Don’t Want To Be Unethical

It is my ethical duty to give my crew more pieces of the puzzle.   We want to come out of the fog so we won’t be so confused. No, Trump did not write his speech. His thoughts or unorganized and scattered. Whoever processes with him, interprets, or plays the role of Trump’s Grand Guardian runs the Country. The majority of the staffing mimics the behavior of Trump (non-intelligent).  Have you ever wonder why Trump is on Twitter and not on Facebook? Would you like to look at it from the brain side? Twitter is only 140 characters (left Side of brain-academic).  Facebook is unlimited characters (right side of brain-creativity).   Even to the left/Twitter, Trump never nails what he needs to say. He gets it all wrong. What has Trump revealed about his academic skills?  On the right/Facebook, there would be no joking around, and everyone would have the numbers for the Nuclear Codes. He has no pragmatic skills and only ROTE MEMORY. There will be no new learning experiences. Old experiences will not be applied to new.  Let’s go back to the part of the brain that brings new memories to the table. It is called hippocampus. Go back to Breaking News and take a brief refresher course on damages to the Hippocampus. There are others in the White House Administration with massive damages. Let me walk you through the process.

There is a process but the blueprint has changed. Who will change the landscape?  Will it be Betsy De Vos?  We got a Secretary of Education who knows nothing about education, IDEA, nor disciplinary action that falls under Procedural Safeguards. De Vos should be disciplined for taking the job.  What type of disciplinary action should be given to an individual who poses a threat to Himself, We The People, and The nation?  Would it be a 10-day suspension? Hey! Their placement would be changed to an interim alternative educational setting, another setting, or services will not be provided if drugs or a weapon is involved.  If drugs are a weapon is involved that would kick the time up to 45 days or more. Disable or not the same amount of time would be given to a person for disciplinary action.  Notification of the decision and Procedural Safeguards statements will be provided. This will take place on the date on which the decision to take action is made.  Russia was brought to the playground. So what action would be the disciplinary action of the Leader of the Free World who has Divided the United States Of America?  Compared to what has happened at the White House the fall out for disciplinary action would be monumental. No parent sends their children to school for 12 years of their life and their child never makes a friend. No President should remain in Power or in Placement who INTENTIONALLY destroys what our forefathers shed their blood and died for.  A nation built on developing RELATIONSHIPS. A Nation opening doors to Immigrants. A Nation sharing the Entrepreneurial Dream. A Nation whose cornerstone stands United so FREEDOM can Ring.

The Process:

1.) behavioral assessment

2.) access to services

3.) Manifestation determination

4.) dangerous student

5.) Stay-put under disciplinary action

6.) Protection for children not yet eligible for special services (those are the students not yet identified as disabled)

7.) Reporting crimes committed by students with disabilities.

8.) Define the following terms controlled substance, illegal drugs, substantial evidence, and weapons.

The process got dangerous when the School District got wind of Granny Gone Wild had the authorization to swing her ax and put on her  Hi-Lander panties.  To keep my daughter from going to jail I jumped in to become a staunch advocate for her. I could see my granddaughter big quarter shape eyes and hear her soft-spoken voice. The fight went to due process which the District tried to bypass.  The School District did not want to keep my granddaughter in her placement. I have been down this road before. Injunctive Relief Time! No, what the District was saying they are sick of me and my granddaughter. They are on their way to get TRO’S (temporary restraining orders) to become bulletproof and chew the clock down on the baby’s education. Missouri Law 536 Administrative Review puts the child in the court system until something UNFORESEEN comes up. Yeah! Right! You know the child will have another episode. If the teachers didn’t understand then what makes you think they will understand the next time. You do not want your child/grandchild to end up in a Separate Self-Contained School. The next incident could land them in the prison system. From school to the prison pipeline the new gate-keeper is Betsy Devos.  Now you know what UNFORESEEN mean.  Reminds me of NOS (not otherwise specified).

This homework assignment is strictly for the Secretary of Education, Betsy Devos. The burden of Proof lies on the School District.  Betsy Devos most recent lip flap was HBCU (Historical Black Colleges or Universities) represents pioneer of school choice. Excuse me! What Option?  It is called Discrimination.   It was building Black Universities out of necessity because Blacks should have the same opportunity to further their education like their white counterpart. Well, Betsy Devos just inserted her foot into her mouth and Videotaped her A **.  Telling Blacks this is a friendly reminder we will never be equal and don’t deserve a higher education of intelligence helps open a doorway.  Blacks are warned! Never be a PHOTO OP for Ignorant and Incompetent people.   Well, Blacks, Tan, Beige, and Brown do not wish to mimic the Ignorant and Incompetent Behavior of the Non- Legitimate President and his Failed Whitehouse Administration.  Trump has a BIRTH CERTIFICATE. Unbelievable! What happens to the Burden of Proof when you have people in position who do not know their job? The next assignment is for Congress?  What happens to the Burden Of proof when you failed to step outside and get an Independent Investigation?  I hope these guys can make a decision. This is a friendly reminder to the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate: Warning! Warning! Danger! Danger! We have a man walking around with the Nuclear Codes in his pockets who is the biggest threat to himself. Trump can not Safeguard himself nor Proceed to Safeguard our Nation.

Sir Lawrence O’Donnell, Knight of the Round Table, tell Dr. Lance Dodes and Dr. John Gardner to hang with me for a moment. I Don’t Want To Be Unethical. I want to shine some light on the subject and to help our nation understand what the hell they are looking at. We are going to roll the cameras back. We are on film clip 68 (Just for fun). What does the Leader of the Free World do? He violates Hillary’s Space. Does Trump know where he is supposed to stand?  It appears as threatening behavior.  He may lack the knowledge of spatial boundaries. It gets worse. He made those strange noises in the microphone. What was that about? Go back and look at the tape. What about those hands? It feels like following the bouncing ball. Yes, and there is a distinct pattern of Trump’s gyrating hands. Have you ever notice how President Obama always wait until the crowd settles down?  Trump, The Hand That Rocks The Cradle gets in a squatted position.  He is off and running moving those hands going back and forth working up the crowd. Who is clapping for himself while speaking?  President Obama waited for the crowd to stop clapping.

Now, this is when I had my Granny Gone Wild Moment. Many years ago my granddaughter had a teacher just like Betsy DeVos. She didn’t know a D**n thing about education. I got a call at 1:37 pm basically stating my granddaughter had a Trump moment. I get to the school and there are 3 police cars. What the hell! My granddaughter was only 7 years old at the time. I notice her dress was wet in front. I thought at that moment, “I am about to go to jail TODAY.”  I ask the teacher what happened.  The teacher stated it appears EVERY TIME when my granddaughter has to go to the restroom she will get in her face, begin to grunt, fling out her hands, and shrug her shoulders in a repeated pattern.   TheBottomline it should never have been EVERY TIME. Really! I ask my granddaughter what happen.  She tried very hard not to wet on herself so she placed her hands in front to keep the other kids from noticing. She got so upset and tried to keep the monster from coming out.  She held off as long as she could. I asked her what Monster. This is what the teacher and all the kids in the room call her when she starts to grunt. Hell, I would grunt if I had made an urgent pit stop.  Snafu! Who gets the Oscar?  I know I’m going to jail TODAY. I do not wish to be the star in Orange Is The New Black.  The only thing that kept my head on my neck is when my granddaughter looked at me and said, “You can do this Granny.”  My response was, “You are not a monster and we have talked about your Tics.”  This will explain what you have seen and did not know or could not explain the behaviors which seem so strange.  I wasn’t going down without a fight but I knew in my heart I never wanted my granddaughter to return to that school. I wanted her to know I would fight for her at the drop of a dime. She would always be my princess.  Just to let you know I’m not a violent person but when it comes down to someone messing with your children or grandchildren, IT IS ON.  We will definitely address Tics and Stimming today.  It is my ethical duty.

There are common tics. Four characteristic that will help you identify tics are the age tics start, how long the tic last, the severity of tic, and whether or not it is a motor tic or verbal tic.  Tics are spasm like movements particular in the muscle. These habitual spasmodic/irregular contractions of the muscle around the facial area can also occur anywhere in the body.  Tics are harmless. Tics are not classified as an involuntary movement but unvoluntary meaning the person can suppress the tic for a period of time.  As discomfort continue to grow the action of the Tic will be performed as a relief. People get twitches confused with Tics. Twitches are isolated and their performances do not occur repeatedly. Twitches are involuntary and can not be controlled or suppressed.  Twitches are known as myoclonic jerks. Muscle twitches can involve eyebrows, neck, and mouth called blepharospasm. Benign essential blepharospasm (essential meaning unknown)  involuntary neurological movement around the eye. Stress, fatigue or inflammation can be a contributing factor.

Tics are viewed as behaviors of a person that is quirky, bizarre, idiosyncratic characteristic or obsessive/compulsive. You have provisional tics disorder which consists of multiple motor or phonics with duration of 4 weeks but less than a year. Chronic motor tics and Verbal tic disorder have either single or multiple motors but not both which can be present for more than a year. Verbal Tics are uttered sounds that don’t last long. Normal behavior and tics appear repetitive, numerous successive occurrences of the same action. A person blinking their eyes, head jerking, or constant nose movement. Complex series of movements in the same order (reach out and touch something, again and again, slap again and again, or kick out leg again and again).  Tourette syndrome is diagnosed when both motor and phonic tics are present for more that one year.  Tourette syndrome changes over time. The condition improves as the child gets older. Tic Disorder NOS is diagnosed when tics are present but did not meet the criteria for any specific disorder. There’s that NOS again. NOS just doesn’t name that tune and that is why a lot of doctors hate that tag at the end of a diagnosis.

Tics are there for the long haul. Tics are unlikely to change and cannot be removed.  There are times when people lose hope in communicating with others because their vocal tics are so uncontrollable. The COMPULSIVE and REPEATED WORDS or PHRASES takes over their communication skills leaving the person feeling very abnormal.  The end results the person stops communicating. Motor Tics include SLAPPING, JUMPING, flapping, biting, blinking, grimacing, HAND MOVEMENTS, FINGER MOVEMENT, tapping, smelling, shrugging, flicking one’s hair, sneezing, clearing one’s throat, coughing, holding one’s breath. There is more. We will not get Tics mixed up with Stimming. Tics can be mistaken for voluntary indulgence. Here’s a Flashback:

1.) The guy with the tie who has to touch and then slap.

2.) The contender who has to make those little animal sound 🙂

3.) 2012 CPAC live on stage Mr. RUSH AROUND LIMBAUGH

4.) Mr. T and T who sounded drunk

5.) The biggest winner of the day is Mr. Perseveration who cannot leave the past, who has no sense of humor, a great deal of right hemisphere damage(Creative Side Of Brain), left hemisphere of the brain (academic side) is wore out.  Totally INCOMPETENT. (I hope this helps MIKA B.)

Shall we move to Stimming? We will not hang this label on the Autistic Spectrum. No more stereotyping. Stimming is short for self-stimulation of one’s behavior or activity. There are times when you need to feel in control of what you are experiencing.  Stimming helps with:

Emotional Regulation-It helps put our emotions in check without our cup runneth over. It manages the wide overload of sadness, anxiety, anger so you won’t flip the script and lose your cool. When you want to incorporate the happy feeling moment one might flap their hands, bounce, or toe walk to regulate positive behavior.

Sensory regulation-We have high stimmers and autistic individuals who experience extreme sensation (hypersensitivity). We have stimmers that experience dull or muted sensations (hypo-sensitivity). Depending on the situation or whatever senses are involved people can experience more or less of a good feeling. There are times when we want to feel in control and hold on to a consistent, familiar and good sensation. Makes me want to sing Janet Jackson’s, Control.

Social Regulation-When you are not comfortable in a social setting but want to participate. Stimming helps us to interact with others on our own terms. Introverts find ways to relieve the pressure of socializing. Some of us are social creatures who crave daily social interaction but need to stay in the moment without our pots boiling over. We have those who are ambivert (need social stimulation and the safety of isolation) who feel the need to use an escape hatch for waiting to be along or the desire to be around others.

Pragmatic Regulation-Distracting stims that annoy other from home to school to work. A person of the media become so engaged, keeps bouncing up and down, hands, flying in the air, out of their chair trying to ask a gazillion questions. You look over and your mind process the Sit Your A** Down Syndrome. Now you know they are stimming or they could have Tics. Remember not to get these 2 confused.

Stimming is not to be viewed as bad or good. A good therapist would be out of their mind to discourage stimming.  Repressing stimming would be counterproductive and quite harmful. What works for one person may not work for another. Stimming should be safe. Stopping an unsafe stim will not solve the problem. Another harmful stim may occur in its place. Continue to teach new skills and process new ways of looking at people when they appear a bit odd.  I hope this helps the MEDIA and OUR NATION to get a better view of the countryside.  It is now Time for the Process to take place in removing the President. He CANNOT Do the JOB. He does not have the MENTAL ABILITY.




Thomas Perez (Head of the Democratic National Committee)

Keith Ellison (Deputy Chair)


Bernie Sanders (Senator from Vermont)

Elizabeth Warren (Senator from Massachusetts)m