Boss Of The Mic___Waging The Fight

We’re not worried about no D. Poll.
Common sense will tell you not to let it take a toll.
The numbers indicate who sold their soul.
The Do-Nothing Brothers are out of control.

Keep your head up and strut your stuff.
You gave it your all and it wasn’t good enough.
When you took the job you knew it would be rough.
They showed there A… and you called their bluff.

Boss Of The Mic__Waging The Fight
Whose numbers are down and taking flight?
The leader of our nation governed with insight.
Conservative faction policies were not that bright.

They were the few, the stupid, and they weren’t the marines.
The way these Brothers govern is totally unforeseen.
The words out of their mouth are poison and obscene.
There go the Women votes along with the Nubian Queens.

It’s all good when you step to the plate.
You took responsibility for all of the mandates.
You took the heat and felt the weight.
It made you stronger and you push through the gates.

Boss Of The Mic___Waging The Fight.
There is nothing wrong with your eyesight.
I know your message will be tight.
Take them down Brother with all your might.

Here are some words of encouragement.
Don’t play around with resentment.
Everything you tried to implement.
It’s Unforgettable and will take greater precedence.

Sure they tried to bring you down.
Whose behaviors demonstrated they were nothing but clowns?
In 2014 will they still be around.
The hatred, lies, racism lowered the conservatives faction into the ground.

Boss Of The Mic__Waging The Fight.
At the end of the tunnel, you will see the light.
The darkest hour has past and it’s no longer night.
Waging the War on change will push Forward for Equal Rights.

Reality knocked on the front door.
It is TIME for you to take it to the floor.
Reach into your heart at the center core.
From the tone of your voice, you’re not taking it anymore.

The place where you are standing has a wonderful view.
Look across the aisles and do what you need to do.
For the People, and our Nation you will come through.
Why? You have Wage The Fight to remain True.

Boss Of The Mic__Waging The Fight.

Unforgettable__The List

It felt as though I was humming to the tune of Nat King Cole’s Unforgettable. Was it Lee Major who played in the FALL GUY? If you are not sure going forward in making a decision don’t forget to reach into your pockets and pull out the TRUSTED ADULT. Your business should be Comfort Zone LLC so you can sing Alicia Keys, Diary/Secrets. We will hope for the best and may your secrets fall into the hands of someone you can truly say, “Your Secrets Are Safe With Me.” It won’t be Chris Christie. Baby! Are you about to be fired? Please tell me Chris Christie was not trying to sing Nappy Roots song, Po Folks. You know the part where he states he has lived in Jersey and he will croak in Jersey bit. Right! Right! Now he is beginning to understand Tupac, All Eyes On You. BUSTED! The Hawk, The Almighty Hawk, Mr. Wind has caught your back on the way out the door. Lou Rawls knew what he was talking about when he song Dead End Street. I guess being a contender for the Presidency looked quite appealing. The Governor might need to change course with his dream. If the General name keeps popping up, SAMSON and DELILAH (Bridget Kelly) will star in their next movie. You can call it Rockin’ With The Rockerfellows__ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT for the real Land Slide. Chris Christie is not a Grand Guardian. He guards his pockets only.

Who can be considered a Grand Guardian? It could be your momma, your daddy, brother, sister, a close friend, relative, minister, an attorney, a person you TRUST with your story. The Media has become quite an effective choice and has become very popular. Hell! It sounds like SUPERFLY. Some people have had success with Twitter. A wonderful example is a young lady who Tweeted out 3 Rochester Teens standing on the sidewalk waiting for the bus who was about to get arrested for blocking traffic. Happy! Happy! Happy! These young BROTHERS coach was their Grand Guardian. Lawrence O’Donnell threw down on this exclusive story ARRESTED ROCHESTER TEENS SPEAKS OUT. You go Lawrence O’! This is what I call true Arrested Development. I like their songs too. Go ahead Mr. Wendal. Pay attention because we are beginning to see some new strategies to save ones A…

Whew! I’m so glad these three young Brothers were not Andy Asperger, Nathan NLD, and Tommy Tourette Syndrome. The Flip Side Of The Chart will not stand a chance. These Brothers wouldn’t be Rockin’ with the Rockerfellows. They aren’t affluent. Who will get the shaft? The middleman has been cut. Mental Institutions are not much of an option. Moving Forward with modern technology and the Winans forecasting Teddy Riley’s Time To Make That Change it is definitely a New Jack Swing. Bottom line just makes sure you are not standing in front of the Grand Jury. This is not to be confused with your Grand Guardian. Well, depending on the verdict. If it rides in your favor, Hallelujah! Can I Get An Amen Or Not?

Steve Kornacki was pushing the interrogation factor. Keep asking the question until you get the right answers. If you are not sure about the answer to find your Grand Guardian, fact checker, or the most reliable News Media that is BUSTING LOOSE with THE TRUTH and throwing down like Chuck Brown and the Soul Searchers. Google It! Bing It! SING Ya-HOOO-ooo! Check this out. When my girl was a guest on Up with Steve Kornacki you notice Dawn Zimmer, the mayor of Hoboken had her Alicia Keys Diary/Secrets. I just want all my Brothers and Sister over on the Flip Side Of The Chart to remember this precious strategy. If you struggle with writing, the keyboard on the computer may give those fingers some ease. If you can’t put your thoughts on paper get a tape recorder. Go to your FACEBOOK wall where you can share or make it public or private. For those of you who can get to the point in 140 words or less and is just D.. short-winded, Twitter is for you. For those of you who have more to say, Do Your Thang on FACEBOOK. Don’t throw your conversation E-Mails away. Think of it this way. E stands for Evidence and it might save your A… one day or you may get burned depending on what is in the E-mail. Thank GOD for modern technology and what it has brought to our ever-changing world. Change is the fuel in which a mule refuses to move forward. The mule is cool with the acceptance of stubbornness. Jack-Ass!

Where is that List? Unbelievable! It was right here all the Time. Check Bobby D out. Man! Look at the sweatshirt Bobby D wore to school. Back in the day, we called it a cheat sheet. Your A… was out partying instead of studying for the test. The key to scoring on the test was knowing where to position yourself if you’re going to get the majority of the right answers. The person on the opposite end of the spectrum knows it is a cheat sheet. Intentional behavior is about to make its move. The person on the FLIP SIDE OF THE CHART doesn’t realize it is a cheat sheet. Interrogation TIME! Bobby D is pissed because my Boi on the Flip Side is asking all these questions and drawing attention to Bobby D shirt. What! So the teacher wants to get her test on. Hold Up! Hold Up! She has to find out why the commotion is in motion. As she approaches Bobby D the answer just jumps out. Bobby D thinks my Boi has snitched. Bobby D is removed from the classroom. Here we go with the “Meet me at 3:30 your A.. is mind.” WHOA! Mr. Intentional Behavior is not going to pass the test either because he was out with Bobby D and he invented the shirt. Did we make any friends today? On top of it all, somebody is about to get thrashed.

A person who can’t focus and trouble with concept formation can hang it up. Do you know how hard it is for some people to put their ideas in a group? Comparing and contrasting is horrible. Did you actually think knowing what is relevant and irrelevant was going to happen right this minute? No! It will take TIME, patient, and a person who is willing to be the grownup in the room to say they understand. Are you willing to teach and teach and teach? On the Flip Side Of The Chart, there are so many people who are so willing to learn. Stop being HATERS and frustrating the great minds who process information differently. It must be understood on the Flip Side Of The Chart Thomas Edison light bulb will take a minute to be turned on. When it comes to the glow is Awesome! We will not roll out the fight on Christopher Columbus and my BOI Lief Erikson. Discovery just ain’t our thang. It is cool to give credit where credit is due. We just need concrete information and the TRUTH to be square. Do not take the ZOO-ZOOs and WHAMS-WHAMS away. You are going to piss the FLIP SIDE OF THE CHART off. I hope you don’t think making an example out of people you fail to teach are going to be receptive to punishment. Come on! Take responsibility. You don’t think when Bob McDonnell, formal governor of Virginia got his ZOO-ZOOs and WHAM-WHAMs took away he wasn’t pissed. INTENTIONAL! MHP, the price of chicken has gone up.

Unforgettable! Please tell me when you hear about NLD Syndrome you will be able to hold a decent conversation on the topic. If you know anyone who appears to be unique treat the person with dignity and respect. Your lightbulb might be screwed in too tight. Loosen up and adjust. Help create an inclusive environment for a BROTHER or a SISTER. Just a friendly reminder to let your A.. know a BROTHER and SISTER doesn’t mean BLACK FOLKS ONLY (BFO). OKAY!

NLD Syndrome called Nonverbal Learning Disability is a developmental disability in which the individual demonstrates a mature vocabulary, rote memory skills, excellent reading abilities. Who does this look like to you on the opposite end of the spectrum? Mr. so-called Normal! Hmmm! Children/Adults have difficulty interacting with others (same age peers or not), transitioning to new settings, working in different environments (whether or not it is at school or on the job), WHEREVER under the UMBRELLA, UMBRELLA, UMBRELLA… Stop it RHIANA! Working with anyone and anything NEW can cause a major BOO BOO in the world of NLD. It’s all good on the opposite end of the spectrum the GOP, Republicans, and Tea Partiers was totally out of touch and sync. NLD Syndrome Traded Places and it was not with Eddie Murphy. On the Flip Side Of The Chart, it is called Work With Me Program. From where I’m sitting, WHOOP! WHOOP NLD Syndrome we are rooting for you. Sure NLD has problems with writing and fine motor skills. So did Rand Paul, Senator from Kentucky. This dude from the opposite end of the spectrums had problems with his writing skills too. Hell, he decided to steal someone else’s work. What was wrong with his fingers? Right! Right!

NLDers has exemplary reading skills. So did Ted Cruz, Senator from Texas, with his Green Eggs and Ham BS. He totally misinterpreted the D.. story. People diagnosed with NLD Syndrome want to get it right. What can we say for this sucker IDIOT-OLOGY Ted Cruz? What did he achieve? Abstract concepts need to be explained in detail as the individual with NLD has a difficult TIME with understanding metaphors, emotional nuances, multiple levels of meaning and relationships issues. On the opposite end of the spectrum, The Golden Globe Pussy Willow Award goes to Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas, for his libido statement. Go Head Pimp Daddy Sugar! The second runner-up on the opposite end of the spectrum is State Senator Richard Black of Virginia for his belief that marital rape should not be a crime. This is not Joe Black’s brother and you definitely do not wish to meet him. You can find this article at Salon. By the way, Richard is living up to his name. Dick! Our third runner-up on the opposite in the spectrum is Foster Friess, Mr. Business Man Of The Year, with his aspirin still between his legs in his day and his mind only. There are so many HATERS on the opposite end of the spectrum. NLDers are not HATERS. What comes out their mouth is tough but the bottom-line is they can be redirected because they want to get it right. The HATERS on the opposite end of the spectra is caught in a Time Warp, Intent to do harm, love to fail, and do not wish to move FORWARD. Just give NLDers a description of abstract concepts. Make it simple and be patient. KISS 🙂 NLDers do not wish to fail and struggle with moving forward. It is a BIG D… difference.

1) NLDer have motor impairments causing difficulty in tasks that require dexterity, manipulations of small objects, and coordinated handling tasks such as writing, typing, buttoning buttons.

2) Attentional deficits cause people diagnosed with NLD Syndrome to have difficulty in coping with over-stimulating or distracting environments and requiring him/her to have limited distractions and assistance in focusing himself/herself.

Mayor Rob Ford, mayor of Toronto, Ontario Canada, demonstrated exactly what can happen to an NLDer on a regular day without the recreational drugs and booze. Strictly meaning bumping into people, accidentally mowing a person down and running head-on into an object. Rob is a Space Invader and just didn’t know what to do with his big voluptuous body. Poster Baby Justin Beaver is not too far behind. Did you know Ted Cruz, Justin Bieber, and Rob Ford all came from Canada? Should it really mean anything? See, that is how stereotyping gets started. Cut the Sh.. out.

3) Performing multiple tasks simultaneously can possibly Blow The Roof Off The Mother for NLDers. One thing at a TIME is good and limit the information you give to the task. Multiple commands are so counterproductive. On the opposite end of the spectrum, this happens many TIMES with the GOP and Kill OBAMACARE. Ask the baby who has to potty on himself and need their diaper change right away the response would be___SEE THERE. 🙁

4) Organizing material on NLDers watch is the Beatles singing HELP I NEED SOMEBODY. I mean not just anybody. Go get the Brother or Sister some HELP with writing outlines, determining how to sequence/order and prioritize, planning, and transitioning from one idea or aspect of a project to another.

Help me LAWD! On the opposite end of the spectrum, my BOI Chris Christie had A Whole Lotta Of Shakin’ Going On. He was not on the stage with Jerry Lee Lewis and The Outlaws. Will he be the next outlaw? Well, maybe he over-planned but he probably didn’t plan on this happening. Steve Kornacki, You Light Up My Life and I am singing George Clinton Flash Light. UP! UP!

5) Visual-Perception/Visual-spatial deficits. How persons interpret what he/she sees, understanding the boundaries of their environment and the boundaries in a relationship. Do Not Cross The Line. Just explain to the person in the right tone if they are standing to close if it flies over their head and they don’t get it. We don’t need to get in a shouting match. Be patient if the person is slow in gathering their thoughts. Explain to them information that is personal should not be shared on FACEBOOK. Stay out of the Abstract Zone and pour on the concrete. Please don’t go there with picture this. Do not say can you imagine. The response will be I can’t see a D.. thing. Can you? Just remember in order to put the pieces of the puzzle together get some gorilla glue because BABY you got some communicating to do. This will not take on the format of TWITTER (the 140 words or less). It is not happening. So gear up and get those jaws ready to do some talking. Parents do not get bog down or frustrated. Make it the happy moment TIME. Let your child/adult know you have a certain amount of TIME to spend on conversational skills and afterward you can party All Night Long just like Lionel Richie.

Are you lost Boo? You can’t read the map? Turn left on 68th street. Why are you turning right? Man! I’m in the car with a person who can’t tell their right from their left. It’s cool! I will drive the next TIME. Do not get into a WRESTLE-MANIA argument with an NLDer. Start singing Luther Vandross, Always and Forever. Make it clear it is okay to disagree. It doesn’t make either party right or wrong when it comes to a person’s opinion. How can you fail a survey? Facts are facts and make it clear you ask for their opinion. Say the right word so you can send the right message. To keep the NLDer from becoming frustrated, angry, and having those meltdowns. POINT IT OUT. Smokey Robinson did. I Am So Excited because I get this and I want you to get it too. Become a Pointer Sister or Pointer Brother. Ye-ah! Doctors spend a little more TIME checking out this area. Soooo I thought I would give it a lick-er-ty split. There is no one test to determine NLD SYNDROME. To all the parents out there, Heads Up! When Baby girl or Baby Boi can’t tie his/her shoe, ride a bike, trips and falls and nothing is in the way, don’t want to play with those LEGOS, takes forever to write, don’t seem to understand you are mom or dad and appears they are talking Sh.. to you, HOLD THE FORT DOWN. Beating a child is not the answer. The KEY is EDUCATION, DEDICATION, and making MEDICATION the last recourse to helping your child understand and cope with his Behaviors. Develop a plan, not an A.. whipping.

Drawing complex figures, and trying to understand higher levels of math can be hard (dyscalculia). On the opposite end of the spectrum, Paul Ryan gets the Award for Dyscalculia and his Forcible Rape statement. Let someone with NLD Syndrome make any of these scuzzy remarks and they will be up for grabs on all types of harassment or sexual harassment charges. To my NLDers don’t get frustrated. Listen to Whitney Houston and CeCe Winans, Count On Me and drink some hot tea. Feel better now. It is such a shame when the blame is placed on NLDers and other exceptionalities who are born with neurological behaviors. NLDers are not emotionally disturbed and should not be ostracized, criticized, isolated, nor punished for their UNINTENTIONAL BEHAVIORS. Make sure everyone involved in Operation Road Hog gets punished. INTENTIONAL BEHAVIOR!

6) Social Miscueing is where we need a real INTERPRETER. Interpreting the body languages is the monkey wrench found in your lunch bucket. Where is the lunch? Guess what? You are the lunch. NLDers get eaten alive because they cannot discern nonverbal cues. When you hear a person say they have a friend who doesn’t know where to start or end a conversation look out. If the conversation appeared to not make sense and was not simple or pragmatic I hope you are aware that you might be talking to Sarah Palin from the opposite end of the spectrum. She is the queen of Com-boo-very and Louie Gohmert, U.S. Representative from Texas, is the King of BS. NLders are winning the battle of Sanity from the FLIP SIDE OF THE CHART.

So what if you have trouble recognizing faces, taking people to mean what they say, you Get Jiggy Wit It and the other person feel insulted. I’m quite sure Will Smith, from the opposite end of the spectrum, had to Get Jiggy Wit It when people were all up in his business about his marriage and trying to drink his Kool-Aid. Sure you are going to have social blunders. The opposite end of the spectrum says gaffe. It was an error of the lips either way. Who will get punished? Right! Right! You guess it. It wasn’t because you are the Social Butterfly in your community or the Affluent one. As far as TRUSTING people and being NAIVE the opposite end of the spectrum racked up some points and ran away with the ball. Hey! They re-elected CHRIS CHRISTIE. I’m just saying!

7) It is TIME to take off the “Black and White” Tuxedo and break it down to the grey sweat suit. Grey yourself up so you can become flexible instead of having rigid ideas. Are you ready? Be like Guy and Let’s Chill.

Remember if you ever get called in the office on your job and the people are saying they just want FEEDBACK and it is not a VERBAL or a COACHING wait for the
shoe to drop. As you get older you have a tendency to forget. Sooo on January 25th approximately around 2:15-2:30 am, 2014 I just wanted to remind myself I was being held accountable for an ineffective job with little to no resources to get the job done. Okay! Remember to keep your diary, tape, and keyboard ready. E for Evidence. Unforgettable that’s what you are.

Telling It Like It Tis And Not Like It Twas

It’s okay to get sidetracked. As long as you jump back on your horse, recover your focus, and outrun the course. Oh yeah, we are definitely going in search of the list. The list is ever so important. WHY? It will help the world understand there is a Neurological Syndrome that has been kicked to the curve, struggle with emotions, and isolated because it just doesn’t seem to gel with the DSM5. NLD Syndrome is a real truth teller. The opposite end of the spectrum__Ordinary People, G-Money Dawgs, and those affluent people suffering from Affluenza demonstrated they are the worst contenders and biggest pretenders for role models in the category of intelligence, social appropriateness, and social competency. The opposite end of the spectrum took mental illness to new heights. Conservative Government officials hypnotize folks into believing they actually knew What The Ha-Hell they were doing. The people found out the pretenders couldn’t make decisions and followed their leader into a teapot of hell. Who got scorched and burned? The conservatives on the opposite end of the spectrum minds turned out to be, “I’m A Little Teapot.” Inequality of race, inequality on the job, inequality of gender, inequality of class, and inequality of the laws has burned the people and our nation to the 4th degree. The massive wounds of lies, misinformation, lack of emotions, lack of communication and inhumanness can infect and kill our economic system. Massive wounds are difficult to treat and one normally dies from the infection. Sooo…

Who was stigmatized to the utmost? The neurological behaviors got put on a list and were called Syndromes With Social Incompetencies Disorders. Williams Syndrome (WS), Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), Hyperlexia, Autism, Nonverbal Learning Disability (NLD), Asperger, High function Autism (HFA) took center stage. Well, If you know anything about these particular Syndromes I hope you understand when they didn’t interact, respond to their environment, or people appropriately it wasn’t because they did it Intentionally. What was Mr. Green Eggs And Hams excuse?

What is the problem with people who have the ability to make a decision and Intentionally fail to do what is right for the people, the nation, and even for themselves? What is the problem when Lies are respected more than the Truth? What is the problem when a life is no longer worth being insured and treated medically or psychologically? What is the problem when Hatred and Racism are validated in the media for years and years? What is the problem when you can berate your employees, underpay them, and think it is fair to pay? What is the problem when firing a good employee is the only solution? What is the problem when one group of folks can say anything or do whatever they want to do when they don’t have the true existing problem, to begin with? What is the problem when you acknowledge you are wrong, take responsibility, and demonstrate you can learn from your mistake? What is the problem when you can show the world you are a decent human being and can show emotions?

You say potato and I say po-tot-to. If you wish to state it as what is wrong instead of what is the problem, I’m cool with that. Either way no matter how you state it something is terribly wrong. How can the psychiatric community possibly view NLD Syndrome as a neurological neurobehavioral disorder? The opposite end of the spectrum is not judged harshly and gets off Scott free, rub their noses, and wipe their booty on insanity in order to hide under the umbrella of Affluenza?

There is a network out there and I’m not singing Patti LaBelle’s Somewhere Over The Rainbow. Although it is one of my favorite tunes. I’m not playing that tune today. MSNBC has championed all networks and news media by demonstrating their flaws, emotions, their strengths, and weakness. This network acknowledged when they were right and when they got it wrong. They stepped up their game and apologize when the apology was needed. From many of the viewers, it was felt the apology was unnecessary and unfair an unequal treatment was rendered to MSNBC. My question to Comcast Corporation, “Is punishment your solution to solving problems?” Are you willing to sell out the most priceless entity of your company to Bain Capitol located in Romneyville? The people made you and the people can break you. Making deals with money dawgs who are not respectable and sleeping with the enemy will give you flees. How many large companies have been crumbled because they lost their legacy and values of what their company actually represented? It is hard reaching the top. It is hard staying on top. Smart has become Smarter and moving forward is the Smartest.

Once again Inequality has been shown to MSNBC just as it has been shown to people on the Flip Side Of The Chart (behind the scene of psychiatric diagnosis) and to Ordinary People who will get served for far less than the mighty white ELITE-SI-UM-NITES. Yes, those late night dinners by candlelight and making backroom deals that aren’t right. Telling 47% of the nation to take a hike. Who should get an apology? We are waiting. If you have a need to rely on factual information and documentation this is the network for you. It sure in the hell isn’t Fox News who teaches ab-so-lute-ly nothing. War! Huh! Say It Again.

There are many teaching tools needed to demonstrate the following: how conflict is resolved, different lifestyles, educational values of countries around the world, wars we don’t need to have our A.. in, how technology is moving our nation forward, and how to become and remain a Super Power. Make a wish list like because there is so much more. Fox News is your SELFIE CHANNEL taking pictures of themselves, having unreliable, unenlightened guest who is not very well-respected in their circle of enemies. Fox News is the Money Matters of Channels. Only their Money Matters. Okay, they suck! If you need the SHOP SMART or THE CONSUMER REPORT of the Media hangs with MSNBC. It is all about who is trustworthy, your democracy and reliability. Will Comcast become the next Behemoth Company thrown in with the lost legacies? Will Comcast have their YouTube Live moment singing Phil Collins exit song, In The Air Tonight?

The Skin You Are In

We got the opportunity to peep through the lens of the INTENTIONAL BEHAVIORS at the highest level of government. So these are not your Everyday People. Sly And The Family Stones message of inclusion, “we got to live together”, hasn’t worked in all these years. The Neurological behaviors took a back seat and learn to take notice of their environment. I call that making progress. Getting NLD Syndrome to interact more with their environment and become more sociable would take them out of the stigmatizing category of being socially incompetent. Every characteristic of NLD Syndrome could be compared and contrasted to the intentional behaviors of the real crazies from the opposite end of the spectrum. NLD Syndrome came out smelling like a rose. Why! People diagnosed with NLD Syndrome do not wish to fail. The opposite end of the spectrum rallied in failure 42 Times and then some. The language changed along with the behaviors. It didn’t matter if the intentional behaviors were wrong. Those rotten Intentional Behaviors got away with their crimes and sins at least for now. Do you think it was because of money and the skin you are in? The one lens analogy on eyeglasses demonstrated faulty perception. We Needed An Interpreter to give clarity to What’s Going On. Even Marvin Gaye knows a war was not the answer but only love could conquer hate. The key players and war dogs/neo-cons at the opposite end of the spectrum haven’t done well this concept of Love and Happiness. Al Green like it and Edwin Starr would tell the war dawgs, “War what is it good for__Absolutely Nothing.” You are always Welcomed To My Blog. It will help give you a jumpstart. If that isn’t enough knock on the door and do an About Face and see how I got through my hunger pains and the motivation to proceed forward. There is always someone at Home. Make sure you knock hard enough because once you step through the door you will learn and I hope you continue to read more.

Well, the opposite end of the spectrum had an interpreter but he was also very misleading. You really need to be careful who is deciphering your information. You could end up in Russia. They might just have their own agenda to steer a person in the wrong direction. The opposite end of the spectrum misleading misinformation was to throw you off your game or take advantage of a person’s who can’t put all the pieces in place to get a whole picture. You no longer had to figure out what a person thought. Reading between the lines became obsolete. The abstract became concrete. Certain agencies with all of their spying became discreet.

Whether or not it was mental stability or mental illness it boiled down to the skin you are in. It didn’t matter if you were atheist, Catholic, a woman, an immigrant, latino, black or from the LGBT community. It didn’t matter if you were recognizable or unrecognizable. It is TIME for everyone to put on their choir robe and stand up and sing, “What Different Does It Make.” Can we get past the skin you are in?

Folks at the highest level of government got away with grandiose BS. They kept their jobs, got paid for doing absolutely nothing, vacation all the TIME and was awarded for their horrible Intentional Behaviors. They had me singing Rose Royce, Car Wash. All of a sudden Affluenza Syndrome rolled up on the scene and closed the umbrella down on Asperger, Autism, PDD, and other exceptionalities. Affluenza was rolled out as having so much money and influence. The person felt uncomfortable, wasn’t motivated, felt guilty and isolated. The rich became bored so they go out and kill someone. A judge comes along and declares this fictitious disorder kept the person from understanding the consequences of their behavior because they are too D.. rich. Unbelievable! NLD Syndrome was never on the Autism Spectrum. Now it is TIME to point out after 41 years of NLD Syndrome not making its way to the DSM 5 we have arrived on ELYSIUM. A make believed disorder, Affluenza, got recognition and got folks off the hook. It will never happen with NLD Syndrome or any other exceptionality.

Did I say ELYSIUM? The affluent and G money dawgs took it away and stole mental illness, healthcare and made off with the list. Transportation was blocked and reaching for the stars seemed impossible with a bully at the helm. The wealthy failed to realize killing is a no-no. Writing a check on a human life taken out is pretty D.. low. Whew! Straight up! Was it the color of the skin you are in? For the Elite-Si-Un-Nites, it is TIME to realize our world has changed into a broader spectrum of Black to Brown to Beige. The skin you are in should not determine the TIME served or “The Chair” the judicial system thinks one deserves. You know “THE CHAIR” has been a hot seat for the Master Mind of Design. Due to the nature of his abilities to be calm and laid back he did not blow himself up with his Nuclear Option. 🙂 As the Brain would say, “I don’t mind a step by step procedure as long as you do not leave out the major provisions. I would say, “Sweet potato pie isn’t any good without the sweet potatoes.” What did you get? Did you notice the skin the Brain was in? Run and get your choir robe and sing it with me again, “What Difference Does It Make.”

Jody Foster should take home two awards. My girl came out big pimping the Whitest suit I have ever seen portraying a pissed off Ann. Jody Foster showed what a Bratty A.. rich society thinks about the poor and the middle class. I pulled out my iPod and began to listen to Stevie Wonder’s Living For The City. What was Annie up to? Ann was so determined to overthrow the Brain and seize the “The Chair.” Once again her Boy on a failed mission had lost “THE CHAIR” and gave away his signature plan. We saw who won and we know who cares. Finally, the Brain said it. Yes! We are back on earth again and Spike Lee could have made ELYSIUM in Massachusetts and saved on his budget. It is going to be hard for the Elite-Si-Un-Nites who failed to unite. Spike Lee can be angry at me instead of Tyler Perry. I hope their disagreements got squashed.

2014 has arrived. Are you ready to connect the dots and bridge the gap? If you are coming to this blog for the first TIME and you have no clue about NLD Syndrome we need to go in search of the list. Almost every characteristic of NLD Syndrome was mirrored by the opposite end of the spectrum Intentional Behaviors. We got a closer look at rudeness, poor judgment, disorganization, naiveness, decision-making, and not being able to adapt to changes. We know who are Ruthless People. We know who gets blamed for ruthlessness. We know who did not care about failure and it wasn’t who you think. NLD (Nonverbal Learning Disabilities) a Neurological Syndromes with Unintentional Behaviors sat back and observed from the Flip Side Of The Chart and was totally amazed. The opposite end of the spectrum showed their monkey A.. and stole the list. What was on that list? What person or persons do you know Rocked the List in 2013? It is Time to find out The Truth About NLD Syndrome And Who It Resembles. What Skin Are You In? Time to go in search of the list.