder.

We are the great lens of our nation, vigilant, and perched upon the highest steeple.

We are engineers, architects, map makers with new designs and new directions for a brighter future.  We Are The People.



This poem was motivated by the Word GOOD Not Great

Dedicated to Joe Scarborough

Sir Joe Scarborough, Knight of MSNBC Roundtable









Dagger In The Heart_More Meat

Sundar Pichai_CEO of Google, Susan Wojcicki_CEO of YouTube, and Patti McCord_Former CEO of Netflix (also calls herself the Queen of Good Goodbyes), Stacy Brown Phipot_CEO of Task Rabbitt (IKEA) bring on the Revolution. If you could just pull CEO Doug McMillon and Walmart over to your point of view it may reshape Wal-mart culture. I never want to walk away feeling issues that need to be resolved have no solution or a treatment plan.  Wal-mart leaves their employees emotionally drained. The associates feel the insurmountable pain.  I hope you are well aware of who’s gonna take the blame. The only subject matter is Wal-Mart’s money, power, control and their capital gain.  So I’m here to shine the light on Wal-mart infamous reign.  Thank you for addressing Gender Diversity, Sexual Harassment, Artificial Intelligence, Changing the World, Global Warming, languages, Photos, Immigration, Automation, Women place in the tech industry,  and driving the point home on how technology is so valuable to the medical industry. This Video is at the top of my list for viewing. Visit Revolution: Google and YouTube Changing The World-MSNBC.com can also be viewed on NBC. Thank you, Sundar Pichai for standing by your zero-tolerance policy. Outspoken and tough, That’s What I Like. Just having a YouTube moment Susan Wojcicki. I’m getting my brains cells revved up while Bruno Mars is playing in the background. Bringing on the revolution to see what the brain can spin-off today.

I was curious to know why Patti McCord was asked to leave Netflix. McCord states, “Companies don’t exist to make you happy, You know that right. The business doesn’t exist to serve you.” Well Patti, take a walk on the wild side and visit Inside These Walls_Existing Conditions in the August archive of NLD Recognition. Carry on Patti and read Thanks For The Memory_Wordpress.com, Inspirational_You, #2857 Disruptive Innovation_Those Who Are Disruptive, Unjustifiable_Negative Evaluations. The culture created by Netflix is totally at the opposite end of the spectrum from Walmart.  Netflix created a culture of excellence. While Walmart and their CEO failed to build an inclusive environment but built a culture of Destruction. Buckle Up! The associates will learn what other companies offer. To all the Walmart associates tell me if you feel as though you have been hijacked.

Reviewing Netflix crafting a culture of excellence placed a Dagger In The Heart_More Meat. I did review the 125 points of the Yin Yang culture. Thank you for giving me a peek at the other side of midnight.  It is so good to see the light of day. If there is light at the end of the tunnel make sure you got an escape route. The tunnel with the light at the end may have no exit and you are caught in a maze. Clocking into a work environment that has the feel of a Schindler’s List, the remake of Amistad with the Walking Dead made me appreciate Bates Motel.  If the younger generation isn’t aware who Steven Spielberg and his movies Amistad and Schindler’s List, Sundar Pichai will be here to assist you. GOOGLE IT!.   With so much chaos and confusion, I became the Dark Knight while Christian Bales got the lead role in Working on the Chain Gang.  It gets darker. Where is Dark Man? I better text Liam Neeson.  Hell, it is Pitch Black in an environment when you have no say, not respected as an individual, teaching is not valued, every decision comes from the top or Home Office.  I need to borrow those special glasses of Vin Diesels so I won’t fall off the set.  These guys are not my Homey   It’s tough being in an environment where there is just night, no positivity, total control, vesting (owning people like slavery), The Bro Culture has never left nor the pat on the back for promotions. I see the words posted all over the walls but Wal-Mart doesn’t live by their basic beliefs. Walmart doesn’t believe their own beliefs.  Aka Babyface Doug McMillon probably walk by and say, Who the Hell put that up?  Call up Lee Daniels. Remind Lee who has total control and Power to this sequel. Please return the Lion before Queen Sugar returns home from Falcon Crest.  Who is on their way to Dallas?  Where is JR Ewing when you need him?   Wal-Mart’s Final Destination is the corporation who denies Freedom, except no Responsibility and seek Excellence to fulfill their pockets only.  Wal-mart going to Spring Break? No, they’re leaving for Peru with their Tax Break. We Know What You Did Last Summer? As far as Wal-mart Changing The World, Wal-mart took away the employees livelihood.  It was a Nuclear Holocaust. Why? Wal-Mart is The Hand That Rocks The Cradle. Killing jobs, taking control, being obsessed with money and Wal-Mart investors are their Fatal Attraction.

Sorry, this corporation does not value what we value. Integrity, Communication, Respect, Excellence is not aligned with Big Snuffy.  This is not a walk down Sesame Street.  Hell, This Is A Nightmare On Elm Street. Who is that over in the corner with the red and green striped sweater, pimped out brim, and razor-sharp claws on one hand? Who slash all those jobs and got rid of their co-managers?   The real teachers of Wal-mart got cut not rewarded.  Wal-Mart has no values. Don’t say that. They value their money. The associates are just not included. Walmart’s high performance is base on the element of beating the associates down by Control. There is no Freedom just shackles on the feet and chains wrapped around the employee’s brains.  What about Context? You have no ideas at Walmart. Your situation is your own. Creativity, absolutely not. I repeat you follow Directive. Wal-mart doesn’t care about what you think.  Management doesn’t want to hear your voice and don’t give a d**n about your opinion.

Netflix embraces the best people for the job. Yes, brother man is an “A” player and d**n good at his job. Whew! There will be fewer mistakes for the company to fix. On the other hand when you do the dance of favoritism, nepotism, and the pat on the back you get the most unqualified, unintelligent, White House/Walmart staff in the nation. Nothing will pass. Nothing achieved. The achievement will be for the money dawgs at the top who kills all the growth and development of people at the bottom.  Oh excuse me, the rules of the game has changed. Who changed the rules. The Men In Black in favor of the big corporation.  Even if you were a “B” player at Netflix and you had consistency when it was time to say bounce baby bounce they still gave you a decent severance package to help you land on your feet Somewhere Over The Rainbow. Susan, I just wanted to have a YouTube moment with Patti Labelle.  At least you landed back home and not in OZ.  Look at Stephanie Mills blowing her pipes to the tune of Ease On Down The Road. Is that Wal-mart national anthem?  I know it is a song they could live by.  You get the opportunity to meet the Queen of Good Goodbyes singing Whitney’s I wish you joy and happiness above all I wish you the best.  Hold up!

This is a real Dagger In The Heart_More Meat. Walmart is not in the business of helping their associates start over. Time to hit up Indeed.com.  You are viewed as  The Expendable, not valuable. If you work for Walmart you will be escorted out. The associates get no severance package. The associates have to fight like hell to draw unemployment. What associate will last at this corporation to receive retirement without being forced out?  Make sure you get rid of all the older associates or force them into a part-time position. Order 66 has now taken effect. Kill everyone connected to the Jedi Order. What! no more intelligent scholars left on the planet. D**n are we back at the White House? No, we are inside of Wal-mart.  The Umbrella Corporation thinks their associates are straight up ignorant.    This corporation will do or say anything to AVOID paying out any type of benefits. Not a dime for workman compensation, unemployment or whatever ails you. How can you establish trust with a company who rid themselves of 63 stores and never gave the associates any notices?  Did Wal-mart give any of these associates severance pay to restart their career? Hell To The No No.  Trust, Honesty, I don’t think so. Nice sounding valued no one believes in.  Sorry! Wishmaster was canceled.  All the wishing in the world will not change Wal-mart Corporation downright hostility. Turning people against one another (divisiveness) is the big gulp of hot chocolate made with Shatto milk topped with heavy whip cream and Ghiradelli double chocolate syrup on to the top. Yummy!  Whatever an associate enjoy Walmart takes great pleasure to destroy. I just wanted to spell it out. Can we bring Stacy Brown Philpot_CEO of Task Rabbit (IKEA) to help us put the pieces of the puzzle together?

Dagger In The Heart_More Meat the Flix said they hired, rewarded, tolerated full form adults. Hooray for Hollywood. Walmart is the Punisher.  Dolph Lundgren was pissed when Wal-mart took over his role. Who is Dolph Lundgren?  He is a brut with a brain and an Einstein with muscles, baby.  In real-time Dolph Lundgren is a chemical engineer. He starred in Punisher, Expendables, Red Heat, Masters of the Universe, Universal Soldiers and sooo…..on.  Wal-marts make the mistakes thinking their employees are ignorant.  Wrong! What the hell do we know?  Come on! you know Dark Shadows don’t have any grown-ups in the room. For Walmart, it is always company first.   Are you a Walton? HR policies are always enforced. You don’t talk to the bosses, managers, subordinates or colleagues. Retaliation comes into play with the Open Door Policy. Sun Down Rule means keep waiting. Cheryl, are you wearing the clothes from yesterday?  I have been standing out here by the assistant office for someone to get back with me. I guess I will see you in that dress tomorrow. She will figure it out.  When she realizes her personal hygiene is attracting attention.  When Ge Ge arrives at work, ask management to get keys, and management shows up 30 minutes later, it is not her fault her job starts late.  Then GE GE is asked why she got a late start. For Real! Really! You want to coach WHO. For What! Consistency lies in the belly of communication. There is no consistency at Wal-mart. You can send in the gastroenterologist. Only constant Chaos starring Jason Statham. So you feel like you have an ulcerated stomach.  Get checked out. You work for Wal-mart.

It’s pretty cool knowing Somewhere Out There companies give 10 days PTO and 10 days holiday pay. Go Netflix!  Wow!  The associates Inside These Walls Of Existing Conditions get rejected for days earned at Walmart. The rejected button is pushed and the slave masters let you know who is Boss Hog. Days! It took years to accumulate TIME under Dark Vader rule.  The force was not with the associates  Maybe if they gave the associates their time in a timely manner much of the PTO TIME would not be paid out in February. The Queen of Good Goodbyes worried about fairness and consistency. Well, that is not a problem at the Big Snuffleupercus Company.  Fairness and consistency are not in Wal-Mart’s dictionary nor embedded in Wal-Mart company’s policy. McCord felt she would get better results when you rely on logic and common sense. That lets me know McCord hasn’t visited the White House or Wal-Mart Corporation. Taking a trip to Resident Evil would be equivalent.   I repeat Directives are given not options. How Loyal are You? Oh! Oh! Is that McCord picture on the wall with  Sally Yates, James Comey (not the president Homey) and the rest of the gang.


This is just another strategy of getting rid of associates to make room for the store remodeled. Walmart can offer their associates a nice severance package so they can make room for their Big Event. I’m not talking about a measly $1000 per year every year the associate worked for this company.  Good Lord! If you worked 30 years for this company $30,000 just won’t cut it.  The Black Panther’s costume cost more.  $1000 per year of service is shameful and would leave The House Of A Thousand Corpses lying around. I’m quite sure the associates are looking forward to Independence Day. I wonder what Will Smith thinks about this. Wal-mart is looking forward to Terminator V Judgement Day so no associates are left standing tall and alive. Hey! just a friendly reminder to check the coaching in your files. It has the same effect when you go to clock in and you have no task.  When you on your way to lunch ALL OF A SUDDEN you have a task. Management swears up and down it was there all the time.  The task shows up at 5:00am and you leave at 7:00am. Yeah Right. Remember the number 3 is very key.

Thank you, MY FRIEND, WITH THE YELLOW PEN. I went to Market Watch and found an article written by Sue Chang on June 7, 2015.  I didn’t want to misquote the 3 largest employees in the world. I missed which ones you listed so I backtracked to get the information. U.S Department of Defense employed 3.2million people.  People Liberation Army of China employed 2.3 million people.  Wal-mart employed 2.1. Since it is 2018 I’m quite sure Wal-mart is in 2nd place due to GREED. In the private sector, Walmart-ranked number #1. Oh yeah, my all time favorite is GlassDoor who loves to give the people on the beat the 411. The top 10 most sought-after jobs out of 100 in 2018 World ranked as followed: 1) FaceBook, 2) Bain and Company, 3) Boston Consulting Group, 4) IN-N-Out Burger, 5) Google, 6) Lululemon, 7) HubSpot 8) World Wide Technology, 9) St. Jude Children Research Hospital, 10) Ultimate Software. You know you been robbed once you read the company’s mission statement and the cultural climate the Ceos has created for their employment. Dagger In the Heart_More Meat and suffering defeat working for the #1 largest Corporation that employes the most people in the U.S. and abroad.  Times Up! Turn up the heat Wal-mart needs to create a non-hostile cultural environment which is inclusive, supportive, with decent salaries and bonuses that will compete with other corporations.  One time Bonuses are not allowed. Back to those evaluations.

Big Dagger In The Heart_More Meat whenever I hear the word TRUTH. What!  Netflix eliminated formal reviews.  No more 5 point scale to grade one’s evaluation. Yes, it is a ritual. Do you get any better after being lied on? This will impede one’s development and performance.  A penny raise does not motivate one to work smart. The sad piece of this story the truth doesn’t get told on your evaluation. but the person giving you the review has never worked with you. How can a manager or co-manager evaluate an associates performance when they are not objective themselves? Passed down negative information from the only Co-manager Therese Renzetti who lack communication skills and has had several write-ups her self. Home Office, HR, Ethics Hotline is fully aware of Theresa Renzetti behavior. So they cannot say they aren’t aware. That’s like saying General Kelly didn’t know Rob Porter, White House Office Staff Secretary, did not beat his 2 ex-wives. Jennifer Willoughby, Colbie Holderness.  NOW YOU KNOW WHY THEIR ROB PORTER’S EXS. Why is Wal-mart pretending they do not know of Therese Renzetti existing Intentional Behavior. JUST A BREEDING GROUND FOR UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR.   What happens when we don’t speak out? What happens when we hide? Is this how society let people like Joe Paterno, Larry Nassar, Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, Vincent Cirrincione, and a host of other Recognizable Personalities get away with their behavior for years. If anyone isn’t familiar with these names Just GOOGLE IT. Sundar is waiting.

I like to introduce you to Sundar Pachai_CEO of Google. Anything you can’t find just GOOGLE IT.  Walmart’s Unethical Behavior can be viewed at Lawaspect.com. Visit Demos.org and put in the search box Walmart and get a wealth of information. Also, visit Alliance for Justice at afj.org.  You can go to the media CNN, MSNBC, and so on. Now you can add NLD Recognition.  Go to the search box and type in Wal-mart.  Recognition of Wal-mart can be viewed at http://nldrecognition.wordpress.com. Go to Glassdoor and look at the reviews about Wal-mart. How would you rate Wal-mart on a scale of zero? Okay then!

Dagger In The Heart_More Meat was reviewing Netflix 9 Behaviors and skills. This company hires and promote the people who demonstrate the following skills.  1.) judgment 2.) communication, 3.) impact, 4.) curiosity, 5.) innovation, 6.) courage, 7.) passion, 8.) honesty, 9.) selflessness.  Uhh! This is Wal-mart.  Judgment is Judge Dredd. Who holds the power to arrest (punish/retaliate), convict, sentence, and execute (frame or fire) their associates.  You know who makes and control all of the decision. Communication there is none. The Impact associates make is based on all-time task. There is no room for creativity. It stunts the associate’s growth. The 8 hour work day for Wal-mart associates is for management to get 24 hours worth of work out of each associate.  Do you have any popcorn left? You are the rising star in 12 years Of A Slave.  As far as Curiosity Wal-mart has stripped away the desire to learn. All incentives to become a Shining Star by Earth, Wind, and Fire is over.    Associates are in constant fear of losing their job, retaliation, bullying. Why you think the associates don’t speak out?  Little Shop Of Horrors took on a new meaning.  We have no teachers but you are expected to do a job thrown at you. Get an F for what you never were taught. Sure it’s all your fault. That’s the Wal-mart Way. Wal-mart never admits they are wrong. Innovation are you kidding me. Your ideas belong to you. Wal-mart appreciates if you keep your thoughts to yourself.  Wal-Mart is not going to give up CONTROL to hear the person on the lower end of the scale,  forget it.  Change only comes from the top not the bottom in this company.  It would be a REVOLUTION if the associates take over.  Wal-mart views associate Courage as controversial, threatening to the company, troublemakers. Your courage and what you say will get you retaliated against or fired. I know this too well. Passion is a very strong emotion of enthusiasm. Wal-mart! No, especially the emotional part.  Wal-mart has no feelings. They don’t care. Honesty is definitely a No. Why? Would you like to review Wal-Mart’s Unethical Behavior again? Selflessness through the lens of Wal-mart culture is not advocating on the associate’s behalf. Being proactive in Wal-Mart’s culture of destruction and sharing ideas with other associates are taken as if the associate is trying to form a union.

Wal-mart culture is everything of MAJOR importance becomes MINOR.  Everything of MINOR importance becomes MAJOR.  Internal Behavior is cut throat and the mission statement is Sink or Swim. There is NO FREEDOM just hard work. The associates are pushed to the brink.  Creativity doesn’t exist only traditional workforce behavior. Wal-mart lead and the associates follow. The associate’s fight for their PTO, vacation time, leave of absence, any time they have earned. It is a pure dictatorship. The associates are left with the blame and shame. Leadership belongs to Walmart Corporation, not the associates. Now go get your popcorn and watch V For Vendetta. Tell me if this movie reminds you of your life inside of Walmart? Maximize rules and chaos exists within this company.  Flexibility is not allowed in a company who is behind the times. Wal-mart mimics the behavior of their competitors. Leadership cannot be developed if the company doesn’t surround you with good people to help one grow.

The store manager (Mark Hoyt) thinks management and associates lie when he can’t understand what you are trying to communicate. Is Mark Hoyt trying to understand?  He still has his Ipad by his side.  End Of Days  Co-manager Theresa Renzetti was rewarded and is on the grocery side. Although she got the most calls to Home Office for her Intentional Behavior, the ethics hotline called numerous times, targets black, white, tan, beige and LGBT community she did not get bumped to leave the store or the company.   Co-Manager Theresa Renzetti played a role in getting rid of the few black managers and other members of management in the store. The courts out on the last and only Black assistant in the store who recently walked out of the store due to massive amounts of frustration and favoritism. Did you notice how more CBL’S (computer-based learning) popped up?  I give credit where credit is due.  Well, The Umbrella Corporation only controls and never communicates. How can a company grade an evaluation when they can’t be upfront about closing 63 stores without notice?  The person handing down information can’t be trusted at all.  There were 3,500 co-managers jobs slashed.  The last co-manager standing replaced Bruce Willis in the Last Man Standing Part II.  Who made the decision to keep Co-manager Renzetti in the Store. Was it the Market Team? The Store Manager? What role did HR, Home Office, and the Ethics Hotline play knowing what they know? Times Up! Time to CLEAN HOUSE.  Go back to the story where all the foreign associates/immigrants got fired on the grocery side in the year of our Lord January 14, 2016.  Read or review The Five Days Before Christmas.  What Happen to Assistant Manager Ricky Farr and Assistant Manager Stephanie?  Maybe Therese Renzetti forgot to share the real truth with the store manager, Mark Hoyt. Honesty cover is blown again along with being responsible. Wal-mart rewards the mirror image of themselves.

Whenever I mention Co-manager Theresa Renzetti name or the Store Managers name, Mark Hoyt, my name Linda Garrett is also mention in the process.  I want real transparency, the Butt-naked truth released, and most of all I am not hear to LIE or Slander any of these people.  Walmart always wants to hold the associates accountable but never take RESPONSIBILITY for Therese Renzetti Intentional Behavior.  Just to let you know I will not be Rolled Back because I’m not afraid.  I have been retaliated and discriminated against many times by Therese Renzette and Walmart looked the other way.   I did not wish to contain this information in the boundaries of store #2857 but to let everyone across the nation here MY VOICE.   When Wal-mart decide to put me on their clearance wall and clear me out I went down for the associates who have been bullied, harassed, self-esteem was at an all-time low, retaliated against and too afraid to speak out for fear of losing their job. I want the associates to remember the Texas Chain Saw Massacre of all the jobs Wal-mart have taken away. Remember how Wal-mart Corporation views the associates through their lens. Does Wal-mart care?

I”m sitting at the computer in my Black pants suit and my white rose is on top of the printer. An associate asks me once why I wasn’t afraid of Walmart.  My reply will always be Walmart cannot add to my Quality of Life.  Wal-mart has no Specialty to add TIME to my Life. Once you cross over into the world of the great scholars, for example, an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, nephrologist, cardiologist, neurologist, radiologists you go to YouTube.  You turn on Jay-Z who is rapping 99 Problems So for me 99 problems and Walmart isn’t one will be my anthem to bring to the associates with Solutions.  Wal-mart started out with the lowest wages and locked many associates wages down. This corporate culture is built on Destructive, corruptible, and Intentional Behavior. Whatever Quality of Life I have left belongs to me. I own it. I live It. Wal-mart can not give me a TIME ADJUSTMENT ON MY LIFE. Wal-mart Corporations has NO CONTROL and NO POWER over my mind, body, and spirit.  Walking into a room where a doctor is holding your life chart, money and the material object will not be the first priority. Your Life and Time will rule the day. It doesn’t matter how much money Aka Babyface Doug McMillon has nor Wal-mart Corporation. They have no Power or Control over how long they will live or how much TIME.  They should put a new slogan on their wall if they can’t respect the individual or believe their own beliefs.  It should go like this.  You Thought Money was priceless. You thought Oil was priceless. You thought diamonds were priceless. Time is Priceless. Time to Respect Time and a Priceless Human’s Life.  These are people I want to know and show how the largest corporation in the world treat their employees. I am paying attention. These are progressive people on the move along with progressive movements.

Roll Call:

Bill Deblasio-New York Mayor

Claire McCaskill-Senator of Missouri

Bernie Sanders-Senator of Vermont

Louis Gutierrez-Senator of  Illinois

Warren Buffett-Entrepreneur Berkshire Hathaway

Mark Zuckerberg/Facebook (I’m cool with raising taxes) Universal Basic Income

Joseph Kenndy-Congressman of Massachusetts (Mr. Commonality)

Elizabeth Warren-Senator of Massachusetts

Joaquin (Congressman of Texas, 20th congressional district) and Julian Castro (former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development)

Me Too Movement

Times Up Movement and there are so many more people out there.

Wal-Mart culture of destruction treats their associates as if they know absolutely nothing.  You have highly intelligent associates from all over the world. When I look over my shoulders I see future assistants, co-managers, and store managers within the associates. Wal-Mart is too afraid to create Teams.  The culture of Wal-mart doesn’t like teachers. Or you kidding me! They only teach you what they want you to know and that is just enough so you can’t take an assistant, co-managers, or the store manager position. Wal-mart tells their associates to upgrade their career preference when the job has been taken already. The job is posted and the management TEAM goes through the motions to fill in the blank.  As far as communication, Walmart is skilled players at miscommunication turning the associates against each other.  Their coaching process is a.) to show you are not promotable, b.) to avoid giving the associates a raise, c.) to rank your evaluation low so you or on your way out the door, d.) to keep the associates from transferring to another store. Big Picture is RETALIATION TIME.  The Hunger Games is on. Have you noticed even when you do get good evaluations you are not progressing forward toward a promotion? Do you feel you are locked into your position?  The same strategy is applied to the older associates who are locked into their salaries. The older hardworking associates get paid less. The associates who don’t work as hard or not at all get the same pay.  The new associates get paid more for no experience, less, or some experience. Bottom line is to set the Associates up for failure.

My jaw dropped when Patti McCord_former CEO of Netflix, Sundar Pichai_CEO of Google, and Susan Wojcicki_CEO of Yahoo address getting the best person for the job. All the best people are held back, force out, get fired. from Walmart.  The Team of HR. Market Managers, store manager,  Ethics Hotline all know about Co-Manager Therese Renzetti behavior.  The choice to keep Therese Renzetti in the store and put her on the Grocery Side is like jacking up the Impeachment Procedure.  The Elephants under the glass are obstructing justice placing the blame on the FBI. Just as Wal-mart, the culture of destruction, blames everything on the associates and never the TEAM of Wal-marts crew who upheld co-manager Therese Renzetti repulsive/disgusting behavior.  My name is Linda Garrett.  B.O. (The For Real President) would say, You Just Can’t Make This Sh*t Up. Well close enough.  He is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!  Please visit or Revisit the following stories: Snitch This Here’s The Playlist(July 13, 2013); Five Days Before Christmas (January 14, 2016); Charlotte’s’ Web_ Redemption Time (October 26, 2016). To all the CEOs this takes the YIN out of the YANG. Here’s the deal. If Lily Ledbetter took 20 years to get the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to pass. Eleven years of Therese Renzetti is worth standing up for the associates who live in constant fear OF PUNISHMENT, RETALIATION, AND DISCRIMINATION.

Therese Renzetti, co-manager, played a large role in targeting blacks, browns, beige, LGBT community, and whites. Dagger To The Heart_More Meat is for Walmart to create a breeding ground for bullies, harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination, and retaliatory behavior. This is not the climate to promote this type of Intentional Behavior.  Climate Change is here. Freedom, Responsibility, and seek Excellence is the hall of shame at Wal-mart. Over in this corner pocketing all the money, Bonuses, stocks is G-Money Dawg_Walmart. Over in the losers corner, knocked out once again is the associates, 3500 co-managers, and 63 Sam Clubs stores. Did anyone get the E-mail? No Sir Chris was laughing about the Memo. Did Devin Nunes (Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee whose House of Card crumbled, so did Kevin Spacey) get his message across? No, it was just like Wal-mart who never sends a message. You’re just out in the cold.

To Sundar Pichai: How many offenses would a manager or an associate have to make before you fire them? Would you be reluctant to fire a manager or an associate because of their race, sexual orientation, gender if they had been reported to HR numerous of times? Susan Wojcicki: McCord talks about the jerk on the job.  Would you fire the jerk’s when his behavior crosses the line and is not align with the company’s policy?  McCord also addresses what is best for the company. Would you fire the associate/manager whose Intentional behavior is not conducive to the work environment or both? Do you feel it was best for the company?  Do you feel it is right to aid and abet a worker because of prior lawsuits of harassment, gender stereotyping, sexual harassment, and retaliation against the company?   Would you remove an associates/manager whose Intentional behavior cause emotional distress toward their co-workers/ management and fear to the work environment? Would you keep the associate/manager out of fear they may retaliate against the company and file a suit based on their race, gender, sexual orientation?  Walmart is known for gender stereotyping and how bad they treat their employees. So it is Time to point out the wrongdoing, scandalous behavior, dishonesty, corruption, indecency, immoral, unprofessional, and whatever you observe that is not honest. We can now zero in on inappropriate language or behaviors. Now Ruby understands the meaning of IMPROPRIETIES.  It just needed to be explained. It did not go over Ruby’s head. Ruby hates to ask the question when she doesn’t understand because members of management make her feel as though she is stupid. Ruby has more pieces to the puzzle.  Well, Ruby, they may not have an answer or they may not understand themselves. If you look closer you will see who really knows. Sir Lawrence was really effective at explaining the word Treason

You would think as many times Walmart has gotten busted on their Intentional Behavior, the GINORMOUS corporation had to pay for Gender discrimination (to the tune of 11.7 million, dollars in 2013) they should exit the Titanic and try not to hitch a ride on the  Hindenburg.  Maybe this company loves being well documented. Time is up for Sexual Harassment, Harassment, Retaliation, Discrimination in the workforce. Time is Up for this negative behavior anywhere, any place at any time. Who granted the power and sent the wrong message that Intentional Behavior is the norm and Unintentional behavior should take the fall? Who put on their books Walmart is ABOVE the law? Reparation cannot take away the pain and agony one suffers or replace a human life. There is not enough money in the world to make it right.  General Snuffleupagus and his gang need to step outside their culture and see if they can Spotify a new generation, hear the Tidal Wave moving in their path and realize a new tsunami is coming to drown Walmart for their misdeeds. Sam Walton said no one should feel the need to leave the company. On that note, I say Run Forest Run.

Dagger Through The Heart_ More Meat is putting more information on the associate’s plate with food for thought and the associates are not reading. We must all continue to learn and read. Please don’t tell me you don’t read well.  Please don’t tell me you hate reading. There are auditory books. You listen! Okay, so you don’t have a computer. There is always the library. This is not about what you don’t have. This is about the ability to adapt to change.  We can find a way to work around the issue. If change is difficult for you to make try little baby steps. One day you will wake up and say, “I really have changed for the better.”   A library card is my golden passport to new knowledge and adventure. I live for the (Here and Now).  I look forward to the future.  I want to have a YouTube moment with Susan Wojcicki_CEO of YouTube. I  love the layout of all the artist who has a similar genre.  Go ahead and hit Luther Vandross up for his song. Even when I write there are many YouTube moments percolating in my head to help me reach out to the people. As my grandchildren say, “NANA PLEASE  DON’T GIVE US ANY STALE WRITING.”

To the geniuses in Silicon Valley(computer and electronic industry), and all the Tech heads across the world who has advanced our world I truly appreciate your knowledge and your special kind of brain. The clock is ticking.  What are the beliefs in your company? Don’t walk by the wall and look at the signage and know in your heart this is not what you do.  This is not what you believe. Do what you do. Believe in what you do.  Set a course and take this world to a new horizon. Live what you believe for the good of all mankind.’

Thank You, Netflix for revealing the true purpose and value of HR and who they work for. HR works for the company, not for the associates. If Walmart is going to remodel their stores, go by the wayside of Automation then Walmart needs to be progressive in their policymaking. Reinvent HR or get rid of your HR. Hey, Walmart didn’t mind getting rid of the 63 stores and 3,500 Co-managers. Just another budget cut.


None of these contenders took the course. Well, it was reported 4 of the contenders took the course. Who did the reporting? B.C. said he had special knowledge. Yeah! I wrote the Koran.  Steven Spielberg and George Lucas are going to produce my biopic.  I won’t bother to come to the Academy Awards. Know This! I am going to win.  This brother is definitely Before Christ. Did they fail the course? Did they cut class? What happens to their mental processing? Who took the class?  It’s too embarrassing to say out loud. Psssssssk! No!  Get out of here! Zip It. This is too juicy. Come On! Let me drop a few hints.  The man behind the Iron Rag. What! Don’t you mean the man behind the Iron Mask? Just think about it for a second. I get it. He wanted to build a wall. Remember the Iron Curtain? What would you do when you want your hair to stay in place?   I go get my Doo-Rag.  There you go, Iron Rag. This Brother needs to wrap his head in Iron to keep his poison thoughts from seeping and creeping into the minds of We The People. This next person is on a Lou-Lou.  Maybe he watches too much Hulu.  Is that an owl with a hat sitting over there on a branch. Those are Bushes who got left on the ranch. No! This brother believed he was a famous character back in 1960 chilling with his friend Zeus. The Greek God Zeus. No! Dr. Zeus. You sound like Newt. This brother needs to lay off the Spam. What do you think about this, Pam? Hey! I don’t eat green eggs and ham. Has anyone talk to Sam. He’s bent on government shutdowns. D**n!  Have you ever talk to a person and your mouth started to get dry?  Why did I ever stop to say, Hi? Did you feel really thirsty?  The conversation went nowhere and this brother wasn’t worthy. He grabs my bottle of water and he took a drink. Ohooo! Pissed me off. Did he not think?  How can you trust this brother when he doesn’t pay his own bills.  He calls in for work and uses the EXCUSE he’s ill. How can you trust a brother who will never be able to negotiate our nation a deal? They all failed the course. For Real! For Real!

Tough course! Bring your heart, soul, and brain You’re right. I had to take this course more than twice. On the For Real Side, I probably will be enrolled in this course for the rest of my life. Biden_Ology!   The science of a man packing the Truth and Facts. Biden_ology! It is the science of a real human being with a tremendous amount of compassion.  This course demonstrated how the older man delivered a political spanking.  The younger opponent got spanked.   Hey, that statement sounds weird but I was just reflecting back on the 2012 debate.  My mind has fast forwarding to 2015 debates and the movie Friday.  The Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (censored version) You got knocked the F**k out.  Did Biden react like an old man?  Guess who will be on the cover of Eternal Magazine? We know it won’t be Jeb Bush.  Biden_ology tossed AGE right out the window in 2012.  Biden delivered right hooks, left hooks, uppercuts and constant jabs to the REAL old man who holds the gavel on a shrimp platter. This brother got doused with Joe’s secret sauce.  How ironic!  The Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, will be reminded every time his gavel swings Biden_ology will take him down. Biden laughed his way through the debate barely making any frowns.  Biden_Ology made Ryan look like the Actress who played Murphy Brown (Candice Bergen) real-life father’s puppet clown.   Science is a Branch of knowledge. Wait a minute!  We are talking about Biden_Ology.  We are talking about the whole Tree.  Look at all those contenders who don’t have a leaf to stand on and will not be included in the forest. Why? They don’t believe in science because they are climate deniers and liars. Let it be told by the opposite end of the spectrum this course was too brutal with too many interruptions.

Biden answers were to the point, not exaggerated, and very witty.  Bro can hang with Jay-Z, Maroon 5, and P Diddy.  Yes, 2016 election is going to Hurt Like A Mother F**ker. Maroon 5 sings it better than none other.  So be it if the title of Maroon 5 song comes out of Biden mouths used in a different context, Ye better know it! Biden will say what he means and means what he says. Gaffe! Get out your deck of cards and deal. Time to call a SPADE a SPADE.  Here comes the aromatic flavor of Unintentional Behavior. Look at all the crap the new Hammer of the House has said Intentionally. Look how the man behind the science handle the response of the so-called Gaffes. Play the 2012 debate tape again. Biden was cool, calm, collected and caring.  A true science that gives a D**n.  Biden_ology offers the following:

1.) The Fact of the matter ( Truth/credibility)

2.) Being on the same page

3.) So much laughter

4.) show me and stop talking

5.) direct eye contact

6.) simple answers

7.) concrete answers

8.) bottom line

9.) Specifics

10) a real Plan

11.) a rhythmic finger carried no threat to Martha, even the first tapping on the desk made you realize it was all about understanding the message. (Don’t give me that “Malarky”) It takes a really skilled person to wave a finger in someone’s face and not appear to be threatening, unlike Jan Brewer the former governor of Arizona.

12) “Bling Bling”  I like your Smile song by Shanice.  Superficial smile upheld by Vaseline isn’t allowed.

Go ahead and register for the course of Biden_ology. Your body will absorb straight up GOODNESS and soooo much FLAVOR.   Biden_ology is a rich blend of black tea but we will not extract from Biden’s vanilla.  Taking this course will help relieve your stress.  Just think what would happen if you encounter Biden at least 3 Times a day or 3 times a week.  The path you have chosen will lower your risk of a heart attack or stroke.  Have you thought about what will happen if you encounter the contenders of 2016 at least once a day? Stroke and heart attack are imminent. How did the ambulance get here so quickly?  The ambulance was just around the corner of the stroke and heart attack. See what happens when holding a conversation with a bunch of Knuckle-Heads.   Your energy got drained.  Well, it’s not too late to enroll in Biden_ology an increase your energy level. Don’t be afraid to gain the happiness factor. You won’t regret taking this course. Biden_ology offers the same health benefits as Black Tea. Sip! Sip!  Drink up.  As far as the warning labels I don’t think surgeon general Vivek Murthy will contest the man behind the science. I’m cool with that.  It would be awesome for the surgeon general to contest the contender’s Bs.  Why not? Who held up the confirmation of Vivek Murphy?  Exactly!  The science of Biden_ology jumps starts the mind and points out the “Malarky”.

A real combination of sweet cinnamon to help control weight, lower blood sugar, and help neutralize odors.  Do you feel the urge to eat yourself into a coma while talking to people who nauseate you?  The man behind the science will help you control your appetite, stay focus, and remain alert.   Your blood sugar will stabilize.  The dizziness and nausea will go away. The stench will be removed from the room. Everyone seems to agree Biden is a MIGHTY GOOD MAN.  So does Salt and Pepper who sings this song.   Black pepper generates hydrochloric acid to help reduce the heartburn and indigestion.  I will get my amounts of money worth in taking this course and pour in the honey.   If I could only nail down the ability to establish friendships and develop long-lasting relationships it would make me so happy. People would realize I’m not rude at all. Biden_ology is just the course I need.  Biden is quite recognizable except to the ladies in Trump’s beauty pageant.  These women couldn’t tell the moderator who is the Vice-President of the United States. Look at this book. It has a lot of factual information and no fluff. Readers Digest was the condensed version and had more substance in its cup.  The last book I read was so big I felt as though I would throw up. Peppermint, Spearmint, and Chamomile Tea will help relieve this symptom.

Ginger is in the mix.  It will help with nausea and your loss of appetite. Ginger helps with the digestive problem.  Throw out the tummy tums and relax. Don’t worry about acid reflux. You’re safe.  This is the science behind the man who knows how to roll and treat people gingerly.   Add a star of anise. Don’t use the Japanese version of a star of anise.  You might get poison. Use the Chinese version.  Trump would like the China version. Get rid of inflammation and the yeast in your system.   Everyone has probably encountered a fungus in their life. Did you get poison?  Perhaps the wrong brand was used.  You’re rolling with the wrong crew. We know who is the STAR of anise.

Go ahead! Take the course and learn how to deal with the beast. Here come the smile and the laughter.  “Malarky” Thereafter!   BIDEN  shut down the debate.  We can’t leave out the clove. There are no bruises, headaches, and your blood is circulating first-rate. Biden_ology is classy and full of robust flavor. The science behind the man is classic Chai Latte you will never forget to savor. Take the course and learn about behaviors.  Not a branch of knowledge but the whole tree. The science behind the man who struggled and survived many adversities. Save a seat for me in your LIFE LESSONS UNIVERSITY. Biden_ology!

Dedicated to the Vice President Of The United States


Charlotte’s Web__Redemption Time!

Dude! Has it been a month already? Beebe Arkansas! My girl Charlotte has flown the coop.  Were you tired of being invisible? Here’s your chance to speak out.  Click on the story’s title and weigh in.  Tell us WHY, WHO, or WHAT  made you leave Walmart?   Sam Walton stated you do not have to leave WAL-MART to find another career.  Hmm! Inquiry minds want to know WHY Charlotte left?  What ruffled Charlotte’s tail feathers? Corporations try to make you feel like you are a disgruntled associate.  Get out of here! You are not the first and you won’t be the last of the disgruntled associates. Why did so many associates change shifts, transferred to other stores or left the company for better pay? Do you feel you were Wrongfully Fired?  Did you hold a manager position and had no people to manage? Are you being held accountable for a job management failed to explain?  Did you step down from a higher position?  Were you denied the position?  Were you underpaid?  Did you find out another associate got paid more for having fewer responsibilities?  Are you one of the associates who said screw the pay it is not worth the headache? Did you get fed up with management?  Were your problems ever resolve?  Are you tired of the brush-off?   Have you gotten any results from HR? Do you feel like you were being forced out because of your age? Do you feel you would get fired before you get the opportunity to retire? Did Walmart fail to work with your schedule?  Are you being bullied on the job? Has your work environment become hostile? Do you feel you have been retaliated against? Do you feel you have been discriminated against?   This is NOT A NO-DOZ commercial. Wake the hell up and pay attention!  REDEMPTION TIME! If things are going sour in your work environment here are some awareness sites you can check out to keep you well informed.  Learn to advocate or negotiate what you want to happen on the job.  Management can hold you accountable.  Time to hold management accountable and the company. Learn to advocate and know your rights.   Stop being afraid. Stop running away.  Don’t be quick to say “I quit.”   Visit the following sites:

1.) http://www.eeoc.gov (TitleVII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964)

2.) eeo21.com (theories of discriminations)

3.) http://www.nlrb.gov. (National Labor Relation Board)

4.) http://www.ada.gov (American Disability Act, Information and Technical Assistance/laws and regulations)

5.) http://www.eeoc.gov (573-751-3325)

6.) http://www.dol.gov/whd/fmla/fmlaAmended.htm#SEC_101_Definition (United States Department of Labor-Wage and Hour Division (WHD) Family Medical Act of 1993 as Amended

7.) http://www.timslaw.com (constructive discharge)

8.) labor-employment.law.lawyers.com

9.) http://www.aflcio.org (Walmart)

10.) http://www.afj.org (Walmart)

11.) lawyers.com (constructive discharge: an abusive atmosphere)

12.) http://www.mobar.org

Wal-mart has lost many associates to GM, Costco, US Postal Service, Hallmark and other business. Walmart invests in their investors and not their employees. Rob Walton, the now-ousted Board of Chairman, never was concern about the associate’s troubles in Walmart. As I recall my last name is not Walton.  Another family member has locked down the position of Chairman of the Board. John Penner, son-in-law of the Walton, will share the nameplates along with CEO Doug McMillon.  The associate’s certificates who dedicated their lives to put Walmart on the map will share a new signature.   All that money Rob Walton spent on races. Another 2 Fast and Furious who crashed and burned and never got serious. Rob Walton liked his zoo zoos and wham-wham’s.  You can always go to Walmart1percent.org and learn more. Just a friendly reminder to let you know in the World of Walmart you are an outsider and will never be included in their family. Walmart works for Walmart. Walmart unfair wages and unlawful labor practices should be included in the 2016 Presidential debates.

It is not as if Walmart can’t afford a pay increase of $15.00 an hour to the associates.   Please go back and read Thanks For the Memory__Wordpress.com (January 5, 2015).  Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, thank you for coming OUT OF THE SHADOWS strongly advocating the pay increase of $15.00 an hour for the people who put large corporations on the map. Visit http://www.Demos.org tag Walmart. Read Despite A Raise In Walmart, Wages & Schedules Still Aren’t Livable. Carry on and read Not Made In America: Top 10 Ways Walmart Destroys US Manufacturing. Also, read Wage Theft and Illegal Retaliation of Low Wage Employees. Visit http://www.salon.com and read Don’t Believe The Wal-Mart Hype: Here’s proof it still isn’t paying it, workers, enough. Visit http://www.aflcio.org and put in the search box Walmart. Learn about the company you work for. Who is getting all of the benefits? This is where associates fall short.

I’m sitting here admiring Charlotte’s’ beautiful card. Thank You for acknowledging me as a True Friend, Charlotte.  I thought I would wait and let you burn off some steam. Girlfriend, when you left Walmart in Missouri you were HOT ABOUT IT.  The greatest gift of all is to be True to yourself so you can reach out and be True to others.  Some relationships last and some fade away.  No matter if it was a Marathon or Sprint there was something about the person that made you want to stay. Hoping the relationship would last forever and never decay. Why do people run away?  On the Flip Side Of The Chart, there are many people who don’t have a clue on how to begin. Opening one’s mouth will be the end of the beginning of establishing a new friend.   Their body language is awkward and they just can’t seem to win. Developing friends and relationships in the World of Walmart is a crime and a sin.  Isolation will be your destiny because you are tagged as a whistle-blower and the enemy from within.  In the World of Wal-Mart, there is a disconnect without any respect when you advocate for your Human Rights. Taking on a corporate giant can turn into a messy fight. Stand up for what you believe and do not take flight. Walmart World Project Their Fears Upon You.  When all is said and done this is what WAL-MART say the associates do.  Who is always in the news for getting sued?  Exactly!  WAL-MART!

You see the word Chart, Charlotte? When something doesn’t appear quite right I begin to chart a person.  I am acknowledging that a problem or problems exist.  In order to find the solution to the problem, I start tracking, mapping out, or documenting. If I do not track, map out, or document the problem, I am giving POWER to the person, or persons, or entity.  It will give them the power to punish and enslave me.  Management and the company can be an A**Hole but it boils down to the Law. Shonda Rhimes the creator, producer/writer of Scandal, Grey’s Anatomy, and How To Get Away with Murder have a No A**hole policy. Rhimes like the fact that her crew all get along. Walmart has constantly gotten away with Murder (downright cruelty/abuse to the associates). It is sad to say the associates are commodities. Walmart is neither loyal are dedicated no matter how long we as associates serve Walmart. Stay off of FACEBOOK talking about your drawers. Puts some quality time in and learn about the LAWS. When the customers roll up to the counter they have their SMARTPHONES out. They keep Walmart ever-changing policies in their hand so they won’t get jilted. Keep the LAWS by your side so you won’t get jilted.

How is it possible to serve 15, 20, 25, or 30 years to a company and all of a sudden the company has begun to look for anything to nail you on?  What is your theory on WHY you are now being treated so poorly?  The associates are the engines that make the train run in Walmart World.  Without the engines, Walmart would not have a World.  How is it possible associates who have served the World of Walmart for all those years go from Sugar To S***  in 2:00 minutes?  Nothing the associates do is right.  When Walmart wants the associates to go away they are picked apart at the seams.  Who made the work environment INTOLERABLE?  Why have the REASONABLE people all transferred, left or gotten fired?  Walmart is a company whose accountability is based on Denial.  Denial of request for the associate’s needs is a major strategy to frustrate, anger, force out, transfer, or make associates quit.  How many Wrongful terminations have there been at store #2857? Hmmm!  Well, at least your popcorn is done.  What is wrong with this picture?  Walmart World is not an Inclusive World.  Who holds the key?  Visit Legal.com. and read the Constructive Discharge-an abusive atmosphere.  Also, visit http://www.timslaw.com. Tim gives some good advice on the article on Constructive discharge. Laws vary from state to state. Don’t forget to click on the sites above.

Walmart E-commerce (online shopping) will never be able to compare to the Great White Shark__Amazon. Why? Sustainability and Consistency! Amazon has reached out to the World not just their family. If you can’t step outside the box and hire a Board of Chairman outside of the family then it tells the world you are only looking out for #1. Time to get a new dance. The Wally Cheer is out. Uptown Funk would be good.  Sustainability encompasses not the ability for the Walton family to keep all the money for themselves. Sustainability encompasses the outside world.  The Ecology, Politics, Technology, and Ethics. Walmart failed their Ethics course. Walmart is Global Warming deniers.  They want to control the air you breathe. Freaking Fracking is destroying the planet and Walmart invested in the Keystone Pipeline. Drill baby Drill will destroy the planet. Walmart interest would be the oil and their gas station.  Walmart wants to privatize education.

Walmart takes a very literal meaning of Sustainability. The 3Rs for the Walton Family is Reduce the associates. Reuse the old equipment and bypass modern technology.  Recycle bad management who bullies, intimidate, harass, and threaten the associates.  Sustainability includes public opinion, cultural diversity, and social change.  Walmart does not want your advice nor does it wants to change. They want you to follow DIRECTIVES. The politics of Walmart is to protect their world from crumbling from the Deniability Accountability their business was built on. The Politics of sustainability is to protect and prevent environmental damages to the planet.  Walmart does not own the Environment. Wal-mart specializes in Greed.  Science needs to be funded so the government will not shut out new technology. No one will be beaten for using old technology.  Look at the wealth modern technology will bring to our economy. Look at the wealth Walmart has brought to themselves.

Once again Walmart PROJECT their fears upon the associates. Management turns the tables and labeled the associates as bullies. As the late Gilda Radner of  Saturday Night Live (SNL) would say “Isn’t that special.”  Tony, are you and Tara a product of your environment?  Have you been labeled as Bullies?  Don’t be afraid to speak out. Who taught you this skill? You both hold a key. What members of management have you seen as a bully, other associates if you are bullies?  Turn the lock. What! If word comes out the office you both will be punished.  Who is out there on the floor wheeling and dealing undermining different departments?  What happens when you promise you will come on your day off and the deal falls through. Punished!  I can tell by the expression on the associates face when they clock in and look at their task for the night you guys probably feel punished. Make a mistake and get coached and you are punished for a year. Warning! Warning! Danger! Danger! The rotation ends in February. It’s sad to hear the associates say they may be unable to make it through the end of this shift rotation for fear of being coached or fired by Co-Manager Trez and Assistant Mgr. Dianne.  It’s sad to hear the morning shift dread these 2 managers are coming back in February.

I am not afraid to say Co-Manager Trez and Assistant Manager Dianne has made this rotation a living hell (intolerable, hostile, and unfavorable).  I did not break the law. That is just my opinion.  Now when it comes down to the facts I will be able to back up what I said.  Bring It! These 2 managers have their opinion of me. Associates get in trouble when they hold all of the animosity in and feel they can’t trust management to do what is right. Management has their favorites. HR has not jumped in. Management love painting negative pictures of their associates who bust their A** every night. I’m bringing it downtown. That’s why I’m putting this information out here so the ASSOCIATES can fight back. People ask me all the Time am I afraid of getting fired for speaking out. My reply is, “you should be afraid of imploding or exploding when all you had to do talk to someone and let them know something is seriously wrong.”  You should not be AFRAID to come to your job. You should not be AFRAID of certain members of management. The crying, headaches, nervousness, drinking, pill taking, low self-esteem needs to END. AFRAID in the workplace. NO!

Walmart has their inconsistent policy and you should know your rights. I don’t want any associate running in the office saying CSM Linda said. I always think of Big Eddie saying, “get out your cell phone and let’s get to work.”  Management needs to see it in print. I have never in my life seen managers who don’t want to get on a register and serve the people who pay their salary. How can you hold a management position and lack communication skill? Bottom line management doesn’t know how to talk to the associates. Management doesn’t know how to treat the associates. The associates are not second class citizens. Get Real! The associates make management look good. Stop putting so much wax on the floors and pay attention to the associates. They are the Gorilla Glue to Wal-marts. Weigh In. How do you feel?

I strongly feel the associates have been treated poorly. The associates have been shuffled around from area to area.  They are working 3 to as many as 5 departments a night. Management EXPECTATION is unbelievable. It has been so understaffed. Here we are approaching Black Friday and Christmas and once again our store is not prepared. Look at management. Who in their right mind wants to do overtime for a company that will later take the associates overtime away? Who in their right mind wants to do overtime for managers who undermine the associate’s promotions?  Telling the associates one thing but another associate walks away with the position that is promised. This authoritarian management needs you to be afraid. You know WHY? You will find out what management really knows. Walmart hasn’t changed.  Whenever Walmart is under fire Walmart wants you to think they are making changes because they are under a microscope.  Out of all the Co-managers I have seen as a teacher it would be Co-Manager Barbecue Man Himself. Co-Manager Keith. Sorry, Co- Keith I am not trying to get you shipped out of the store. I don’t view you as a Failure.

The store manager lost the associates because he never stayed in touch.  Before Randall Addison arrived other members of management and the associates had taken a beating off Co-Manager Trez arriving at our store in 2007. I will not go down for slander. I like the Truth and I really despise a person lying on me and trying to set me up, my family, or my friends. If Wal-marts goes down it should not be for SLANDER nor SCANDAL. It should be the TRUTH. Some people call it transparency. I call it the BUTT-NAKED TRUTH. There are consequences for telling the TRUTH. I am able to live with myself at the end of the day.   The SLANDER and SCANDAL is a slap on the wrist for Wal-mart overdue BS.  Stop the SLANDER and bring the TRUTH to the table. This store is way overdue for an INTERNAL INVESTIGATION. If Home Office or HR wants to know where the problems exist or can eradicate the problems, they are more than welcome to start here at this blog and work their way through the associates. In the meantime, I will keep working on my end to continue to shine the light on store #2857.

Walmart policy changes in a blink of an eye to fending off the constant laws they break. Consistency goes out the window.  Who make the policy changes? Did corporate make the policies?  Did the store managers, Randall Addison dictate the policies to control management and the associates?   Tara, what happens when you thought you were doing a good deed for Walmart and it went sour? Many years ago I thought I was doing a good deed by going to management with concerns of one of the CSM having some drug-related issues.  That didn’t go well. I caught the worst end.  The CSM got a promotion and a transfer.  To all the associates around the world Weigh In. It doesn’t matter who you work for.   Tara, make sure you tell HR it was Co-manager Trez who went to the floor and discuss the other members of management who received Development Needed on their Evaluations.  Do not hide your key under the rug. The only manager who did not receive a Development Needed was Assistant Manager Stephanie. All the managers are locked in and cannot transfer to another store for at least 1 year because of Randall Addison.  So now we understand what happens when Sh*t the fan.  A member of management transferred to another store but it was not considered a store other members of management would race too.  Hmm! I can’t think of her name right now. I thought of her name and it was Co-Manager Shanna. The store manager and Co-manager Trez treated this Co-Manager very poorly. She probably doesn’t care what store she transferred to. Come on!  A Co-Manager left the store very angry. You are not going to make me believe HR doesn’t know WHY.

How can Randall Addison Evaluate anyone when he has ousted/town hall out from store #1802 in Topeka Kansas? Management failed to fight on the assessment. This store manager weakens, humiliated, harassed, induce fear, discriminated, retaliated and broke down the self-esteem of the associates.  My theory is Randall Addison past failures strategy was to reduce the job performance of the associates/management so he could reign as a powerful person.  This gives the store manager the opportunity to pick people he wanted for the job qualified or not. Only the people he can control will serve his purpose.  Once management starts chipping away at your evaluations on your job performance you lose confidence.  Addison sends his Crew out with crowbars, drills, hammers. The conditions of one’s mind may not be able to focus on the job due to a hostile environment.   You must remember Reasonable people spirit and mind must be broken in order to diminish their self-esteem. Working conditions are very unfavorable/intolerable/hostile at store #2857.

Any behavior can be labeled Intentional unless proven otherwise Unintentional. We will not weave a Web of deceit. There is a Lock and a Key. Which key do you hold Charlotte that will set you free? Here are a few keys that may help you on your awareness journey.  Don’t forget to click the sites that are highlighted. Please search the unlit sites.   There is a life outside of Wal-Mart and many business owners have come into Walmart recruiting.  Amazon is the Great White Shark. It will eat Walmart alive. Why do you think Walmart has the sign up saying NOW HIRING?  Would it have anything to do with the way Walmart treats their associates? Would it have anything to do with the way certain members of management talk to their associates? How about the way the store manager talk to other members of management and the associates?   Walmart, Big Snuffleupagus, the Behemoth towering over many businesses has violated the rights of many associates.  Falling from grace to the tune of 11 billion dollars on Monday and Wednesday losing 21 billion dollars,  Walmart has destroyed the Legacy of Sam Walton. Why! Pure Greed and not investing in their associates only to invest in their investors.

UnBelievable!  How scripted can a person get? This is what makes a person appear not credible or not believable.   CEO Doug McMillon stood in front of the cameras and LIED. CEO McMillon said, ” Clean up your house before you invite people over.” Pinesol has more fresh scents. Maybe he should try using Fabulosa  You can bring people over to your house.  Your house may appear to be clean. What has Walmart swept up under their rugs? What has Walmart hid up under the bed? What skeletons lie in Walmart closet?  What broken toys are in Walmart’s attic? Who broke them? What has Walmart buried in their basement? Walmart needs to be held accountable. Time for the associates to clean house on a regular basis. Forget about Spring Cleaning. Visit http://www.fastcompany.com/47593/Wal-mart-you-don’t know and read Charles Fishman article.  Charles Fishman has a spectacular book that is a must-read.  “The Walmart Effect: How the World’s Most Powerful Company Really Works and How It’s Transforming American Economy.” Don’t forget to click on the highlighted sites

Charlotte I brought some people from the Walton family into this story so they can see how to correct the global problems at Walmart. I hope Rob Walton participate because he doesn’t appear to be willing to address the concerns of the associate nor did he answer the question on climate change.  You know the associates are quite concerned about their overtime, Time Theft involved around their hours being cut, and Time took back from the company. Walmart has come up with the strategy of labeling associates as managers to avoid paying overtime pay. If you want more information read the article put out by Think Progress back in April of 2015. Visit  thinkprogress.org/economy/2015/04/10/3645483/walmart-wage-theft.  Workers sue Walmart For Manipulating Employee Classification To Deny Them Overtime. This potential lawsuit is taking place in Alameda County. Walmart manipulates associates all the TIME. Associates can’t be manipulated if they step outside of Walmart World and educate themselves about the company. Associates cannot be manipulated if they know their Human Rights. Send letters to US Attorney General General-Loretta Lynch, Attorney General of Missouri-Chris Koster, Claire McCaskill-senator of Missouri. Send a letter to Thomas Perez-Secretary of Labor. Get in contact with Human Rights Commission. Seek out an Employment Attorney for Advice. Contact the media. Use social media. I feel like I’m in a beauty pageant.  I got the answer right.

Stop clicking on your CBL’s and really start reading the rules on overtime.  Walmart has to pay you for half your shift when they call you in. Check out what the 24-hour rule if a member of management gets ahold of an associate to come in and later tell you to get off the clock.  Who is stealing TIME? Shut up! Who made you kill your overtime? NO EXCUSES!  Check out the latest strategy of Walmart stripping the titles off the associate’s badge. Everybody has their name badge with no specific job title. Wow! If this ain’t cross-country instead of cross training. You know longer have cashiers identified as a cashier.  Stockmen are no longer identified stock-men and so forth and so on.  Just your name. Every associate will be pulled in every direction to do every job. It’s what the associates have done anyway all the time. This is probably to avoid another class action lawsuit to rip the levels and pay grades away comparing a person on a level 2 getting paid more than a level 6. Everyone will be considered as equal and has to do every job. Trained or not everyone doesn’t get the same pay. Everyone isn’t treated equally. Everyone doesn’t work at the same pace.  Everyone certainly doesn’t have the same set of skills. It boils down to major unproductivity, more accidents, transfers, and straight out Firing. What a scheme! Look at the name badge. You are now associates without job titles, no promotions, and kind of sorta without a store. You are now on an island and you definitely stand along. It is Walmart’s World and the people who put the Walton family on the map do not belong.  In the world of Walmart Time Theft and Wage Theft are pervasive by members of management.

Let’s get acquainted with the Wal-Mart 1% The People Behind Walmart’s Empire. Visit walmart1percent.org. Click on Meet The Walmart 1% and go to Family Tree. Remember Walmart works for Walmart.

1.) Christy Walton-married into the Walton Family to the late John Walton estimated net worth 39.1 billion dollars (richest women in the world rank by FORBE)

2.) Jim Walton-estimated net worth 34.7 billion dollars

3.) Alice Walton-estimated net worth 34.4 billion dollars

4.) Rob Walton-estimated net worth 34.2 billion dollars

5.) Anne Walton Kroenke-estimated net worth of 4.8 billion dollars and her husband Stan Kroenke estimated net worth is 5.6 billion dollars. He is the owner of the Colorado Avalanche, Denver Nuggets, Colorado Rapids, Mammoth of National LaCrosse and St. Louis Rams.  Stan also made part of his fortune in real-estate.

Don’t forget to google the net worth of each of these CEO. ( David Glass, Lee Scott, Mike Duke, Bill Simon, and Doug McMillon) The biggest mistake associates make is to work for a company and know nothing about the internal operation of the company. Who really reap the benefits? Who or What is destroying Walmart? Weigh In if you feel certain members of management need to be ousted?  Everyone at store #2857,  and across the country weigh In if you have members of management you feel needs to leave Walmart.

This would be the last Time I would hear Charlotte raspy voice passing register 21.  If steam could come out of her nose and ears, Charlotte would be the upgraded model of Amtrak.   Both hands were placed in her back pant pockets. Charlotte made her way over to the vending machine where she picked up a cherry coke. As she walked further down the aisle I could see that she had picked up a bag of peanuts. “Dude, it is hard being your friend. Co-Manager Therese (Trez) has put me over on the grocery side and tells me I need to redeem myself.  Co-manager Trez wants to punish me. I bet she puts me over on grocery side until I get the hell out of here. What the hell did I do that I have to redeem myself?  Assistant Manager “Dianne did not understand I was in cosmetics not because I wanted to be it was because of my injury.” Weigh In Charlotte and tell us the rest. Thank you, Charlotte for hanging out with me and being a real friend. You caught hell but you hung tough. Not many people would have stuck around. Don’t feel bad Charlotte.

Assistant Manager Dianne has isolated communication.  The other CSM is not allowed to give me certain information. Assistant Manager Dianne calls the CSM on the phone so I will not hear any information about the walker.  This is no way to build communication and team skills. When an associate is fired I am not to be told. Whatever information Assistant Mgr. Dianne wants to withhold she has her own system. Other information is relayed to me by support managers or the other CSM. Really!  Just suppose no one relates any information because I am the enemy of who wants what is best for the associates.  It does violate my communication rights.   Dude, I’m so glad I’m gone. I got my work done faster when Co-Manager Trez and Assistant Mgr. Dianne wasn’t there. I really did struggle.  The night went by slow when Co-manager Trez and Assistant Manager Dianne worked overnight.  Dude! It was torture. Who in their right mind want to do overtime for those two managers.  You can take a poll and I bet a lot of people feel the same way I do. The atmosphere was less stressful when Assistant Mgr. Dianne and Co-Manager Trez weren’t there. Tell Assistant Manager Seth Hello. Dude is Dianne still driving him crazy.  Poor Seth! At least he ain’t a pain in the A**.  He can be an A**Hole. Don’t forget to let the associates know Co-Manager Trez punishment for them was putting the associates in the can good aisle. Did Shooki ever get out that aisle? I haven’t seen Snooki.

Weigh in Sarah Q.  I forgot she has defected from store #2857 and now she is at a Walmart store in Camden.  Sarah Q. tell us why you left so angry?  Hopefully, she will get back with us. Sarah worked on the grocery side a few times. Once you go over to the grocery side it is hard as hell to get out of there. Look at all the associates who have been asking for years to be moved.”  So many associates were DENIED the right of PROMOTIONS.  Even worse the associates did not appear to be informed about the different levels and pay grade.  If the associates worked out of their area they were never paid.   Some of the associates have suffered injuries and their job code needed to be changed. Just another Walmart strategy to break the associate down.  Speaking on Sustainability the welfare of the individual is not sustained. Attorneys should be lining up outside store #2857.  Really! You don’t think HR has any of this information? Get Real! Right, Teresita.

People fail to report the events because they think the corporation is too BIG.  Yes, those policies that play to an audience of not doing a lot of damage and appear to be minor policy changes is really Hurricane Cleo. Further up the road, the changes here and there made on your Evaluation will later signify you can no longer do the job. Guess What? You will be out of a job later.  ADVERSE ACTION.  It really did seem harmless at the time and the associates will suffer the horrible consequence.   Remember when Walmart brought in a CSM from Maryville but she never got the opportunity to be a front-in supervisor.  Her name was Cynthia. I remember her telling me she had received several talks but she didn’t know she was being coached. She said management would pull here over on the floor and she thought they were giving her directions.  Later when she was called to the office she realized the directions she was given was the direction for out the door. Management did not identify what those talks really were. Those personal discussions added up to coaching for failure and not for success. Walmart put associates under surveillance. They track, monitor, and document associates to avoid paying any benefits to the associates once they are fired.  How does your work record look at the end of the day? You thought it was a harmless policy change.  Redemption Time! Get Them Their Papers and line up your witnesses. It doesn’t need to be in order. It is Time for Show and Tells. Keep it Simple and organize your paperwork.

As I was writing this story something strange happen. A part of the story was snatched out. I went through every revision but it is gone. What was written has been lived and will never be forgotten.  The young man who lived that part of the story remembered a quote from Co-Manager Trez who fired him at 9:15 pm on 11/15/2007 in the ad office. “Since you know your rights, you can have your meeting, but it will be harder on the outside looking in.”  On 11/16/2007 this young man was reinstated by phone at 11:00 am by Market Manager, Mike Gray. This sounds like this would be a sign of REDEMPTION for this young man, his family, and friends it led to 8 years of RETRIBUTION. There are many keys to unlock this story of RETRIBUTION. Ye better know it!

I am inserting the piece of the puzzle that got snatched from the story.  A young man arrives at his job around 2:00 pm on 11/15/2007. He clocks in and runs into another associate from the back room.   The unloader greets the young man who works in automotive and tells him how much he is going to miss him.   The unloader tells the automotive associate how much he appreciated all the support he has given the unloaders.  The unloader tells the automotive associate he is sorry about him getting fired.  The young man never utters a word of his firing because he did not know himself.  Imagine how this could really work on a person’s nerve.  This could turn a very Reasonable associate into an UNREASONABLE ASSOCIATE after waiting all that time and not having a clue why he was getting fired. The clock is ticking. The time now is 9:15 pm and the young man is called into the ad office where he is fired. For Real!  Another one of Walmart nasty and dangerous labor practice.  If you are going to fire an individual they should be told not to come in on their scheduled shift. Things can get quite ugly. The rest of this story is UNREAL. You just can’t make this up.

Bottom line, in order to fix a problem you must realize a problem exists. Fixing the problem you need to show concerns and want change.  Rob Walton showed no concerns for the associates. His family interest is the investors. As for Walmart, they are in denial.  This is the only accountability Walmart/Walton rely on. Certain members of management have caused major problems at Wal-mart. HR stood by and let the behavior continue.  It will take a big key to unlock the problems at store #2857.  Who holds the key? The Associates! EXACTLY! This store probably doesn’t realize the problem exists. Hint: It started with the Pilot Program of 4 C0-managers being in the store.  At one time there was the market manager and the store manager in the store. This arrangement didn’t survive because everyone went to the market manager to get their problem resolve.  The 4 Co-managers are locked in.  “NO ONE WILL EXCEED EXPECTATION.”  NO ONE WILL BE PROMOTED.  NO ONE WILL BE ALLOWED TO RISE ABOVE THOSE WHO CANNOT HANDLE THEIR OWN FAILURES. NO EXCUSES!

Left Brain/Right Brain___Whatever!

Hmmm! I guess we are not rocking the emotions today. Are you just not feeling it? I would love to feel it but my Right brain has some damages.  Whatever! My body has a lot of damages.  You don’t understand. Break it down to me.  When the Right Brain is damaged I lack the ability to decipher emotional information. I’m not ignoring the body language, facial expression, gesture, or the tone in people’s voices. I just can’t interpret nonverbal communication. So the key to your ignition doesn’t ignite your engine and you are left with the remix of cold cognition.  Sounds like R. Kelly Trapped In The Closet to me. Who is R. Kelly?  A soulful songwriter and producer whose ignition had a lot of issues. He steps away from the spotlights into his closet so his behavior would go into remission.

Basically, it just hard for you to put yourself in others people’s NIKES and you could not afford AIR JORDANS.  The price should not be so high that people assume you know how to behave and you really don’t.  The key to unlocking the door is to TEACH. Oooh! I have a great mentor out there who taught me the bottom line is what you need to know.  One cannot go from zero to one hundred. There are small steps we must take to reach our goal.  One day you will reach one hundred.  I can see why a person behavior would go off the chain when you are singing to the tune of Alicia Keys song, NO ONE.  I struggle big time socially.  I struggle big time medically.  So, Whatever! You are no different from me. There are many things in my life that need improvement. Every person on this planet needs to improve something in their life.

What did you say your name is?  I didn’t but people call me NLD Syndrome. I’m talking about the name on your birth certificate. Oh! My for real name is Constance. Well, for real Constance if I had to put my name down for every infected body part or missing part there would be no room for my parent’s name, date of birth, time, and the stamp of approval that the birth certificate is legitimate. See that long sentence I just wrote. Yeah! It is called a run on sentence.  I don’t need an English lesson. Constance, the point is my name would look just like that sentence on the birth certificate. That is what I’m trying to tell you.  I don’t get the whole picture. So, Whatever! If my body was a puzzle, BABY, there are pieces missing but I still can function. Another part of my body will pick up the tab.  In the medical community, a doctor will explain that you are born with 2 lungs. If one lung goes the other one is set up to carry on. This is the BIGGEST mistake the psychiatric community makes. Some other plan of action can be put into place.   The tab can be picked up to keep people with mental illness from feeling hopeless, a shame, and humiliated. We want you to seek help. People view mental illness as prolonged. A physical illness will take the body out quicker.

You are NOT terminally ill if you have been diagnosed with a mental illness.  How does the Left Brain pick up the tab?  I have so much verbiage.  I’m talking all over the place. Wow! You become the VOICE.  Have you ever watch that show? There is a lot of body language and begging on that show. Adam Levine stretches across his desk as if he is the most desperate artist begging to win the next season over Blake Shelton.  Pharrell with that baby-face smile leaning forward poking out his neck signaling,  “Come Home.”  Christine Aguilera using her hand movements to rope people in to be on her team.  Blake Shelton watching those cowboy boots, beating on his desk, and giving a friendly reminder to the new artist he has won three times.

My writing can go on for eons without me getting to the point. My friend’s last story was like that but she had a lot of points to make. 🙂 I starting reading early and my teacher thought I was gifted. When I was promoted to the next grade it took me too long to write and my hands got sore. It looks like I was coloring instead of writing.  I couldn’t keep up because I was so unorganized. I got into trouble so many times when the teacher would say,  “can you just imagine.” It would piss me off and my behavior begins to boil over like rice.  Oh God, when the teacher starts repeating lessons my head would spin around.  At that moment I felt as though I needed a priest to keep me from peeing on the carpet. I got this. I have the HERE-SAY PROGRAM. I’m auditory-verbal  At the end of the school day my brain felt like it had heard it all and I had said TOO much. Math became complex because it was so abstract. I would use all these big words in my writing but the paper said nothing.

I have a lot of memory but it is hard for me to take my old thoughts and transfer what I had learned to a new situation. I have come a long way and I have gotten much better. Good for you Constance. I want to make friends and develop relationships. After reading my friend’s story I realized the corporate community are afraid people will band together, make policy changes, defend their human/civil rights. If she struggled with her job and nothing was put in place for her to do an effective job, I will have a much tougher path to follow.  True Dat! When my mother found out the final word on my diagnoses she was relieved but she cried for days. My mother came across a chart. Listed on the chart was Syndromes With Social Incompetencies. It listed Williams Syndrome (WS), Autism, High Function Autism (HFA) Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), Hyperlexia, Asperger’s Syndrome (AS), and Nonverbal Learning Disabilities (NLD). On the left-hand side of the chart, it has Speech, IQ, Motor, and Behavior.

Nonverbal Learning Disabilities (NLD) has early speech and vocabulary development. Pragmatic and prosody is poor. One may not be tactful when knowing when to end a conversation or how fast they are talking. As the saying goes silence can be golden but if you don’t know when to stop talking a problem exist big time. Common sense and being realistic is the ruler of today. Hey! Good news, it can be taught.  IQ for Nonverbal Learning Disability is normal to superior. VIQ>PIQ means Verbal Intelligence is much greater than the actual Performance. Whatever! Donald Trump is leading in the polls and he’s a Billionaire. As a matter of fact, The DONALD has inspired me to write this story and the next story coming your way real soon. There are a lot of people who talk a GOOD GAME and still get paid. One of my favorite people was Darrell Issa. Issa reasoning, abstract or not was shot to hell.  He never found any criminal activity against former Attorney General Eric Holder.  I can’t really say Issa talked a GOOD GAME but he talked a lot, had no common sense, and was very unrealistic. He is the richest member of Congress. Dang!  Consultants are the new VIQ>PIQ and any person that fall into this category.  Motor skills for NLD dexterity is a problem. The skill to paint, eat with a chopstick or a fork takes eye-hand coordination. So, Jack be nimble Jack be quick is hard for Jack to comprehend.  Jack can learn and start to mend. Writing, typing cutting with scissors and buttoning clothes can be a pain in the a**.  People diagnosed with NLD  have a tendency to sit on the floor to eat to help maintain their balance.  As far as NLD Behavior goes people who are diagnosed with this syndrome lack skills in receptive and expressive language hindering their verbal communication skills.

The biggest problem I have is when I become angry no one wants to help me or give me strategies and coping skills. They want to shove a bunch of pills down my throat. So they bring out Austin Powers and tell me to, “Oh Behave Baby!”  I have had the police called on me. People want to lock me away. I have been kicked out of those so-called self-righteous NLD groups.  They just want to talk about NLD Syndrome.  I live in the real world, not a thread.  What I say can get me killed outside that thread. You don’t have to say anything and can get killed. I am at a greater risk if NO ONE understands that my behavior is UNINTENTIONAL.  I strongly feel the psychiatric community should address race, politics, cultural diversity.   NLD is not the biggest problem I have. There have been several Black women and Black males shot down by the police. You haven’t forgotten Sandy Hook?   The school located in Sandy Hook was not for children with extraordinary minds, unique abilities, and multi-level learning styles.  Our society labels children/adults mentally disabled.

You have 16 contenders running for 2016.  These contenders have made several social blunders, gaffes, faux pas, and slip-ups INTENTIONALLY.   You better know who is MENTALLY CHALLENGED.  If the psychiatric community can’t address this conversation in their group maybe they need to be turned over to the Citizen Commission On Human Right (CCHR). These are the watchdog investigating and exposing Psychiatric Human Rights Violation. BOW WOW WOW YIPPY YO YIPPY YEAH!  Turn the Dogcatcher loose.   While we’re at it let’s turn over the 16 contenders for next year Presidency to CCHR. It is Time for the NLD Community to visit http://www.cchr.org.  It took me years to be diagnosed with NLD Syndrome.  NLD Syndrome is not on my birth certificate.  You have people in the next election singing, “If I Only Had A Brain.”   They should be singing, “I Sure Got A Lot Of Nerves.”  Has anyone stopped you and asked if you used your Left Brain/Right Brain__Whatever!

What Did They Contribute?__Mental Illness

Hold up! Hold Up! I’m not off the grid. I am here. I am laying back in the cut chilling. It is my “cooling down process.” You will see these words again. Ah Hell Naw! Don’t be throwing MENTAL ILLNESS around like it’s a wet rag. Dude, back the Hell Up! You do not mess with my EMOTIONS nor will you play with my PASSION. You are about to see THIRTY SHADES OF BLACK. Step off and just sit BACK.

Watch out! Before you know it, parents will be fighting the battle of integration/inclusion into the classroom once again. We are going down the alley of SEPARATE SELF-CONTAINED SCHOOLS. Any child who is labeled emotionally disturbed, mentally challenged, and has a behavior disorder will be “UNABLE TO BE DISABLE IN A ZERO TOLERANCE ZONE.” The gap is closing fast and more students will be pushed into the court system based on how they are documented by the schools and their districts. Where does the BURDEN OF RESPONSIBILITY LIE to prove whether or not your child shall remain in his placement? You got it, the SCHOOLS DISTRICTS and their SCHOOLS. Who is documenting your child? I hope the parents have documentation to refute the schools/districts negative hit list. The school districts are laying the groundwork for a paper trail yeah long and Lehigh University Deep. 🙂 You can’t hide your IVIES from me. This is very important. Gun violence is closing the gap. It is a shame that whatever the schools and their districts document can reach out from the grave. The greatest injustice and disrespect is TRAYVON MARTIN’S family has to defend his rights. Before we get anything twisted I am not saying TRAYVON MARTIN had any problems with his mental processing. I take it as if he was the victim. His school records were dirty laundry to seal his coffin. What did the schools and their districts contribute?

Yeah, Baby! The schools/districts just got another powerful weapon to EXCLUDE your child with a disability out of their schools. WOW! Lock and load TIME. A child will get suspended and excessive expulsions at the drop of a dime. LOOPHOLE! The SUPREME COURT RULING 484U.S.305-HONIG V DOE laws and regulations did not define the disciplinary action of a child with a disability. If you see the words Violent, Disruptive Conduct, and Dangerous Student anywhere on paper get ready to fight. The schools decide who will be delivered to the special “DAY SCHOOLS.” Are we back to SEGREGATION in our schools again? UNILATERAL DECISIONS will be made by your districts at night behind closed doors like the 47% video. This violates the SUPREME COURT RULING 484U.S.305-HONIG V DOE It reminds me of Michigan having those emergency manager meetings to sort of kick a child to the curb. Rick Snyder, governor of Michigan, is probably doing the training session with the Superintendent of your local school districts.

Parents just won’t get a say and all the child’s right will be stripped. Parents get it together. Your child is your responsibility. Don’t go calling the police on your child, talking about he is out of control, and you can’t do anything with him/her. How old is your child? What! He is 17. What do you think the police is going to do in 17 minutes of his police report that you should have done 17 years of his/her life? Come on Parents! We must change and change the stigmas that have been placed upon our children’s heads. Keep your MONKEY A.. out of the casinos and bars. Go home and spend some quality TIME with your children. Don’t wait until your child graduates and find out they can’t read. This doesn’t look very promising for a bright future in college or anywhere else. What did you contribute?__MENTAL ILLNESS

Your child is put up under the microscope from day one to see if he/she can be mainstreamed with the so-called normal behaviors. Whatever the hell that means. The highest level of government officials did not display appropriate behaviors. Their BEHAVIORS were INTENTIONAL along with CONGRESS, WALL STREET, AIG, CORPORATE AMERICA, the OIL, AND GAS INDUSTRY.They were rough riding tough along the side of a bunch of RUTHLESS PEOPLE. Still is. Some schools/districts go through the motion and pretend; a.) We did everything we could to help your child. b) we included you in the decision-making process although we already made up our minds at the late night candlelight dinner. c.) Every TIME your child acted out we drew up several IEPs to set him/her up for failure. d.) We went back to the drawing board to figure out a way to screw your child out of his education. The idea, NOT the IDEA which includes disabling children, was to document your child as a dangerous and violent student so we can push him out of our school. e.) We don’t care where he lands as long as he is out of our hair. Parents who are staunch advocates for their children know it is all about EXCLUSION and the BUDGET CUTS BABY. Holla! For the Dollar!

You are now looking at Light V. Parkway who claims the school and their district did everything they could for your child. Yes, they went out their way and bent over backward to include your disabled child. Even though the schools and their districts did not understand your child disability, were not trained, had no intention to get trained, documented your child to the tenth degree indicating he is a danger to himself and he will cause danger to others. We have done our good deed and we are not punishing your child. We just want him the hell out of our schools and to put his education into limbo. Well, doesn’t that sounds like CONGRESS and the beef they have with the President? No Good Deed Goes Unpunished. BS! What! BACHELOR of SCIENCE? NO! MALARKY!

One of the top priority of some educational institutions is getting rid of the wounded and the refusal to accommodate children who are mentally, socially, and emotionally challenged. Why? We wanted a bigger swimming team or a better football team. Having a football team did not ensure the safety of children. Are you sure you want to put a gun in a teacher’s hand when children are now being molested by their teachers? EX-CUUUSE ME! Don’t ask. Don’t tell. What did they contribute?__MENTAL ILLNESS

Yes, there are laws or SAFEGUARD PROCEDURALS put in place to SAFEGUARD your child. There are loopholes in the laws. PARENTS should always be included in the decision-making process so their child cannot be WAREHOUSED into a SEPARATE SELF-CONTAINED SCHOOL or CLASSROOM. Who wants to STAY-PUT in a placement that is no longer SAFE for anyone as long as they have these crazy gun laws? Whose shoulders do the burden of responsibility rest upon? I know it’s VIDEO GAMES. Yeah right! Will the responsibility rest at the feet of the MENTALLY CHALLENGED?

How do we go about getting rid of your child that is MENTALLY CHALLENGE and keep them out of the mainstream? I know! School Districts will go through the back door of education. Let’s make a List.

1.) They can Create An Atmosphere of Fear around the individual, (Wayne La Pierre Syndrome).

2.)Go to due process but we can’t let the kid hang out in our schools for 45 days or more until the hearing gets started. Hey, what is the rush? Why would you have a due process hearing under Chapter 536? Wouldn’t you end up in court? Get out of here! Really! Don’t the due process hearing takes care of that? Isn’t that what the STAY-PUT PROVISION under IDEA does?

3.) Look dumb A.. we are not trying to get the kid to stay in his/her placement just in case something unforeseen comes up. We will be ready to roll the TROs (TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDERS). These restraining orders will buy TIME to keep this child out of his PLACEMENT. You get 15 days on a TRO. Our plan is to keep renewing the TROs just in case the DUE PROCESS HEARING goes pass the number of days of the hearing. The power will be placed in the Districts hands. They will become Untouchable and Invincible.

4.) Can you do that to a child? What is the Purpose of the restraining order? The purpose of the restraining order is to ALLEVIATE the RETURN of the child to school as a RESULT of the STAY-PUT PROVISION. WOW! We never did that before.

5.) Okay, we will document him/her to be the next CHARLES MANSION. CHARLIE is still on lockdown. That is dangerous as dangerous can get. The idea of documenting your child like a criminal. Whew! From School To Prison Pipeline.

6.) That will help us get around that stupid rule, “10 Day Suspension Does Not Constitute A Change In Placement”. We don’t care if it was a manifestation of the child’s disability. You see we have ways of getting around his/her behaviors. Later in life, we can come back and Permanently ruin the life of the individual with a permanent restraint to lock the person down forever.

7.) Let’s make a MOUNTAIN out of A MOLEHILL for the child’s Attorney. The Attorney will be too busy fighting the child isn’t violent, dangerous, and disruptive. In the mean TIME, the FOCUS will be lost on restoring the child’s placement. Bottom line: Do not let SEGREGATION happen again in the schools because of the gun violence. Children who are mentally challenged will be ship off. They will not stand a chance in the mainstream.

I have been advocating and teaching my son how to advocate for himself for years. I had to back it up and put on the brakes. I realize parents are advocating for the LOSS OF their CHILDREN not the LIFE OF their CHILDREN. What happen PEOPLE? It is not supposed to go down like this. Why can’t gun laws be given immediate disciplinary actions if behaviors can be given immediate disciplinary actions? The laws will kick children out of their school placements, put them in the court system, be placed in the INSTITUTION of PRISON. This is not the way to help children who are disabled. Instead of getting help through their schools, children are railroaded out of their FREE AND APPROPRIATE EDUCATION (FAPE). Are your guns more important than a CHILD’S LIFE? So are we back to the BEHEMOTH of a gun industry called the NRA who are out of step with their own members? What did they contribute?__MENTAL ILLNESS

Oh! Don’t tell me you don’t want to talk about it. It is debatable. Excuse me! It is not MOOT. Why? Why should I answer you when you want to cut me off at the knees? What do you mean it ain’t important or relevant enough and we just can’t make no decision? I’m cool. You are the one that can’t make up your mind. It is happening all over again. How many TIMES does an incident have to occur before we can make a final decision and take action? Get the Hell out of here. It is called PROBABILITY and REASONABLE EXPECTATION. How many schools have fallen victim to gun violence? SHUT UP! Whose head will be severed? Who will be made the SCAPEGOAT? Are we back to the HIGHLANDER? There can only be one Get my DRIFT. I got your DRIFT 🙂

Dedicated to President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Arne Duncan, Katrina Vanden Heuvel, Joan Walsh, Dan Malloy, Dr. James Peterson, Michael Eric Dyson, and Chris Matthews.

My contribution__MENTAL ILLNESS is to keep from placing all the blame on MENTAL ILLNESS, educate people to seek help, and minimize stereotyping/destigmatization.

On With The Cheer

You are pressing the skirt today. Who came up with this idea cheerleaders should wear pleated skirts? I don’t know but they sure in the hell wasn’t thinking about us. Who said we are cheerleaders? We need APPLE BOTTOMS’ GEAR. No, we need to go somewhere and sit our tired BOTTOMS down.

These skirts are like cheering in a pair of Gloria Vanderbilt jeans. They brought the skinny jeans back into style. It doesn’t matter your butt has never been skinny. Girl, you need a crowbar and some 10W-D40 to get into those jeans. Mae Rita looks like a giant rubber band.

Sho-nuff and this 18-hour girdle I’m playing have only 2 hours left so this better be a quick cheer. Look at Bobbi Jean. She doesn’t have one pleat in the back of her skirt. Look how it dips to the front.

Bobbi Jean has parted the Red Sea and not a pleat is left standing. WHEW! Bobbi Jean got MOSES beat on this one. I want you ladies to know this was inherited from my Aunt Shirley Calhoun. She had one of those old TIME CHIFFEROBE SHELF.

Sister Calhoun was packing a wardrobe closet. She was “DOING DA BUTT.” EU put it out there in “SPIKE LEE’S SCHOOL DAZE.” She could swing her two holsters around and it would be damage control for those who did not give it up for the church.

Yes LAWD! Her swivel hips and her MAYTAG TUMBLER got the job done. For all my NLDERS who cannot follow this script, Sister Calhoun had the ASS–SETS. BOTTOM LINE: GOD had blessed Sister Calhoun with the MAXIMUM amount of BOOTY. AMEN!

If she was alive today PRESIDENT OBAMA campaign contribution would be nothing to talk about. Nancy Pelosi would not have to lift a finger or raise a hand to ask the BIG D for any money for a campaign contribution. I could see Sister Calhoun putting a hurting on the BIG D.

Remember how on the 3rd Sunday of the month the church would take up a special contribution for the Week and Weary. She was the fundraising queen. Yeah, Sister Calhoun could throw down. Whenever MACEDONIA BAPTIST CHURCH had their late night revivals you could smell the food for miles.

People would come from all over to buy her strawberry rhubarb pies and that wonderful mixture of her mustard, spinach, and turnip greens. She stepped on the cornbread. Every person I have known who tasted Sister Calhoun cornbread never ask for any desserts.

Laurasteen and the twins’ daddy, Frank Ezell, told Sister Calhoun he wasn’t contributing after he had eaten one of the pies. Reverend Whiteside told Mr. Ezell this would be a wonderful opportunity to show the congregation how God had healed his spirit.

Sister Calhoun turned to the pastor and said, “Don’t worry pastor I’m grateful GOD healed FRANKY’S spirit now GOD can heal FRANKY’S wounds.” She reached for her Bible and turn the pages to ECCLESIASTIC–Chapter 3. You know the REPUBLICANS don’t like CHANGE.

To everything, there is a season, and a TIME to every purpose under the heaven: NEGRO you ate my pie you better hope this ain’t your TIME to die. Mr. EZELL went flying across the room. It was Mr. Ezell TIME to weep. It was the congregation TIME to laugh. WHOLLY GUACAMOLE!

I can say after that day in the church Mr. Ezell did mine his manners. He gave to the church faithfully. He wore that cast around his neck for almost a year. It wasn’t anything wrong with Mr. Ezell neck. I asked the twins Arlean and Darlean.

They pointed out their father had suffered great embarrassment because he was supposed to be MR. TOUGH GUY around town. He didn’t want the Heavenly Angel to find out GOD had healed his wounds. He did not want a rematch with Sister Calhoun’s left hook.

Bobbi Jean, did you ever think that your Aunt used her size to intimidate people? Sure she did but it was a big coverup. Sister Calhoun, an Auntie, was a gentle bear who always struggled with her weight because she suffered from an iodine deficiency causing hypothyroidism.

It caused her to gain weight and retain fluids. Stress was a major contributor to my aunts eating habits. Stress was an even larger contributor to her hypothyroidism. Did you know there are a lot of men in the UK 65 and older suffer from an underactive thyroid gland?

I didn’t know that. Do you know what MITT ROMNEY suffer from? We know he is a BALD FACE LIAR, he gives NO APOLOGY, and he hasn’t released his TAX INFORMATION. NITTY GRITTY MITTY is another poem another day because there are too many MITTS.

What do you think Sister Calhoun would have said about MITT ROMNEY if she was alive today? She would put on her church attire and say, “GOD takes care of the SOUL, the OLD, and the ones who are too BOLD.” This would be her prayer. Lord have mercy on MITT’S soul.

How many LIES has MITT told? How many Jobs has MITT stolen? Who would MITT play in his PRESIDENTIAL role? My Aunt would have a lot to say. I can see her now punching The REPUBLICANS, MITT, and the SUPER PACs out.

We know MITT ROMNEY would not be himself. It didn’t take the BRITISH no TIME to see that MITT ROMNEY is not worth the SUPER PACs investment. How many TIMES have his own backers stated he wasn’t a strong candidate.

My aunt would say she couldn’t believe the SUPER PACs had all that money to donate to SATAN and HATRED. It probably surprised the hell out of the PRIME MINISTER, DAVID CAMERON, to sit down and talk to MITT ROMNEY who toots his own horn and beat his own drum.

Ain’t no way the PRIME MINISTER of the UNITED KINGDOM would engage in a conversation with MITT ROMNEY and run the risk of being LIED to at a later date or on the same day. MITT ROMNEY is his own ENTOURAGE. Why do you think we have DOUBLE STANDARDS? RIGHT! DOUBLE MITT SH..T.

I know I didn’t like DOUBLE MITT GUM for some reason. You would be chewing all day and LYING out the side of your mouth. I guess MITT ROMNEY discovered “LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR STATE FARM WASN’T THERE.” Man, this is a BROTHER WITHOUT DIPLOMATIC SKILLS.

PRIME MINISTER, DAVID CAMERON runs the UNITED KINGDOM and I’m quite sure he would not want to engage in any policymaking or business deals with a man who is DIVIDED HIMSELF. MITT ROMNEY has really made a splash all over the papers on his SOCIAL BLUNDERS/GAFFE.

The sad part about the many MITTS none of them can tell the TRUTH. All the MITTS are running around playing SPLICER DICER with PRESIDENT OBAMA’S videos and his quotes. MITT has gotten BUSTED so many TIMES by the UNITED STATES DEEP SIX MEDIA UNIT, MSNBC.

Was I supposed to mention our special task force media, MSNBC? HELL TO THE YE-AH It was MITT DUMB A… that wasn’t supposed to say MI6. Our special task force unit is kicking A… and REAMING some BOOTY when it comes to PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA. KNOW THIS!

The President doesn’t have to say one word when MITT steps in his wife’s HORSE SH… every day. We need a picture of MITT ROMNEY up to his neck in DEEP DO-DO tagging it as MITT’S SH… Throw a few of his SUPER PACs contributors in and top it off with a brownie, whip cream, and a cherry.

Don’t leave out the nuts. We can re-roll the tape and MAYOR BORIS JOHNSON of LONDON can step out on the stage and say: “ARE WE READY!” There is a person visiting LONDON who has no sense of DIRECTION or TRUTH. We are calling him out early before MITT ROMNEY edit our program.

Here in LONDON MITT gets no BROWNIE POINTS. Londoners are ready to WHIP MITT’S A.. into shape. This isn’t the CREAM of the crop of candidates for the PRESIDENCY in the UNITED STATES. We know you have a much better candidate and PRESIDENT.

Here in the UK, he is known to us as the TRIPLE CHOCOLATE SUNDAY STACK DECK, PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA. Sounds YUMMY! Unlike MITT ROMNEY who has insulted the UK in his book NO APOLOGIES, I BORIS JOHNSON will not apologize for the UNSTACKED DUMMY.

Yes, the CHERRY on the top of MITT’S head has proven he is FRUITCAKE but definitely a NUT CASE. MITT ROMNEY is insane if he thinks he can come on the UK turf and DIS the preparation of the OLYMPIC GAMES. Why this FAKE BAKE CONTENDER doesn’t know ED MILIBAND.

If he watched C-SPAN every WEDNESDAY you would know ED MILIBAND is the LEADER of the LABOR PARTY and the LEADER of THE OPPOSITION. It was an insult to call ED MILIBAND the LEADER.


The UNITED KINGDOM welcome the opportunity to work with a man who understands diversity and not PISS 63,000,000 WHITE PEOPLE OFF. MITT ROMNEY you have shown the world how ineffective you are on FOREIGN RELATIONSHIP. We will take BARACK OBAMA any day.

Go home and look in the mirror and know who is FOREIGN and who is the OTHER. MITT ROMNEY will learn who BIG PAPA is when he is left standing out in the cold singing NOTORIOUS B.I.G.–“BIGGIE GIVE ME ONE MORE CHANCE.” You heard it here first, live from me the MAYOR.

MITT ROMNEY wants to take our government system back to the BUSH FAILED POLICY DAYS. BILL O’REILLY thinks the government is trying to cripple people with welfare assistance.

BILL O’REILLY would like it much better if we were DEPENDENT upon the 1%, REPUBLICANS, MITT ROMNEY, the SUPER PACs and FOX NEWS. The PEOPLE and OUR NATION would be left to DIE and no factual information would be given for the reason WHY. MITT has begun to LIE to FOX NEWS.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN can’t catch up to MITT and she looks PISSED. GRETA doesn’t want MITT to LIE and say FOX NEWS is on the case. She has barely seen MITT. What coverage? GRETA VAN SUSTEREN is keeping it LEGIT. DANG MITT!

Crippling is MITT ROMNEY as a PRESIDENT and a government system that wants the PEOPLE and OUR NATION to revert back to SLAVERY. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA has been received abroad but has not been accepted at home. Our President has restored the ways of AMERICA’S thinking.

One is not to conform to traditional thinking but to transform and accept changes along the way. WHEW! I had to DANCE AROUND the word PROPHET. I better leave well enough alone. People love taking words out of context.

The REPUBLICANS will identify our PRESIDENT as a MUSLIM walking on water. MATTHEW would have like this message and so would MARK, LUKE, and JOHN. We all have our codes.

Do you remember this store MICHAEL ERIC DYSON? Vaguely, a lot has changed since those days. Does this store look familiar to you BILL WOLFF? Sure, this is KROGER grocery store. Come with me.

DR JAMES PETERSON for $500 PLEASE! Tell me what you see down this aisle? It is snow blinding and all the packaging is WHITE. That is rather odd all the packaging is WHITE. This was called the ALPHABET AISLE. AID FOR DEPENDENT CHILDREN (AFDC) no longer exist.

There are programs provided today that are funded by the government, not for DEPENDENCY but to help those in financial need to get assistant and to keep the PEOPLE and our NATION from starving.

NO THANKS to people like MITT ROMNEY and the REPUBLICANS who have caused the loss of many jobs and try to place the blame on PRESIDENT OBAMA.

This aisle fed many families and save the lives of many children that could have starved to death including me and my family. Many people went on to hold many rewarding occupations in life.

They were doctors, attorneys and many successful people in life who survived the hardships and weather the storm. I will take ZERO for BILL O’REILLY PLEASE. Can you do that in this game? Sure, BILL O’REILLY knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

There are those that talk a good game but when they get into those shoes you will see the difference in their stride. The media report what we live, suffer our losses and our gains. What connection has been lost between the people and the media?

It is hard to see the media cheering for the suffering and downfall of THE PEOPLE and OUR NATION just to line their pockets with money. It gets worse when you have certain media outlets that thrive on HATRED.

It is harmful and dangerous when the media fails to talk in laymen terms so the message can be understood by the general population. There is the analyst that have criticized the PRESIDENT about his message and how he relates to people.

Our PRESIDENT has made it clear about not reading between the lines but understanding THE BOTTOM LINE. This is the connection between the people and our PRESIDENT. It is called INCLUSION.

It is TIME to get On With The Cheer. Girls lets work this cheer because my 2 hours on my girdle is about to blow. Go get our HEET, VICK SALVE, and ICY HOT. Did you take your GLUCOSAMINE tablets for your joints?

I did even better. I borrowed some PETROLEUM from that BS PLAN of MITT ROMNEY. I can slide from here to where MITT is hiding his money. We want to send a SHOUT OUT to CHRIS MATTHEWS for taking people OUT OF THE BOX when you try to talk over the audience head.

CHRIS MATTHEWS makes it real clear to break it down and “say what you mean and mean what you say.” This is for BIG EDDIE and WENDY our prays are with you. GODSPEED–All in his TIME.

We miss BIG ED ROTATING EYES and his greatest feature of all, “I don’t believe you D..N REPUBLICANS and I will nail your A.. to the wall.” MICHAEL ERIC DYSON is HOLDING THE FORT DOWN and doing one hell of a job.

Are you ready yet? What is this the ACADEMY AWARD? BOBBI JEAN is fired up now. Come on lets ROCK THIS. Girl if you throw your leg up in the air it will take not MAST UNIT but a SWAT TEAM to lower those tree trunks to the ground.

The world will get the chance to take a tour and see a new roadmap developed from all the stretch marks on your body. Oh, you are really cute. You better be glad I like you.

ON WITH THE CHEER! DEEP SIX MSNBC MEDIA is putting the information along with charts out there in a format so the PEOPLE can congest who is the best for OUR NATION. THEY are putting out the PRESIDENTS CREDENTIAL. DEEP SIX MSNBC has all the POTENTIAL.

We know who looks and is PRESIDENTIAL. Only 97 days left which is very ESSENTIAL. Come on GIRLS and SWING IT OUT:







We made it through the CHEER. Hey, I reveal my taxes and they told me don’t ever do that again with my BROKE A… You know what the GIRDLE has SNAPPED–DONE. Next TIME go get a UNIROYAL TIRE for your TIRED body. It hurts to be BEAUTIFUL. ALL TOGETHER!


DEDICATED: To all the countries around the world who understand MITT ROMNEY is BY NO MEANS a FOREIGN POLICY PERSON. I want to send a SHOUT OUT to the PRIME MINISTER(DAVID CAMERON) of the UK, MAYOR of LONDON BORIS JOHNSON, ED MILIBAND.

We know who ED MILIBAND is. We can watch you in the morning or night on C-SPAN (PRIME MINISTER QUESTIONS). MITT ROMNEY has a hard TIME developing friendships and relationships. This is a BROTHER with SOCIAL BLUNDERS/GAFFE.

Now to all my NLDERS do not become hostile. MITT needs a friend. Okay, we will wait for MITT ROMNEY to DEFRIEND himself. Then maybe we can extend a hand of friendship.

NLD Rapper’s Delight__Nitty Gritty Mitty

All across the NATION,

We are faced with DISCRIMINATION.


Are we back to SEGREGATION?

The People are really CURIOUS.

Has it made you sort of FURIOUS?


This sucker is DELIRIOUS.


He lied on the NAACP COMMITTEE.

Staging RACE BAITING wasn’t WITTY.

This is really STRAIGHT UP SH..TY.

Nawl he didn’t dis the PRESIDENT.

MITTY is way out of his ELEMENT.

His LIES will constantly CIRCUMVENT.

What he said is IRRELEVANT.

Wiggly Jiggly Wack!


The REPUBLICANS can’t state the FACTS.


MITTY stepped up to the PODIUM.

Selling a bag of BS SODIUM.

No RESPECT, NO TRUTH, not one iota or MODICUM

A 59 Point Plan extracted from PETROLEUM.

We know this ain’t a PLAN.

This Sh.. will never STAND.

It’s designed just like the MAN.

MITT is his own true FAN.

It is a shame and a PITY.

Where is MITTY’S dog or KITTY

He wasn’t fit to run his CITY.



MITTY needs to go get CIRCUMCISED.

This Brother needs to RECOGNIZE.

We are sick and tired of all the LIES.


ROMNEY didn’t know “WHAT THE HAH HELL” to DO

KOCH BROTHERS I think you just got SCREWED.



Get from behind your wife’s PANTIES.

The 411 on his TAXES are SCANTY




Who is the CONTENDER that needs to QUITTY?


This poem gives practice to NLDER’S who have difficulty rhyming and making sense of the content of the material in the poem.

Dedicated to First Lady MICHELLE OBAMA who likes to jump rope and can have some fun.

To the CROONER in the family, this is for you to just sit back on AIR FORCE ONE and laugh your A… off. I’M JUST SAYING. Okay, the BUS! Is MITT CAMPAIGNING on his JET SKI?

Wholly Guacamole!

Are you holding up okay CHRIS MATTHEWS? I only you used the WORD NIGGER 11 TIMES in the last story. The REPUBLICANS (not all REPUBLICANS) have this idea that any person of a dark-skinned color or of a DIVERSE RACE is a NIGGER. DO the REPUBLICANS know where the WORD NIGGER originated from?

I know! I know! I don’t have sponsors to be worried about.  Analyst, we are going to FRAME this EARLY. My grandbaby came home from summer school crying and told me she had been playing with the McCONNELLS kids and they called her a BLEXICAN. SHE is bi-racial. MEXICAN and BLACK.

She was told by the McCONNELLS if you were mixed with any AFRICAN AMERICAN or dark-skinned race you had BLACK KRYPTONITE. The NIGGER part would explode leaving you with NO HOPES and NO DREAMS. This is THE DREAM ACT our children and grandchildren has to survive being born in this country.

Her two friends who are bi-racial were called out. These are innocent young children. WHOLLY GUACAMOLE! The one little girl is JAPANESE and BLACK so I guess she would be called BLACKANESE. The little boy is ASIAN and BLACK so he would be called BLASIAN.

This is a lot of pressure on children. More and more children are being blamed for their health-related problems. These children did not decide their race. The stress and the bullying are taking our children out of the box. MITT ROMNEY is a BULLY he knows how this works.

Our children are eating themselves to death, struggling with behaviors, mental disorders or committing suicide because of their race. Who out there has completed a study on how bi-racial children suffer from clinical diagnosis and pre-existing medical conditions?

Why isn’t anyone reporting this information? The REPUBLICANS HEALTH CARE REFORM PLAN takes bi-racial children out of the equation early so they won’t have to be bothered with NIGGERS later on? This is the REPUBLICANS NIGHTMARE PLAN. You don’t understand OBAMACARE.

HELL, the key to his plan is simple OBAMA does CARE. ONE and ONE are really TWO. Who needs to go to the doctor with a condition the patient had before to be later told by the INSURANCE COMPANY they are not going to intervene and will watch you die?

How do you know the medication that you were given did not cause the condition to exist? I hope everyone understands that medications cause a side effect. Now you have a new condition. BOTTOM LINE who in this country DO NOT have a PRE-EXISTING CONDITION.

If you are listening to MITT ROMNEY your A…S is through. It gets even easier if you have a pre-existing condition. You can stop fighting your disease. Under MITT ROMNEY PLAN it will take away your right to live, eat, sleep and breathe.


I stop by CHRIS HAYES SHOW and I wanted JAMILA BEY, JOHN NICHOLS, and NATALIE FOSTER to understand the FLIP SIDE of what our children are going through.

Should my grandchild be blamed for her obesity if she chooses food as a means to handle the stress because she is being bullied about her race?

I do not wish for my grandbaby to choose suicide. Do my grandchild self-deportation the MEXICAN half of herself? It is hard for bi-racial adults to handle the stress of their race and their relationship with their mates.

On a regular day, individuals who do not deal with stress properly indulge in comfort foods, drinking, self-medicating themselves, gambling, shopping, and much more. Where is the INTERVENTION?

The MEDIA has to understand what PRESIDENT OBAMA has done is MONUMENTAL. The steps he has taken really leaves a CHILD/YOUNG ADULTS the opportunity to have his DREAM and ACT UPON their DREAMS. This is the TRUE DREAM ACT.

AMERICA is where dreams are made and fulfilled not stripped and taken away by MITT ROMNEY and the REPUBLICANS filibustering the DREAM ACT BILL.

The MEDIA has their BALLS in a VICE GRIP because the NIGGER word is NOT allowed. The N WORD is not telling the whole TRUTH. I want the WORLD to get the whole picture. How are you going to have a WHITE PRESIDENT talking to WHITE PEOPLE ONLY? Who do you know is PURE WHITE?


JED BUSH is not happy discovering his children are WHEXICAN. Can MITT ROMNEY DEPORT only one half of a person if they are bi-racial? What would ERIC CANTOR, DARRYL ISSA, and even SHELDON ADELSON children be called if they are married to someone of a diverse race?

What half is MITT ROMNEY trying to convince that he is not a LIAR? The MONEY HALF of the SUPER PACs opens the door for another option. The REPUBLICANS are changing their history and now they can go out and buy WHITE PEOPLE. MITT ROMNEY is up to bat.

GREEKS and Egyptians are voting on a new PRESIDENT. THOMAS ROBERTS can you explain how will MITT ROMNEY be able to negotiate with a darker complexion race when he could not negotiate with PRESIDENT OBAMA? Somebody at the table did not play JINGA nor eat EGGS.


MITT ROMNEY and the REPUBLICANS have done everything to obstruct the government’s platform using the words NO, NEVER, and NIGGER being embedded into their minds.

What do you think will happen when MITT ROMNEY and his crew (the REPUBLICANS) tell an INTERNATIONAL OFFICIAL of a DIVERSE RACE NO and NEVER all bets are off? Will the darker complexion race sit at the table with MITT ROMNEY and his cabinet thinking they are being viewed as NIGGERS?

That stunt in the garden with the reporter from the DAILEY CALLER explains it all. NEIL MUNRO disrespected the PRESIDENT and the REPUBLICANS will disrespect foreign dignitaries. Yes, NEIL MUNRO had a STRAIGHT UP NIGGER MOMENT.

Once again our PRESIDENT had to show his great strength and ability to work with an IGNORANT A..S KNUCKLEHEAD. I would love to see how MITT ROMNEY would respond if someone called him a HONKEY, a CRACKER or the next BOUGHT WHIGGER in the WHITE HOUSE. The price of SLAVERY has SKYROCKETED.

You don’t think it is a WAR ON WOMEN the way LISA V. BROWN was treated on the STATE HOUSE FLOOR in MICHIGAN. Well, LISA we have codes also. If the REPUBLICAN BROTHERS don’t like the WORD VAGINA the WOMEN can state it this way.

The REPUBLICANS have no rights to tell me what to do with my SUPERSIZE PUSSYCAT FRIES nor will you tell me how to handle MY FUZZY FILET TODAY. The WOMEN of 2012 do not PLAY. The REPUBLICANS, GOP, and TEA PARTY you have no SAY.

This one is for GOVERNOR BOB McDONNELL of VIRGINIA or is it VAGINA. He will not get a break TODAY. @ McDonnell!

How will MITT ROMNEY relate to the 1st WOMAN CHANCELLOR of GERMANY, ANGELA DOROTHEA MERKEL? I can see it now. All the diplomats sitting at the table with MITT ROMNEY and his crew.

The CHANCELLOR making sure that MITT ROMNEY understands in her country NO is not the answer and here is what he needs to do. IF MITT ROMNEY and the REPUBLICANS so much as think of the word NIGGER off with their WANK-WOO. There goes one HEAD of STATE.

The word NEVER is UNACCEPTABLE and can or will be negotiated. CHANCELLOR MERKEL is making it clear how her program will be navigated.

It is a horrible pill to swallow but hey, it is the TRUTH that I have lived. To be perfectly honest when people hear this they just don’t want to believe it. BELIEVE IT! I’m from HARD YARDS UNIVERSITY and there are certain CODES we LIVE and SURVIVE by. We never STRADDLE THE FENCE.

If you are a FRIEND through thick and THIN we will be there to the END. Those who have investments assets are the MONEY SIN FRIENDS.

You could never DEPEND or even WIN with this type of FRIEND. They would sell you out to the highest bidder. Did you know that people of a DIVERSE RACE money are different from WHITE MONEY?

If you so much as had an ounce of BLACK CRYPTONITE you would always be considered as a NIGGER and your money didn’t matter. ALL MONEY is not EQUAL.

SUPER PACs 501-c4 DYNAMITE MONEY is put in place for the destruction of blowing a brother up who is diverse and did not fit the stereotypical behavior.

PRESIDENT OBAMA just didn’t work out because he was too INTELLIGENT and he started hanging out with the HOLLYWOOD SWINGERS wearing those fancy DESIGNERS SUIT. In the MIND of REPUBLICANS and CONGRESS, OBAMA doesn’t look like, talk like and act like a NIGGER.

Get out as much SUPER PAC C4(dynamite) money as possible to blow up any WOMAN who will not BEHAVE and act like in the MINDS of the REPUBLICANS HUSSY HILARY RODHAM CLINTON. DANG PROGRESSIVES and LIBERALS WOMEN! The REPUBLICANS can’t say the word NIGGER or VAGINA.

In the minds of the KOCH BOTHERS, KARL ROVE, SHELDON ADELSON and the rest of the GAZILLIONAIRES (not all of the GAZILLIONAIRES) since those NIGGERS have learned how to read and got all educated we just can’t control them anymore.

HARRIET TUBMAN had the newspaper turned right side up and this was the beginning of in the MINDS of the REPUBLICANS NIGGERS READING.


WHITE MONEY gains the most RESPECT. What did BILL CLINTON and CORY BOOKER PROTECT? As the money came calling in they were the first to DEFECT. We learned very quickly what FRIENDS to SELECT. Our antennas are tuned up and we knew just what to EXPECT.

I will help you across the threshold because I know your SPONSORS will tell you not to use the YOU KNOW WHAT WORD. PLEASE! I hope this saves the SPONSORS MILLIONS of DOLLARS because the N WORD is not cutting it.

I was tired of the CONTENDERS having the NIGGER WORD at the TIP of their tongue and playing it off as though the viewers assume they heard them say something different. You got FOX NEWS MEDIA PROMOTING STRAIGHT-UP RACISM and PURE HATRED without an INTELLIGENT CREW and NO FACTS TO BOOT.

FOX NEWS is constantly having their NIGGER MOMENTS but today I will FRAME IT. We can’t count the NIGGERS MOMENTS RUSH LIMBAUGH has had. Yes, RUSH your NIGGER MOMENTS will make every NETWORK afraid of having their SPONSORS yank the plug.

This is to keep RUSH LIMBALLS and Bill O’Reilly from looking at their tongues and playing the accidental “OOPS I DID IT AGAIN by BRITTANY SPEARS.” You had the PRESIDENTIAL CONTENDERS trying to play the AMERICAN PEOPLE. RICK SANTORUM went from BLA BLA to NIG.

NEWT GINGRICH went all the way live with the FOOD STAMP PRESIDENT. You know what was coming next. COME ON NOW! This is to keep MITCH McCONNELL from saying it. This will keep ERIC CANTOR, JOHN BOEHNER, PAUL RYAN, and the rest of the CREW from receiving a well whipped A…S.

We already know how CONGRESS feels. To see DARRYL ISSA treat ERIC HOLDER with such disrespect was BROWN BAG PARTY TIME. Have this BROTHER, DARRYL ISSA, looked at his skin lately? WHOLLY GUACAMOLE!

It will not matter how much money this BROTHER have or what country he is from. DARRYL ISSA gets your BROWN BAG ready. The PRECISION of DIVISION DICTATES POLICY REVISION. I hear you LOUD and CLEAR JOHN NICHOLS.

HATRED and RACISM were SOLD to the highest BIDDER in WISCONSIN and it is being sold throughout the NATION. SCOTT WALKER, governor of Wisconsin, is not good for the PEOPLE or the state and the message of “I’M NOT MY BROTHER’S KEEPER” was sent.

The new message is “I’M MY BROTHER’S GRIM REAPER.” What did the GRIM REAPER do? The REPUBLICANS filibustered every bill of the PRESIDENT and let the PEOPLE and the NATION SUFFER because they cannot move FORWARD. WHOLLY GUACAMOLE!

We have used the word SABOTAGE in relationship to the PRESIDENT. Whenever two conservatives NORM ORNSTEIN and THOMAS MANN or speaking out on institutional reform and abuse of filibustering it makes you look for the next upgraded WORD of ESPIONAGE.

Folks sneaking around in the dark, holding private meetings, stabbing people with a double edge sword, and other people don’t realize they are leaking blood. It was okay for the REPUBLICANS to have WATERGATE under NIXON administration. How are the REPUBLICANS going to talk about leaks?

Hell, IRAN CONTRA under the administration of RONALD REAGAN didn’t go off too well. Arms were SECRETLY being sold. Who leaked the DANG GONE SECRET? Who got the blame? That’s right it was OLLY OLLY OXEN FREE. BILL CLINTON had his SECRETS LEAKED. Just a friendly reminder BILL is WHITE.

Bill Clinton used some of the REPUBLICANS ideas and he is a DEMOCRAT but A WHITE DEMOCRAT. That was a hell of a CLEANER TAB on MONICA LEWINSKI dress. I wasn’t married to BILL CLINTON and I was seeing a psychiatrist over BILL CLINTON’S AFFAIR.

Now CHRIS MATTHEW if HILARY is standing by her man she is doing it from a foreign country. Oh, excuse me that is one HELL of a COMMUTE. LOVE is in the air. RIGHT! BILL is trying to protect his funds. It is hard to TRUST his strategy.

He told a lot of LIES to his wife and he LIED to the AMERICAN PEOPLE. Mr. SPIN DOCTOR himself! Why do you think NEWT GINGRICH despised him? RIGHT! I guess the POT can call the kettle WHITE because they were too much ALIKE. Bill went out to Wisconsin with his own AGENDA.

From my HOOD these ARE NOT FRIENDS to the END. These are the BROTHERS who PROMOTE SIN. BILL CLINTON was not a good role model. He did good but it turned sour.

PRESIDENT OBAMA has tried to follow the format of the REPUBLICANS but it is a NO GO for a BLACK MAN to use anything of the REPUBLICANS. The analyst is always dissecting every word PRESIDENT OBAMA says and the FRAMING of whatever issues he addresses.

Can the analyst FRAME MITT ROMNEY as not TRUSTWORTHY? He has all of BUSHES past POLICIES? MITT is the official SKULL SYMBOL. He is the head SKULL with no brain or MEAT. This is what makes MITT ROMNEY COMPLETE.

If you want to FRAME OBAMA and the BIG D get your tape recorder out PUSH FORWARD and PLAY 2012 DREAM ACT. How hard is that? DANG, IT!

I gather up my gang and I called one of my OUTLAWS. Some families have IN-LAWS and some families have outlawed. JUSTINE has a totally different style of handling her business than me. I am the NEGOTIATOR. SHE is the LIQUIDATOR. She told me to round the GUYS up.

I called MICHAEL, ERIC, JAMES, and PETE:). When I told them JUSTINE would be handling the BLEXICAN situation with the McCONNELLS they all looked at each other and said in a harmonious tone, “MAN WE ARE GOING TO JAIL.”

MICHAEL began to talk rapidly. He told the guys he hopes JUSTINE isn’t wearing her high heels with her blue jeans up and knots on the side of her FISHNET PANTYHOSE. JUSTINE’S clothes send a message of, YOU HAVE JUST INVITED YOURSELF TO THE WHIP A…S PARTY.


ERIC reminded the crew that JUSTINE could pull her high heel off and draw it like it was a 45 magnum and bust you upside your head. JAMES told the crew JUSTINE would always say after she would react, “SINCE THEY THINK NEGROES are VIOLENT I am just upholding the family’s name.”

PETE looked at the crew and said, “MAN WE ARE GOING TO JAIL.” JUSTINE arrives and looks just like her lovely self, exactly the way Michael described her outfit. JUSTINE goes down to the McCONNELLS and makes it clear she does not want any LIP SERVICE.

She whips off her shoe and bust MITCH across the head and tells him she did not get the chance to be treated by DR PHIL or by DR DREW. This is part of JUSTINE’S DREAM ACT. They are to meet at HOBBY LOBBY at 4:00pm to FRAME THE REPUBLICANS AGENDA.

Everyone arrives on TIME and meets in ISLE 6 where the FRAMES, GLUE, VICE GRIPS, and other bonding material is placed. JUSTINE makes her PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT. JUSTINE tells MITCH and his crew get the FRAMES and the GUERILLA GLUE.

JUSTINE tells MITCH and the REPUBLICAN CREW to get the BLACK spray out and write the WORD NIGGER in BOLD LETTERS. Underneath the word NIGGER, she wants the WORD BACKWARDS 2012. JUSTINE pulls off her high heel and asks, “WHO IS NEXT?”

Get the VICE GRIPS and SCREWS because this WORD NIGGER will no longer be said by ME or YOU. If this WORD NIGGER so much as try to seep out its FRAME, I will come to the SENATE FLOOR and put all of you to SHAME.



You know CHRIS, for many years the viewers were unable to respond back. We sat back and listen to everyone around the news table talk to each other. I think the commentators forgot about the viewers. What we thought are felt really didn’t seem to matter.

We are tuned in and it is TIME for us to play HARDBALL. We are tired of the BS RHETORIC. Now the viewers can talk back, tweet, go mobile, respond to stories and write letters to get SPONSORS YANKED. Oh yeah, we are ROCKIN the AGE OF INFORMATION.


How would I know what is EMBEDDED in the MINDS of the REPUBLICANS? I have had the opportunity of once being married to a DEMOCRAT disguised as a REPUBLICAN. They are called BLUE DOG DEMOCRATS.

He reminded me of SENATOR BEN NELSON of Nebraska. WHEW! SEXY!:).


Truth Be Told__NLD Eye Opener

I’m loving every minute of it. I went in search of the TRUTH about NLD SYNDROME and look-a-here! Look-a-here! You think I’m mad. I’m excited because this long journey put the TRUTH OUT THERE. There are TIMES in our lives when we go searching for the TRUTH and we don’t like what we find.

Some people love being LIED to. The TRUTH brings QUALITY to one’s LIFE if you are willing to accept the TRUTH. SO BRING IT! People who are diagnosed with NLD SYNDROME struggle with LIFE SKILLS and SOCIAL SKILLS. It is hard for them to read between the lines.

Why do you feel the need to hide? Why should you have to read between the lines? If you have to read between the lines all the TIME get ready to find LIES under the carpet. If someone tells you they were being DISCREET you only had half the information they provided.

How CAREFUL was MR. KIT GLOVES? Was the individual so GUARDED they forgot to tell you the TRUTH? I’m sorry you may just be stuck with half the TRUTH or NO TRUTH at all.

TRUTH BE TOLD if you POINT IT OUT, EXPLAIN IT, and GIVE people with NLD SYNDROME or anyone else for what it matters THE FACTS they would not take you down to ground zero. NLDERS appear rude because what they say is RAW, unexpected, and bears the TRUTH through no fault of their own.

NLDERS are born with an UNINTENTIONAL NEUROLOGICAL DISORDER. So be ready to get your face cracked, feelings crushed, and totally butt lashed and thrashed. NLDERS have no filter. NLDERS have plenty of questions. I hope you have an answer. Thank you, GOD, for the COMPUTER.

This is how they learn. Their program is heard it, say it, speak it, and they say it out loud. NLDERS need lots of information because they are not hanging out with CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS.

So if you are standing close by you will get an earful of what they really think about you. Whereas the mainstream or the so-called normal folks process internally and would love to tell you what NLDERS process outside of their brain-box.

There is just too much TRUTH going on with NLDERS and too much attention to detail. NLDERS do not paraphrase to soften the blow. If you are a LIAR you should be called out as a LIAR. People want you to paraphrase the statement to keep from hurting a person feeling.

People don’t like their authority being challenged nor do they like being questioned. People just don’t have the TIME to explain or try to give an answer for something or to someone they may not have an answer to. People get pissed off if they think you are analyzing them.

Absolutely, the TRUTH is hard-core. Well, you shouldn’t LIE. MITT ROMNEY, the WORLD’S BIGGEST LIAR can run for PRESIDENT. Yes, and MITT ROMNEY is a HABITUAL BALD FACE LIAR (translation; being emotionless, showing no remorse, and constantly giving false statements).

Did you like MITT ROMNEY’S laugh? Did you like his selective memory? MITT ROMNEY stated,”CORPORATIONS ARE PEOPLE.” EXCUSE ME! The other word for LIAR in the CORPORATE WORLD IS LOOPHOLE.

CORPORATIONS are not PEOPLE but created under the laws of STATE WEASELS. CORPORATIONS, separate legal entity, receives special privileges and liabilities distinct from their members.

CORPORATIONS find a slit, crack, or gap to evade an issue, not choose a position, are vague, and avoid the laws in order to retain or reap the benefits of the profit. CORPORATIONS want their cake, ice cream, and the whole party. Sounds like MITT ROMNEY tax evasion

Did we discover MITT ROMNEY is NOT A PERSON but a CORPORATION? I think MITT ROMNEY was trying to tell us he was not a person before the BULLYING incident was revealed. Hey! He tried to tell us.

I pack my bags and went up the street to CONGRESS BLVD. I was looking at all those so-called INTELLIGENT PEOPLE with massive RADICAL INTENTIONAL BEHAVIORS. On CONGRESS BLVD. everyone on this street was processing their thoughts out loud.

The different on CONGRESS BLVD from NLD AVENUE is on CONGRESS BLVD they didn’t care what they said, who they said it to, and how they said it. The people on CONGRESS BLVD. made it perfectly clear to me and the WORLD they could LIE their A.. off because they had MONEY. WOW!

CONGRESS BLVD behavior was INTENTIONAL and of course, people who are diagnosed with NLD SYNDROME cannot help what they are born with and have no control over what they say. People on CONGRESS BLVD are EMOTIONALLY DISTURBED.


Since they have left the DEBATE stage the world is waiting for the result and classification of their diagnosis.

TRUTH BE TOLD, money just delays consequences for those who are the 1%. RUPERT MURDOCH is finding that out because right about NOW the British do not think RUPERT MURDOCH is fit to run another company. MITT ROMNEY, TRUTH BE TOLD, cannot tell the TRUTH and has selective memory.

Okay, you say 50 years is a long TIME to rehash what ROMNEY did. He never got discipline, out of school suspension, and he continued on with his behaviors. He was unable to change due to lack of guidance. He enjoyed what he did because he wasn’t worried about the consequences.

Is it okay for our children to pay the highest consequences because of lack of money? Will their school-record ever be expunged? Is it fair to be rewarded even after 50 years? The hurt and pain MITT ROMNEY caused people is not a laughable matter.

We are in the age of YOUTUBE MOMENTS and CAUGHT ON TAPE. MEDIA truly MATTERS and MITT ROMNEY behavior has manifested itself before the Whole WORLD’S EYES. Do our SOCIETY REWARD a certain CLASS of PEOPLE’S BEHAVIOR because of MONEY? Do OUR SOCIETY REWARD WEAKNESS over STRENGTH?



MITT ROMNEY got busted and he showed no sincerity. There is a pattern here people! He threw RICHARD GRENELL under the bus. MITT ROMNEY is a WEAK OPPONENT who cannot address his own RELIGION.

So I assume he has NO FAITH in himself, his RELIGION, nor will he have FAITH in the PEOPLE and the NATION. He will sell OUR NATION out to the HIGHEST BIDDER.

However, he felt about the LGBT community he could have shown RICHARD GRENELL how valuable he was to his team. Only money is valuable, looking down on others, and displaying to the world he is just not for the PEOPLE nor the NATION.

I wonder if MITT ROMNEY thinks it is funny what he has done to GST STEEL? I tweeted this morning after watching the VIDEO that MITT ROMNEY was NOT a JOB CREATOR but a LIFE DEVASTATOR. MITT ROMNEY created a WAR ZONE.

HE crushed, killed and destroyed the HEARTS, LIVES, and SOULS of MANY. This is a BULLY. If you don’t take into account of what MITT ROMNEY did over 50 years ago, please take into account of his DESTRUCTION of people’s LIVES TODAY.

To the MEDIA: You have done an EXCEPTIONAL JOB and I am very grateful for all the POWERFUL DOCUMENTATION and information that you have brought forth on MITT ROMNEY.

I am very thankful for all of the information you have put out so the people can learn, PAY ATTENTION, remain vigilant, and make the right decision come ELECTION DAY.

THE WORLD needs to see the DANGER MITT ROMNEY poses to the LIVES of the PEOPLE and OUR NATION.

Continue to speak out and don’t let anyone talk down to you. Put their A..in check immediately. To TAMRON HALL you will make any mother proud. Thank you for tearing the rim off of TIM CARNEY’S FRUIT of the WOUNDS. May he continue to patch his A..:)

I want to send a SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN. I have always loved your outburst of passion because I know you speak from your HEART ZONE. Over forty years plus I would love to see the person that will call themselves trying to tame your spirit.

In my heart of heart, SPONTANEITY is good. I live on the FLIP SIDE OF THE CHART and understand what happens when a person cannot express his emotions. Hell! Look at MITT ROMNEY and what it has done to him. When he does try to express himself it is a NO GO.

I don’t feel I could ever TRUST a man who does not BELIEVE IN HIMSELF or cannot tell the TRUTH. PROTOCOL! What PROTOCOL? This is HISTORY IN THE MAKING, MOVING FORWARD, and PROGRESSIVENESS.

My spin on this is if O’Reilly, LIMBAUGH, HANNITY, BECK, and the FOX NEWS CREW have NO FACTUAL INFORMATION or DOCUMENTATION and haven’t caused a WAR yet. Why should JOE APOLOGIZE FOR TELLING THE TRUTH? JOE BIDEN needs to remain JOE BIDEN.

To the MEDIA on SAME SEX MARRIAGE, the key WORD is ISOLATION. I would like to know the FOLLOWING: What is the SUICIDE RATE on people who have been ISOLATED over an extended amount of TIME without developing friends and relationship?

How many people in the LGBT community have taken their lives because of the SHAME, GUILT, and FEAR due to ISOLATION of not having the support and rights that other people have?

How many people are INSTITUTIONALIZED due to ISOLATION without having the support of family, friends, and associates? How many people have committed crimes due to ISOLATION of not having a social system put in place for support?

Where does the AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION stand on SAME SEX MARRIAGE? What is the AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION view on what happens to people who have trouble developing friendship and relationship and forced into ISOLATION? What is the DIAGNOSIS called?