Breaking News

We interrupt this program to bring you BREAKING NEWS.  I have nothing to lose and NO SPONSORS. The occupants residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue should not be allowed to give a repeat performance of Helter-Skelter Decisions.  Our special task force unit will come around to check and remove all rolls of quarters. There will be NO KOOL-AID served. I repeat, NO KOOL-AID will be served. This is not the Jim Jones’ Inaugural Ball.

The Super Brains of Intelligence and the Emojis of Emotional Intelligence has left the Whitehouse.  The Lights are OFF.  The departure of President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and Dr. Jill Biden taught skills of expressive language.  These great orators embraced the podium with their smiles, laughter, tears, and sincerity.  We The People felt the connection. We The People open our minds, hearts and were receptive.  It was not just a dream but this team took the lead.  Match Point!  President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden’s intelligence reflected Equality of the People and Equality of our Nation Rights. Great minds will always Lead the Dream of Hope, Change, Diversity, and Inclusion.

Speaking of great minds, the Obama Administration had their moments.  When President Obama penned an Executive Order I don’t recall feeling threaten and bullied. LEFTY signed off on Executive Orders and I felt quite relieved as he poured the concrete.   Our Nation moved FORWARD in a positive direction. This was the moment of truth for Hope and Change.   President Obama did not send my brain and the old memories stored in my brain into fight or flight mode. I did not feel I was on the reality show SURVIVAL. The limbic system plays a huge part in our gut feelings and survival role.  My brain was in Safety Mode.  My central nervous system wasn’t singing Boyz To Mens, End Of The Road.   President Obama was my Uber driver for motivation and learning. He kept my emotional engine running.  My Limbic System was set on cruise control.  The Limbic System structure of the temporal lobe is responsible for regulating many of our emotions, as well as forming and processing memories. It’s wasn’t all about my Limbic System.  My dawgs in the carpool, Amygdala, Hippocampus, Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Cingulate Gyrus, and Basal Ganglia all played great roles.  You got to give credit where credit is due. It’s fun riding 6 deep. Just keeping it real.  Trump better keep plenty of fuel in all of his modes of transportation.  Bottom line, Trump shakes my Sh*t up. How about you America? I am not giving him a ride. Okay! A-myg-da-la plays a hell-of-role and should be nominated for the Oscars. Girlfriend is packing Fear along with her BFF, Cingulate Gyrus.

A-myg-da-la is the grand central station for emotions.  She takes her job serious integrating and coordinating emotional behavior.  There is 2 almond-shaped mass. One on each side of the brain located in the temporal lobe (hearing and memory).  Amygdala hangs out with Arousal.  She is associated with fear and anxiety disorder, OCD, Post Traumatic Stress, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Personality Disorder. My girl can jack with your blood pressure and play Fast and Furious with your heart rate.  Amygdala and fear shouldn’t hang out.  She is hard on the nervous system. My Lessons Learned is from Hard Yard University. It’s Hard in the yard.  There is a price to pay. It is called Accountability.

1.) autonomic response associated with fear

2.) hormone secretions

3.) arousal

4.) memory

5.) emotional response

Hippocampus brings new memories to the table. We never forget to grab her on the way to work. Why? Without my dawg, you couldn’t live in the present.  You would be stuck in the past. If hippocampus gets damage we’re looking at severe mental illness (schizophrenia) and some severe depression. Oh boy! When the hippocampus shrink it is said a treatment has been made available to reverse the process and help people with bipolar disorder and depression.  Hippocampus can get affected by estrogen.  Alzheimer will be looking up your address and staring you in the face. Special Note: Steve Banning, Chief White House Strategist, and White Supremacist ideologies are not New Memories. Steve Banning ideologies of Make America White Again should be BANNED. Living in the PAST. BIG TIME!  Hippocampus, Banning, and Trump will never be on the same flight or in the same car.

1.) hippocampus is seahorse in shape. Mirrored in the right hemisphere of the brain and left hemisphere of the brain.

2.) emotional response

3.) navigation-mapping out one’s environment

4.) spatial orientation-just your memory being able to navigate through your environment (and if you can’t navigate through your environment use the cell phone GPS, the car high-tech verbal GPS)

5,) long-term memory cannot record new memories but connect emotions to memories

6.) declarative memory-memories purposely recalled for facts and events

7.) motivation

Thalamus involves sensory perception. Understanding is gained through one’s senses (sight, taste, smell, sound, hearing, touch etc.).   Thalamus functions control motor, sleep, and awake states. Memory formation, pain perception, and emotional expression is part of Thalamus function. Other functions of the Thalamus package are sensory signals to the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex which process the majority of our information is divided into 4 lobes.  The cortex thin layer of tissue is grey and referred to as grey matter. Nerves in this area lack insulation which makes other parts of the brain appear white.  The Thalamus process information. More functions included by the Thalamus is thinking, perceiving, producing and understanding language. My dawg has nerve connection with the cerebral cortex and the hippocampus.

1.) motor control

2.) receives auditory, Somatosensory (conscious of touch, perception of pain, and warmth that occurs anywhere in the body, position of movement, vibrations of muscles and joints, skin fascia (connective tissue), and visual-perceptual

3.) relays sensory signals to the cerebral cortex

4.) memory formation and emotional expression, pain perception

5.) controls sleep and awake stakes

Hypothalamus, pearl shape size, is the control center of autonomic functions. This is respiration, blood pressure body temperature, regulation of the endocrine structure. Endocrine System secretes a hormone, regulates growth, digestion, metabolism, sexual development. Homeostasis process of maintaining body equilibrium by monitoring and adjusting (physiological process) body part functions. Hypothalamus regulates emotional responses through its influences on the pituitary gland, skeleton muscle system, and nervous system (brain and spinal cord and complex neurons). Hunger, thirst, sleep mood, and sex in addition to stress and emotional responses are regulated by the Hypothalamus.

1.) balance of water and electrolytes such as sodium and calcium

2.) production of body fluids (saliva, sweat, tears, urination, defecation)

3.) Endocrine System glands-pineal, thyroid, parathyroids, thymus, adrenal, pancreas, gonads (ovaries and testes)

Cingulate Gyrus helps put emotions and pain in check. It involves predicting and avoiding negative consequences. Functions of the Cingulate Gyrus are listed as followed: Communication, maternal bonding, language expression, decision-making, regulate aggressive behaviors and coordinates sensory input with emotions.  Cingulate Gyrus has tapped on our door because We The People and Our Nation feel the heat from all the turmoil. Who better to walk us through this unpleasant experience of fear.  The body definitely wakes and truly traumatized. I will personally fasten Cingulate Gyrus into the car. Damages to (CG) can cause cognitive, behavioral and emotional disorders. This includes Depression Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Chronic Pain, Alcohol and Drug Abuse, problems with communication dealing with changing situations, anger, easily frustrated, emotional and violent outburst linked to attention deficit disorder. Schizophrenia, Autism, and Psychiatric Disorders are inclusive when damages to the Cingulate Gyrus.

Basil Ganglia is Mr. Motor City. He is involved in a primary movement, processes information related to emotions motivations and cognitive functions. BG’s home address or location is deep within the cerebral hemisphere of the brain. Basal Ganglia is associated with a number of disorders that influence movement.  Parkinson disease demonstrates gradual loss of the ability to initiate movement.  Huntington Disease characteristics are the failure to prevent parts of the body to move unintentionally. Hemiballismus is a very rare movement disorder with involuntary flinging motions of extremities.

BG has 3 cousins who are a cluster of neurons (caudate nucleus, putamen, and globus pallidus). Did you say, Putin? No, I said PUTAMEN. Just checking! They are responsible for involuntary movement such as tremors,  athetosis (characteristics: involuntary, convoluted writhing movement/twisting/squirming and contortions).  The person in this situation is suffering great physical and emotional pain.  Fingers, hands, toes, feet, and sometimes the leg, tongue, and neck are affected.  Lesion to the brain is the cause. Athetosis does not act alone.  It is accompanied by cerebral palsy. Chorea is abnormal involuntary movement. It is located in one of the neurological groups called dyskinesias meaning involuntary muscle movement.

Basal Ganglia is responsible for voluntary motor control, eye movement, cognitive and emotional functions along with procedural learning. The MRI SCAN has been ordered. I needed a Refresher Course on the Limbic System. I’m the star of Homeland and I cannot miss anything. I will not risk We The People and Our Nation. Sh**t I got to make sure I take my meds. Trump will go into an impulsive tango and will do something more erratic to bring the White House Down ( Jamie Fox plays the role as President. Whitehouse is under assault by the terrorist, released 2013) Sounds familiar.

When Executed Orders are signed by Trump it feels like Weapons of Mass Destruction against We The People and Our Nation.  I arrive on the set of FEAR FACTOR fearing for my life and angry as hell.  No PROMISES KEPT for our FUTURE GENERATION because we have an Incompetent President with Severe Mental Illness (SMI) with the Nuclear Codes in his Pockets. If they are not in his pocket check Putin’s Pocket.  Andrea Mitchell could use the No Drama Obama Factor.  So could the entire nation. Trevor Noah’s Tweet of No Excuses turns into Fear All You Can Fear It’s The American Way.  This Does NOT Make American Great Again. Once again I will not sit at the table with Caligula. The words of Caligula “Let Them Hate So Long As They FEAR.”  My response was Hell To The No! No! Democrats rise up from the table and fight an untraditional fight. Where is Dan Rather? I need to talk to him.

Are you ready for the RECALL? Big Eddie would say “Get Out Your Cell Phones. Secret Agent RA! RA! would say, “Let’s see what the results of the PPP Poll are today.” She then would lean in toward the camera, clap her hands together with her eyebrows arched in an arrow position. The next words out her mouth are “BREAKING NEWS.” 🙂  Sir Chris Matthews, Knight of the Round Table, you can delay having your GD moment. Trump has not made it to the SITUATION WAR ROOM. Thank God! Can you even imagine what the outcome of a Global Situation would be? Yes! We’re looking at what Trump has done to the Muslin community. Straight Up Unconstitutional! Do we run the course of fighting it out in court? YES, We CAN! 🙂  Before We, The People and Our Nation get our A** blown to Smithereens let’s go for THE RECALL.  Just 10 days in office! To hell with 100 Days. Get me Michael Moore on the phone.  Also, call Oprah. She knows the process of RECALLS. Tell Ari, Joy, Krystal, Tamara, Toure, Chris H., Andrea and Chuck Todd to get their A** in here Now! I want real stand up journalism when more BREAKING NEWS come in.  Sir Lawrence, why are you standing over there in the corner with that blank sheet of paper with those big black dots? I get it. Wipe that smile off your face before I give you a visual image you won’t be able to get rid of.  Have Gail bring me my notes from the last briefing on the 25th Amendment. I called Oprah and her line is still busy. Keep trying. I need that information.

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) Mad Cows Disease, the Cattle and the Beef was RECALLED. Ford Motor Company RECALLED their cars. Tylenol RECALLED their pills,  EBOLI OUTBREAK, people were RECALLED, and AUTOPSIES were performed.  Whenever there is an outbreak or Epidemic and lives are endangered a RECALL by the CENTER OF DISEASE CONTROL (CDC) or NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH (NIMH) is convened.  It is Time to convene and RECALL the President.  We The People should not live in FEAR.   We The People should not work in FEAR. We The People should live to Survive our own adversities. We The People CLOCK OUT from the Job. We will not let TRUMP CLOCK OUT our LIVES by his irrational behaviors and decisions.  Our Nation should not Die at the hands of Trump Adversities. Trump has disorders wrapped around many concurring conditions including Hatred and Racism.  You would think Benny and The Jets Carson would come forward and validate Trump’s behavior. Ain’t he a neurosurgeon? Carson is retired from that position and so is his mind. RECALL him too.

RECALL the Electoral College, Mitch McConnell (Senate Majority Leader), Paul Ryan (Speaker Of The House), and Reince Priebus (Chief Of Staff of the White House), They appear to be the New Order and the faces of White Supremacy.  NOS (Not Otherwise Specified) has been Identified.  Has there been any sudden outburst of Irrational, Impulsive and Destructive Behavior? Yes, the firing of Sally Yates. She is Acting Attorney General from the Obama Administration. Sally Yates is of sound mind and body. Did Trump process any of his actions before he took the path of Mental Shortcuts?  Did he have any bullet points or his less information sheet to carry out his irrational behavior? What?  No Mam! Future Lady President. Did He carry this action out on Twitter? LAWD! LAWD! Dear JE–SUS! Are the results in?  The New Order of White Supremacy took over the Republican Party. Well, it is the same Order of White Supremacy who held the backroom meeting to make sure President Barack Obama would only be a 1 term president. The same Order of White Supremacy dressed in suits who would not allow President Obama to select a Supreme Court Justice. Really! The idea of letting Black, Brown, Tan, Beige tell the HOODIE BROTHERS what to do. Have you forgotten already? Conversion Time! Take back the country and MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN.

President Obama was called out on his Birth Certificate. He was called an appeaser.  The PRICE OF HOPE was extremely costly but through it all, he remains quite calm. I never worried about the Nuclear Codes. I’m quite sure President Obama did not sit in the SITUATION WAR ROOM and take MENTAL SHORTCUTS.  Mental Shortcuts can lead to COGNITIVE BIASES. Mental Shortcuts are used to classify and categorize people. RELEVANT information which is overlooked.  Stereotypes and Prejudiced will ascend from the ashes of hell to create a false reality.  President Obama absorbs an abundance of information.  He was there for ALL the briefings.  TWITTER IS NOT THE PLACE  to run the United States of America.

President Obama was able to apply old information to new.  He was not stuck in the past. President Obama’s hippocampus checked out perfectly. President Obama did not FADE OUR NATION TO BLACK.  We are a Nation that has Come out of the Dark no longer to live in the Shadows. YES WE CAN__FORWARD. President Obama used his Executive Pen to move FORWARD but not for the purpose of Hatred, Racism Retaliation, and Discrimination.  Congress blocked the President at every turn.   Now it is TIME to hold Congress ACCOUNTABLE for cheering on Negative Behaviors. If I couldn’t get the job done I would be out of a job. President Obama did not sign We The People and Our Nation’s Life away. He fulfilled many promises. He reached across oceans and climbed the highest mountains for our NATION to be that of an INCLUSIVE NATION. This Is The PRICE OF HOPE, CHANGE, DIVERSITY, and INCLUSIVENESS. The Lights are On Lead by a Magnificent Mind.

Trump goes into his mantra/chant of “You know what this Mean” Hell Yell! I know exactly what it means.  Repetitive Obsessive, Impulsive, Destructive Behaviors of punishment all caught on tape. Did President Obama ever DRAW his signature on an Executive Order? Did President Obama ever say, ” you know what this means?”  A sharpie! Look closer at the signature.  You call that writing?  I call it dysgraphia. Whew! When a child sits down and is forced to write. You know what this means. As soon as they get up from their desk or table the frustration and anger will manifest itself. Surprise! All hell is going to break loose.  The behavior will become quite explosive. Baby girl just broke my TV.   Replace this skill set of writing with the use of an iPad.  Thank God for Steve Jobs. Look what Trump broke in less than 100 days in office with that sharpie. Hmm!  Can Trump write?  He lied about writing the book Art Of The New Deal. Do you recall President Obama ever holding up the Executive order and using a flat or monotone facial expression? He can write. President Obama had his mind made up about the Affordable Health Care Act. He leads his own thoughts and was not manipulated by others.  Here we go with 69 Shades of Grey from Congress and they don’t have a plan yet to Repeal and Replace Obama Care. President Obama executive functioning really is functioning. The lights are OFF in the White House. Does Trump have a mind? I sure would like to see the results of his MRI SCAN.

The results are in. Where did you get that MRI SCAN from? Don’t worry about it. I got connections at Grey’s Academy. Don’t you mean Grey’s Anatomy? No! We have to find a way to call the cable company and disconnect Trump Tv.  Is this legal? Where have you been?  Everything that has happened in this week is not legal and Unconstitutional. BREAKING NEWS: The Cerebral Cortex and its 4 lobes checked out. The Frontal Lobe: voluntary muscle movement/motor functions, thinking, decision-making and planning, higher order functions, reasoning, judgment, impulse control, memory, language, and speech.  (Check Baby, Check Baby 1,2,3). Well, he’s top Lefty Chief of Organization Skills. Parietal Lobe: Cognition, Receiving and processing sensory information. The 5 senses are in excellent condition. Taste/gustation, smell/olfaction, touch/somatosensory, sight/visual, and hearing/auditory, movement coordination, visual perception, reading and writing, math computation, understanding spatial orientation.  (Check Baby, Check Baby 1,2,3).  Occipital Lobe: process visual information from the retina, visual perception, color recognition, reading, reading comprehension, depth perception, recognition.   Lefty clearly understands what he is seeing. Can I sing a new tune? Please! When I first saw you, you had Sparkle in your eyes. Go Head! Cameo 1979. Shut Up before you tell our ages.  Okay Stevie B imitation. Joy has told you about she can do her job. Don’t ever say Shut Up again. I apologize. Okay: Temporal Lobe: Organize sensory as well as auditory, perception, memory information, speech production, and language. Checkmate!

Dan Rather, you are absolutely right. Extraordinary Times cause for Extraordinary Measures. The election was an Enigma. Trump is an Enigma. I will keep my promise.  Here is the information you wanted on Severe Mental Illness (SMI) and concurring conditions which overlap.(In real time, Dan did not ask for this information).   There will not be a stain or stigma residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.  In the first 2 years of President Barack Obama’s PROMISES KEPT  he stated, “LET’S BE THE GENERATION THAT MAKES FUTURE GENERATIONS PROUD OF WHAT WE DID HERE. Will there be a future generation if Trump continues his Negative Behaviors?  Has anyone seen Trump replace any Negative Behaviors With Positive Behaviors? Will there be a moment in time NOW where our nation can survive the punishment that is being inflicted by an Incompetent President with monumental threatening behaviors?  Instead of Donald Trump being held accountable he is rewarded for Negative Behavior.  He does not understand Consequences nor does he fear consequences.  Trump’s cheerleader is mirrored after him and lacks knowledge just like him. Look at the Billion Dollars Babies he picked for his cabinet who are not qualified to do the job.   Trump cabinet members will hinder his ability to make an appropriate or good decision and solve problems. Steve Banning(Chief Strategist of the Whitehouse) is on my knock-off list. Don’t you mean 250 counts white sheet and white pillowcase man? Low Count!  More like No Count.  What’s up with the Bullet Points?  Hmmm! MENTAL SHORTCUTS.

There are times when we need to put our brain on speed dial.  Mental shortcuts (heuristics) allow us to problem solve and make decisions quickly and effectively.  The 2 most common heuristic are availability heuristic (accessing relevant information in your mind). Representative heuristics (decision-making process by comparing the Present Day situation to mental examples in your mind). These shortcuts are designed to save on time when determining risk.  This process filter through a lot of information.  Just think if our brain had to analyze every single aspect of a situation or every decision we make.  This is a nice coping skill device to keep our brain from going into maximum overdrive. If our brain takes a walk on the wild side not a D**n thing will get done.  Whew! Makes me tired just thinking about the outcome.  Okay! Reach down into your pocket and pull out your RULE-OF THUMB. We can save on brain gas and function more effectively so we don’t blow out all of the tires having to think about everything and what will be the next step of action. Lots of people don’t have a spare in the back of their trunk or a donut. These are the people using fix-a-flat. Sir Lawrence O’Donnell can you imagine fix-a-flat brain?  Mental Shortcuts  can be dangerous and can lead to the following  BIASES:

1.) confirmation bias-People refuse to listening to the other person point of view or consider facts in a logical manner. Information given only confirms what they believe.  ex., People who feel global warming doesn’t exist and confirm their belief.  People who believe there should be no background checks for Gun control. The Wayne La Pierre Syndrome, ” the only way to defeat a bad guy with a gun is to arm a good guy with a gun”.   Trump who thinks there is voters fraud. American should be White again. Trump confirms his belief that Muslims are terrorist.  I’m not hearing it. I Did It My Way Program. Even when you know there needs to be No hearing for voters fraud, Trump needs to confirm what exist in his mind only.

2.) hindsight bias-When you here, I knew it was going to happen. I knew it all along. It was inevitable. Polls being more predictable than what they truly are. I knew it syndrome. Well, that sure in the hell didn’t happen in the 2017 elections. Just venting!

3.) anchoring bias-The first piece of information we hear. Quick decisions we make when we don’t shop around. How much are we willing to pay?  The information you give your doctor can make him susceptible/influence to make the wrong diagnosis.  When you go to negotiate for a salary increase the First Lady would say, when they go low you go high. 🙂 Just letting you know I was paying attention. How long a person expect to live? When should my kid start dating?

4.) misinformation effect-The questions contain misleading information distorted by memory. The original information got mixed up with the misleading information. The misleading information took over my memory. The misleading information is more recent. Misleading information comes to mind first.  When the incident happen the information that was important got switch around in one’s head. So now their using the misleading information to fill in the gaps.  Time, discussing the events with other people/witnesses, news (especially fake news) and excessive exposure to alternative facts plays a major role in misinformation effect. 🙂 Okay!

5.)  actor-observer bias-People can’t see their own actions or behaviors. When something goes wrong they blame their action on some outside force. ex. Danny’s teacher gives long and drawn out lectures. He failed his exam. The teacher got blamed. No! Danny A** didn’t study?  As the observer people tend to blame their actions on internal causes. John is never on time for the movies (internal) John is always so tired and sleepy.

6.) false consensus effect-over value their own opinion, Overestimate how many people beliefs, behaviors attitudes and values are the same as theirs. Overestimate the vast majority think the way they do and it will benefit their self-esteem. Overestimates the people who share your political views, share your preference. The false reality if one person support you in that particular neighborhood everyone will support you. False reality if I like it or buy it everyone should follow my lead.

7.) halo effect-overall impression impacts you evaluation process.  Physical Attractive people or more favorable. Global impact of  likable personalities. (stereotype) The smart and pretty effect. Drab and not attractive would be considered not intelligent. Employers rate eye candy as smart, competent, and qualified. Marketers get a celebrity to endorse a product and the rating goes up.

8.) self-serving bias-Give themselves credit for SUCCESS and lay the blame for FAILURES on others. TRUMP SYNDROME. LLC Incorporation! Since people became INCORPORATION let’s include Mitch McConnell (Senator Majority Leader of Kentucky), Paul Ryan (House Speaker), Reince Priebus (Chief-of-staff). This is the New Order. The self-esteem protector leads to faulty attributes such as blaming others for their shortcomings.  It also keeps the self-esteem intact by blaming a person age, gender, race, and DISABILITY.  NOT MY FAULT, NEVER! NO APOLOGIES.

9.) availability heuristics mental shortcuts design to save time when determining risk. Relying on this way of thinking lead to bad decisions and poor estimates. ex. Lotto time. I need to start buying tickets. What are your chances of winning. Making judgements on what is readily brought to mind. Man! There have been a lot of airplane crashes. Hmm! I bet not take a plane. Whatever comes to mind you base your decision on that information. Even if the information is not relevant.  Ford had 64 layoffs. I probably be next.

10.) optimism bias-Too optimistic for your own good. It can happen to you not me. Why me! Our rational and logical brain goes south. Ain’t no way in the world I’m suppose to lose my house, get a divorce, diagnose with an incurable disease. You are vulnerable and suffer illusions of vulnerability. We believe we are less likely to suffer misfortunes and more likely to be successful.  What are the odds of being struck by lightning? The odds of a tornado striking because one has not hit the area you live in.  Impacts of false optimism is health risk, drinking, drugs, gambling, and smoking. The God will take care of it Syndrome. God needs your undivided attention, cooperation and participation. This Bias isn’t all bad. We need optimism with a sense of REALTY to move forward and look toward the future. Giving hope and motivation so when we do fail we will take responsibility and not blame others.

What! Trump has no THUMBS. That is NO EXCUSE he has feet. He needs to be held ACCOUNTABLE for whatever body part he has left.  Trump has more biases than what I listed.  Donald Trump stepped on a lot of toes and pissed a lot of people off. Has anyone checked on Mitt, Chris, and Rudy? We thought we give them some time and space to cool off. Well, you better ship them to Alaska because I don’t think it will be no time soon. Do you think they were committed? No!  This is what happens when Affluent Mental Illness Goes Untreated. This is the facts, not alternative facts. What is Affluent Mental Illness gone untreated? The high dollar privileged individual (Richey Rich) folks that are let off the hook for their disruptive and violent Intentional Behaviors by their peers, a judge, and society.  Even when mental illness can be a factor in their national cheerleaders don’t seem to care and encourage more negative behaviors. All sins are forgiven and it is okay for the person or persons to pay for their sins with cash, corporate credit cards donate high dollars to affluent judges or charities. The list gets better. Sleeping With The Enemy Part II influences a Nation Election being compromised.  BECOME THE PRESIDENT, LIE, CHEAT, STEAL, and even RISK the lives of the many troops for the Dumb A** oil statement.  Speaking of OIL, Trump even pissed Dick Cheney off. Wow! Cheney said he went too far on the Muslin ban. Unbelievable! Even Cheney changed his position. What do you think Sr? Chris Matthew? You think Dick just want a piece of the Spotlight? Make me smile and say CHENEY for me. Come on!

Trump does not reside in Reality Boulevard.  The President lacks information, gullible, lack wisdom, experience, lacks judgment, especially in foreign affairs. These are the components of NAIVENESS. Who can benefit from exploiting Trump deficiencies?  Say It With Me Now! Vladimir Putin! Who will feed Trump the BS he wants to here so he thinks he is King? Who wants to control the WORLD? Who played Russian Roulette with our Nation’s Election? Everyone in the Nation has witnessed Trump out of control behaviors. The media and the Democrats are looking in the wrong spot. Revealed through the lens under the surface of one’s skin a passageway has open and revealed what is deep within. There is nothing for you to attain. Right before your lens, the answer lies in Trump’s Brain. The RNC wants an AUTOPSY. Well here’s my Contribution. Fight On The Assessment of Observation and Evaluation.  With the biases listed above, we will not judge. We will be able to evaluate REALISTICALLY.  All have been documented on tape and viewed through the lens of We The People and Our Nation. RECALL:


Five Days Before Christmas

The HARASSMENT, RETALIATION, DISCRIMINATION  has been unbearable. The environment is very hostile.  The treatment is abusive and quite intolerable. It has happened many times. It will happen again and again. The biggest RISK is not Knowing the Rule. What happens to the REASONABLE employee who could no longer stand the abuse?  She was too afraid to go to HR because she felt nothing ever gets resolved.  I will tell you what happens.   Girlfriend took her break at 12:10.  She went to look for the manager she felt she could trust to talk about her stressful situation.  She locates the Assistant Manager by the fabric table.  The Co-Manager was there also.  The associate stated it made her very nervous and quite uncomfortable to be around the Co-manager  Why?  This associate is scared of the Co-Manager. There are many associates afraid of this particular Co-manager and afraid of the Store Manager.  She did get the opportunity to talk to the Assistant Manager. The associates clock out at 1:07. At 1:10 the associates passed by my register and told me she had quit.   Who created an Intentional Atmosphere Of Fear? No person should come to work afraid and get harassed. What happens when HR finds out. Does HR know?  Will they resolve the situation?   Jump in HR any time and do your job. Every associate across the nation whether if you work at Walmart or not should remember the RULE listed below.  To raise your awareness seek out information on Hostile Work Environment, Constructive Discharge (quitting your job), Wrongful Terminations, “At Will” Employment Rule, Retaliation, Laws Against Discrimination, Service letter Law (for the State of Missouri) Revised Statues Wage and Dismissal Rights: Section 290.140.1, August 28, 2015, Making Complaints, and Steps to take when you Get Fired. Know your Protective Rights.  Visit Department of Labor & Industrial Relations, Discrimination in Employment and click on Also, click on  Employees in the United States without a written contract can be terminated for a GOOD CAUSE, BAD CAUSE, or NO CAUSE at all.  Judicial Exceptions to the Rules seek to prevent WRONGFUL TERMINATIONS.



On Monday, 15th of December an associate comes to the front by the service desk shook up. Fear was written all over her face.  The associate explained to me she was sent to the front-end to do return carts. The associate kept apologizing because she made it clear she wasn’t familiar with the General Merchandise area. She was overwhelmed and was in a great amount of pain. I asked if there was something I could do to help with the sorting of the basket where she wouldn’t have to bend so much.   I told her I would get some associates to teach her how to sort the grocery returns so the items would be placed in the proper isle. The associates laid out the baskets. They notice she was in pain and moving slow.  She reached over the cart and she dropped a grocery item on the floor.  Once again she apologizes. Grabbing two carts the associate tried to brace herself and pick up the item off the floor. With no such luck, she did not retrieve the items.  The associate excused herself to go to the bathroom. When she returned from the bathroom you could look in her eyes and tell she had been crying. She turns to me and said, “I got to hurt her on the job.”  “I’m in so much pain.” Check out Public-Policy-Exception. Read and learn more.  “Walmart will not take my doctor’s excuse.” “I am so afraid the Co-manager is going to fire me?” ” She wants me to do all of the grocery returns.”  When the associate finishes the job she needs to go over to the GM side and put the returns up in the different departments. “I don’t know where anything goes. I won’t finish in time.”  Makes you go Hmmm! Right Dr. M.E.D.

Why would management send an injured person to an area they’re not familiar with and give them a time limit?  Why would management constantly return to the front end to see how many carts the associate had completed?   Is this a set up for failure?  What happens when you are told you are too slow and unproductive in an area you have never worked?  Why should the associate be given a verbal, written, or the ultimate coaching when thrown into an area because Walmart failed to hire people?  Whose fault is it when Walmart goes on a rampage and force out or fire their GOOD PEOPLE?  It is one thing to manage but over managing is a totally different ballgame. Tuesday, 16th of December, the associates are back doing return carts. Over the walkie, all these demands are given out for the associate to do returns and zone several areas. I’m thinking ain’t no way this associate is going to get all these tasks completed. A person with no injury would not be able to do these task and finish by 7:00 am.  Freight is pulled off the floor at 5:00 am and the cleanup process begins at this point. There are several associates who stay to get their areas completed but run into overtime to later get it taken away or need to kill their overtime before the pay period ends. “NO EXCUSES.”  The associate was off Wednesday and Thursday the 17th and 18th. The associate returned on Friday the 19th of December and was back doing returns again. The associate is getting shoved in all sorts of direction.  The associate goes over to the seasonal candy section and starts to condense the candy. Wrong Move! The Same Co-manager visited the associate’s area about 4 times. Why? The associate can’t screw the job up that bad to deserve this intense management. Is this management or harassment? Could it be retaliation because the associate can no longer do her original job from her injury?

The associates go to break at 12:10 pm.  The associate seeks out the Assistant Manager and talk. Next thing you know the time is now 1:00am and the associate had quit and clocks out by 1:07am.  The associate passed by my register at 1:10am to let me know she had quit. The associate was so upset. Time passes. The assistant manager asks me over the walkie was the returns carts getting done. I asked him was I supposed to be monitoring the associate. There was silence over the walkie. About 2 more hours passed and here comes the assistant manager pushing a cart to the front alongside a support manager. I asked him again where was the associate.  Was the associate going to return and finish the carts?  The assistant manager looked me straight in the face and told me he had the associate zoning another area.  He LIED to Me.  I didn’t say a word. Just like the young man who had been told by an unloader he was sorry he had been fired.  The young man was FIRED on 11/15/ 2007 and reinstated on 11/16/2007 by Market Manager Mike Gray who is now deceased.  No 30-day treatment program for REHIRE. BIG MESS UP and the associate snatched back into the system to prevent a Law Suit.  Once again another COVER UP to clean up the SAME Co-Manager’s mess. This young man did not utter a word. Years of INTENTIONAL BEHAVIOR yet no one at WALMART has done anything to eradicate the problem of this SAME Co-Manager INTENTIONAL BEHAVIOR. HR and HOME OFFICE has known all alone.  Remember when the lying begins TRUST END.  The LIES just keeps coming.  It has happened before.  Wow! I knew the associate had quit as I checked my watch it was 1:10 am. Saturday 20th, FIVE DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS. I knew management would do everything to cover it up. Whatever happens, I’m not to have any information. I’m cool. You call that building communication skills.

Hold up! I.O.U. Payment for wronging who. This associate was wronged and now out of a job. Wait! A miracle happens! Some miracle. The associate returns on December 31st, New Year’s Eve.  What! No 30-day treatment program to be rehired. OUCH! This is a BIG MESS UP and A COVER UP to keep the company from being sued. How many TIMES has the  SAME Co-Manager made this mistake?   The Co-manager who wronged the associate suggested a leave of absence should be taken on Dec 22nd.  What! No BENEFITS.  How much information did the Assistant Manager know?  The associate trusted the assistant manager.   The same assistant manager who called me a SNITCH. The same assistant manager who called RASHAUD a BOY. Rashaud no longer works for Wal-mart. The same assistance manager whose personal discussion/coaching list has grown. Why? Time for A PROMOTION.  Who is the target? The Black CSM who is a pain in Walmart’s  A**. The same assistant manager who said he is watching me.  The same assistant manager who said he would put me out to the floor. The same assistant manager who said 75% of his job is Coaching By Walking Around (CBWA).  The same assistant manager who will be changing rotation in February and said he will FIRE me. Telling associates you’re going to FIRE them can make them become UNREASONABLE.  I’m Cool.  I ask the question, “is that a threat.” He said “no.” Well, I got 4 months left. Not far off from 15 years Anniversary date.   It is just a fact. Yet everyone this assistant manager has given a personal discussion or coaching whether it was Coaching By Walking Around or just plain old coaching is no longer employed by Wal-Mart.  I have his list also.  Not a good list at all. It is always good to make up the list.  When I look back on the list I feel like Gomer Pyle. GOLLY!  SURPRISE! SURPRISE! The other associates he has told he would fire thinks he is kidding.  I don’t.  I understand the assistant’s style of management.  This assistant manager is trained to follow DIRECTIVES.  WOW! When will I get some positive feedback or learn something positive from the Asst? Manager/Coach or FIRED. Time to get a second opinion. What has he taught me? He is not a mentor. He is definitely not my Homie. He COACHES and uses it as a tool when things go wrong.   Members of management are trained to follow Wal-Mart’s script and DIRECTIVES. Wal-Mart language is in reverse. Instead of COACH being positive to TEACH.  COACH is in reverse and used negatively to PUNISH. Wal-Mart in return will reverse it back on the associate and say the associates did not want to learn.

Let’s take a look at CBWA (Coaching By Walking Around). If 75% of management job is COACHING BY WALKING AROUND (CBWA) it is definitely not working at store #2857 Boardwalk Square, Kansas City Mo. So 25% is paperwork in the office. So when will management get their hands dirty and do some real work with the associates?  Management gets paid and receives their BONUSES.  We’ve had several walkouts and mega FIRINGS.   I thought coaching was to improve a job performance not to lock you into a job. BEWARE! If a manager tells you that you’re so good at the job no one can do the job as efficiently as you, look out. Didn’t you go to see this manager about moving on or being promoted? You have been held back and your rights have been violated.  I thought coaching was for developing people skills, preparing the associates for change, and teaching problem-solving skills. There is much more but I will do that seminar another day.  What happens when management is the problem? Do you trust them? I thought the coaching job was to ask the right questions so the associates could find a SOLUTION to his own PROBLEM.  When will management reach out and TEACH the associates the job or have other associates train the associates before they are thrown into a fiery pit of hell?  How can management hold the associates accountable for what management failed to TEACH?  Why would a store manager grade the associate’s EVALUATIONS based on his failures? How is it possible for management to take an EVALUATION down to zero when not one member of management has pulled the associate into the office the entire year to say, “You have blown the job?”  Chipping away at your EVALUATION means you can no longer do the job,  you are headed out the door with no benefits.  Coaching By Walking Around (CBWA) should never become (CBBD) COACHING BY BEAT DOWN). Remember Wal-mart in reverse is to blame it on the associates and once again say the associates didn’t want to learn. The associates are slow and unproductive. (CBBD) COACHING BY BEAT DOWN.

Recently Home Office wanted to know why had there been so much overtime. Simple! All the MEGA TRANSFERS, MEGA FORCE OUTS, and MEGA FIRINGS by the same members of management had the same associates rotating back to snatch up the overtime offered.  The same members of management failed to hire people. What! It’s Christmas.  People could use the extra cash at this time of year. Our store suffered.  Did we serve the people?  NO! Associated were falling off.  Even the associates doing overtime got fed up. They finally realized the money didn’t matter and more people being hired did. It was not because of theft in the store  It was not all attendance.  Who has opted out once again to take responsibility? Come on! Say it with me. WAL-MART. Home Office could send the report to me. After looking at the list of events and the people who are no longer there, Home Office would not be happy with my report. Why do we have the story FIVE DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS? EXACTLY! Some members of management.

How is your work environment?  Maybe your work environment may not be ABUSIVE, INTOLERABLE or HOSTILE as my work environment. Every time an associate walks out they prove the part of the RULE that states IT IS NOT ONLY INTOLERABLE FOR THE ASSOCIATE WHO HAS LEFT THE BUILDING, BUT TO A REASONABLE AND OBJECTIVE EMPLOYEE IN A SIMILAR CIRCUMSTANCE. AN EMPLOYEE WHO QUITS WITHOUT GIVING HIS/HER EMPLOYER A REASONABLE CHANCE TO WORK OUT THE PROBLEM IS NOT CONSTRUCTIVELY DISCHARGE.  In this case, it is the SAME MEMBERS OF MANAGEMENT.  You really think management is going to work through the problem when they have caused the problem?  Do you think management know what the problem is?   Not only one associate got harmed but MANY ASSOCIATES got harmed by the Same Co-managers.  The Same Store Manager brought harm to another store (1802) in Topeka Kansas. Why has the INTENTIONAL BEHAVIOR continued? Who did he “CONVINCE” to come to another store and drag the entire store morale down and chase everyone away? Who did the same Co-managers and assistant managers “CONVINCE” they were going to correct the mistakes they made? Whose DIRECTIVES did they follow? Not to question one time whether it was right or wrong to FORCE OUT/FIRE all these associates and not have any help during the Christmas season or throughout the year. Who should take responsibility? We know who won’t take responsibility. WALMART!

It is terrible for someone to HARASS and wrong you.  Why should you have to figure out a way to get BENEFITS?  Maybe they will use their short-term disability, vacation time, or any time the associates accrued.  What a setup! The bar is set very high on the Rule: Constructive Discharge. It has happened to an associate who is Hispanic, who walked out and has her job back. Same Co-Manager.  Review the story Screamers, Shouters, and Shooters-Dec 3rd, 2013.  It happened to another associate from Kurdistan. The associate was snatched back into the system and still works for Wal-Mart.  No 30-day treatment plan for REHIRE. The mess up covers up is back.  He is not at all happy. Same Co-manager!  A young lady on maintenance, Mexican,  is scared of the Same Co-Manager and Store Manager the way they talk to her and treat her. She is transferring out to the store. She hopes her transfer goes through.  I thought SAM WALTON said you don’t have to leave the store. I guess all bets are off. Go talk to the unloaders or maintenance crew.  You can talk to any person in the store and see what you will get. They would be very helpful.  Hispanic, Kurdistan, Hispanic this list is not starting out too good. The associate who walked out is from the Philippine. Throw in a couple of Africans or some Micronesians. Go ahead and make some Gumbo soup. Who’s being targeted and set up for failure? NOT GOOD!

It is a known fact the Store manager,  same Co-manager, and the same members of the management team will deny the transfer. These same members of management will coach you and you will be locked in for one year or until they find a reason to force you out or fire you.  The Same Co-Manager has a pattern of behavior of constantly using this strategy on the associates to induce mega fear.  What about people from other countries?  I’m quite sure it is a struggle to learning the laws of becoming a citizen but to compromise ones citizenship induces more fear. When the associate comes back to work they will do anything.  Did any of the following associates get reimbursed for time lost? I think we know the answer to that question.  Strange! Why do they have their job back all of a sudden?   Targeting different races who are afraid to speak out because they do not wish to get in trouble with the United States while they are trying to Gain citizenship.  What a Cover Up.  Walmart in reverse mode again. The term GAIN is to FIRE an associate in Walmart’s Reverse World.  I guess the next step is to ACQUIRE a new person which is GAIN in the REAL World.  Why has this mistake been made time and time again and the Same people seem to get away. Who BENEFITS? Don’t you think it is TIME for an Independent Investigation by the Attorney General?   Assistant Manager Stephanie Pope walked out and we never saw her return.  Why?  We can refer to the RULE at the top of the page for her exit. There have been many managers who left the store because of the same Rule.  Why did so many of the associates transfer from the store to become new associates at Gladstone, Liberty, St. Joseph, 40 hwy. and other surrounding areas? Refer back to the Rule at the top of the page. This will help HOME OFFICE with their report on the loss of associates. It is the Store Manager and the Same Members of Co-Managers, and the same members of assistant managers. HOME OFFICE if you do not realize it by now it is definitely a MANAGEMENT PROBLEM. You Know Now!

The associate made it quite clear February appeared far away.  She didn’t know if she could make it. The associate’s fear is great and very legitimate.   The associate didn’t know if she could wait until the Same Co-manager rotates over.  Good news! The associate has many witnesses who saw what happened on the days she was up front doing returns. Who will be dragged into the office and interrogated?   The same thing can happen or has already happened to other associates.  This incidence should have never been overlooked.   Reasonable chance for the Employer to fix the problem when the problem is (the SAME) members of management who has gotten away for years.  The Employer doesn’t want to get the WHOLE PICTURE because the picture rests on NOT paying out BENEFITS. Another way to look at the situation is getting rid of all these people so the store can operate on part-time associates only. Well, I guess that solution will kill paying out insurance.  We didn’t have enough full-time associates hired in a timely manner to operate the store.  Knowing the Rule is quite significant. Once again my head goes back on the chopping block.   Intentional Pattern of Behaviors has raised its ugly head once again the same time this year.  Coaching is right around the corner and firing is next on the list.  It is time for another Assistant Manager to step up and become Co-Manager. Why?  So if the Assistant Manager get rid of the thorn in the side who swings the sword of ACCOUNTABILITY he will no longer use his 75% of time CBBD (COACHING BY BEAT DOWN).  I can add him to my list of all the other managers who have come to my head. This is the same Assistant Manager who said I need to watch what I say because people listen to me. Why should you listen to me and learn about your Protective Rights and the Laws? Listen to him. Remember 75% of his job is COACHING BY WALKING AROUND (CBWA)

It is time for maintenance, the unloaders, backroom associates, stockmen, cashiers and all the associates to speak out and let your voice be heard. What good is fighting for $15.00 an hour if you do not know the RULES, the LAWS, and the Company you work for to sustain your job?  ACCOUNTABILITY 2016. A lot can happen at any given time.  To this associate, Five Days Before Christmas was pure hell. The associate is still afraid. WHY?  Once again, Refer to the Rule at the top of the page. It could be me or you NEXT.  There are a lot of injured parties at store #2857.  Remember to learn more about this RULE before you quit your job. You will lose out and your case will be harder to prove unless you have some witnesses. I want what is best for the ASSOCIATES.  Walmart does not invest in their associates but is willing to reap all of the benefits.

Special Note: Visit and review on Constructive Discharge. Read and learn more. Also to raise your awareness visit  GOOGLE “At Will” Employment and learn about the history of this policy and know your rights.  Knowing your rights put you at an advantage when you are Wrongfully Terminated or when you are FORCED out the door or not given the option to RESIGN.  Wal-mart has it a way of dodging Accountability.  FEAR can make anyone become UNREASONABLE. The associates have been severely PUNISHED. Let’s change the word to PUNITIVE. Same! Same!  Questions the associates need to think about/mental processing.

1.) Do you feel your employer has treated you poorly or severely punished you/WRONGED YOU?

2.) Do you feel your store manager, certain co-managers, and assistant managers have treated you poorly and severely punished you/WRONGED YOU

3.) Do you think these members of management could ever “CONVINCE”  the associates their BEHAVIOR would change and they would not make the same mistake?

4.) Wouldn’t this be INTENTIONAL BEHAVIOR if these members of management knew the strategy of their WRONG-DOINGS induces FEAR in the associates?

5. ) Did HR know about the MISTAKES and the BEHAVIORS of these same members of management?

6.) Did Home Office know about the Mistakes and the Behavior the Store Manager made at the previous store?

7.) Who did the Store Manager “CONVINCE” to give him another chance?

8.) Has the Store Manager failed again?

9) Why hasn’t any action been taken against the Store Manager?

10.) Why hasn’t any action been taken against the same Co-managers and assistant managers?

11) Is there any reason to TRUST these Same members of Management again?

12.) Who did these same members of management “CONVINCE” they would not make the SAME MISTAKES again?

13.) Is there any reason to TRUST HR to help solve the associate’s problems when nothing ever changes?

14.) Who does WAL-MART work for?

15.) Do you feel “DAMAGED” as an associate?    PUNITIVE+DAMAGES=PUNITIVE DAMAGES

16.) Will Walmart be held ACCOUNTABLE for their actions?

17.) Do you think Walmart hire and targets immigrants INTENTIONALLY because they are not aware of their rights in a foreign country?

18.) Do you think Walmart hire and targets Blacks (African-Americans), Hispanic, Latinos, LGBT, Disabled, or people with lower incomes,  and the poor INTENTIONALLY because they are not aware of their rights in their own country?

19.) Do you feel these questions will be helpful to your mental processing?

20.) Do you understand WHY Walmart wants to get rid of me?

Too much INTENTIONAL BEHAVIOR. Once upon a time on the grocery side, there were a lot of immigrants. What! GONE! Shut Up!  You better know it was not because of ATTENDANCE.   Review question 17 and 18.  Let’s go back and visit the story Message To The People Dec. 11, 2013 another giant SURPRISE! SURPRISE! Nelson Mandela died December 5, 2013. This story was released 6 days later. I did not make this up. TRU! DAT! Look at the list. There are 11 different languages. All these associates were on the grocery side. They have all gone missing. Why?  I can’t make this up. I sure as hell can’t speak any of these languages. UnBelievable! Let’s take a look at the countries.


2.) Ethiopia











Dr. M.E.D. It is Time to start putting the pieces of the puzzle together. Let’s revisit the story Inspirational__You which was released August 4, 2014. Yes, it was the President Birthday 2 years ago. I didn’t make that up.  TRU DAT! I need all of the MEDIA that MATTERS to take a real close look at this story. A new assistant manager, Stephanie Pope is placed overnight on Tax-Free Weekend by herself without any Co-Managers. Will she survive Walmart’s test? In comes the Dark Knight, Ricky Farr, to the rescue. This was the Black Assistant Manager who was placed overnight.  This was wrong to the 3rd degree.  The COVER UP was to place a white female overnight. I mentioned there had not been any New Assistant managers placed overnight. Walmart is reading the stories.  New management always starts on the day shift. Assistant Manager Stephanie Pope walked out because of the RULE at the top of the page.   Remember in Charlotte’s Webb_Redemption Time!  Stephanie Pope was the only Assistant Manager who did not receive a Development Needed for her Evaluation. Ricky Farr was sent to the LEGEND store #1151. Why? Same Rule at the top of the Page. Notice how I used the word Legend.  Watch how LEGEND come to life in Walmart’s reverse mode World. Here comes the TWISTED BEHAVIOR.

Who needed to once again feel they were POWERFUL, in CONTROL, and UNTOUCHABLE. The store manager.  The store managers favorite pass time is race cars. Who does that remind you of? The failed Chairman of the Board Rob Walton who was removed and replaced by his son-in-law, John Penner.   Both these men have something in common. Rob Walton loses his position as Chairman of the Board.  Maybe Rob went Wild and spent too much money.  Randall Addison lost or was ousted out of store #1802  in Topeka Kansas.  Sending Ricky Farr to the LEGEND, a store, and location, where he did not want to go, was torture. See how the word LEGEND is now 3D.  Ricky Farr revealed to the store manager he wanted to REALLY go to TEXAS. The LEGEND is in KANSAS. Okay!  Having Ricky look at the Speedway was Randall Addison PUNISHMENT.  Refer back to Snitch This! Here’s The Playlist.  Whose plan was it to keep all the Black Manager out of the store? What manager had been at the store the longest. Hmmm!  Forget about the TRO (Temporary Restraining Order). This store manager and his crew need something that will last much longer to keep their INTENTIONAL BEHAVIOR from becoming bulletproof.  Time to go for another court order (INJUNCTIVE RELIEF) their behavior is out of control. Randall Addison INTENTIONAL BEHAVIOR CONVINCED WHO? Soon as Ricky Farr left store #2857 he was replaced by another Black Assistant. Cover up again. I know Walmart read the stories. Hey! Why Not. The TRUTH would be good for Walmart. Did Walmart kill 2 birds with one stone? Stephanie Pope and Ricky Farr no longer work for WALMART.  Unless Stephanie Pope is at another store and Walmart is keeping it under wraps. Peep at the top of the page and the RULE is still there.   Revisit My Friend With the Yellow Pen June 11, 2014. Oh, we are finally approaching the end.  GOLLY! SURPRISE! SURPRISE! Gives you a nice big chunk of the puzzle. The same managers and all the VIOLATIONS in the store and VIOLATING the associate’s rights. As I looked around all the associates who had disabilities began to go missing.  Reviewing Constructive Discharge do you REALLY think these same members of management would try to resolve any of the associate’s problems.  What A SETUP!

Walmart loses an assistant manager. He only thought I had one skill. Later the one skill I had been taken away by the Same C0-Manager.  Why did I file EEOC complaints? The Black CSM head goes on the chopping block again. CEO Bill Simon is kicked to the curb and CEO Doug McMillon steps up to the plate. All in the month of August 2014. Busy Month hey! Talking about tying up loose ends. Every Manager that was on my Evaluation is Gone. Co-manager Shanna-transferred. Why? The RULE is still at the top of the page. Richard Fransen screwed up BIG TIME. He is now at another store. Stephanie Pope and Ricky Farr. The RULE at the top of the page. The only two left are the Same Co-manager who has NEVER changed her behavior since her arrival in 2007.  The same assistant manager who said he was going to FIRE me.  HR has known all the time. My last visit to HR was in 2012.  To help shed some light on the subject on May 15th my 15th anniversary will be coming up. Any associates grandfather in the store has to go.  Any associates that have overstayed their stay has to go. Any associates with medical injuries and can no longer do their original job definitely has to go. Sounds familiar. Any associates that are 40+ has to go. Any disabled associates have to go. Any associates that are immigrants have to go. The list goes on and on. Any associates close to becoming fully vested, look out. There is so much more.

As for all the pain, suffering, and mental distress the associates have experienced is called COMPENSATORY DAMAGES. Hey! There will be more DAMAGES to discuss. So hang tight. Next time you become so upset and frustrated and say the word “I quit” think about Back Pay, which is the wages or salary you would have made from the time you quit until the time you file your lawsuit. Front Pay, payment of your normal wages or salary from the time you won the case or until you are rehired by your former employer or until you find a similar job. Throw in your PUNITIVE DAMAGES because you know you as an associate, “WERE WRONGED.”  Throw in Attorney Fees (Cost Sharing) Whoever was responsible for your troubles (finding of liabilities).   It would be so nice if the associates could request a court order on the out of control behaviors of the Same Members of Management (Injunctive relief).  So the Same Members Of Management would not have a REPEAT PERFORMANCE on their Threatening, Bullying, Retaliatory Behavior.  This would help the calm before the storm until Court TV (Status QUO) to keep Walmart and their team of management from becoming “BULLETPROOF”).  A court order is granted to basically say “SLOW YOUR ROLE”  Just to let you know there would be so many TRO’s (Temporary Restraining Orders) Why? To hold Walmart in place before they could do more harm or damage until Court TV.  No Corporation should be TOO BIG TO FAIL or TOO BIG TO PAY THE PRICE when harm is done to you, me, and anyone NO CORPORATION should be TOO BIG TO JAIL.



A.) Laws Against Discrimination-Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964- visit Read and learn more.

B.) Types of Discrimination

a.) AGE










k.) SEX


More Rights:


2.) Pay Raises

3.) training

4.) recruiting

5.) hiring

6.) firing

7.) workplace testing

8.) challenging a job loss

9.) wages and overtime

10.) family and medical leave

11.) on the job safety and health

12.) health insurance and retirement plans

13.) unemployment disability and workers compensation insurance

14.) union rights

Whether or not if you work at Walmart.

Learn about the Employment At-Will doctrine and the THREE MAJOR EXCEPTION: 1.) Public-Policy-Exception(43-50 states) adopted this policy including Missouri. 2.) Implied-Contract Exception (38-50 states) adopted this policy. 3.) Covenant-of-Good-Faith (11 states) only.  Too bad Missouri did not adopt this more progressive policy.  Read At-Will Employment: What Does It Mean? Click on EEOC

I wanted to especially share this article with Charles Fishman who wrote The Wal-Mart You Don’t Know at fast You Know Now!

Just checking in with CEO DOUG McMILLON, GREGG FORAN(Chief Operating Manager of Walmart), and JUDITH McKenna (Chief Operating Manager of Walmart) to let you know how this store is operated. Oh by the way!  How will HR handle this situation? If I know. I’m quite sure HR knows.

Dedicated to: President of The United States Barak Obama. Love The Speech. Brother Got Jokes! Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General-Loretta Lynch, Labor Secretary-Thomas Perez, Robert Reich,  Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Bernie Sanders, Attorney General Chris Koster of Missouri, Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri.

Dedicated to MSNBC: Sir Lawrence O’Donnell, Sir Chris Hayes, Sir Chris Matthews, My Friend With The Yellow Pen (Secret Agent RA-RA), Sir Ed Schultz (always a knight at the ROUND TABLE) DWIT :), Dr. M.E.D.

Please review The Employment At-Will Doctrine: Three Major Exceptions  Type in the search box At-Will Employment. Please review the following PDF.  The employment-at-will doctrine: three major exceptions at the very top of the page.

2016 NLD__Reverse Mode Coming Soon!

Grandma Had No Thesaurus


Word Up! Grandma’s speech was brief but complete. Nothing fancy or misleading because the Word was her bible.  She had no thesaurus.  Big Mama took action.  The word Strategy was not listed in her bible but she had a plan. Same! Same!  You read the title you got the picture.  Grandma’s words would let you off at the curb. At the drop of a dime, she would put you in check and say, “Young lady you got a lot of nerves.”  Word!  The fire would leak from Grandma’s mouth as she aims for your soul.   Some of the grandkids called Grandma, “Big Mama.”  Estelle Rogers was her name. She was definitely a dragonslayer with a double edge tongue so sharp you had to check your breath before you wreck yourself.  Estelle Rogers didn’t play.  Yup!   Get ready to cry. Here it comes! Grandma would say, “your tears don’t move me.”    As the day lingered on I began to hum Brook Benton’s Rainey Night In Georgia.    Words, like lambasted and disparage, was not in the Old Testament or the New Testament of Grandma’s bible.  She had no thesaurus.  Old Girl would let you know she was going to chew you out. If you felt like a penny Grandma had played you down or criticize you.  Same. Same!  Big Mama had her way of putting the roof back on the MOFO.  When the kiss landed on your forehead from the O.G. you felt like the old Black Cabbage Patch doll that was once in demand.

Grandma’s NO meant NO.  She could flip the script and never physically spanked any of the Grandchildren.   Feel the pressure.  Feel the burn.  Rump roast special in the pressure cooker served by Big Mama.  Check your rump because it was well done.  She would say, *spanking ain’t no good.”  She understood words could do a lot of damage.  For some reason, Grandma knew if you didn’t understand the meaning of words or how words are used in a different situation it would do a lot of harm.  Poor behavior knocks on the door and the people around you don’t want to answer.   The word context was not in Grandma’s bible. Same! Same! As I said before she had no thesaurus.

Laying a hand on a child would seal the locks on one’s heart and there would be no resurrection.   It would only make a child act worse and hide away with deep depression.  Don’t go telling a child, “cause I say so.” She made it clear this was a horrible answer.  It would only set the wheels in motion for not holding people accountable out of fear for what a child suffered from their younger days.  Grandma said the key is knowing your rights and being able to stand up for what you believed was right.  Grandma would say, “We don’t need you starting off in life being beaten down.” Grandma favorite slow jam was Earth, Wind, Fire Keep Your Head To The Sky. Now you know WHY.

Rules meant everything to Big Mama.  It was so magical that she understood every child/adult did not understand the rules. Big time consequences happen when you don’t know the rules. You don’t know how to act.  Yes, there is great RISK involved.  Grandma always tried to protect the crew from players who do not play by the rules, make up their own rules, rig and pick who would decide the outcome of the rules.  Grandma didn’t know anything about arbitrators. Her word was watching out for fake A** people who done sold their soul to the devils and will sell you out too. Folks back in the day would say, “You” re as phony as a 2 dollar bill. Notice that piece of currency didn’t go over too well. Every now and then you would run across a 2 dollar bill only to hurry up and pass it off to someone else.

Grandma went to great lengths laying down the law.  She would make public service announcements when she made new rules of importance. Promulgate was not in her Bible. She had no thesaurus.  Same!  Same as broadcast. Grandma hated when someone lied to you and portrayed you as bad.  Grandma would say never let anyone spread falsehoods or ruin your honor. You don’t go messing with Granny’s babies right.  Disseminate was not her word.  Same! Same!   She made it clear not to do business with shady people. These people were fishy, suspicious, and things could get malicious. Yes quite nasty as Grandma would say.  Nah! dubious was not in Grandma’s Bible. She had no thesaurus. Same! Same! You still were phony as a 2 dollar bill, not to be trusted and you were not a friend.

In Grandma’s house, we all were each others keeper.  It was like singing the song off of Empire, Powerful. It felt we were all there singing along with Jussie Smollett and Alicia Keys.  In today’s time of 2015, Grandma’s rule would be Federal Rules of Civil Procedures IV. Parties Rule 23_Class Action Lawsuit. It gave the grand-babies more Power when they would stick together.  Big Mama said people in life will try to shut you down, kill your voice, say you had no say so you could never come out on another day.  Granny exacts word was, “The doors of the church are now open and everyone should have their day in court.”  Amen!

Grandma said there are a lot of people with cell phones.  Public Action with bad business practices ain’t no good.  Look at all the homes with computers. Who reads all that mumble jumble/Fine Print when clicking on that agreement. You want to see the word “Next” or “Continue” to jump onto Twitter or your Facebook page after winning that mysterious free prize.   You find yourself sitting in the courtroom next to Campbell-Ewald Co. v. Gomez. Will the Supreme Court give Corporations a free pass on Widespread Harm?

We listen to Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan’s dissent. It is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.  WRONG to the 3rd degree.  Justice Kagen argued and ridicule the majority opinion. Kagen’s viewed the majority should have addressed the central question and found that a SETTLEMENT OFFER can NEVER MOOT a Collective Action (Corporate liability under the Fair Labor Standard Act).  Question: Can a settlement offer actually MOOT a collective claim?  Justice Kagan argues long as the parties have a concrete interest no matter how small, in the results of the lawsuit the case is not moot.  The case becomes moot only when it is impossible for a court to grant any successful relief to the prevailing party. In SYMCZYK individual claim she refused the offer which expired in 10 days. The case went forward.   Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan made it clear “Do Not Try This At Home” because this case can be carried on. Third Circuit Court screwed it up but they had some help.  Rule 68.

Somebody just didn’t have any IMAGINATION when trying to resolve an IMAGINARY problem that will affect real-life situations. Just remember moot (debatable, or not worth discussing, serve any purpose, irrelevant). The court decides whether the case becomes moot when it is impossible for a court to grant effective relief to the prevailing party. Remember the Alka Seltzer commercial, Plop! Plop! Fizz! Fizz! Oh, what a relief it is. If you did not get Complete Relief you are back to the drawing board. You don’t feel WHOLE and you are still are ALIVE but a decision has to be made to get you what you need to feel better.    Please refer to GENESIS HEALTHCARE CORP. v. SYMCZYK.

1.) an unaccepted offer of judgment cannot moot a case. Laymen terms-whether or not if you take the money, whatever satisfies your needs and will make you WHOLE, or satisfied your case, your case is still ALIVE.

2.) plaintiff (Let’s Get This Party Started) brings the lawsuit and needs Plop! Plop! Fizz! Fizz! Needs Complete Relief_Alka Seltzer Plus. Plaintiff rejects offer no matter how good the terms, her interest in her lawsuit remains just what it was before and so does her ability to grant her relief.

3.) an unaccepted offer is considered withdrawn (shushed up, not communicated) Federal Rule Civil Procedure 68

4.) So assuming the case was alive before because the Let’s Get This Party Started People (plaintiff) had a claim, the courts could grant relief, and the arguments of the claim or lawsuit continued and goes ignored. SYMCZK individual claim was alive and well even though she turned down the offer.  Her time ran out.  Rule 68 precludes/prevented a court from imposing judgment.  Corporation uses this ruling as a strategy to avoid being held accountable to a vast amount of people who are injured along with the plaintiff.   This rule is like the movie Terminator. At this point, I feel like singing Mariah Carey’s Make It Happen and Don’t Try This At Home. Visit Georgetown law’tTryThisatHomepdf. Also, visit

Grandma would never like the word Putative. Forget about her bible. The word Suppose would not come out Big Mama’s Mouth. Same! Same!  Grandma had no thesaurus and the word dissent was not in her bible. Grandma stood her ground and begin her arguments. Same! Same! Grandma would point out that every person does not have an IMAGINATION. Suppose nothing! Assume What! Rumored Who! Granny knew she had to lay out a concrete format. Drawing inference is very hard for a person who is not Creative. The next question Granny would ask is, “Who in this room need a road map or GPS for a make-believe situation because you have no  IMAGINATION?  You have problems drawing an inference. You struggle with what is relevant or irrelevant.  We can go toe to toe with Black and White because what will be decided in this courtroom from this make-believe situation can affect many people who have been harm by a big corporation in real life events for the rest of their lives.

Over on the FLIP SIDE OF THE CHART  (people diagnosed with neurological syndromes) find it is hard when their mind can’t understand abstract information.  Applying old information to a new situation is a struggle for people with extraordinary minds, unique abilities, and multi-level learning styles.   Old information is overused. Concrete information and factual information given is very beneficial.  Rote memory is heavily relied on to work around deficits.  See what happens when you can’t imagine and you’re not creative. Opposite end of the Spectrum resembles the Flip Side Of The Chart.

Grandma had a back-pack full of love and carried a lot of spoons for each child.What are Spoons? These were Grandma’s programs.  Back in the day, Big Mama didn’t know about diagnosis or list. The grandbabies didn’t come with different VIN Numbers (diagnostic labels). Grandma had her way of identifying each child’s needs.  Not one child was treated as a “special needs child.”  Yup! All 20 grandchildren had different spoons.  Grandma worked it. Remember when Melvin cried, Grandma would take her hairbrush and brush Melvin’s back. He would calm down and fall asleep.  Grandma was the Queen of Sensory Integration.  She was Jane Ayres before 1976.  I was so glad it wasn’t me.   The hospital here I come.  Lawd!  The bristle on that brush was so hard. I always liked soft cuddly things.  Everything she made for me was soft and cuddly.  Grandma would put a board on Melvin’s cot. How could he stand it?  It was just perfect for him. Grandma would gather sand, put it into little bags around Melvin’s ankle. Did it help Melvin?  Worked out fine. Melvin had no VIN Number. So when Grandma left the house we did what she did to help Melvin. He was no different from the other 19 grandchildren. He was included in whatever activity.  Time was allowed and served if Melvin needed it. No big deal.  Melvin was always included and not isolated from the other kids. Grandma loved her CLASS and she took ACTION. All the grand-babies hit the high notes on Powerful. Grandma was a genius. Granny needed the grandkids to stay FOCUS and not get Jacked. She knew some of the grandchildren were impulsive. Grandma strongly felt keeping everyone close would strengthen the bond.

Corporations hold better positions to afford the top guns and expensive attorneys.  Grandma’s word would not be litigating but the legal dispute would be on. Same! Same! Individual claims are often too small for each person to go through the expense of fighting their own claim. Class Action Lawsuits are important tools for consumers to collectively vindicate their rights and keep corporation honest holding corporations accountable. Bottom line, Corporation wants Class Action Lawsuits to go away.

Supreme Court Justice Scalia always seems to add insult to injury. Supreme Court Justice Roberts claim federal court Rule 68 don’t need to keep corporations honest and protect consumers, even if corporations like Walmart, Tyson, Campbell-Ewald and many behemoth corporations get away with making settlement offers just to kick consumers out of court.  LAWD! Don’t get Gangsta Granny or an arbitrator involved. People get totally blind-sided.  You can forget about your day in Court.  Supreme Court Justice Roberts stated courts are too busy with a lot of things.  Justice Roberts doesn’t realize once Americans Citizens begin to have their day in court, the courts will be jam-packed and busy for all the cases the Supreme court screwed up for lack of Imagination, not updating the laws, siding with a big corporation, and the 158 families who want to control the world. There are so many laws in the constitution that no longer apply in the world we live in today.   Outdated judges who fail to evolve tear down the walls of the poor and middle-class rights.  They ride on the side where the money lies.   Whether or not your case is accepted or rejected, make sure you give Justice Roberts a call and tell him you want him to hear your case because it ain’t over.  Dial 1-800-Forget Me_NOT.

If Gangsta Grandma was alive today she would be singing Master P’s song, How You To Do Dat. Yup! I’m talking about Gangsta Granny. Right! Right! She would treat the grandkids like the album cover, Young Bleed. Say something smart and Gangsta Granny would draw blood. Old G would shut you down.  Once again Rule 68, The Pick Off and Moot is what attorneys used as a strategy to avoid being held accountable to vast amounts of people who get injured along with the person who filed the original claim.  Gangsta Granny and her faulty umpires was a bigger extension of HR in the workplace.  If you can’t solve an Imaginary problem and apply it to real life situation,  what will happen to a real problem in a real-life situation?  Well, guess who is having trouble with their decision-making process.  What side of the chart are you really on?  She didn’t care to satisfy the whole class of babies. Gangsta Granny wanted to pay off/pick off one grandchild and make promises she knew her Gangsta A** wouldn’t keep.

Gangsta Granny would act like she gave you everything you asked for.  She wasn’t leaving no crumbs on the table for no one else. Her goal was to back you into a corner and force you to make a decision. Gangsta Granny did everything to keep the other grand-babies from coming after her. Gansta Granny felt even if the offer was accepted by the grand-baby representing the class it would relieve her of her duties not to be held accountable for the other grandkids that suffered damages too. Gangsta Granny wanted the cased dismissed. There was no more trouble up in the house or as Prince sings CONTROVERSY.  The one baby got paid end of story.  Not quite! Don’t go asking no Supreme Court judges to hear the case. If the offer had been accepted and the one baby got everything she Completely wanted the case was over.  Just can’t make a decision.  Rule 68 has no relevance except to the big corporation to avoid being held accountable and rid themselves of Class Action Lawsuits. Take it or leave it. Offer or no offer. As far as the big corporation were concern your case was no longer debatable or relevant and there is no Controversy in the house. Your case becomes moot. Picked off and ripped off. Justice Kagan and her gang are not putting up with this strategy.

Gangsta Granny’s bottom line was to destroy CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS and make sure the person representing the class was out of the way and could not be considered as reliable to gain undeniable certification for a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT.  Gangsta Granny was like one of those bought out umpires who was ready to rig the game to win the Royals World Series. Gangsta Granny carried no bible. She did not have a thesaurus. In this day in the time of the year 2015, she would definitely fit in with the people who were shady Arbitrators.  Same! Same! Thank you, Robert Reich, for you wonderful YouTube Video on Lost In Fine Print at It should be mandatory that shady untrustworthy umpires/Arbitrators should always settle their disputes in court under federal law.  Any words or disputes going down outside the courtroom shall not be valid or enforceable by Gangsta Granny or Arbitrators. This is WHY the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is laying down their laws (CFPB)   It is Time to pass the Arbitration Fairness Act. This ballgame fight is between  Attorneys/arbitrators/Gangsta Granny, big corporations, and the consumers.  The Supreme Court ain’t hiding their sins and they need to fix what they messed up.  We The People Need Our Day In Court. Gangsta Granny rode alongside with her compadre Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice Samuel Alito, Justice Antonin Scalia.

Grandma Had No Thesaurus. Grandma rode alongside with her homies Justice Elena Kagan, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Justice Steven Breyer, Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Every now and then she would get the opportunity to ride with Justice Anthony Kennedy.  He is the Wild Card depending on the issue and his vote.  Justice Kennedy may swing to the liberal or conservative side.  For more information visit Listen to Alliance for Justice. Free Listening on

Remember: Corporation need to be held accountable for their INTENTIONAL BEHAVIOR.  Corporation tries to buy their way out of Class Action Law Suits by buying out the Plaintiff and later having the certification of the class rejected.  Do not let corporation/defendant escape. Corporations need to ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY for everyone that was harmed by the Company illegal conduct.

Grandma Had No Thesaurus. When you LIED you LIED.   The word Fabrication was not in Grandma’s Bible. Same! Same!

Grandma Had No Thesaurus. When you were WRONG you were WRONG. The word Erroneous was not in Grandma’s Bible. Same! Same!

“We Need To Rethink The Way We Think And Accommodate Those Who Process Differently”



None of these contenders took the course. Well, it was reported 4 of the contenders took the course. Who did the reporting? B.C. said he had special knowledge. Yeah! I wrote the Koran.  Steven Spielberg and George Lucas are going to produce my biopic.  I won’t bother to come to the Academy Awards. Know This! I am going to win.  This brother is definitely Before Christ. Did they fail the course? Did they cut class? What happens to their mental processing? Who took the class?  It’s too embarrassing to say out loud. Psssssssk! No!  Get out of here! Zip It. This is too juicy. Come On! Let me drop a few hints.  The man behind the Iron Rag. What! Don’t you mean the man behind the Iron Mask? Just think about it for a second. I get it. He wanted to build a wall. Remember the Iron Curtain? What would you do when you want your hair to stay in place?   I go get my Doo-Rag.  There you go, Iron Rag. This Brother needs to wrap his head in Iron to keep his poison thoughts from seeping and creeping into the minds of We The People. This next person is on a Lou-Lou.  Maybe he watches too much Hulu.  Is that an owl with a hat sitting over there on a branch. Those are Bushes who got left on the ranch. No! This brother believed he was a famous character back in 1960 chilling with his friend Zeus. The Greek God Zeus. No! Dr. Zeus. You sound like Newt. This brother needs to lay off the Spam. What do you think about this, Pam? Hey! I don’t eat green eggs and ham. Has anyone talk to Sam. He’s bent on government shutdowns. D**n!  Have you ever talk to a person and your mouth started to get dry?  Why did I ever stop to say, Hi? Did you feel really thirsty?  The conversation went nowhere and this brother wasn’t worthy. He grabs my bottle of water and he took a drink. Ohooo! Pissed me off. Did he not think?  How can you trust this brother when he doesn’t pay his own bills.  He calls in for work and uses the EXCUSE he’s ill. How can you trust a brother who will never be able to negotiate our nation a deal? They all failed the course. For Real! For Real!

Tough course! Bring your heart, soul, and brain You’re right. I had to take this course more than twice. On the For Real Side, I probably will be enrolled in this course for the rest of my life. Biden_Ology!   The science of a man packing the Truth and Facts. Biden_ology! It is the science of a real human being with a tremendous amount of compassion.  This course demonstrated how the older man delivered a political spanking.  The younger opponent got spanked.   Hey, that statement sounds weird but I was just reflecting back on the 2012 debate.  My mind has fast forwarding to 2015 debates and the movie Friday.  The Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (censored version) You got knocked the F**k out.  Did Biden react like an old man?  Guess who will be on the cover of Eternal Magazine? We know it won’t be Jeb Bush.  Biden_ology tossed AGE right out the window in 2012.  Biden delivered right hooks, left hooks, uppercuts and constant jabs to the REAL old man who holds the gavel on a shrimp platter. This brother got doused with Joe’s secret sauce.  How ironic!  The Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, will be reminded every time his gavel swings Biden_ology will take him down. Biden laughed his way through the debate barely making any frowns.  Biden_Ology made Ryan look like the Actress who played Murphy Brown (Candice Bergen) real-life father’s puppet clown.   Science is a Branch of knowledge. Wait a minute!  We are talking about Biden_Ology.  We are talking about the whole Tree.  Look at all those contenders who don’t have a leaf to stand on and will not be included in the forest. Why? They don’t believe in science because they are climate deniers and liars. Let it be told by the opposite end of the spectrum this course was too brutal with too many interruptions.

Biden answers were to the point, not exaggerated, and very witty.  Bro can hang with Jay-Z, Maroon 5, and P Diddy.  Yes, 2016 election is going to Hurt Like A Mother F**ker. Maroon 5 sings it better than none other.  So be it if the title of Maroon 5 song comes out of Biden mouths used in a different context, Ye better know it! Biden will say what he means and means what he says. Gaffe! Get out your deck of cards and deal. Time to call a SPADE a SPADE.  Here comes the aromatic flavor of Unintentional Behavior. Look at all the crap the new Hammer of the House has said Intentionally. Look how the man behind the science handle the response of the so-called Gaffes. Play the 2012 debate tape again. Biden was cool, calm, collected and caring.  A true science that gives a D**n.  Biden_ology offers the following:

1.) The Fact of the matter ( Truth/credibility)

2.) Being on the same page

3.) So much laughter

4.) show me and stop talking

5.) direct eye contact

6.) simple answers

7.) concrete answers

8.) bottom line

9.) Specifics

10) a real Plan

11.) a rhythmic finger carried no threat to Martha, even the first tapping on the desk made you realize it was all about understanding the message. (Don’t give me that “Malarky”) It takes a really skilled person to wave a finger in someone’s face and not appear to be threatening, unlike Jan Brewer the former governor of Arizona.

12) “Bling Bling”  I like your Smile song by Shanice.  Superficial smile upheld by Vaseline isn’t allowed.

Go ahead and register for the course of Biden_ology. Your body will absorb straight up GOODNESS and soooo much FLAVOR.   Biden_ology is a rich blend of black tea but we will not extract from Biden’s vanilla.  Taking this course will help relieve your stress.  Just think what would happen if you encounter Biden at least 3 Times a day or 3 times a week.  The path you have chosen will lower your risk of a heart attack or stroke.  Have you thought about what will happen if you encounter the contenders of 2016 at least once a day? Stroke and heart attack are imminent. How did the ambulance get here so quickly?  The ambulance was just around the corner of the stroke and heart attack. See what happens when holding a conversation with a bunch of Knuckle-Heads.   Your energy got drained.  Well, it’s not too late to enroll in Biden_ology an increase your energy level. Don’t be afraid to gain the happiness factor. You won’t regret taking this course. Biden_ology offers the same health benefits as Black Tea. Sip! Sip!  Drink up.  As far as the warning labels I don’t think surgeon general Vivek Murthy will contest the man behind the science. I’m cool with that.  It would be awesome for the surgeon general to contest the contender’s Bs.  Why not? Who held up the confirmation of Vivek Murphy?  Exactly!  The science of Biden_ology jumps starts the mind and points out the “Malarky”.

A real combination of sweet cinnamon to help control weight, lower blood sugar, and help neutralize odors.  Do you feel the urge to eat yourself into a coma while talking to people who nauseate you?  The man behind the science will help you control your appetite, stay focus, and remain alert.   Your blood sugar will stabilize.  The dizziness and nausea will go away. The stench will be removed from the room. Everyone seems to agree Biden is a MIGHTY GOOD MAN.  So does Salt and Pepper who sings this song.   Black pepper generates hydrochloric acid to help reduce the heartburn and indigestion.  I will get my amounts of money worth in taking this course and pour in the honey.   If I could only nail down the ability to establish friendships and develop long-lasting relationships it would make me so happy. People would realize I’m not rude at all. Biden_ology is just the course I need.  Biden is quite recognizable except to the ladies in Trump’s beauty pageant.  These women couldn’t tell the moderator who is the Vice-President of the United States. Look at this book. It has a lot of factual information and no fluff. Readers Digest was the condensed version and had more substance in its cup.  The last book I read was so big I felt as though I would throw up. Peppermint, Spearmint, and Chamomile Tea will help relieve this symptom.

Ginger is in the mix.  It will help with nausea and your loss of appetite. Ginger helps with the digestive problem.  Throw out the tummy tums and relax. Don’t worry about acid reflux. You’re safe.  This is the science behind the man who knows how to roll and treat people gingerly.   Add a star of anise. Don’t use the Japanese version of a star of anise.  You might get poison. Use the Chinese version.  Trump would like the China version. Get rid of inflammation and the yeast in your system.   Everyone has probably encountered a fungus in their life. Did you get poison?  Perhaps the wrong brand was used.  You’re rolling with the wrong crew. We know who is the STAR of anise.

Go ahead! Take the course and learn how to deal with the beast. Here come the smile and the laughter.  “Malarky” Thereafter!   BIDEN  shut down the debate.  We can’t leave out the clove. There are no bruises, headaches, and your blood is circulating first-rate. Biden_ology is classy and full of robust flavor. The science behind the man is classic Chai Latte you will never forget to savor. Take the course and learn about behaviors.  Not a branch of knowledge but the whole tree. The science behind the man who struggled and survived many adversities. Save a seat for me in your LIFE LESSONS UNIVERSITY. Biden_ology!

Dedicated to the Vice President Of The United States


Charlotte’s Web__Redemption Time!

Dude! Has it been a month already? Beebe Arkansas! My girl Charlotte has flown the coop.  Were you tired of being invisible? Here’s your chance to speak out.  Click on the story’s title and weigh in.  Tell us WHY, WHO, or WHAT  made you leave Walmart?   Sam Walton stated you do not have to leave WAL-MART to find another career.  Hmm! Inquiry minds want to know WHY Charlotte left?  What ruffled Charlotte’s tail feathers? Corporations try to make you feel like you are a disgruntled associate.  Get out of here! You are not the first and you won’t be the last of the disgruntled associates. Why did so many associates change shifts, transferred to other stores or left the company for better pay? Do you feel you were Wrongfully Fired?  Did you hold a manager position and had no people to manage? Are you being held accountable for a job management failed to explain?  Did you step down from a higher position?  Were you denied the position?  Were you underpaid?  Did you find out another associate got paid more for having fewer responsibilities?  Are you one of the associates who said screw the pay it is not worth the headache? Did you get fed up with management?  Were your problems ever resolve?  Are you tired of the brush-off?   Have you gotten any results from HR? Do you feel like you were being forced out because of your age? Do you feel you would get fired before you get the opportunity to retire? Did Walmart fail to work with your schedule?  Are you being bullied on the job? Has your work environment become hostile? Do you feel you have been retaliated against? Do you feel you have been discriminated against?   This is NOT A NO-DOZ commercial. Wake the hell up and pay attention!  REDEMPTION TIME! If things are going sour in your work environment here are some awareness sites you can check out to keep you well informed.  Learn to advocate or negotiate what you want to happen on the job.  Management can hold you accountable.  Time to hold management accountable and the company. Learn to advocate and know your rights.   Stop being afraid. Stop running away.  Don’t be quick to say “I quit.”   Visit the following sites:

1.) (TitleVII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964)

2.) (theories of discriminations)

3.) (National Labor Relation Board)

4.) (American Disability Act, Information and Technical Assistance/laws and regulations)

5.) (573-751-3325)

6.) (United States Department of Labor-Wage and Hour Division (WHD) Family Medical Act of 1993 as Amended

7.) (constructive discharge)


9.) (Walmart)

10.) (Walmart)

11.) (constructive discharge: an abusive atmosphere)


Wal-mart has lost many associates to GM, Costco, US Postal Service, Hallmark and other business. Walmart invests in their investors and not their employees. Rob Walton, the now-ousted Board of Chairman, never was concern about the associate’s troubles in Walmart. As I recall my last name is not Walton.  Another family member has locked down the position of Chairman of the Board. John Penner, son-in-law of the Walton, will share the nameplates along with CEO Doug McMillon.  The associate’s certificates who dedicated their lives to put Walmart on the map will share a new signature.   All that money Rob Walton spent on races. Another 2 Fast and Furious who crashed and burned and never got serious. Rob Walton liked his zoo zoos and wham-wham’s.  You can always go to and learn more. Just a friendly reminder to let you know in the World of Walmart you are an outsider and will never be included in their family. Walmart works for Walmart. Walmart unfair wages and unlawful labor practices should be included in the 2016 Presidential debates.

It is not as if Walmart can’t afford a pay increase of $15.00 an hour to the associates.   Please go back and read Thanks For the (January 5, 2015).  Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, thank you for coming OUT OF THE SHADOWS strongly advocating the pay increase of $15.00 an hour for the people who put large corporations on the map. Visit tag Walmart. Read Despite A Raise In Walmart, Wages & Schedules Still Aren’t Livable. Carry on and read Not Made In America: Top 10 Ways Walmart Destroys US Manufacturing. Also, read Wage Theft and Illegal Retaliation of Low Wage Employees. Visit and read Don’t Believe The Wal-Mart Hype: Here’s proof it still isn’t paying it, workers, enough. Visit and put in the search box Walmart. Learn about the company you work for. Who is getting all of the benefits? This is where associates fall short.

I’m sitting here admiring Charlotte’s’ beautiful card. Thank You for acknowledging me as a True Friend, Charlotte.  I thought I would wait and let you burn off some steam. Girlfriend, when you left Walmart in Missouri you were HOT ABOUT IT.  The greatest gift of all is to be True to yourself so you can reach out and be True to others.  Some relationships last and some fade away.  No matter if it was a Marathon or Sprint there was something about the person that made you want to stay. Hoping the relationship would last forever and never decay. Why do people run away?  On the Flip Side Of The Chart, there are many people who don’t have a clue on how to begin. Opening one’s mouth will be the end of the beginning of establishing a new friend.   Their body language is awkward and they just can’t seem to win. Developing friends and relationships in the World of Walmart is a crime and a sin.  Isolation will be your destiny because you are tagged as a whistle-blower and the enemy from within.  In the World of Wal-Mart, there is a disconnect without any respect when you advocate for your Human Rights. Taking on a corporate giant can turn into a messy fight. Stand up for what you believe and do not take flight. Walmart World Project Their Fears Upon You.  When all is said and done this is what WAL-MART say the associates do.  Who is always in the news for getting sued?  Exactly!  WAL-MART!

You see the word Chart, Charlotte? When something doesn’t appear quite right I begin to chart a person.  I am acknowledging that a problem or problems exist.  In order to find the solution to the problem, I start tracking, mapping out, or documenting. If I do not track, map out, or document the problem, I am giving POWER to the person, or persons, or entity.  It will give them the power to punish and enslave me.  Management and the company can be an A**Hole but it boils down to the Law. Shonda Rhimes the creator, producer/writer of Scandal, Grey’s Anatomy, and How To Get Away with Murder have a No A**hole policy. Rhimes like the fact that her crew all get along. Walmart has constantly gotten away with Murder (downright cruelty/abuse to the associates). It is sad to say the associates are commodities. Walmart is neither loyal are dedicated no matter how long we as associates serve Walmart. Stay off of FACEBOOK talking about your drawers. Puts some quality time in and learn about the LAWS. When the customers roll up to the counter they have their SMARTPHONES out. They keep Walmart ever-changing policies in their hand so they won’t get jilted. Keep the LAWS by your side so you won’t get jilted.

How is it possible to serve 15, 20, 25, or 30 years to a company and all of a sudden the company has begun to look for anything to nail you on?  What is your theory on WHY you are now being treated so poorly?  The associates are the engines that make the train run in Walmart World.  Without the engines, Walmart would not have a World.  How is it possible associates who have served the World of Walmart for all those years go from Sugar To S***  in 2:00 minutes?  Nothing the associates do is right.  When Walmart wants the associates to go away they are picked apart at the seams.  Who made the work environment INTOLERABLE?  Why have the REASONABLE people all transferred, left or gotten fired?  Walmart is a company whose accountability is based on Denial.  Denial of request for the associate’s needs is a major strategy to frustrate, anger, force out, transfer, or make associates quit.  How many Wrongful terminations have there been at store #2857? Hmmm!  Well, at least your popcorn is done.  What is wrong with this picture?  Walmart World is not an Inclusive World.  Who holds the key?  Visit and read the Constructive Discharge-an abusive atmosphere.  Also, visit Tim gives some good advice on the article on Constructive discharge. Laws vary from state to state. Don’t forget to click on the sites above.

Walmart E-commerce (online shopping) will never be able to compare to the Great White Shark__Amazon. Why? Sustainability and Consistency! Amazon has reached out to the World not just their family. If you can’t step outside the box and hire a Board of Chairman outside of the family then it tells the world you are only looking out for #1. Time to get a new dance. The Wally Cheer is out. Uptown Funk would be good.  Sustainability encompasses not the ability for the Walton family to keep all the money for themselves. Sustainability encompasses the outside world.  The Ecology, Politics, Technology, and Ethics. Walmart failed their Ethics course. Walmart is Global Warming deniers.  They want to control the air you breathe. Freaking Fracking is destroying the planet and Walmart invested in the Keystone Pipeline. Drill baby Drill will destroy the planet. Walmart interest would be the oil and their gas station.  Walmart wants to privatize education.

Walmart takes a very literal meaning of Sustainability. The 3Rs for the Walton Family is Reduce the associates. Reuse the old equipment and bypass modern technology.  Recycle bad management who bullies, intimidate, harass, and threaten the associates.  Sustainability includes public opinion, cultural diversity, and social change.  Walmart does not want your advice nor does it wants to change. They want you to follow DIRECTIVES. The politics of Walmart is to protect their world from crumbling from the Deniability Accountability their business was built on. The Politics of sustainability is to protect and prevent environmental damages to the planet.  Walmart does not own the Environment. Wal-mart specializes in Greed.  Science needs to be funded so the government will not shut out new technology. No one will be beaten for using old technology.  Look at the wealth modern technology will bring to our economy. Look at the wealth Walmart has brought to themselves.

Once again Walmart PROJECT their fears upon the associates. Management turns the tables and labeled the associates as bullies. As the late Gilda Radner of  Saturday Night Live (SNL) would say “Isn’t that special.”  Tony, are you and Tara a product of your environment?  Have you been labeled as Bullies?  Don’t be afraid to speak out. Who taught you this skill? You both hold a key. What members of management have you seen as a bully, other associates if you are bullies?  Turn the lock. What! If word comes out the office you both will be punished.  Who is out there on the floor wheeling and dealing undermining different departments?  What happens when you promise you will come on your day off and the deal falls through. Punished!  I can tell by the expression on the associates face when they clock in and look at their task for the night you guys probably feel punished. Make a mistake and get coached and you are punished for a year. Warning! Warning! Danger! Danger! The rotation ends in February. It’s sad to hear the associates say they may be unable to make it through the end of this shift rotation for fear of being coached or fired by Co-Manager Trez and Assistant Mgr. Dianne.  It’s sad to hear the morning shift dread these 2 managers are coming back in February.

I am not afraid to say Co-Manager Trez and Assistant Manager Dianne has made this rotation a living hell (intolerable, hostile, and unfavorable).  I did not break the law. That is just my opinion.  Now when it comes down to the facts I will be able to back up what I said.  Bring It! These 2 managers have their opinion of me. Associates get in trouble when they hold all of the animosity in and feel they can’t trust management to do what is right. Management has their favorites. HR has not jumped in. Management love painting negative pictures of their associates who bust their A** every night. I’m bringing it downtown. That’s why I’m putting this information out here so the ASSOCIATES can fight back. People ask me all the Time am I afraid of getting fired for speaking out. My reply is, “you should be afraid of imploding or exploding when all you had to do talk to someone and let them know something is seriously wrong.”  You should not be AFRAID to come to your job. You should not be AFRAID of certain members of management. The crying, headaches, nervousness, drinking, pill taking, low self-esteem needs to END. AFRAID in the workplace. NO!

Walmart has their inconsistent policy and you should know your rights. I don’t want any associate running in the office saying CSM Linda said. I always think of Big Eddie saying, “get out your cell phone and let’s get to work.”  Management needs to see it in print. I have never in my life seen managers who don’t want to get on a register and serve the people who pay their salary. How can you hold a management position and lack communication skill? Bottom line management doesn’t know how to talk to the associates. Management doesn’t know how to treat the associates. The associates are not second class citizens. Get Real! The associates make management look good. Stop putting so much wax on the floors and pay attention to the associates. They are the Gorilla Glue to Wal-marts. Weigh In. How do you feel?

I strongly feel the associates have been treated poorly. The associates have been shuffled around from area to area.  They are working 3 to as many as 5 departments a night. Management EXPECTATION is unbelievable. It has been so understaffed. Here we are approaching Black Friday and Christmas and once again our store is not prepared. Look at management. Who in their right mind wants to do overtime for a company that will later take the associates overtime away? Who in their right mind wants to do overtime for managers who undermine the associate’s promotions?  Telling the associates one thing but another associate walks away with the position that is promised. This authoritarian management needs you to be afraid. You know WHY? You will find out what management really knows. Walmart hasn’t changed.  Whenever Walmart is under fire Walmart wants you to think they are making changes because they are under a microscope.  Out of all the Co-managers I have seen as a teacher it would be Co-Manager Barbecue Man Himself. Co-Manager Keith. Sorry, Co- Keith I am not trying to get you shipped out of the store. I don’t view you as a Failure.

The store manager lost the associates because he never stayed in touch.  Before Randall Addison arrived other members of management and the associates had taken a beating off Co-Manager Trez arriving at our store in 2007. I will not go down for slander. I like the Truth and I really despise a person lying on me and trying to set me up, my family, or my friends. If Wal-marts goes down it should not be for SLANDER nor SCANDAL. It should be the TRUTH. Some people call it transparency. I call it the BUTT-NAKED TRUTH. There are consequences for telling the TRUTH. I am able to live with myself at the end of the day.   The SLANDER and SCANDAL is a slap on the wrist for Wal-mart overdue BS.  Stop the SLANDER and bring the TRUTH to the table. This store is way overdue for an INTERNAL INVESTIGATION. If Home Office or HR wants to know where the problems exist or can eradicate the problems, they are more than welcome to start here at this blog and work their way through the associates. In the meantime, I will keep working on my end to continue to shine the light on store #2857.

Walmart policy changes in a blink of an eye to fending off the constant laws they break. Consistency goes out the window.  Who make the policy changes? Did corporate make the policies?  Did the store managers, Randall Addison dictate the policies to control management and the associates?   Tara, what happens when you thought you were doing a good deed for Walmart and it went sour? Many years ago I thought I was doing a good deed by going to management with concerns of one of the CSM having some drug-related issues.  That didn’t go well. I caught the worst end.  The CSM got a promotion and a transfer.  To all the associates around the world Weigh In. It doesn’t matter who you work for.   Tara, make sure you tell HR it was Co-manager Trez who went to the floor and discuss the other members of management who received Development Needed on their Evaluations.  Do not hide your key under the rug. The only manager who did not receive a Development Needed was Assistant Manager Stephanie. All the managers are locked in and cannot transfer to another store for at least 1 year because of Randall Addison.  So now we understand what happens when Sh*t the fan.  A member of management transferred to another store but it was not considered a store other members of management would race too.  Hmm! I can’t think of her name right now. I thought of her name and it was Co-Manager Shanna. The store manager and Co-manager Trez treated this Co-Manager very poorly. She probably doesn’t care what store she transferred to. Come on!  A Co-Manager left the store very angry. You are not going to make me believe HR doesn’t know WHY.

How can Randall Addison Evaluate anyone when he has ousted/town hall out from store #1802 in Topeka Kansas? Management failed to fight on the assessment. This store manager weakens, humiliated, harassed, induce fear, discriminated, retaliated and broke down the self-esteem of the associates.  My theory is Randall Addison past failures strategy was to reduce the job performance of the associates/management so he could reign as a powerful person.  This gives the store manager the opportunity to pick people he wanted for the job qualified or not. Only the people he can control will serve his purpose.  Once management starts chipping away at your evaluations on your job performance you lose confidence.  Addison sends his Crew out with crowbars, drills, hammers. The conditions of one’s mind may not be able to focus on the job due to a hostile environment.   You must remember Reasonable people spirit and mind must be broken in order to diminish their self-esteem. Working conditions are very unfavorable/intolerable/hostile at store #2857.

Any behavior can be labeled Intentional unless proven otherwise Unintentional. We will not weave a Web of deceit. There is a Lock and a Key. Which key do you hold Charlotte that will set you free? Here are a few keys that may help you on your awareness journey.  Don’t forget to click the sites that are highlighted. Please search the unlit sites.   There is a life outside of Wal-Mart and many business owners have come into Walmart recruiting.  Amazon is the Great White Shark. It will eat Walmart alive. Why do you think Walmart has the sign up saying NOW HIRING?  Would it have anything to do with the way Walmart treats their associates? Would it have anything to do with the way certain members of management talk to their associates? How about the way the store manager talk to other members of management and the associates?   Walmart, Big Snuffleupagus, the Behemoth towering over many businesses has violated the rights of many associates.  Falling from grace to the tune of 11 billion dollars on Monday and Wednesday losing 21 billion dollars,  Walmart has destroyed the Legacy of Sam Walton. Why! Pure Greed and not investing in their associates only to invest in their investors.

UnBelievable!  How scripted can a person get? This is what makes a person appear not credible or not believable.   CEO Doug McMillon stood in front of the cameras and LIED. CEO McMillon said, ” Clean up your house before you invite people over.” Pinesol has more fresh scents. Maybe he should try using Fabulosa  You can bring people over to your house.  Your house may appear to be clean. What has Walmart swept up under their rugs? What has Walmart hid up under the bed? What skeletons lie in Walmart closet?  What broken toys are in Walmart’s attic? Who broke them? What has Walmart buried in their basement? Walmart needs to be held accountable. Time for the associates to clean house on a regular basis. Forget about Spring Cleaning. Visit’t know and read Charles Fishman article.  Charles Fishman has a spectacular book that is a must-read.  “The Walmart Effect: How the World’s Most Powerful Company Really Works and How It’s Transforming American Economy.” Don’t forget to click on the highlighted sites

Charlotte I brought some people from the Walton family into this story so they can see how to correct the global problems at Walmart. I hope Rob Walton participate because he doesn’t appear to be willing to address the concerns of the associate nor did he answer the question on climate change.  You know the associates are quite concerned about their overtime, Time Theft involved around their hours being cut, and Time took back from the company. Walmart has come up with the strategy of labeling associates as managers to avoid paying overtime pay. If you want more information read the article put out by Think Progress back in April of 2015. Visit  Workers sue Walmart For Manipulating Employee Classification To Deny Them Overtime. This potential lawsuit is taking place in Alameda County. Walmart manipulates associates all the TIME. Associates can’t be manipulated if they step outside of Walmart World and educate themselves about the company. Associates cannot be manipulated if they know their Human Rights. Send letters to US Attorney General General-Loretta Lynch, Attorney General of Missouri-Chris Koster, Claire McCaskill-senator of Missouri. Send a letter to Thomas Perez-Secretary of Labor. Get in contact with Human Rights Commission. Seek out an Employment Attorney for Advice. Contact the media. Use social media. I feel like I’m in a beauty pageant.  I got the answer right.

Stop clicking on your CBL’s and really start reading the rules on overtime.  Walmart has to pay you for half your shift when they call you in. Check out what the 24-hour rule if a member of management gets ahold of an associate to come in and later tell you to get off the clock.  Who is stealing TIME? Shut up! Who made you kill your overtime? NO EXCUSES!  Check out the latest strategy of Walmart stripping the titles off the associate’s badge. Everybody has their name badge with no specific job title. Wow! If this ain’t cross-country instead of cross training. You know longer have cashiers identified as a cashier.  Stockmen are no longer identified stock-men and so forth and so on.  Just your name. Every associate will be pulled in every direction to do every job. It’s what the associates have done anyway all the time. This is probably to avoid another class action lawsuit to rip the levels and pay grades away comparing a person on a level 2 getting paid more than a level 6. Everyone will be considered as equal and has to do every job. Trained or not everyone doesn’t get the same pay. Everyone isn’t treated equally. Everyone doesn’t work at the same pace.  Everyone certainly doesn’t have the same set of skills. It boils down to major unproductivity, more accidents, transfers, and straight out Firing. What a scheme! Look at the name badge. You are now associates without job titles, no promotions, and kind of sorta without a store. You are now on an island and you definitely stand along. It is Walmart’s World and the people who put the Walton family on the map do not belong.  In the world of Walmart Time Theft and Wage Theft are pervasive by members of management.

Let’s get acquainted with the Wal-Mart 1% The People Behind Walmart’s Empire. Visit Click on Meet The Walmart 1% and go to Family Tree. Remember Walmart works for Walmart.

1.) Christy Walton-married into the Walton Family to the late John Walton estimated net worth 39.1 billion dollars (richest women in the world rank by FORBE)

2.) Jim Walton-estimated net worth 34.7 billion dollars

3.) Alice Walton-estimated net worth 34.4 billion dollars

4.) Rob Walton-estimated net worth 34.2 billion dollars

5.) Anne Walton Kroenke-estimated net worth of 4.8 billion dollars and her husband Stan Kroenke estimated net worth is 5.6 billion dollars. He is the owner of the Colorado Avalanche, Denver Nuggets, Colorado Rapids, Mammoth of National LaCrosse and St. Louis Rams.  Stan also made part of his fortune in real-estate.

Don’t forget to google the net worth of each of these CEO. ( David Glass, Lee Scott, Mike Duke, Bill Simon, and Doug McMillon) The biggest mistake associates make is to work for a company and know nothing about the internal operation of the company. Who really reap the benefits? Who or What is destroying Walmart? Weigh In if you feel certain members of management need to be ousted?  Everyone at store #2857,  and across the country weigh In if you have members of management you feel needs to leave Walmart.

This would be the last Time I would hear Charlotte raspy voice passing register 21.  If steam could come out of her nose and ears, Charlotte would be the upgraded model of Amtrak.   Both hands were placed in her back pant pockets. Charlotte made her way over to the vending machine where she picked up a cherry coke. As she walked further down the aisle I could see that she had picked up a bag of peanuts. “Dude, it is hard being your friend. Co-Manager Therese (Trez) has put me over on the grocery side and tells me I need to redeem myself.  Co-manager Trez wants to punish me. I bet she puts me over on grocery side until I get the hell out of here. What the hell did I do that I have to redeem myself?  Assistant Manager “Dianne did not understand I was in cosmetics not because I wanted to be it was because of my injury.” Weigh In Charlotte and tell us the rest. Thank you, Charlotte for hanging out with me and being a real friend. You caught hell but you hung tough. Not many people would have stuck around. Don’t feel bad Charlotte.

Assistant Manager Dianne has isolated communication.  The other CSM is not allowed to give me certain information. Assistant Manager Dianne calls the CSM on the phone so I will not hear any information about the walker.  This is no way to build communication and team skills. When an associate is fired I am not to be told. Whatever information Assistant Mgr. Dianne wants to withhold she has her own system. Other information is relayed to me by support managers or the other CSM. Really!  Just suppose no one relates any information because I am the enemy of who wants what is best for the associates.  It does violate my communication rights.   Dude, I’m so glad I’m gone. I got my work done faster when Co-Manager Trez and Assistant Mgr. Dianne wasn’t there. I really did struggle.  The night went by slow when Co-manager Trez and Assistant Manager Dianne worked overnight.  Dude! It was torture. Who in their right mind want to do overtime for those two managers.  You can take a poll and I bet a lot of people feel the same way I do. The atmosphere was less stressful when Assistant Mgr. Dianne and Co-Manager Trez weren’t there. Tell Assistant Manager Seth Hello. Dude is Dianne still driving him crazy.  Poor Seth! At least he ain’t a pain in the A**.  He can be an A**Hole. Don’t forget to let the associates know Co-Manager Trez punishment for them was putting the associates in the can good aisle. Did Shooki ever get out that aisle? I haven’t seen Snooki.

Weigh in Sarah Q.  I forgot she has defected from store #2857 and now she is at a Walmart store in Camden.  Sarah Q. tell us why you left so angry?  Hopefully, she will get back with us. Sarah worked on the grocery side a few times. Once you go over to the grocery side it is hard as hell to get out of there. Look at all the associates who have been asking for years to be moved.”  So many associates were DENIED the right of PROMOTIONS.  Even worse the associates did not appear to be informed about the different levels and pay grade.  If the associates worked out of their area they were never paid.   Some of the associates have suffered injuries and their job code needed to be changed. Just another Walmart strategy to break the associate down.  Speaking on Sustainability the welfare of the individual is not sustained. Attorneys should be lining up outside store #2857.  Really! You don’t think HR has any of this information? Get Real! Right, Teresita.

People fail to report the events because they think the corporation is too BIG.  Yes, those policies that play to an audience of not doing a lot of damage and appear to be minor policy changes is really Hurricane Cleo. Further up the road, the changes here and there made on your Evaluation will later signify you can no longer do the job. Guess What? You will be out of a job later.  ADVERSE ACTION.  It really did seem harmless at the time and the associates will suffer the horrible consequence.   Remember when Walmart brought in a CSM from Maryville but she never got the opportunity to be a front-in supervisor.  Her name was Cynthia. I remember her telling me she had received several talks but she didn’t know she was being coached. She said management would pull here over on the floor and she thought they were giving her directions.  Later when she was called to the office she realized the directions she was given was the direction for out the door. Management did not identify what those talks really were. Those personal discussions added up to coaching for failure and not for success. Walmart put associates under surveillance. They track, monitor, and document associates to avoid paying any benefits to the associates once they are fired.  How does your work record look at the end of the day? You thought it was a harmless policy change.  Redemption Time! Get Them Their Papers and line up your witnesses. It doesn’t need to be in order. It is Time for Show and Tells. Keep it Simple and organize your paperwork.

As I was writing this story something strange happen. A part of the story was snatched out. I went through every revision but it is gone. What was written has been lived and will never be forgotten.  The young man who lived that part of the story remembered a quote from Co-Manager Trez who fired him at 9:15 pm on 11/15/2007 in the ad office. “Since you know your rights, you can have your meeting, but it will be harder on the outside looking in.”  On 11/16/2007 this young man was reinstated by phone at 11:00 am by Market Manager, Mike Gray. This sounds like this would be a sign of REDEMPTION for this young man, his family, and friends it led to 8 years of RETRIBUTION. There are many keys to unlock this story of RETRIBUTION. Ye better know it!

I am inserting the piece of the puzzle that got snatched from the story.  A young man arrives at his job around 2:00 pm on 11/15/2007. He clocks in and runs into another associate from the back room.   The unloader greets the young man who works in automotive and tells him how much he is going to miss him.   The unloader tells the automotive associate how much he appreciated all the support he has given the unloaders.  The unloader tells the automotive associate he is sorry about him getting fired.  The young man never utters a word of his firing because he did not know himself.  Imagine how this could really work on a person’s nerve.  This could turn a very Reasonable associate into an UNREASONABLE ASSOCIATE after waiting all that time and not having a clue why he was getting fired. The clock is ticking. The time now is 9:15 pm and the young man is called into the ad office where he is fired. For Real!  Another one of Walmart nasty and dangerous labor practice.  If you are going to fire an individual they should be told not to come in on their scheduled shift. Things can get quite ugly. The rest of this story is UNREAL. You just can’t make this up.

Bottom line, in order to fix a problem you must realize a problem exists. Fixing the problem you need to show concerns and want change.  Rob Walton showed no concerns for the associates. His family interest is the investors. As for Walmart, they are in denial.  This is the only accountability Walmart/Walton rely on. Certain members of management have caused major problems at Wal-mart. HR stood by and let the behavior continue.  It will take a big key to unlock the problems at store #2857.  Who holds the key? The Associates! EXACTLY! This store probably doesn’t realize the problem exists. Hint: It started with the Pilot Program of 4 C0-managers being in the store.  At one time there was the market manager and the store manager in the store. This arrangement didn’t survive because everyone went to the market manager to get their problem resolve.  The 4 Co-managers are locked in.  “NO ONE WILL EXCEED EXPECTATION.”  NO ONE WILL BE PROMOTED.  NO ONE WILL BE ALLOWED TO RISE ABOVE THOSE WHO CANNOT HANDLE THEIR OWN FAILURES. NO EXCUSES!

Left Brain/Right Brain___Whatever!

Hmmm! I guess we are not rocking the emotions today. Are you just not feeling it? I would love to feel it but my Right brain has some damages.  Whatever! My body has a lot of damages.  You don’t understand. Break it down to me.  When the Right Brain is damaged I lack the ability to decipher emotional information. I’m not ignoring the body language, facial expression, gesture, or the tone in people’s voices. I just can’t interpret nonverbal communication. So the key to your ignition doesn’t ignite your engine and you are left with the remix of cold cognition.  Sounds like R. Kelly Trapped In The Closet to me. Who is R. Kelly?  A soulful songwriter and producer whose ignition had a lot of issues. He steps away from the spotlights into his closet so his behavior would go into remission.

Basically, it just hard for you to put yourself in others people’s NIKES and you could not afford AIR JORDANS.  The price should not be so high that people assume you know how to behave and you really don’t.  The key to unlocking the door is to TEACH. Oooh! I have a great mentor out there who taught me the bottom line is what you need to know.  One cannot go from zero to one hundred. There are small steps we must take to reach our goal.  One day you will reach one hundred.  I can see why a person behavior would go off the chain when you are singing to the tune of Alicia Keys song, NO ONE.  I struggle big time socially.  I struggle big time medically.  So, Whatever! You are no different from me. There are many things in my life that need improvement. Every person on this planet needs to improve something in their life.

What did you say your name is?  I didn’t but people call me NLD Syndrome. I’m talking about the name on your birth certificate. Oh! My for real name is Constance. Well, for real Constance if I had to put my name down for every infected body part or missing part there would be no room for my parent’s name, date of birth, time, and the stamp of approval that the birth certificate is legitimate. See that long sentence I just wrote. Yeah! It is called a run on sentence.  I don’t need an English lesson. Constance, the point is my name would look just like that sentence on the birth certificate. That is what I’m trying to tell you.  I don’t get the whole picture. So, Whatever! If my body was a puzzle, BABY, there are pieces missing but I still can function. Another part of my body will pick up the tab.  In the medical community, a doctor will explain that you are born with 2 lungs. If one lung goes the other one is set up to carry on. This is the BIGGEST mistake the psychiatric community makes. Some other plan of action can be put into place.   The tab can be picked up to keep people with mental illness from feeling hopeless, a shame, and humiliated. We want you to seek help. People view mental illness as prolonged. A physical illness will take the body out quicker.

You are NOT terminally ill if you have been diagnosed with a mental illness.  How does the Left Brain pick up the tab?  I have so much verbiage.  I’m talking all over the place. Wow! You become the VOICE.  Have you ever watch that show? There is a lot of body language and begging on that show. Adam Levine stretches across his desk as if he is the most desperate artist begging to win the next season over Blake Shelton.  Pharrell with that baby-face smile leaning forward poking out his neck signaling,  “Come Home.”  Christine Aguilera using her hand movements to rope people in to be on her team.  Blake Shelton watching those cowboy boots, beating on his desk, and giving a friendly reminder to the new artist he has won three times.

My writing can go on for eons without me getting to the point. My friend’s last story was like that but she had a lot of points to make. 🙂 I starting reading early and my teacher thought I was gifted. When I was promoted to the next grade it took me too long to write and my hands got sore. It looks like I was coloring instead of writing.  I couldn’t keep up because I was so unorganized. I got into trouble so many times when the teacher would say,  “can you just imagine.” It would piss me off and my behavior begins to boil over like rice.  Oh God, when the teacher starts repeating lessons my head would spin around.  At that moment I felt as though I needed a priest to keep me from peeing on the carpet. I got this. I have the HERE-SAY PROGRAM. I’m auditory-verbal  At the end of the school day my brain felt like it had heard it all and I had said TOO much. Math became complex because it was so abstract. I would use all these big words in my writing but the paper said nothing.

I have a lot of memory but it is hard for me to take my old thoughts and transfer what I had learned to a new situation. I have come a long way and I have gotten much better. Good for you Constance. I want to make friends and develop relationships. After reading my friend’s story I realized the corporate community are afraid people will band together, make policy changes, defend their human/civil rights. If she struggled with her job and nothing was put in place for her to do an effective job, I will have a much tougher path to follow.  True Dat! When my mother found out the final word on my diagnoses she was relieved but she cried for days. My mother came across a chart. Listed on the chart was Syndromes With Social Incompetencies. It listed Williams Syndrome (WS), Autism, High Function Autism (HFA) Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), Hyperlexia, Asperger’s Syndrome (AS), and Nonverbal Learning Disabilities (NLD). On the left-hand side of the chart, it has Speech, IQ, Motor, and Behavior.

Nonverbal Learning Disabilities (NLD) has early speech and vocabulary development. Pragmatic and prosody is poor. One may not be tactful when knowing when to end a conversation or how fast they are talking. As the saying goes silence can be golden but if you don’t know when to stop talking a problem exist big time. Common sense and being realistic is the ruler of today. Hey! Good news, it can be taught.  IQ for Nonverbal Learning Disability is normal to superior. VIQ>PIQ means Verbal Intelligence is much greater than the actual Performance. Whatever! Donald Trump is leading in the polls and he’s a Billionaire. As a matter of fact, The DONALD has inspired me to write this story and the next story coming your way real soon. There are a lot of people who talk a GOOD GAME and still get paid. One of my favorite people was Darrell Issa. Issa reasoning, abstract or not was shot to hell.  He never found any criminal activity against former Attorney General Eric Holder.  I can’t really say Issa talked a GOOD GAME but he talked a lot, had no common sense, and was very unrealistic. He is the richest member of Congress. Dang!  Consultants are the new VIQ>PIQ and any person that fall into this category.  Motor skills for NLD dexterity is a problem. The skill to paint, eat with a chopstick or a fork takes eye-hand coordination. So, Jack be nimble Jack be quick is hard for Jack to comprehend.  Jack can learn and start to mend. Writing, typing cutting with scissors and buttoning clothes can be a pain in the a**.  People diagnosed with NLD  have a tendency to sit on the floor to eat to help maintain their balance.  As far as NLD Behavior goes people who are diagnosed with this syndrome lack skills in receptive and expressive language hindering their verbal communication skills.

The biggest problem I have is when I become angry no one wants to help me or give me strategies and coping skills. They want to shove a bunch of pills down my throat. So they bring out Austin Powers and tell me to, “Oh Behave Baby!”  I have had the police called on me. People want to lock me away. I have been kicked out of those so-called self-righteous NLD groups.  They just want to talk about NLD Syndrome.  I live in the real world, not a thread.  What I say can get me killed outside that thread. You don’t have to say anything and can get killed. I am at a greater risk if NO ONE understands that my behavior is UNINTENTIONAL.  I strongly feel the psychiatric community should address race, politics, cultural diversity.   NLD is not the biggest problem I have. There have been several Black women and Black males shot down by the police. You haven’t forgotten Sandy Hook?   The school located in Sandy Hook was not for children with extraordinary minds, unique abilities, and multi-level learning styles.  Our society labels children/adults mentally disabled.

You have 16 contenders running for 2016.  These contenders have made several social blunders, gaffes, faux pas, and slip-ups INTENTIONALLY.   You better know who is MENTALLY CHALLENGED.  If the psychiatric community can’t address this conversation in their group maybe they need to be turned over to the Citizen Commission On Human Right (CCHR). These are the watchdog investigating and exposing Psychiatric Human Rights Violation. BOW WOW WOW YIPPY YO YIPPY YEAH!  Turn the Dogcatcher loose.   While we’re at it let’s turn over the 16 contenders for next year Presidency to CCHR. It is Time for the NLD Community to visit  It took me years to be diagnosed with NLD Syndrome.  NLD Syndrome is not on my birth certificate.  You have people in the next election singing, “If I Only Had A Brain.”   They should be singing, “I Sure Got A Lot Of Nerves.”  Has anyone stopped you and asked if you used your Left Brain/Right Brain__Whatever!

Snitch This! Here’s The Playlist.

Whew-Wee! You mean to tell me the associates are not allowed to sit on the benches anymore.  What! The only place you can have your breaks and lunches will be in the Break Room or outside.  Hey, I will admit I sat over in the corner at the service desk and would eat my lunch. No one could see me. The majority of the times when the associates came to pick up the returns they didn’t know I was there. Other associates begin to come and sit on the bench inside customer service.  There are 2 benches by the time clock near the podium. One night I was sitting behind the service desk eating my lunch. The Co-manager comes up and started throwing return buckets around. This incident was witnessed by 2 other associates and the other CSM.  The CSM said it happen to her over the weekend.  Okay! The other CSM acted like it was a normal occurrence.  Let’s just assume the Co-Manager was angry probably because the returns had not been picked up by the associates or the Co-manager may have felt the CSMs had not called out enough times. I continued to eat my lunch.  The next night the assistant manager rolls up and tells me it was very unprofessional to eat behind the service desk. The assistant manager said she would inform the other associates they could not eat in the area by customer service and sit on the benches by the TIME clock.  The customers would get mad if they would see us sitting around and not waiting for them.   What I couldn’t understand is you could not see me at the service desk. You had to either be told by someone I was there or come into customer service to physically know I was there. The majority of the associates are aware I very seldom go to the Break Room.

Here we go again!  Some people don’t give up. We can now add the vacation request and the public service announcement by the store manager booting me off THE BENCH as another pattern of Walmart’s retaliation for JULY.  Request date was May 23, 2015, and only 1 week approved in July 2015.  CEO Doug McMillon is going to be thrilled to death. I don’t mine filing the 4th Department of Labor and Industrial Relations Missouri Commission On Human Rights complaint. The contact number is 573-751-3300. That just means more paperwork and giving The Human Rights Commission more information about Walmart’s unfair labor practices. The people Walmart leave in charge. Wait until you get further into the story. You will see WHY the month of JULY really means so much to me. I won’t spoil the surprise.

Strange, in 2008 I would stand by the cart carrel to gather heat when my body became cold(booted out).  In  2011 the room by automotive where customers waited for their cars(booted out).  The same year, over on the grocery side of DSD, the room where they kept the red totes with the cigarettes (booted out). In  2012 the room behind customer service was well heated (booted out).  I was in areas where the customer could not see me nor the associates. I was booted out by the same Co-manager.  I just wanted a place to eat in peace. Here it is July 2015, maybe Co-manager Theresa just wants me booted out of the building period.  I guess it is more professional for Co-manager Theresa to throw around return buckets and let the associates see how well she handled situations.  Well, you know you can’t single a person out. I guess the store manager forgot in 2013 he sent another Co-manager to boot me out of a small area.  Now it has been made into a tiny office.  The store manager made the announcement everyone has to eat in the Break Room or outside.  I wonder if Co-manager Theresa left something out? Maybe she forgot to tell the Store Manager, Randall Addison how many times she has booted me out.  Even in the nightly meetings because I ask too many questions I was booted out.  What do you think? It feels to me as though I was singled out. I wonder if any of the other associates have been booted out as many TIMES as I have.

DUDE! I am not a union organizer. Just to let you know I am not being disrespectful to management. Walmart has a gift card out that has a grey background with bold dark grey capital letters spelling out the word DUDE.  I bought one to show certain members of management because if you say something they may take offense to what you say or take what you say out of context. I was in the office talking to Assistant manager Dianne about my vacation time. My voice elevated and she said it appeared to her I was coming across as angry. WOW! I explain to her I thought I was expressing myself as being passionate. Here goes the “Angry Black Women Syndrome.” There have been many times Assistant Manager  Dianne has been out on the floor and raised her voice at the associates. I thought she was frustrated because the grocery side has always been short on staffing. I never viewed her as an angry White Women. Sir Chris Knight of the Round Table this is why the President always kept a smooth low tone.   Strange how certain members of management are the flamethrowers of disrespect. Another adverse action on Wal-marts behalf. It only creates a hostile environment. Yes, it will affect the associate job performance.  The Associates see Wal-mart as bullies. Walmart takes everything away, dictating all the rules, and humiliating the associates by saying they are slow and unproductive.  We just recently lost 2 more GOOD PEOPLE and hard workers for this very same reason. Man! I hate being stereotyped.

Man! Where did the TIME go?  Where’s your buddy?  He is back in lawn and garden tonight?  The USA is working in so many departments tonight. All the associates are spread thin and working in different areas.  There are not a lot of people on GM (General Merchandise) side. We are needed on the Grocery Side. So call me early for my returns. I certainly will.  Are you taking an early break? What are you going to eat? Tonight I will snack on a Rocky Road Snicker and a Naked Mango Smoothie.  I will save the ice-cream for another day.  You look so peaceful sitting there.  I’m really tired. Sall, I promised you a story.  This one is for you. I have been reflecting back on many of my stories. There are a lot of people missing in action. As my memory unfolds these where all GOOD PEOPLE. It’s all GOOD. I hated to see them leave the store.  Each person left me feeling reassured they would be alright.  It was better for their health, well-being, and they were looking forward to a salary increase.   Many of the associates made it clear they wanted better treatment and could wait for the pay increase. These associates were tired of the poor treatment they had to receive from Walmart. No matter how hard the associates would try they were viewed as slow and unproductive.

How in the world can you schedule the associates pass their availability without asking? Walmart doesn’t mine. It is just another violation of a LOOPHOLE.  The rules in the policy can change at any time to suit the needs of Walmart.  It was hard to come to work while certain members of management would beat you down. In the morning when it was time to get off, your self-esteem was wrapped around your kneecaps.  Certain members of management on several occasions reminded the associates if they did not like Walmart’s treatment they could go elsewhere.  How many TIMES have I been told the very same thing by certain members of management?  All those GOOD PEOPLE who are no longer with the store looks very relieved and less stressed.   All those GOOD people came back to the store to remind the workers how much they miss them.  Sall, they left me with GOOD memories.   WOW! To go so far as to tell an associate to find another job if you don’t play by Walmart’s rules.  It can make the associates feel helpless. Time to be a Disruptive Innovator. Here goes being bad and breaking chain of command to bring a new way to get this message off of the bench and onto the GRID. On a GOOD note, Oprah said don’t forget to document.  Oprah stated sometimes it is TIME  to move on to another job.  Snitch This! Here’s the Playlist.

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Sall, there are so many jobs websites. Forbes listed Top 75 Websites for your career in alphabetical order.  Forbes also has 100 top websites for Women. I say to you Sall, Raison d’être. You will never have to feel like you are trapped.  I really did not like being called a Snitch. Toure thinks it is horrible too. I figure if I SNITCH it would be to help serve a greater purpose for other people’s live.  I really don’t like the term, Snitch. Who’s Toure? He is a guardian of the Knights of The Round Table on MSNBC.  Guess What! I am not sitting on the bench delivering a locked in message. Power to the GRID! Sall, I want the world to know that these people on this list will always be eternal flames in my heart.

There are TIMES when I created a list and I can see race, age, sex, national origin, religion, and color just pop out. Asking questions helps. Let’s visit Mr. Rogers neighborhood.  Who dominates this list?  What? Shut Up!

1.) Nadia-Mommy of the Year. Love sharing time with her sons. She was a GOOD HARD WORKER and loved her job at Walmart. What a loss!

2.) Pete-Mr. Stylist himself and loved every kind of shoe in the world. GOOD WORKER, friendly and easy-going and definitely GOOD PEOPLE.

3.) Rashaud- Love his music and the Brother could sing. GOOD WORKER. Doing his thing at GM. His favorite candy was vanilla carmen creme. Rashaud did not like being called a BOY.  So Snitch This! There’s more to the Playlist.

4.) Antonio-Delightful personality and very unique. I can see Antonio zipping through the store with his bag of Smart Popcorn and his bottle of Star Bucks Frappuccino on his lunch hour.  GOOD PERSON and he tried hard.

5.) Balvin-Mr. Healthy Eater. Love mangoes, avocados, all types of fruit just like you Sall.  A very Hard and GOOD WORKER. All around smooth and a very easy-going person.  What a loss.  Balvin comes to Walmart at night proudly wearing his Park Hill School District Badge.  This brother made it clear he would go out on his own terms.  He was told basically by the Co-manager if he could not wax the floors they no longer had any use for his services.  Park Hill is now hiring.

6.) Rob loved his old school music, a comedian, and love old school candy.  GOOD PEOPLE and GOOD WORKER

7.) Tanya-The Grandmother of the year. Always shopping for her grandchildren and Ms. Entrepreneur of opening up a chain of Day Care Centers. Hold onto your dream. GOOD PEOPLE and GOOD WORKER.

Sall, there have only been 6 Black assistant managers in this store over a period of 14 years. Walmart will probably bring another Black manager to cover up. Can Walmart cover up all the hurt and pain they have to cause the associates?  Look around. There is not one Black manager in the store yet.  Hmmm! How discriminatory is this?  It didn’t take long to get rid of Mr. Ricky.  Who masterminds a plan to alleviate all Black Assistant Managers from store #2857?  When you write a story and the people start disappearing from the story there is a great cause to be concerned.  The Confederate Flag has been removed.  Walmart said they would participate in removing symbols of the Confederate flag.   Now it is TIME for the IDEOLOGY, and the people who want to hang onto the GOOD OLD BOY SYSTEM, and THE TAP ON THE BACK be taken DOWN.  Home Office controls the heat, water, and air. If everything is controlled by Home Office maybe it is TIME for the associates to organize and go to HOME OFFICE and list concerns for yourself, the store, and pay increases. The associates have the right to organize and Town Hall management out of their positions.  I think this is why the associates can no longer set on THEM THERE BENCHES.  They can always go to the GRID and they won’t get written up.  Walmart may have to Pull the Plug but I, Linda Garrett, choose to breathe on my own.   Can you hear Patti LaBelle and Michael McDonald singing On My Own? It would truly help if the associates get in touch with HOME OFFICE, the news media, and DWIT (Do Whatever It Takes) to bring down the Confederate Flag. This is Slavery, Bondage, and Control. The associates have always held the power in their hand. Now it is TIME to use their VOICES. Now you see WHY I get booted out.

Sall, we need to be a part of the policy-making process. THE TAP ON THE BACK gives Walmart leverage to change their policy to fit their needs at any given TIME, not the associates. The TAP ON THE BACK disrespect the worker’s rights and weakens the laws of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  Sall, Title Vll prohibits employment discrimination based on race, religion, sex, color, and national origin. Sall, you are from Africa. Knowing your rights gives you leverage and puts the power in your hands, not Walmart.  The TAP ON THE BACK gives power to Walmart Corporation who has failed to respect the laws.   It is quite easy for Walmart to disrespect those associate who has worked for Walmart Corporation for many years.  Tenure is not respected.  We are not respected.   An example would be Walmart raise increase. The longer a person stays their wage is suppressed even more. This hinders the development of one’s job performance.  Sall, there are laws that protect you from pay discrimination. Anyone coming in after the raise increase has walked into the door making more than the person who spent years to get to the new associate’s salary. Think about the people who were here before the wage increase went into effect.  Some associates were paid at a higher rate and were in a lower pay grade.  Who wants more responsibility in a higher pay grade but receives less money? How did these associates reach their salary cap so soon?   Walmart raise increase is based on how much they favor an individual.  God has no favorites. God grants Grace. God does not discriminate Amen!

Every person did not get a raise but many of the associates thought the raise would be for all of Walmart associates. Laws are put in place that protects our HUMAN RIGHTS against Discrimination In The Workplace. Can I get an Amen from Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney, from New York?  Missouri is a No-Fault State but it does not give Walmart Corporation the right to create an UMBRELLA OF LIES. Do not be intimidated by Walmart’s size.  Walmart must be held accountable for their sins.  Sometimes we fall from GRACE because we are BLINDED by GREED which stares us in the FACE. Corporations lose sight of the people who put them on the map. Money is the #1 priority.  We lose GOOD EMPLOYEES. We lose GOOD CUSTOMERS, We lose GOOD MANAGEMENT.  From the echoes of Senator Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts, if you are too big to fail you are too big to exist.  From the battle cries of Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont,, UpWorthy, and many others the minimum wage needs to be raised to $15.00 an hour in order to be competitive. To uplift the poor from the poverty level and keep the middle class in tack.  Can I get AMEN to that?

I love AMAZING GRACE. The tune floating in my head is Oh Happy Day. When Jesus washed, Oh when he washed, he washed my sins away.  Oh, Happy Day. No, you don’t earn Grace. Grace is granted by God Almighty. Grace is a special gift handed to us by God who will forgive our sins. God will judge us all in the end.  Do we deserve GRACE? NO!  Man judges but can never grant a person GRACE. There is so much that man has to forgive himself so he may judge objectively. Who forgives our sin?  Well, you know some people are not in the forgiveness business.  Thank God for granting us GRACE.  God Favors us all. A man has his favorites. Sall, this is when discrimination comes into play because one side is favored more than the other. God does not discriminate. God is in a Neutral Zone.  Through Gods lens he sees no color, dollar amount doesn’t matter, nor the size of the corporation, and whether or not if you are a celebrity when your ship sails it will be TIME to go.   Oh, Happy Day. Sall, this is why we need to step outside and bring in independent investigators who do not work for Walmart and will remain Neutral in evaluating any type of grievance. All the people on the list below need to know they do have a choice and always get a second opinion. It doesn’t need to be Wal-Mart’s opinion.

Off the top of my head, I do not wish to view any of the associates as FAMILIAR STRANGERS.  Somewhere down the line, Sall, we must complete the conversation and learn to get along in order to have a productive work night especially when we are short on people. We spend a lot of hours together and I would like to think I have learned something about each associate as they come to the register.  What puts a smile on their face and keep the associates within the boundaries of remaining human? Once you give these 25 associates their zu-zu’s and wam-wam’s you got 25 smiles without a raise.

1.) Ricardo-walnuts and avocados

2.) Karen-mocha frappuccino and M&M’s

3.) Tim-oatmeal cookies and Sunkist orange soda

4.) Dwight-mangoes and plum

5.) Charlotte-cherry coke and peanuts

6.) Tony-Red Bull and Doritos

7.) Jeannine-Marlboro Red and Twizzler

8.) Cory-pizza and sherbet ice-cream

9.) Unisa-KickStart Cherry Mt. Dew and Rice Crispy Treats

10.) Alex-Lipton Green Tea and Life Savers Gummy Treats

11.) De Andre-Welches Fruit Snack and Gatorade Blue Drink

12.) Ashley Cherry Coke and Chocolate Mushroom Cookies

13.) Tanetra-Coke and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup

14.) Robert-Mini Fudge Brownies and Red Kool-Aid

15.) Jamie-Chobani Coconut yogurt and strawberry cupcakes

16.) Daniel-Barbecue Pork sandwich and Vanilla Double Shot

17.) Tretez- Twix and White Hersey Chocolate bar

18.) Ms. Peggy-coffee and pure ice one flavored drink

19.) Brady-Octopus and Butter Pecan Ice Cream

20.) Keon-Graham Crackers and Manchurian noodles

21.) Hans-Lime popsicle and chocolate candy

22.)David-Rice Crispy Treats and Mt. Dew Code Red

23.) Derrick-Watermelon gum and Mt. Dew

24.) Mrs. Lauren-butter frosting cakes and cookies

25.) Sara P-pickles and Dr. Pepper

These are all GOOD people and hard workers. Our store consists of many GOOD hard workers.  I probably can name something they all like or they all like to do or places where the associates visited. The associates are not FAMILIAR STRANGERS but more like FAMILY.  This is how the job gets done by being able to communicate to an associate the smallest of their interest is important.  Let the associates know you are paying attention and you do care.

I can look in the basket of many of the customers and remind them if they left out any general merchandise or grocery items. There are a lot of GOOD customers that have frequent the store. We have lost a lot of GOOD customers.  The people feel Walmart does not provide quality service. The customers do not like the way Walmart treats the associates. Many of the customer’s children were hired at Walmart and this was their first job experience.  Doctors, Attorneys, Pilots, Judges and all people from different nationalities and all walks of life get off the plane from KC International, which is just around the corner. People coming in off their flight was surprised Walmart didn’t have the latest technology and the store was so outdated. A young man from Arizona said he was surprised we didn’t have any self-checkout.  He said for over 5 years he worked installing registers for Walmart Corporation but had since parted ways. He said any tech that walks into a store and notices you have no self-checkout lanes it meant the store was at risk for high theft. Not putting in self-checkout lanes would be a way to reduce loss in the store. Interesting!

Our registers had the oldest programs and should have been upgraded in 2007.  Every register has crashed. The most popular registers 19,1,5,7,9,11,13,17,20,21,22,24,25,26,27,29, and 32.  At the Service desk 91 hasn’t worked in a long time  Register 93 has a tendency to freeze. Register 95 has been in and out of commission. Register 2,8, and 19(still have problems), 68 and 27 was down on the general merchandise side.  Who did we serve with all those registers out of commission on and off for the past 8 yrs? Who was in violation? Did the customers receive GOOD service?  Is this one of the reasons why Walmart has such a low score in customer service? Ask Consumer Report and Shop Smart.   There were no registers opened because people were not hired to be placed on the broken registers.  How much sense does that make?  Instead of getting new registers and turnstiles we have received another patch job.  All those years and the registers were not working properly. What about the scales?  Now there is one hell-of-a compliance issue.  A fortune could be made if the customer’s fruit and vegetables were not weighed properly.  Electronics has a huge compliance issue.  Two people should be staffed in Electronics at all Times.  Hey, Walmart can change the rules anytime.  The Debit readers are still a major problem.  Debit readers are unable to read the credit/debit cards with the new computer chip.  Customers do not wish to swipe their card 2 or more times.  Yes, the customers have been overcharged and called Walmart out. The customer showed on their smartphones, iPhones, and Androids it was a Walmart’s problem, not a banking problem. The customer wanted the problem resolved right away.  Customers have made it clear, “who needs management.”  Customers had the policy on their phones which loaded a lot quicker than management responded.  Snitch This! Here’s The Playlist.

It would be so much better if new TOUCH SCREEN computers had been installed and a faster program used.  MOTOROLA!  Come on now. Guess who was held accountable for the mechanical errors. SURPRISE!  See these dates Sall, 5/30/2012, 7/13/2012, 7/16/2012, 7/26/2012, 9/22/2012. This was my last trip to HR.  I walk around every night with those dates in my pocket.   I wrote a story on November 26, 2012,  Please Proceed__Get The Transcript. Those dates demonstrate coaching for failure, not for success. It reminded me of a certain member of management, Co-Manager Trez, behind the camera. This was another attempt to set me up for a Structural Dismissal or Structural Discharge.  There are other Structural dates that followed in 2013, 2014, and 2015. Even before these dates, I noticed a pattern of INTENTIONAL unnecessary write-ups. Sall, it is just another fancy way of saying you are on your way to getting FIRED TRUMP STYLE.  Well in my case, certain members of management are doing everything in their power Intentionally and will create an LIE to get rid of me, you, and any person who stands up for themselves. Did you notice a pattern, Sall?  Wow! management was really desperate in JULY of 2012.  They are desperate now.  JULY 2015 has arrived. It felt as though I have been money laundered and hung out to dry. In cases of money laundering, it is never done all at once. Information is altered to make the transaction appear more acceptable. Walmart has their heart set on taking me to the cleaners. I have always wanted what was best for the associates and the customers.  This is no longer Walmart’s goal.

Look out for the words INVOLUNTARY TERMINATION with MISCONDUCT on exit papers. You better know it!  I have read many of the associate’s exits papers in my Time.   Sall, INVOLUNTARY TERMINATION is what I call a Euphemism. It is the polite way so folks don’t get embarrassed telling the associate they are booted out permanently.  Corporations go through the back door so employers can avoid paying benefits to employees.  Who volunteers to get fired? Will any of the personal discussions/verbal, written coaching and the lousy evaluation you receive be dropped if you decide to return?  Are you going to receive the salary you left out with if and when you return? What a way to say you are out the door.  Why would an associate come back to the scene of the crime in 30 days for rehire?  Really! Get fired again. Now Walmart or any corporation can say how they really worked with you and they tried so hard.  What employer would take an associate back for MISCONDUCT? Does Walmart have some sort of 30-day treatment plan before they fire you again?  Charges not expunged. Well, the new Euphemism of today would be  INVOLUNTARY WORK SLAUGHTER.  If you come back for the 2nd TIME I guess it would be 2nd degree associate slaughter.  Have you figured out who got burned?  What a way to destroy your work record. You think Unemployment is going to give you any BENEFITS? NO! Is it set up this way to force an associate back to the corporation without them paying any BENEFITS. This doesn’t appear to be legal.

Look for patterns of behaviors and always watch the dates.  The cashiers, CSMs, and an employee called to the register off the floor are at high risk of getting on a register and being set up by certain members of management behind the looking-glass or AP (100). I am not being paranoid. I have gone through this personal hell myself. I have other dates to prove Walmart’s reckless Intentional behavior.  Are the cameras for the associates?  Are the cameras for the associates who are viewed as thieves?   Certain management can get an associate for Time theft or grazing (eating an item that has not been purchased) on the clock.   No person working at Walmart should be mentally raped by the excessive surveillance of certain members of management. Get another storyline when it comes to the registers.  How can Walmart hold the associates accountable for their being out of compliance?  The Coin-Star machine needs to be checked. Customers are putting their money in the machine and when the customer gets to the register the ticket will say Do not redeem this ticket. This ticket has been used. The whole store needed to be remodeled by 2007 but instead, we got a patch job. Now we are getting another patch job.  Walmart Corporation needs to be held accountable. Walmart creates policies, drop the ball on policies, and pick up the ball on policies to cover Walmart, not the associate. Sall, this is where the associates have the right to assemble and change the rules of the game to benefit their behalf. Sall, there are many things that need to be fixed at Walmart and with Walmart Corporation. The greatest news of today Sall, you are not one of the people who need to be fixed. You are definitely GOOD people with great potentials.  Amen to that with a tip of a hat. More voices are needed.

Two years ago the roof got worked on, maybe.  Unbelievable! Look what happened the other night.  An object punctured the roof. The rain came pouring in from the roof and caused damage to merchandise in certain areas. The grocery side vestibule and the general merchandise side vestibule floods quite often. There are leaks throughout the ceiling.  I just hope and pray the roof doesn’t collapse killing any of the associates or any members of management.  It shouldn’t take a tragic event to happen at Walmart to get it right. Will Walmart be held accountable for being out of compliance?

Surveys out and it is Time to tell the CEO Doug McMillon, Judith McKenna, Chief Operating Manager US Walmart, and Gregg Foran, President and CEO Walmart US how I and many associates feel.

1.) The wage put before the associates were unfair, not competitive, and done in a deceptive manner.  This wage is suppressive for those who have been at Walmart for many years. This wage covers up and goes through the backdoor on the person who has worked on a lower level and paid more by means of the Tap On The Shoulder.  Capped out associates received a 2% increase.  The associates who are at a higher level and paid less and not capped out early is the man in the middle whose salary has no wage increase at all.

2.) Walmart reputation has been scarred by not offering $15.00 an hour.  Walmart is a major beneficiary of Food Stamps and EBT. Walmart workers cost the taxpayers $6.2 Billion in Public Assistance.  Walmart gets $104 million dollar tax break for giving their executives outrageous pay packages and bonuses.  The associates get ran into the ground and end up utilizing public assistance.  Big time former CEO Mike Duke got off the hinge with fringe benefits by running a company into the ground.  Walmart got away with just being embarrassed. Our last bonus was $34.00 and before it was $62.00. I want to let the mom, Amanda Moore, who went to a hearing on raising the minimum wage for $15.00 is ab-so-lute-ly correct. When will the associates of Walmart get a raise in their PAYCHECK?

3.)  The associate’s low wages contribute to Walmart map of success.   The success of Walmart depends upon associates not being paid their fair share.  The associates are a huge part of the Walmart Welfare system at $9.00 hr. The contributions of the many hours worked by the associates can easily be remedied by hiring the appropriate staffing.  Hiring for full-time employment instead of running Super Center stores off of part-time employment, skeletal crews, and contracts of Labor Ready associates who do not make the 90 days. This is an Intentional strategy I feel Walmart puts into place to get their job done. Walmart can control the accrued vacation TIME of the associates by not hiring. This forces the associates who have been there the longest into 1 week of vacation even if you have earned 3 weeks. So as you can see Walmart takes away associates benefits.  Only Walmart benefits.

4.) Walmart pay grade can be easily understood. The problem with the pay grade are associates who get the TAP ON THE SHOULDER  get a higher rate of pay.  The associate’s with the higher level pay grade is lower. Who wants more responsibility for less money? Who wants a big fancy title to later find out it is just a big fancy title with more work.

5.) If you were not over the paid grade or salary capped out then you were left out of the raise increase.  Why isn’t a salary cap or bonus cap placed on the CEO and other big-time executives?

6.) The associates are not satisfied with the overnight differential, and rate of pay. The associates felt compelled to sign as they do with any other personal discussion, written or verbal coaching out of fear due to retaliation.

7.) There is a huge disconnect in the store. The store manager is very distant, verbally abusive to members of management, and associates. Negative feedback is his specialty.   This was the person in charge of explaining the pay wage. Really!  All the overnight associates dying to get home from the brutal night they worked to be called to the personnel office to face off with WHO, Randall Addison. No, it was not explained thoroughly to the associates. What took Randall Addison so long to tell the associates how the pay wage would work? Where is HR? If any associates have any grievance use your open door. Contact Delinda Davis-913-268-7904 or Gerald Henrickson-913-268-7904.  The doors of the Church is always open. Find a Neutral Zone that will weigh both sides.  So to all the associates you need to step outside and use the number above. Don’t forget HOME OFFICE is Walmart big send-off button. Walmart works for Walmart.

Can you answer these questions for the associates? What is the purpose of the survey when nothing changes on behalf of the associates? Where is the check and balance system at Walmart when Walmart changes their policy to accommodate their needs only? Are these changes coming from Corporate? Are these changes coming from the store manager?   Who initiated the change in the Vacation Policy? I have read the vacation policy 6 times. It covers the areas of Accruing vacation, Using vacation, Holidays, Unscheduled vacation, Status change, Vacation pay at termination. I requested 12 weeks ahead of two weeks of vacation. You think I would have paid my dues. Guess Not!

1.) your vacation time can be used for ANY REASON.

2.) I did not request vacation unexpectedly, nor on an unscheduled basis

3.) I notified my manager for the reason of request.

Approval of vacation requests goes like this.

Your supervisor will review your request to use available vacation based on your work responsibilities.  I have not taken any time off.  I have accrued 3 weeks of vacation over a 14 year period. I made sure that I would not try to schedule my vacation off during the Back To School Tax-Free Weekend so it would not impact business.  There are Two other associates coded as CSM’s (customer service managers)  that have already taken their vacation. There are CSM’s on the second shift who said they would not have a problem coming overnight to help out. So I am asking CEO Doug McMillon, Judith McKenna (Chief Operating Manager of Walmart US) and Gregg Foran, President, and CEO Walmart the US, What seems to be the problem? I am following Walmart’s Policy. It looks Discriminatory when you know others associates got 2 weeks and you didn’t. I guess that is why Walmart has no respect for Tenure. Walmart made the policy and I guess it is time to change the policy to benefit Walmart again. As long as you stay it is not beneficial for the associate.

LOOPHOLE: This information does not create a bond of marriage or a contract with Walmart. Ain’t no other contracts involved. Walmart can change or modify any information at any given time without notice at their sole discretion. Consistent with applicable laws.  You are not married to Walmart.  If you are married to Walmart get ready for an annulment or divorce at any given time for no reason at all. It doesn’t matter how long you have been in the relationship.  That’s right, you are free to leave Walmart and you better believe Walmart will definitely get rid of you no matter what it takes. These are the changes we as the associate need to fight on. Basically, Walmart has all the say. It doesn’t matter once again about Walmart size.  Walmart needs to be held ACCOUNTABLE.  I will not allow Walmart to LIE to me. My internal hard drive becomes like Eric Holder, former Attorney General of the United States. You can’t talk to Eric Holder crazy or be disrespectful.  My external hard drive becomes like one of the greatest evolved mind of all TIMES,  Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

We need to send an email to Hillary Clinton on New Momentum on Paid Leaves. It would be nice if I got my 2 weeks request Paid Vacation after working 14 years.  If all of the other associates who have earned accrued TIME wants to take 2 weeks, so be it.   Walmart Corporation has stripped away 2 weeks of vacation down to one week even if you have accrued TIME. It is called HIRE MORE PEOPLE.  STOP FIRING and FORCING OUT GOOD PEOPLE. Take a seminar on DIVERSITY, COMMUNICATION, and INTEGRITY. It is a shame Walmart strips away what the associates are entitled by the pathway of less hiring another strategy of Walmart’s INTENTIONAL behavior.   Another major strategy used by Walmart is overtime.  It distracts the associates who are focused on more money.   This is a major strategy used by Walmart’s INTENTIONAL behavior to justify violating their 6-day work rule.  Many of the associates are not asked by certain members of management to have their availability changed. Certain members of management seize the opportunity and change the associate’s availability as they see fit.  Later the associates are forced to kill the overtime. If the overtime is not killed in a certain TIME frame the associates pay the price of being coached and can lose their job.  A list is generated of all the associated who should kill the overtime with NO MORE EXCUSES. Those long hours and stretched out days begin to wear on the associates and they begin to miss days. Associates are called into the office for termination because of their Attendance which management controlled. What a setup. It is Time to seize the opportunity to solve some problems.

If every associate in each department put together a list of what is needed to operate their department, changes to be made, and violations then Walmart can use the terminology of TOTAL STORE. Right now it is a TOTAL WRECK. Snitch This! Here’s The Playlist for Automotive:

1.) cannot work with a skeleton crew-HIRE MORE PEOPLE

2.) telzon and printers are out of date

3.) no proper oil manual for 2015 oil specs

4.) battery rack out of date

5.) card readers keep crashing on registers

6.) tire Lifts are out of date

7.) mask are needed for techs doing fuel injections

8.) schedules are constantly adjusted because associates are placed outside their availability

9.) new check machines eat check

10.) only one phone line back in automotive

11.) hand-held telzon is freezing up and the service orders need to be placed on hand-held telzon

12.) Need new registers. Associates should not be held accountable for Wal-Mart not upgrading their registers

13.) tire machine is out of date and no custom rims can be done

14.) the program for the computers out in the shop are way out of date

If anyone in automotive has any more suggestions, please feel free to contribute. All departments on the General Merchandise Side, Grocery Side, DSD, GM Receiving solicit your concerns and ideas to HOME OFFICE or an investigative team in the Neutral Zone/MCHR (Missouri Commission On Human Rights-573-751-3325). Contact the Neutral Zone from State to State. Don’t forget only God grants GRACE.

Sall, I heard something really positive awhile back.  I was watching one of my favorite shows, The Cycle.  There was a message of GROWING HOPE in Oakland delivered by KWAME ANKU.  He stated, ” A Small Mind focuses on the problem.”  A Big Mind focuses on the solution to the problem.”  “A Genius Mind sees the opportunity that lies in the problem.”  WHEW! Amen to That!  Another young man, Albrey Brown, told of his success in bridging the gap between the tech world (tech-quity) and diversity.   On the for real side, I just wished Walmart understood Diversity. As far as Tech-quity, Walmart is so far behind in technology at store #2857. This store needs more than a remodel. I can hear Jenny Horne, state representative of South Carolina, delivering her speech. Her tearful voice let the world know she would not be a part of what the Confederate flag represented. Jenny Horne was a descendant of Jefferson Davis and she was not holding on to the ideology of slavery.  Removing the shackle from our feet to our mind at the rate of $9.00 hr. will keep the associates below the poverty level, in bondage, and forever confined. Sall, we can no longer be Always A Slave At Walmart. It really felt GOOD getting off the bench and going global. That bench was so hard.  I love the GRID and sitting at my desk. It is much safer here.  CEO Doug McMillon needs to rethink his position on the raise increase and restore Dignity back into Walmart Corporation by giving the associates $15.00 hr.

CEO Doug McMillon took his cut, tripled his salary, and he has a big bonus package.  Learn to invest in the associates and learn about Diversity. Where is the Integrity of Walmart Corporation?   If another manager tells one more associate if they don’t like Wal-Mart rules find another job. The associates have their Snitch This! Here’s The Playlist.  I was shooting for the genius status today. Sall, I hope the associates heard me. I like our global bench.  Investment in the associates would make Walmart a better place. Why am I the enemy?  I want whats best for our store?

Any person who completed reading this story today got through 6827 words. If you don’t think I have anything to report or documented think again. You Better Know It! Snitch This! Coming at you with the JULY 2015 Playlist.

Mommie Dearest___The Elevator

What a day!  The time just seems to fly. Visiting with old friends and sharing all those wonderful Mother’s Day story was so much fun. Bernice’s story really made me come away with a different perspective. I was scared she was going to do it. Do what! You know the thing with the elevator. Did that really bother you? Yes, it did. Girl, when I made a reservation I wanted to make sure we did not have to go up to some sky-scraper restaurant and use an elevator. So how many places did you call?  I only called 42 restaurants. Get out of here! What made you change your mind? I was curious to see if she would do it after all of these years had passed. Were you disappointed when Bernice got on the elevator and didn’t do her spill? Part of me felt relieved and the other part of me felt as though Bernice had let go of some really dark secret in her life. It just always bothered me because she has never uttered one word.

So What did you think? I will never forget the life lesson she taught me on this Mother’s Day. It drove me nuts when Bernice would get on the elevator and face the opposite way. All I could think of was being stampeded by the people on the elevator for thinking we had a nutcase with us. No matter where we would go she always finds a store or building with an elevator.  Here comes her cheerleader always encouraging Bernice to do her “thang.”   You would get on the elevator and act like it was a normal day in the neighborhood and the queen had her clothes on. This where I wanted to pull out the Comet Can and get the Wire Hangers and spank you and Bernice A… For some reason the people on the elevator never seem to get indignant. What’s Up with that?  You are so good at imitating Bernice. Do it! Go ahead and Do It. Okay, if you insist. Hel….looo! Hel…looo! I’m Bernice but you can call me Bern. I’m just here checking out your eyes, mouths and whatever you got to remind me of myself and family. You sound so much like her. After all this time it all makes sense.

I saw Bernice grab your hand as she got on the elevator.  It felt as though she was my daughter and we were having our first Mother’s Day Dinner together.  All through the dinner, she didn’t have much to say. She had a lot on her mind. After we left the restaurant and got back on the elevator she grabs my hand again.  She laid her head on my shoulders. What was going on inside of your head? I felt as though I needed to protect her. Once we got to Justine house Bernice leaned over and ask me could she sit next to me. It was fine with me. I did not want you to feel left out. Hey! I was always cool with you and Bernice relationship. I felt we were the 3 musketeers and could conquer all together, “One for all and all for one.”  Relationships get messed when one person in the group began to act as though they need all the attention.  Here we go with the I Nucleus Factor.  Everything is centered around me. I control everything and everybody. I take all the credit.  Some people have some of these characters and traits or all of them. WHEW! Our friendship lasted all these years because we gave credit where credit was due. It’s always enough love to go around.

After everyone told their Mother’s Day story with the exception of Bernice, Justine brought out those famous cinnamon rolls packed with much love.  Justine can throw down when it comes to cooking.  That is Bernice favorite dessert. Hey! Did you call ahead and ask Justine to cook those rolls for Bernice. Yes, I thought it would help her get through her story. All 8 of us (me, Justine, Bev-lo, Bernice, Avis, Paula, Gina and you Melody) are looking like the Boo-Hoo sisters. Bernice cleared her throat and proceeded to tell her story. She turned her body toward Melody and her eye contact put Melody’s face in a vice grip. This would be the first Time the crew would learn Bernice tried to take her life as a child.

Bernice told of the day she was cleaning out the attic and she ran across some old newspapers. Underneath were adoption papers. She said she freaked out and went downstairs and start attacking everyone about how the family had all lied to her. Bernice couldn’t think about all the sacrifices her parents went through for her. She ran from the house and no one heard from her for hours.  When Bernice was found she was in an elevator with her wrist slit. My family got the called around 4:30 p.m.  We all rushed over to Barnes Hospital to see what was Bernice condition.  It was hard for me to think about killing myself but I was not in Bernice shoes. At the Time both Bernice and I was only 13 years old. I was so glad and thankful for my parents. Hey! I thought parents were parents no matter where they came from. When it was my turn to go in to see Bernice I had never seen so much machinery and tubing in my life. I was so scared.  All I could think about was How Could I Ease The Pain. That is one of my favorite records by Lisa Fisher. I have never prayed so hard in my life. Bernice looked like a little gray ghost and her arms were bruised from where the nurse had tried to find her veins. My parents were comforting the Davis family and I felt emotionally drained. It seemed too much to comprehend as I listen to Bernice tell what happened.

Bernice said the only thing she remembered is running and running. She didn’t remember stopping off getting any blades to hurt herself. She ran into an elevator and backed into a corner and the lights went out. It was hard for me to hold back the tears. Bernice said that morning she felt as though she was at the top of her game.  Her favorite place in the house was the attic.  She felt untouchable in her make-believe castle. Bernice curious mind leads her to open this big old trunk with dragons layered on the front and back side. The trunk’s top was so heavy she found a rod to prop the lid up.  As she began to dig there was a small jade box underneath the papers. When she opened the box and unfolded the papers. She became unglued. This couldn’t be true.  Bernice felt shafted. From the top of the attic to rock bottom, the elevator came crashing down fast.  She doesn’t remember having the blowout with her family. Anger can really do a lot of damage and thinking straight will not happen. Suicide is not the answer.  Opening up about her attempt to commit suicide was a big leap.  Something happened in her life that made her realize she could lose the most important people she loves.

All I wanted was for Bernice to heal but I knew it would take a long time.  It was Time for me to go in search of a support team. I was on a mad search for some really good peer buddies that could help Bernice get through her crisis.  Bernice anger isolated me but I had to give her some space to process what had happened. It took little brother Bobby getting hit by a car to snap her out of her I Nucleus World. Bobby got banged up pretty bad. His legs had gotten crushed and he suffered severe spinal injuries. Bobby would never walk again.  Bernice began to focus on Bobby’s care and I could see her getting back on the elevator on her way to the top. That is how Avis, Paula, Bev-lo, Justine, Gina, me and you Melody came together.  Bernice really took to Melody. It was all good!

Man, a lot of years have passed. Our crew got through it. We all have witnessed births, marriages, graduations, divorces, deaths all sort of life skills lesson.  Do you know anyone that has perfected the lesson of life skills?  No! These lessons are not to be perfect.  You can become very skilled, knowledgeable, or an expert in your field. They can become your greatest strengths and achievements. Look at Bernice accomplishments. She is a renown Psychologist and looks what we would have missed in our lives if she had been successful the day she attempted suicide. Look at all the people she has helped take the elevator ride to the top.

We all shared a common denominator. Some of the crew shared more. We all had adopted parents.  Bernice clinched Melody’s hand tighter.  “Are you ready to take the elevator ride to the top?”  Melody all teared up and the rest of the crew breaking down.  Bernice asks Melody,  “Will you marry me?”  I pulled out my comet can along with my wire hanger and began to tap them lightly. It took you guys forever.  Jaron is Melody’s son from a previous marriage. Melody found out she couldn’t have any children and Jaron was adopted.  Melody’s husband wanted his own kids.  Whatever the hell that means. Mr. I Nucleus Factor never excepted Jaron as his child.  Jaron is crazy about Bernice. This kid is so fortunate.  Jaron will have a wonderful set of parents.  Are you ready to take the elevator ride to the top?  Do not let your elevator crash to the bottom by not evolving and appreciating other people lifestyles. Of course, you know where the wedding will take place. 🙂

The Final Straw___CEO Doug McMillon

Why not have The Final Straw? Do I admire Sir Lawrence O’Donnell’s LAST WORD?  Ab-so-lute-ly!  CEO Doug McMillon said he would invest in the associates and the people.  Strange, you call a $63.00 bonus investing in the associates.  I will turn the clock back for a few seconds to express what my granny’s attitude would be.  Granny would say, “Stop being an ungrateful hef-fa” (Hereford/cow).  She would get on her soapbox and the sermon would go like this. “Be thankful for little things and greater things would be added.”  You think it would end there.  No! “Babygirl some people didn’t get nothing.”    Former Walmart US CEO Bill Simon bonus was 1.5 million dollars on top of his 10 million dollar salary and the associates got nothing. Well, I guess he could no longer deliver.   TIME to roll the clock forward. With all due respect to Granny, we were never allowed to sass her.  We really understood respect for the individual. Moving forward, Granny was right! Only the part of expressing how some people got nothing in the year of our LORD 2015, $63.00 is nothing compared to CEO Doug McMillon bonus which was $1,035,019.  CEO Doug McMillon package tripled and he got more WHOLE MILK. The 2% package was designated to the associates who got milked by the so-call wage increase which should have happened years ago.

The wage increase was not competitive and pay development was hindered.  Can Walmart afford more?  Ab-so-lute-ly! It is NOT beneficial to stay in a store where the new hires coming in making more than you. I care and I’m here to help the voices that are muted. I get this. Could this be a coverup for too many taps on the shoulder when you cannot justify a salary that is over the top and the associate getting paid is at the lowest level of management? Naughty! Naughty! I guess you would need a date to stipulate everyone who came in after the so-called big wage increase receives this amount and everyone else who stayed too long salary would be lower.  What a way to close the gap for the tap to keep from being sued.

Even worse is seeing the associates trying to obtain full-time hours.  The associates feel so embarrassed and ashamed coming to the register paying for their lunch with an EBT card. Did you see how much money is made off of SNAP from Walmart? Good LAWD!  After I read the articles Walmart Benefits From Billions In Government Subsidies:Study (Ned Resnikoff)  Walmart Workers Cost Tax Payers 6.2 Billion Dollars (Forbes), How Walmart Bosses Get Rich Off Of Welfare Abuse (Huffington Post Business), How McDonald’s And Walmart Became Welfare Queens (Bloomberg View) I was mortified, petrified and it was time to go get sanctified.  People do not wish to be stigmatized as lazy working 40 hours a week and still on Welfare.  How will  CEO Doug McMillon help Walmart move away from the stigma of Welfare Queen?

Yes, CEO Doug McMillon__AKA Babyface Nelson Got The Look. Don’t worry you will only starve to death with the low wages.  Just remember he cares about the associates and the people, you think.  Walmart needs to take a lesson from companies that truly invest in their people like Costco, Winco, Trader Joes, Aldi. There are many companies who are not as large but are stepping up to the plate. This sermon has been repeated several times and Walmart needs to attend Church Monday-Friday. Everyone would like to have the weekend off. CEO Doug McMillon said he wanted the associates educated but it doesn’t go over well when you are learning about Walmart from the outside.  You have been labeled as a Walmart hater. It is ab-so-lute-ly insane to work for a company and know nothing about the company from inside out. CEO Doug McMillon has admitted all he knows is the Walmart he was taught. Whew!  The younger generation has a tendency to explore outside their boundaries.

The younger generation has more costly Zoo-Zoo’s and Wam-Wams (material items) and they do not wish to stay at Walmart for 30 years to max out at $18.00. By then Tim Cook’s (Mr. Disruptive Innovator) I-WATCH would be out of date and those young adults will be living in the I-House. Yes,  I hope to live and see the large Apple House all computerize.   You can drive your I-House to a new location when you get sick and tired of the neighborhood.   From the view of your I-House, you now live in a community surrounded by stores that treat their people right and the stores like Walmart and McDonald are not wearing the titles of Welfare Queens.

CEO Doug McMillon cares so much about the associates/management his team of Top Guns flew over the coo-coo nest and headed back to Tennessee for more pressing business. Not one word of wanting the TRUTH to be revealed.  It reminded me of the scene when CEO Doug McMillon ran up the stairs at the grass root meeting pretending to be shy and wanting the hype and PR of doing something really big.  Don’t worry Dailey KOS Doug McMillon will not get a PR Win.  It would be better to go show off those 63 news stores because they are all up to date.  The associates in the store had to once again suffer the trauma of jumping through hoops and was left on the side of the road shouting out for Mr. Roarke (Ricardo Montalban). THE PLANE!  THE PLANE!  The associates are stranded on Fantasy Island.  We will feel the Wrath Of Khan because the captain, Randall Addison, and his 2 HOMIES will continue to abuse, retaliate, punish, discriminate, push out the older associates, cut the associates pay through their evaluations, cut the associates pay by stating the associates are too slow and not productive (no raise will be given because it keeps the associates on probation) deny transfers, intimidate, use excessive surveillance, putting all the elderly associates on the door and make sure NO ONE WILL EXCEED EXPECTATION. Who will uphold the law? Will it be the Market Manager? Will it be Chief Operating Manager? Will it be HR? Walmart’s Congress has not done their job. Who will be served the next F?

CEO Doug McMillon, I hope you know too much damage has already been done to the associates.  Do you really think it would matter if you gave this store manager 3 weeks to get the back room cleaned up?  Will the store be in better shape?  There was an article from the Business Insider by Ashley Lutz dated 11/12/2014. The headlines read Wal-Mart Issues An Urgent Memo Begging Managers To Fix Supply Problems. On 11/14/2014 Walmart issued a bulletin: Your local Walmart Supercenter is having a hiring Event Friday 11/14/2014, 10am-12pm. On 11/19/2014 the big Per Randall Addison to do list comes out with almost 30 things broken in the store but NO SOLUTION to fix them. How many times has Gerald Hendrickson (Market Manager) and Patrick Shanks (Director of Operations) has come to this store with a can of Whip A..?  Will Do-Do hit the fan? Will these guys jobs come under scrutiny because of Randall Addison and his two servants who helped screwed it up?   Will Randall Addison’s bosses be the next recipient of the “F” award? Look at it this way. If  CEO Doug McMillon__Aka BabyFace Nelson received an “F” you know when the Do-Do hits the fan it will blow all over the place. Depending on geographical location I’m quite sure CEO Doug McMillon does not want to be viewed as a Gangster or Thug. Either way, Wal-Marts are all over the map so both labels stand.

This store needed people all along but failed to hire. Let me correct this statement. The people who got hired was fired on, before and after 90 days. No hours were designated for the 3rd shift. The major focus of hours was placed on the 1st and 2nd shift.  The customers just had to wait and eat cake. Walmart didn’t mind cutting hours on the 3rd shift. There was nothing to cut.  A team of people was brought into the store and here we are in 2015 trying to fix another massive problem. The first problem was never resolved.  Bringing a team of workers in from another store to whip this store back in shape won’t help.  HIRE MORE PEOPLE and raise everyone’s wages.  If you want your grade brought up let’s begin with doing a REMODEL on this store and all the stores on Walmart’s map that needs to be upgraded. Be a job creator.  Store #2857 has not been remodeled since 2007. Stop the GREED and fulfill the NEEDS of the associates and ask them what they want done to improve their environment.  Make it an inclusive environment for people with unique abilities by providing the appropriate tools to do the job.  You know if the mainstream was not accommodated the associates that were labeled disable got nothing and are no longer at this store.

I have written many BLUEPRINTS for parents who needed benchmarks for their children to become successful in one task so they could achieve the next goal.  I know and understand how CAMS (Compensation, Accommodation, Modifications, and Strategies) work. Walmart did not come close under the law providing the necessary means for people with unique abilities to do the job or become successful in their task.  Why? The majority of the staff did not have a clue or the expertise of what to do just like many of the school systems.  Even in the workforce ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL.  Since CEO Doug McMillon likes educations then let’s start by educating and training his people from the top to be an INCLUSIVE WORKFORCE and pray that the knowledge trickle down.  I did not come here to WHINE and MOAN but to offer SOLUTIONS. HAMMIT!  Our store associates don’t want the CEO flying overhead because of FEAR of what he might see.  The Truth is Good. Clean house, keep what is good and throw out the bad.  Open the Door Wide. If you no longer want the aging associates 40 plus at Walmart just buy the associates out rather than getting sued for age discrimination.  Consider buying out those associates who are close to retiring rather than getting sued for forcing individuals out without the option to volunteer on their own. Keep the good ship lollypop up and lawsuits will roll in or another class action lawsuit.

Not one associate or manager at this store wants to see Randall Addison keep his position. Even his 2 Homies in crime is tired of him. If you think I’m lying just ask all the managers and associates who defected to the GLADSTONE, LIBERTY, and other stores in or out of the district or state. Call around. They could no longer work at store #2857 and has made it clear they would never come back to this store unless it gets cleaned up.  Who wants to save a guy’s job who threatens his management team to work 12 hours for the next 3 weeks and strip management vacation away? Who in their right mind wants to save this manager’s job who is strolling around with constant threatening behavior and has the entire staff in total FEAR.  Would it change Randall Addison attitude after 3 weeks?  Now we have overtime when the associates needed overtime and a wage increase all along.  More people should have been hired to avoid understaffing.

The Per Randall Addison Syndrome has the associates so bullied and frighten even on the associates breaks they have continued to work. The cashiers had to stand by the time clock and was not allowed to clock in a minute before their time.  The store had lines of people but the cashier was afraid of getting a personal discussion or coached. Walmart punishes the associates at store #2857 and place associates where they cannot be successful. Just ask around. Many of the associates are so numb they figure nothing will ever change. The associates had their hours stripped away whenever they worked overtime.  Why do you think overtime would be a big incentive?  Here comes the NO EXCUSE LIST.  If the associates hours were not killed before the next pay period they would be rewarded by a personal discussion or a coaching. Some reward. Why don’t the associates have a Town Hall Meeting? Who set the example of keeping all the big money at the TOP. Bill Simon is still on the board as a consultant. Don’t forget the 140 million dollar man, Mike Duke. CEO Doug McMillon has his Ear-Beats turn up so loud it is drowning the associate’s outs. Looks like another DRE day. It is all about the money NOT THE BASE.

For a very long TIME, I felt along. The associates weren’t protesting and were too afraid to do anything.  Watching the KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE on MSNBC gave me hope and was quite encouraging.  It has given me the strength to continue writing a very rigorous paper trail.  Eric Holder, the former Attorney General was taunted by Darrell Issa.  Darrell Issa, former Chairman of the Government Reform Committee never reform and never had the facts. Nothing Issa presented never seem to fit.  He could never deliver a conviction against Attorney General Holder and he never adapted to change.  Congress kidnapped the confirmation hearing of the Loretta Lynch, the next Attorney General.   Rachel Maddow, aka Secret Agent RA RA, delivered a story that cut the light bulb on.   It was the trials and tribulation of Loretta Lynch who made it a real tribute to me.  Connecting the dots became so much clearer. It makes me want to scream, “MOJITA!”  I never drank a day in my life. It’s ALL GOOD.

Why is Congress so afraid of Loretta Lynch? Bottom line She fits in. It has been proven Loretta Lynch will deliver. She is very adaptable to change. This is the struggling CEO Doug McMillon is faced with. His salary has tripled. Who will CEO Doug McMillon blame? Will CEO Doug McMillon blame Walmart if he fails?  What happens if CEO Doug McMillon doesn’t fit in? Will CEO Doug McMillon say it was more than he expected? Will CEO Doug McMillon said he struggled with developing relationships inside the company?  Will CEO Doug McMillon said the arena was too big?  Will CEO Doug McMillon become overwhelmed and his strengths devoured by his weaknesses?  CEO Doug Mcmillon is the new driver of a company who is very slow on adapting to changes.  Walmart is behind the TIMES and needs massive repairs.  Will CEO Doug McMillon be the next high price paid victim who came onboard and delivered empty promises? Who will suffer the biggest consequence? WHY?

I would love to have Attorney General Eric Holder of the United States, Loretta Lynch currently the Eastern District of New York Prosecutor and future successor to  Attorney General Eric Holder, Attorney General of Missouri Kris Koster, and Thomas Perez, Labor Secretary of the United States to conduct an Independent Investigation of Walmart.  Maybe this will help CEO Doug McMillon bring his grade up. While it is on my mind, Henry Waxman, former Chairman of the Government Reform Committee would be an excellent choice to put together a team of attorneys just like he did with the tobacco industry. Waxman held the tobacco industry accountable and made the tobacco industry do anti-tobacco campaigns and also fund them. Wouldn’t it be something if  Henry Waxman gave Walmart The Final Straw?  Using Waxman’s technique to hold Walmart accountable by enforcing Walmart to do Human Rights Commission, EEOC/FEPA commercial.  Special funds should be set aside for the associate to try their case and Walmart should be designated to pay for all of the Plaintiff’s legal fees. It would give the associates a check and balance so they won’t feel Human Resource  (HR) is the only choice. This would be a great sense of relief to the associates.

Dedicated to All Walmart associated across the nation.


Walmart CEO Doug McMillon__Aka BabyFace Nelson

Good morning Doug McMillon! This is Linda from store #2857 in Kansas City Missouri. I read the interview CEO Inherited Big Problems.  Whatever you inherited the associates/management inherited 3 times as worst. Their voices, spirits, and the ability to fight back has been stripped away.  I wish had gotten in contact with me.  Grading your performance would be very easy.   You get an F. Why? Doug, you weren’t honest with the associates. You know Doug, it’s very troubling the associates at store #2857  hasn’t taken an interest to learn more about the company. The associates/management rights are violated on a daily basis. Through the fog, there is not one glimmer of HOPE or CHANGE.  There is no OPPORTUNITY at Walmart. The biggest confusion for the associates is focusing on the money and not understanding how Walmart really works.  Maybe you could give me a glimmer of HOPE and CHANGE on my belated birthday by answering some of my questions.  How would you restore TRUST to the associates?  Do you think the associates will be able to TRUST you when they find out your raise increased by 168%?   Why were the associates hours cut?  Why did the associates have to kill their overtime? What! Profit before the people. Is this the reason why Walmart remained neutral in the debate of raising the minimum wage?

Doug increase had to come first. Doug came into the company at 9.5 million dollars and his salary has skyrocketed to 25.6 million dollars.  WOW!  Can you explain how your money package work? The associates worked extremely hard to keep Walmart on the map. Don’t you think the associates raise should be increased to $15.00 dollars an hour? Bernie Sanders, senator from Vermont, strongly advocates for increase wages of associates to help lift Walmart associates out of the poverty level. I just wanted to let Senator Bernie Sanders know I agree with him wholeheartedly and I was paying attention. The 2% increase for the associates with the salary cap was quite disturbing. I feel the associates got milked. Why hasn’t there been a salary cap on David Glass, Lee Scott, Mike Duke, and Bill Simon Salaries? How is it possible that the 1%  is rewarded for their INTENTIONAL BEHAVIORS? These guys handle the scandals,  got paid, and remain on Walmart’s board. Why didn’t everyone from Walmart get a salary increase across the board?  Doug McMillon did not fail to almost TRIPLE his salary but he cares about the ASSOCIATES. Who wears the face of INEQUALITY?  Aka Babyface Nelson steps out on stage to appear innocent and naive knowing all along it is about POWER, CONTROL, and MONEY.  Walmart brought along the face of Doug McMillon to convince the associates and the people Doug is a sheep and not a wolf dressed up in sheep clothing.  Body language tells more than words. I wanted the Knights of the Round Table MSNBC to know this article is located at

In Doug’s interview with  CNN Money, he stated he listen to his critics Mike Duke and Lee Scott. I found the article about Mike Duke, Ex Walmart CEO’s Deferred pay: $140 million dollars quite interesting. WHOOO! I feel like I’m reading about Alphonse “Al” Capone and his strong-arm guy Frank Nitti (Francesco Raffaele Nitto).   Reading about Mike Duke and Lee Scott the 1% People Behind  The Walmart Empire is quite an educational moment. WOW! Lee Scott at that Time owned $200 million dollars in stock shares. In the year 2006 Lee Scott receive one of those packages that boosted his salary to $29.7 million dollars. Doug needs to explain what is inside those PACKAGES. What is wrong with the associate’s PACKAGES?  Why is it always the person at the bottom who has to sacrifice so much?  In 2005 Lee Scott salary was $15.7 million dollars. Lee Scott got a 100% increase the next year.  Is Doug McMillon trying to become the next 140 million dollars man?  What is Doug McMillon trying to learn from his critics? I guess the associates really did not get a real increase nor escape from poverty.  How can Doug McMillon convince the associates he is listening to the people instead of listening to the 1% and their money? How can Doug McMillon convince the associates that Walmart works for the associates and customers?

Has the minimum wage Rolled Out an admission of guilt or shame on Walmart behalf? I never like 2% milk but WHOLE milk is fattening. The perception of low-end jobs will always remain at Walmart as long as the 1% Of Walmart’s Empire receive 100% plus in salary increases with no caps.  It looks like it doesn’t matter what  INTENTIONAL BEHAVIORS the 1% Force Behind Walmart’s Empire displays.  Where are the OPPORTUNITIES in Walmart? Who benefits the most from Walmart’s Opportunities? Is this how the Empire Strikes Back? The salaries Doug McMillon’s crew received made me see STARS.  Money matters can definitely cause WARS. All those years George Lucas was watching The Walton’s.  John Boy and his brothers are now the upgraded version of the Koch Brothers.  Who are the UNTOUCHABLES?

Our President had a town hall meeting. He pointed out the laws Congress would not pass to promote equality for the people.  The President gave me a huge birthday president.  His Selma Speech was riveting.  “Don’t throw away your voice.”   I will try to strike every chord.  Appeasement had no place in the President decision-making process.  We have a President who understands the development of cognitive abilities.  The associate’s voices are in a coma. Store #2857 is in great danger. This is the next ConAgra incident waiting to happen. The Congress in this region would be Gerald Hendrickson-Market Team Manager, Patrick Shanks-Director of Operations, Delinda Davis-HR. This store is in big trouble psychologically, physically, and emotionally. Why? Randall Addison wants control over the register tape, boxes of bags at the front-end, and the toilet tissue in the bathroom. The worse message any corporation can send is you can get any employee for a dime a dozen. Randall Addison has sent the message.  The associates/management is in FEAR of losing their jobs and pushed out before they can retire. The retaliation,  verbal abuse, harassment, discrimination (age/race) and the excessive surveillance is blatant. Many associates have fled the store to other stores. It is TIME for their Congress to get off their A… and do something. Many complaints have been reported and their Congress has turned a blind eye.  The associates/management is in FEAR of worse punishment if they step outside of Walmart and ask for help. It is Time for their Congress do their part before someone die from the stress of all the unrealistic demands made by Randall Addison, before the associates drink themselves to death,  over medicate themselves or someone gets killed.  I care about the associates and the customers, I am not afraid, and appeasement ain’t happening.  I  requested that an Independent Investigation by both Attorney Generals (Federal and State) and the Department of Labor Secretary Thomas Perez be brought in.  The mental abuse the associates/management has suffered is UNBELIEVABLE! This will be the second store Randall Addison would have taken down. Stop recycling people who need to be fired. Take responsibility! What happens when the pattern of behavior doesn’t change? INTENTIONAL BEHAVIOR!

Doug McMillon had a town hall meeting.  For years different teams handpick by Walmart stood by and acted just like Congress.  Associates in the store lost faith in HR.   Directives were followed and HR did ab-so-lute-ly nothing.  They had no plan. Appeasement is the number one rule for a solution.  Walmart works for Walmart and not the associates.   Just like our Congress works for the 1% and NOT the people, Walmart is the 1%.  Yes, I did see the Town Hall Meeting.  I would like for the associates to turn their attention to the World’s High Net Worth Selfie: 1 Trillion Dollars.  Look whose face is gleaming over the 257.4 Billion dollar company he runs.  Doug McMillon of course!  This was the net worth of Walmart in 2014. Makes your head spin.  I recall Doug McMillon stated he had issues with Trust.  The moderator asked questions of the Disruptive Innovators! World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2014 which can be revisited on YOUTUBE.   I have issues with all the money Walmart receives and their employees got nothing but abused. I like to hold a letter town hall meeting. It is too cold in Kansas City, Missouri for outside protesting. I thought it would be innovative and sit by the computer with my favorite cup of tea. Maharaja Chai Oolong tea which is really good and protests against Walmart. Walmart the ones with Bad Business Practices and False Information. Walmart gets everything wrong about the associates and destroys the Credibility of the associated. One of  Walmart strategies to get away with not paying UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS to the associates whom they fire. Constructive Discharge is the bigger picture. NOT THE MONEY but the BENEFIT. Who escape paying? Welcome To Walmart.

Will Doug McMillon ever consider cutting the big dollar salaries and bonuses off the board?   This would be a way to really increase the employee’s salaries.   Doug McMillon can take a lesson from Raymond Burse.  This is what I call leading by example. Raymond Burse,  President Of Kentucky University, Takes $90,000 Pay Cut To Give 24 Minimum Wage Workers A Wage.  Just think Doug McMillon if the Empire Strike Back and start donating parts of their salary who knows it might help restore faith and hope. That’s right, Walmart foundation has a policy if you don’t like the foundation’s agenda the people behind the scene cannot be voted out.  That idea might really piss your boss off and Doug may no longer be allowed on the trillion Dollar Selfie. Can CEO Doug McMillon say “Ya-Hoo-oo-oo?  The same model probably would apply to their board members and management in the stores.  Bottom line, there is no job creation in the world of Walmartization.  Who runs a nation of privatization of schools? Walmart supports charter schools and vouchers. When Public Schools fail they are out. Private sector fails they get bailed out.  What areas are always targeted? Exactly! Low-income areas are always the mark. Look what Scott Walker, governor of Wisconsin did to Wisconsin University. Scott Walker cut 300 million dollars from this public university. Scott Walker privatized K-12 educations.  This undermines public education.  Was this a scene taken right out of Walton’s playbook?   Who contributed mega bulks to the Keystone XL Tar Sand Pipeline?  Correct! The Walton’s shuffled out mega bulk to have the pipeline go through. It boils down to damaging the environment (sustainability), low-wage jobs, and undermining education through privatization. We are back to POWER, CONTROL, and MONEY. How can Doug McMillon separate himself from the ideology of WALTON’S PLAYBOOK and say he cares about the associates and the people? Are we looking at a failing Dynasty without a legacy?

Doug McMillon (CEO Walmart Inc.), Judith McKenna (Chief Operating Officer US Walmart), and Gregg Foran (President and CEO Walmart the US) you wanted to know what the associates Hear See, and Feel. The associates at store #2857 HEAR they are worthless, they can be replaced, NO ONE WILL EXCEED EXPECTATION, management vacations will be stripped away if they do not have the back room straighten out in 2 weeks, NO EXCUSES, they work too slow, constant shouting, bullying, and cursing. The associates/management SEE a store manager spiraling downward out of control, manipulative, angry, a bully, and insecure along with 2 co-managers as his watchdogs.  The associates/management see themselves being ripped apart and demeaned in front of each other and customers. The associates/management can no longer believe in Walmart 3 basis beliefs when the store manager has violated every belief.   The associate FEEL the hurt, pain, shame, of never being able to do enough.  The appeasement has caused a mental death and a coma induced by FEAR.  There is no HOPE, CHANGE, OPPORTUNITY and FUTURE in Walmart at least not at store #2857 location.

I am not the Voice of Walmart but an associate who truly cares. I have a VOICE and a CHOICE and I will not throw my VOICE away. I am not asking the associates/management to believe in me but to BELIEVE IN THEMSELVES. I understand the consequences of standing up and holding Walmart accountable. Walmart size should never matter when it comes to accountability.  I have paid the price over and over again.  I will continue to file with HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION whenever my rights are violated.  There is a path we must all choose.  My walk has brought me back home. I understand the meaning of I will cross that bridge when I get there.   SELMA is the reflection of TIME to look back and move FORWARD and to continue to Hope for Change.