The Ears Have It!

All in favor say AYE. Eye! Sorry, the EARS Have it. How did that happen?  You were not listening. Listening in itself is a monumental skill.  But! No Buts! You had your back turned. As soon as the voice open up you could hear the Hater-Aid coming through. When your back was turned it gave the person on the other side a chance to not be judged harshly.  Visual contact is a monster. Once we see a person doesn’t quite fit the mold we quickly throw them to the wind without even giving the person a chance to fall on our deaf ears.  For real! Absolutely! There are many people who can’t judge a person and become very trusting of what they hear. Why? Well, there are some people who don’t explore the world around them. Information gathered from others can be taken as believable because the person or persons cannot hear the tone in their voice, read their facial expression, or decipher their body language.  Thank you for the information because I’m one of those people.  I knew it! I knew it! I just couldn’t put my finger on it.  Shall I continue? Do your thing Ellery Queen.

What is achieved scholastically is based on what is communicated through our speech, conversation, writing, words, DEBATES, talking, and vocabulary? Come on down front,  grab a plate of pot roast,  serve  yourself some buttered cornbread and just say plain old “Language.”  We need a big measuring cup to measure the Intelligence of nonverbal and verbal characteristic.  We tend to fall short by completely ignoring the nonverbal deficits which will brand the individual as troubled or as a problem. Language plays a big part in our daily lives. Competency of an individual is judged by their verbal proficiencies. You got your smooth talkers out there who appear to be more credible than the mumble jumble grammar makers and those who fall short on their vocabulary. The smooth talker could be just a smooth talker and have trouble with reading, spelling, and expressive language.  The same smooth talker can have problems in the areas of organization, attention, social understanding, anxiety and fear, nonverbal and spatial thinking, motor coordination, math, and handwriting.

So what is it we need to do? Understanding and giving Recognition to the Unrecognized is key. We got to make sure the right diagnosis is given.  Pay very close attention to what you hear and what is being said. Remember the Ears Have it. There is such an inadequate awareness of hidden causes to people who suffer from neurological disorders and are labeled behavior problems and emotionally disturbed.  You mean to tell me they are not. “NOT!”  I recently kept hearing the word “NOT” in a DEBATE. We will “NOT” get this confused with people who are UNINTELLIGENT with INTENTIONAL BEHAVIORS.  Based on what the Eyes saw and what the Ears heard, the Ears Have It. Why? What the people heard was a bunch of BS.  From the answers given was from an Emotionally Disturbed individual. In no way, shape, or form can he use this story against the Intelligent Individual. “NOT” even the part stating the smooth talker with strong verbal language proficiencies. How will you lock it down in this story? Simple! I saw her medical chart. It came from the HILL 🙂 either way. It indicated she was “NOT” a Behavior Problem, “NOT” Emotionally Disturbed, Mental Processing had no blemishes. Okay! So this is what needs to be revealed about Unintentional Behaviors.

What I want Jay T, Robert, and the rest of  Kool and The Gang to know is for many years you guys compensated your non-verbal weakness and used language skills in its place which gave a false impression. To your teachers, it appeared to be no problems in your early years of schooling. As time went on it became obvious other problems raised their ugly head. The anxiety and fear kicked in and everyone started labeling you guys as behavior problems. See, you proved them all wrong. Yelp, it was said time and time again y’ all talk too much. I was fully aware you relied on speech to cope with relating to people socially, information gathering, and coping with anxiety.  The core problem that exists is gathering multiple pieces of information and pulling them together to form a single idea. Now it becomes a whole picture and all those pieces of information lock the puzzle together.

Resources are slim in the public and private sector. There are many doctors who never heard or have a clue about NLD Syndrome nor professionals in education,  A syndrome that was discovered back in the early part of 1970 was considered as low-incidence because someone dropped Miley Cyrus Wrecking Ball and failed to continue to test more individuals.   This is the first time you mentioned the name. People act as though this diagnosis is a death sentence. “NOT!” It was like being on the Voice. When my chair turned I knew the person standing in front of me behaviors could be explained. Whatever behaviors had been displayed and the audience reacted negatively to were UNINTENTIONAL. The Ears Have It! So listen carefully while the Eyes read it. Please take this time and cruise through the Archives of NLD Recognition. There is so much to learn and I promise you will not be left in a fog. Well, I know you made me feel a lot better about myself. I feel there is so much hope and people will begin to listen to me. Their Ears Have It. I will never forget what Dr. Monica Kurylo from the University of Kansas Medical Center gave me. She gave me a book by Jim Wooten named We Are All The Same. I will cherish that book for a lifetime. Dr. Albert Buddy Poje of the University of Kansas Medical Center was so instrumental in my life. He told me any behavior is Intentional unless proven otherwise. These are the Nu-Waves Physicians and their Ears Have It.