You Call Us The Mob__Who Robs?

Our brain can be remarkable or unremarkable. The Brain is wired for survival mode. Brain road rage is very dangerous. Can the brain make it through this election cycle? The brain will produce words people will chant or repeat which can appeal to one’s emotional core.  Next, our brain goes into shut down mode The forcefulness of the tone of the word or words from our brain will cause people to react without thinking. People will begin to focus only on a single issue in their brain. Tirade mode is now in effect.  Words that are repeated got lost in the true message and the words are no longer heard. The Brain is shutting down.

Negative information or lies causes the brain to become unremarkable. The sledgehammer pounds each word in the brain building up to a crescendo.  The mob reveals their true identity. Was Frankenstein the true monster? Was his creator Dr. Frankeinstein the real monster? Did the mob monsters with their blazing torches give Frankenstein the opportunity to bear any human characteristic or develop any relationships?  Frankenstein did have a special kindness and a protection button for children. What monster wants to shoot immigrants for throwing rocks and crossing the border? Who Robs? Who Created the Mob?

The logic circuit was interrupted.   The Creator and his mob were only connected to their primitive brain. No logic or intellect button to push.   They stooped so low with an abundance of lies. Now it is time to go high using our intellect. When you see the repetition of the words Who Robbed, the good news is for each one of the questions below there are answers leading to the Truth.  The words can be heard. The words can be read in a softer tone. There will be no mob mentality or mob activity.  It feels good sporting individuality.

Did you really think you would get away with saying we are thieves? The nation and the entire world knows who rob. Who committed robbery in the following areas?

1.) Who robbed the Presidency and the Nation?

2.) Who robbed Citizens of their the right to vote?

3.) Who robbed the nation of its Health Care (ACA)?

4.) Who robbed Women of their rights to make decisions on their bodies?

5.) Who robbed Jamal Khashoggi life by spreading their BS rhetoric?

6.) Who robbed the Jewish community of their religious right to worship in their synagogue?

7.) Who robbed our children of their life and the right to feel safe at home, in their communities, and their educational environment?

8.) Who robbed the for “Real Think Tank of Humanity” of his Supreme Court Justice?

9.) Who robbed women their rights to be heard on sexual assault charges by electing a Supreme Court Justice who is the Perpetrator?

10.) Who robbed Immigration, stealing citizenship, and attempted to reverse naturalization?

11.) Who robbed the Dreamers of their Dreams?

12.) Who robbed Immigrant children/young adults the right to be with their parents causing behavioral problems and long-term mental illness?

13.) Who robbed Scientist of Climate Change not only in Florida but throughout the nation?

14.) Who robbed and raised the Tax Laws to go after Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid?

15.) Who robbed the economy of their congressional gatekeepers on trade tariffs?

16.) Who robbed the people and the Nation of their Constitutional Rights?

17.) Who robbed the media of their 1st Amendment Rights and has continued to drive Democracy into Darkness with their LIES?

18.) Who robbed people with Mental Illness of their rights to be integrated into an inclusive society?

19.)  Who robbed  Unintentional Neurological behaviors to be framed as Intentional Behaviors?

20.) Who robbed and attempted to shut down the VOICES  of the Black, Brown, Beige, and LGBT Community?

21.) Who robbed the people of Michigan of their right to vote, Clean drinking water, and their mental/physical health?

22.) Who robbed and Deregulated the Banks?

23.) Who robbed and lifted the Sanctions from Russia?

24.) Who robbed the Department of Justice (DOJ) the right to a Fair an Independent Investigation?

25.) Who robbed the United States of America of TRANSPARENCY, Dignity, R-E-S-P-E-C-T at the G20 Summit on July 16, 2018, at Helsinki?

Our nation was robbed on Foreign Policy.  Corporation robbed and seize jobs for a lower wage and sent our nation jobs overseas.

People normally watch what a person do rather than what they say.  Flip Side of the Chart(Neurological/brain),  watch what a person say.  What a person says on this side of the chart is not intentional.   A lot will be said but very little will be done. The brain needs a big jumpstart. Keep the cable wires charged for the brain. The Flip Side of The Chart does not wish to be set up for failure.  We understand It is a detriment not being able to read body language or put yourself in another person shoes. You are not emotionally disturbed when you lack the ability to relate to your emotions or others.

Words have to coordinate with one’s action.  Appropriate factual information and words have to be given in order for the brain to distinguish truth from lies. Behavior is considered Intentional Behavior unless proven Unintentional.  Questions from above can be answered truthfully.  Answers from the questions revealed the following.

!.) Who created the mob?

2.) Who robbed?

3.) Whose behaviors were intentional.

May the real thieves please step forward.