Mommie Dearest___The Elevator

What a day!  The time just seems to fly. Visiting with old friends and sharing all those wonderful Mother’s Day story was so much fun. Bernice’s story really made me come away with a different perspective. I was scared she was going to do it. Do what! You know the thing with the elevator. Did that really bother you? Yes, it did. Girl, when I made a reservation I wanted to make sure we did not have to go up to some sky-scraper restaurant and use an elevator. So how many places did you call?  I only called 42 restaurants. Get out of here! What made you change your mind? I was curious to see if she would do it after all of these years had passed. Were you disappointed when Bernice got on the elevator and didn’t do her spill? Part of me felt relieved and the other part of me felt as though Bernice had let go of some really dark secret in her life. It just always bothered me because she has never uttered one word.

So What did you think? I will never forget the life lesson she taught me on this Mother’s Day. It drove me nuts when Bernice would get on the elevator and face the opposite way. All I could think of was being stampeded by the people on the elevator for thinking we had a nutcase with us. No matter where we would go she always finds a store or building with an elevator.  Here comes her cheerleader always encouraging Bernice to do her “thang.”   You would get on the elevator and act like it was a normal day in the neighborhood and the queen had her clothes on. This where I wanted to pull out the Comet Can and get the Wire Hangers and spank you and Bernice A… For some reason the people on the elevator never seem to get indignant. What’s Up with that?  You are so good at imitating Bernice. Do it! Go ahead and Do It. Okay, if you insist. Hel….looo! Hel…looo! I’m Bernice but you can call me Bern. I’m just here checking out your eyes, mouths and whatever you got to remind me of myself and family. You sound so much like her. After all this time it all makes sense.

I saw Bernice grab your hand as she got on the elevator.  It felt as though she was my daughter and we were having our first Mother’s Day Dinner together.  All through the dinner, she didn’t have much to say. She had a lot on her mind. After we left the restaurant and got back on the elevator she grabs my hand again.  She laid her head on my shoulders. What was going on inside of your head? I felt as though I needed to protect her. Once we got to Justine house Bernice leaned over and ask me could she sit next to me. It was fine with me. I did not want you to feel left out. Hey! I was always cool with you and Bernice relationship. I felt we were the 3 musketeers and could conquer all together, “One for all and all for one.”  Relationships get messed when one person in the group began to act as though they need all the attention.  Here we go with the I Nucleus Factor.  Everything is centered around me. I control everything and everybody. I take all the credit.  Some people have some of these characters and traits or all of them. WHEW! Our friendship lasted all these years because we gave credit where credit was due. It’s always enough love to go around.

After everyone told their Mother’s Day story with the exception of Bernice, Justine brought out those famous cinnamon rolls packed with much love.  Justine can throw down when it comes to cooking.  That is Bernice favorite dessert. Hey! Did you call ahead and ask Justine to cook those rolls for Bernice. Yes, I thought it would help her get through her story. All 8 of us (me, Justine, Bev-lo, Bernice, Avis, Paula, Gina and you Melody) are looking like the Boo-Hoo sisters. Bernice cleared her throat and proceeded to tell her story. She turned her body toward Melody and her eye contact put Melody’s face in a vice grip. This would be the first Time the crew would learn Bernice tried to take her life as a child.

Bernice told of the day she was cleaning out the attic and she ran across some old newspapers. Underneath were adoption papers. She said she freaked out and went downstairs and start attacking everyone about how the family had all lied to her. Bernice couldn’t think about all the sacrifices her parents went through for her. She ran from the house and no one heard from her for hours.  When Bernice was found she was in an elevator with her wrist slit. My family got the called around 4:30 p.m.  We all rushed over to Barnes Hospital to see what was Bernice condition.  It was hard for me to think about killing myself but I was not in Bernice shoes. At the Time both Bernice and I was only 13 years old. I was so glad and thankful for my parents. Hey! I thought parents were parents no matter where they came from. When it was my turn to go in to see Bernice I had never seen so much machinery and tubing in my life. I was so scared.  All I could think about was How Could I Ease The Pain. That is one of my favorite records by Lisa Fisher. I have never prayed so hard in my life. Bernice looked like a little gray ghost and her arms were bruised from where the nurse had tried to find her veins. My parents were comforting the Davis family and I felt emotionally drained. It seemed too much to comprehend as I listen to Bernice tell what happened.

Bernice said the only thing she remembered is running and running. She didn’t remember stopping off getting any blades to hurt herself. She ran into an elevator and backed into a corner and the lights went out. It was hard for me to hold back the tears. Bernice said that morning she felt as though she was at the top of her game.  Her favorite place in the house was the attic.  She felt untouchable in her make-believe castle. Bernice curious mind leads her to open this big old trunk with dragons layered on the front and back side. The trunk’s top was so heavy she found a rod to prop the lid up.  As she began to dig there was a small jade box underneath the papers. When she opened the box and unfolded the papers. She became unglued. This couldn’t be true.  Bernice felt shafted. From the top of the attic to rock bottom, the elevator came crashing down fast.  She doesn’t remember having the blowout with her family. Anger can really do a lot of damage and thinking straight will not happen. Suicide is not the answer.  Opening up about her attempt to commit suicide was a big leap.  Something happened in her life that made her realize she could lose the most important people she loves.

All I wanted was for Bernice to heal but I knew it would take a long time.  It was Time for me to go in search of a support team. I was on a mad search for some really good peer buddies that could help Bernice get through her crisis.  Bernice anger isolated me but I had to give her some space to process what had happened. It took little brother Bobby getting hit by a car to snap her out of her I Nucleus World. Bobby got banged up pretty bad. His legs had gotten crushed and he suffered severe spinal injuries. Bobby would never walk again.  Bernice began to focus on Bobby’s care and I could see her getting back on the elevator on her way to the top. That is how Avis, Paula, Bev-lo, Justine, Gina, me and you Melody came together.  Bernice really took to Melody. It was all good!

Man, a lot of years have passed. Our crew got through it. We all have witnessed births, marriages, graduations, divorces, deaths all sort of life skills lesson.  Do you know anyone that has perfected the lesson of life skills?  No! These lessons are not to be perfect.  You can become very skilled, knowledgeable, or an expert in your field. They can become your greatest strengths and achievements. Look at Bernice accomplishments. She is a renown Psychologist and looks what we would have missed in our lives if she had been successful the day she attempted suicide. Look at all the people she has helped take the elevator ride to the top.

We all shared a common denominator. Some of the crew shared more. We all had adopted parents.  Bernice clinched Melody’s hand tighter.  “Are you ready to take the elevator ride to the top?”  Melody all teared up and the rest of the crew breaking down.  Bernice asks Melody,  “Will you marry me?”  I pulled out my comet can along with my wire hanger and began to tap them lightly. It took you guys forever.  Jaron is Melody’s son from a previous marriage. Melody found out she couldn’t have any children and Jaron was adopted.  Melody’s husband wanted his own kids.  Whatever the hell that means. Mr. I Nucleus Factor never excepted Jaron as his child.  Jaron is crazy about Bernice. This kid is so fortunate.  Jaron will have a wonderful set of parents.  Are you ready to take the elevator ride to the top?  Do not let your elevator crash to the bottom by not evolving and appreciating other people lifestyles. Of course, you know where the wedding will take place. 🙂

Who Needs An Entourage?

He was the Lion who Roared. He made it clear. He was standing at that podium along and 20 fold strong (inner strength).  He bellowed out Steve Winwood’s song, Roll With Me Baby. Only Ted Kennedy words sounded more like this. What price does working men and women have to pay?  At what cost? How much more do you BLOOD-SUCKERS want? We have been doing this Sh… a long TIME and nothing has been achieved. How much more do we give?  Stop your D… Greed. I can’t roll with a bunch of Do-Nothing Mother-Others. I have a meeting with the Isley Brothers. They are taking care of business. Can’t you see? We have worked to do.  It’s our job baby.  By the way, sometimes it takes a RECOGNIZABLE person to get the job done or draw attention to an issue or laws that may get overlooked. As a Kennedy, we pride ourselves on education,  enactment of disability laws, human rights, women rights, and universal health care. There is a lot of Sh… to do and as a Kennedy, I am not waving knee-deep in the Do-Nothing-Brothers BS rhetoric. Are we looking at the movie Million Dollar Baby?  Everything on the table is a million dollars plus. You mean to tell me these Fock-heads in Congress can’t  raise the minimum wage. Come on now 10 years have passed. Two Dollars! Okay, I will not start the next sentence off with NEGRO PLEASE. 🙂  See there, I’m learning. Don’t get upset. This is no disrespect to TED KENNEDY. It is only the remix to TED’S speech. His speech is seven years old. Nothing is wrong with an update.  The people and our nation are still receiving the same stellar performance.   Listen to Mary J. Blige song, I Can Do Bad All By Myself.  Who Needs An Entourage?

Who Needs An Entourage that carries dead weight or can bring dead weight to your playground? Sooo if a person acts aloof they just might understand the entourage is on TOUR and have no PLAN of Action, even when given specific direction. It will neither be a productive day or a fun day for rewards. Don’t you love it? Surrounded by a bunch of crazies who are definitely not leaders. Have any of these people ever made a decision on their own? Will any of these people challenge a directive that is wrong?   Strange!  The cheap luggage you are hauling needs an upgrade.  Excess baggage has a tendency to try to upstage the most important person whenever they are let out of their cage.  Oh God! Here it comes.  Something ridiculous happens. It happens because you are surrounded by Ignorant A.. people. The entourage who is all Show and No Tell. What The Hah Hell! Throw out the old stencils and pick up a set of new pencils.


This life skill lesson is way overdue.

It’s  hard to learn who to pick and choose.

We started talking about Ted Kennedy.

He roared with passion, desire, strength, and energy.


Don’t be desperate when you are looking for a friend.

Dig deep inside yourself and look deep within.

It takes many years to know what you are all about.

Running around with an entourage can be the wrong route.


What can happen when you hang out with a large crew?

It draws attention not to mention your A…  can get sued. 🙂

I picked up the paper and this is what I read.

A crew of 16 in a bar fight and 3 left for dead.


The key to your entourage is to have something in common.

Stop rolling with the brazil nuts, cashews, and please drop the almonds.

Surrounded by too many nuts made your A… look crazy.

You don’t want to be the one pushing up daisies.


The Haters and the NAE-SAYERS are totally out of control.

Stop listening to the little minds talking trash from the toilet commode.

These are the shot-callers who will never denounce a directive.

They have never had an original thought or their own D… perspective.


Life can be hard, complicated, and rough.

We are sick of the BS and ENOUGH is ENOUGH.

Always give Credit where Credit is Due.

Even if the individual Focks Up, you will know who to sue. 🙂


Sometimes one has to sit back and be in their gangster lean.

Always watch the Brother who is attempting to demolish one’s self-esteem.

For all my Brothers and Sister who may not even have a clue.

Time for a TRUSTED GRAND GUARDIAN who will point it out to you.


It has been revealed to the world and it is not the past.

All the suffering and hurt made it last and last.

HATRED and RACISM are undergarments in camouflage.

Sooo now you understand,  “WHO NEEDS AN ENTOURAGE?”
















Can you Do The NaeNae?

Perfect Time! Whew!  Are you ready? Let’s rock this. Get It!  Get It! Bend those knees, rock those shoulders from side to side.   Now throw one arm up at a time and whip it. Don’t be stiff with it.  Yeah! That’s it! Do it Do it.  Throw in some extra moves What!   It caught me and everyone in the nation off Guard. I know we can sing one of Monica’s Song. It’s One Of Them Days when I want to be all along. Don’t take it personally. Come on! Michelle  O pulled it off.  She is in step with TIME. What was she doing?  Her Dougie dance. So now it is Time to move on with the decision that was designed for the LIFESTYLES of the RICH and FAMOUS.  Yeah, Baby! Ricardo Montalban got tired of playing the white suit. He jumps ship and went was no man has gone before.  RACE  is the Final  Frontier for the Robe Brothers.  Afraid Captain Smooth Operator (OB_1)  the first by the way Bi-racial commander-and-chief, would actually move our nation forward.   Sure the people and the nation’s balance is thrown off. Don’t worry we can still do this if we just keep up with the latest step and rock the dance.  The conservatives at the opposite end of the spectrum will not have the last say. Never forget with progression there are 24 hours in a day.  Once again! Bend your knees, rock your shoulders from side to side, throw one arm up at a TIME and give it a presidential wave.  You can do the NAENAE. Hey!

Right There! The latest step. Are you keeping up?  The grand-babies want you to bust a move and get in the groove.  Are you up on the latest everything?  I hope you are up on the languages.  Be ready to step out, lean forward, and communicate. Give yourself some wiggle room when a decision lands on your doorstep and it is not the answer you’re looking for. Just remember the people and the nation isn’t doom. Don’t be paralyzed by a decision encased in a package of the out-of-date fruit of the loom.  Come on now. There will be no more COURTING the Undateable.  Are you out of step with TIME?   Do you understand the rap and rhyme? If not step back and make a way for those who can pave the way. Let the crew wearing the blue shake it off and start anew.  The Robe Brothers are out of sync. Talking about a decision that really stinks.  It was an absolutely horrible play.  We know who CANNOT do the NAENAE.

Hard Choices breaks down to giving people an opportunity to have more than just one choice. When you look at the choices being played down you realize no poll can measure what each one of these individuals can offer. Sooo stop playing down the other contenders who can throw their hat into the ring without their hats getting thrown back. Check this out. When polls are done in the medical world guess who gets left out. The majority of the polls that are taken are done for men and not women.  Right! Right! Women are thrown into the medical mix. There is boo-coo research handed down which helps men only.  Women aren’t considered nor included in these studies.  Women just have to go along with the program and take medicine which will not benefit them. Why? Let me know when the first man has a baby, menstrual cycle, and hassles with pre and post-menopause.  So whoever is out there doing all this D… polling I hope they can keep in step, bend your knees, move those shoulders, work their body along with their mind. Throw your arms up one at a TIME. Give it a strong presidential wave so you can do the NAENAE.

Take a look at the polls waiting for a woman to be elected. The woman who is out of step and has not made it clear what her policies are.  The woman who doesn’t want her own husband defending her.  Here is a woman who can give her spill to flirt with the nation. A woman who will be a proud grandmother soon. What will happen when the grand-baby gets older and grandma can’t evolve or relate to the boo-boo? Will grandma be able to keep up? Will she be able to dance?  Anybody care to take a poll?  The little miniature adult can and will give grandma a spanking of her life. One thing about children there are no boundaries. If you are fake, a liar, mean green stinky machine grandma you will know. I hope grandma can come out and play. Through the lens of the little one let her remain the latest, the greatest and kicking it to the NAENAE.

Ratings are down on a man who is actually doing his job.  A man who can use his penmanship to right the wrongs of the knuckleheads who can’t sign a bill into law for background checks. A man who knows an entourage is exactly the body of people who surround him and are not effective. They only want to be just as important as the person they surround but does not have the matching skill sets.   Would anyone like to take a polling on the Robe Brothers?   The last White Hopes now pimping Ricardo Montalban white suit jumped ship and got Lost In Space. Take a poll of the man who holds a gavel and cannot pass a farm bill and piss in the toilet straight.  Where are the poll and their D… pen on all the Brothers that are senators, congressmen who are under investigation for being your ROYAL SLEAZINESS?   Poll that Sh… because we all know it is true grit. Check this out. A poll will not give you the self-determination to brace yourself for the rough spots in life.  A poll will not be there to ensure your survival of the BS (and the Bush Sh..)  we lived through. The BS  and the Bush Sh… blinded the ratings for the true downgrade of the real culprit who focked up the economy.  Smooth Operator had to come in and do some operating to diminish the BS and the Bush Sh… In order to do our fair share, we must handle our  SH…  Smooth Operator taught me it was not reading between the lines but it is the BOTTOM LINE. Here is a BROTHER who deserves a break today. WHY? He can do the NAENAE.

Who are the people who are misinformed?  Does it really matter what they say?   Who are the people who are out of step, out of their mind, and not flexible with keeping up with the TIMES? Ahhh yes, polling is gathering information for your own personal agenda. It doesn’t matter if the contender can’t keep in step or LIE. How about another Margaret Thatcher to please the eye? In the real world, there is no poll to define who you are as a person. Who needs a poll to say what you have decided in your mind and in your heart what you can achieve or cannot achieve. Right There! If you take mind and heart out of the equation it reveals the peek-a-boo I see you to those who did not pick up their shield of armor and proclaim compassion, empathy, and support.  The opposite end of the spectrum demonstrates the true meaning of FECKLESS.  Yes, my Brothers and Sister, these were the people who showed their Monkey A… and was incompetent, irresponsible, worthless, and RECKLESS. Just a friendly reminder to always keep people with these traits or characteristics at bay. These are the Brothers and Sisters that CANNOT do the NAENAE.

I GOT A PEN.  I love to write. People get pissed off about what I ink. Sooo this is what I would like to share. What I found out throughout my life when I open my mouth people did not like the words they heard. I was not good at paraphrasing to ease another person pain when their A… really stunk. Here we go with the smoothie of a lie. I did not attend weight watchers to watch what I said or how much weight my words would affect people’s feeling. I did not have the style, charisma, and charm to shoot the BS and Breeze up through a person’s nose and out their A…  I never found it difficult to call a person out.  I would even stick out my tongue in the mirror and say to myself, well I can’t retrieve those words they are gone. One of my girlfriends called me BABY BRASH A… and HARD TACKS. She would say I could nail a person to the wall and never look back.   Strange, many of the people around me gravitated toward me. I was surprised I had any friends or an inclusive community. You think old dagger tongue would run everyone away.    An elderly lady, we called her GRANNY, told me this was the TIME when people wanted to be told the truth and not lied to. GRANNY said as TIME changes I would need to adjust those liver lips.  The world was changing. People would rather be lied to than told the truth. GRANNY is now in heaven on this INDEPENDENCE DAY. What a revelation! Even GRANNY rocked it to the NAENAE.

Later in life, I had a son who sounds just like me. He struggled with families, friends, and enemies. I understand it now. Granny was right.  My son could be killed for the very things I said years up the road. Just one wink and a blink ago a policeman, an attorney, or a person who wants to play super cop can take my son right out of the box. It is essential and mandatory to open the conversation about RACE and MENTAL ILLNESS. That could have been me years ago but the world was in a different phase. Even though my son has been diagnosed with a neurological neurobehavioral disorder he does not fall under the category as the AFFLUENT. An attorney placed a dagger in my heart when he said a young man was killed because he had a big mouth.  This same attorney was on the case of a young man who lost his life trying to defend his life.  The president was criticized for saying this young man could have been his son.  A court system who could not adjust to change and denounce race because they could not say the rules of the court has mold and decay. My point__exactly!  The Justice System is light bright white, out of touch, and CANNOT do the NAENAE.

It is hard for the Robe Brothers to accept change.  Same Game with different players who want to keep their old rules (constitution) for their outdated world. It was hard for many people in the nation to accept our leader.  The opposite end of the spectrum said whatever they wanted to say. Intentional behavior failed the people and the nation and was totally out of step.  The AFFLUENT got away with murder,  what they said and how they acted.   Too strung out and to the extreme right, the conservatives will never be able to go Dancing With The Stars. This is what it is all about. Never assume a person knows the rules. You must be willing to teach the rules. The behavior will manifest out of the frustration of not knowing. Don’t walk away or give up. Help walk the individual through changes so they can adapt and transition in or out certain situations.  Step by Step.Those who are out of sync,  lose their balance, appear awkward and rude do not choose to fail nor display INTENTIONAL BEHAVIOR The rules must change in order for growth and development. Are you ready to bend your needs, rock them shoulders from side to side, throw one arm up at a TIME,  give it the presidential wave, and add more movement to the mix. Yeah!  That’s it! Get It Get It. What You Say! You can do the NAENAE. Hey!

Can You Do The NAENAE?

Go For Joe Remix

Joe is doing what he does.
He can wear OBAMA’s shoes.
Biden made it clear on the View.
Joe was not singing the Blues.

The world can go for JOE.

Go for what you truly know.
2016 it could be Joe.
Joe has his own stride and street flow.
Who said it’s Hilary D… show?

The world can go for Joe.

Joe said it on the air.
He was quite debonair.
Tell the people not to despair.
Biden wants it and he cares.

The world can go for Joe.

The Clinton’s had some nerves.
You don’t kick the President to the curve.
Hilary doesn’t have Joe’s swerve.
Will she get what she deserves?

The world can go for Joe.

By no means is Biden scanty.
You just ruffled my cancer panties.
When you survive it ups the ante.
Go ahead and kiss my fanny.

The world can go for Joe.

Why should I play nice?
There are men and there are mice.
TIME for Joe to roll the dice.
Joe knows the sacrifice.

The world can go for Joe.

Joe can go on and on.
Biden is driven and not yet done.
His loyalty by far isn’t gone.
TIME for Joe to make his run.

The world should go for Joe.

What does Hilary need to learn?
Respect isn’t bought it needs to be earned.
There are voters who are deeply concerned.
If Hilary wins will the people get burned?

The world can go for Joe.

For Joe, it truly matters.
This is what Hilary hasn’t gathered.
The Presidency doesn’t come on a gold platter.
Too many lives can get shattered.

The world can go for Joe.

There has been so much media hype.
Who will be the next Boss of The Mic?
Joe Biden will put up a D… good fight.
The people deserve a choice and know what is right.

The world can go for Joe.

The greatest disability of all is not to acknowledge we all are disabled. No one person knows everything, can do everything, but you sure in hell can lose everything by not acknowledging one’s disability. NLD MOM/cancer survivor

The Hill Has Knives

Scene: Smokelbg is staying at the Hyatt Hotel on Capitol Hill. This is her second visit to the President Inauguration Ball. She has all her accessories laid out on the bed with the exception of her dress. There is a knock at the door. Smokelbg goes to the door and it is Room Service with the DRESS… WOooooooo!


Come on in. That didn’t take long. Your name is?

Room Service:

My name is Ciara but my friends call me CeCe.


How pretty! Well, CeCe I am not about to type Room Service all the way through this story. It reminds me of going to the doctor. You are just a patient with a number. It is too cold, no identity, and we can make you as colorful as you want to be. CeCe this is the FLIP SIDE OF THE CHART. “By the Way,” this saying sounds like one the senators who clowned the CLOWN of a senator whose brother needed help in Atlanta. CeCe, this senator and the WEST of his brain was far from INTELLIGENT. Did I say WEST? Hmmm! AnyWHO! WHO! You can call me Smokelbg. Oh, look at how your eyes light up. No! I’m not the reason why The CHRONIC was produced in 1992 by DR. DRE. Hey, Dr. Dre had a second album out in 2001. Did you notice the leaf on the bottom of the album? Granny did not do her homework and promise the grand-baby she would get him some DRE BEATS. Oh, my GOD! That is definitely another story another day. Those are expensive A…. headphones.


What do you know about CHRONIC? You are a mess and too funny. I have never thought of myself as being colorful, exciting, or intelligent. I guess you notice…


Maybe it was because you never smoked any Hi quality marijuana or CHRONIC. People have a tendency of connecting my name with the leaf. You are colorful, exciting, and intelligent. You have a lot to offer this world. Stop being conscious of your uniqueness and use it as a strength. I have never smoked, drank, or owned a gun in my life TIME. No! I’m not a NUN. Yes, I’m a mess but it is nothing wrong with being high off of LIFE. Knowing what your quality of LIFE means to you, how it affects who you are as a person, and the people around you is so important. If you know that CeCe then you truly understand that your LIFE is connected to the LIVES of others. It will make you think twice or even more than twice. Suicide will not be on the table as an option. Your LIFE serves a greater purpose. You must keep the purpose right out in front. Take SNOOP DOGG for instance. He has evolved from a DOGG to a LION. Who knows maybe he will become SNOOP GIANT BLUNT one day. I wonder will SNOOP LION move to WASHINGTON STATE or COLORADO? Is there something bothering you CeCe?


I have never looked at my LIFE as though anyone would miss me. I have never thought of my LIFE affecting others. People are so busy and they are wrapped up in themselves. They just don’t have TIME to be concerned about what I think and feel. I am concern about your dress. Most people wouldn’t care or notice your dress Smokelbg. It is the quality of your dress. I hate to tell you but it is torn or should I say more like shredded. Will you have TIME to find another dress for the Ball?


No! I must wear this dress. Don’t let that bother you! I wore this dress last year to the Inaugural Ball. I know some SISTERS that are so creative they can take a glue gun, a plain dress and put your top designers to shame. It is like RENT-A-CENTER on PARADE. Pray it doesn’t rain. They will charge the numbers of their cards on a pair of shoes and make sure their shoes do not hit one rock or get any scratches because the shoes will be returned. REFUND! SISTERS will purchase a designer dress and the key to that success is no deodorant. CORN STARCH! BABY POWDER! The designers are going to be tripping on Tuesday morning. Just to keep the record straight the words SISTERS does not refer to AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN ONLY. OKAY! You know who you are and you HEIFERS are not LONELY. SHOUT OUT TO FRUISA! I have friends that have shown me where you can buy body enhancers. Do you need any human hair? Girlfriend you do not need to buy any expensive hair. I have friends who can show you how to shove the hair back in the bag and get your REFUND! They will sell the hair off their head. Forget about the bag.


For real! Your friends got some “do what you got to do skills.” Do people actually wear the same dress for the next years events? WOW! Was the dress torn when you got it?


No and No! It wasn’t torn. The ladies pride themselves on being the BELL OF THE BALL. When the photo shots are released the ladies want to make sure they do not have anything similar to last year outfit. This dress is a very special dress. It looks totally different and the color of the dress has changed. No person at the Ball will ever identify this dress as last years dress. Throughout the night the color of the dress will continue to change. I will encounter several people at the ball. I have a special list. The dress will reveal their intentions. The dress will rip and depending on the size of the tear and the color it changes into the “POPE OF HOPE” will be there to read the NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION of each person. This dress deciphers the following:
a.) People who are dressed to impress but are not sincere. FAKE!
b.) the blame gamers
c.) brusque, abrupt, brief remarks
d.) facial expression, posture, gestures
e.) attention-getting/the ones who are annoying
f.) monotone or flat speech
g.) the gullible or naively trusting
h.) smart smartypants
i.) rude, discourteous
j.) social blunders, just won’t let it go (tenacious), never-ending story,
incessant (nonstop or relentless)
k.) everything flies over their head
l.) can’t seem to recognize your face
m.) can’t read you, take you at your word (very literal),
n.) social misjudgment or misinterpretation
The “POPE OF HOPE” will INTERPRET the SOCIAL aspect of this behavior. He will determine whether or not if this behavior is UNINTENTIONAL. “The POPE OF HOPE” will also determine whether or not we are just getting PLAYED on PURPOSE by the TRICKY DIXSTERS. 🙂


You are going to reveal a lot in this dress. How much can this dress take? There isn’t much left of this dress.


It gives me goosebumps to tell you how this wraps itself up. The sole purpose of the dress is to show The Hill Has Knives. It will indicate who will attempt to be the biggest threat to the President in his second term. This dress takes it down to the last of the BUTT-NAKED BEHAVIORS only to reveal one’s true intentions and their true emotions. Elimination will be quick for some of the people because they have difficulty with their emotions are understanding their emotions.


What! You mean to tell me you will end up with no clothes on.


AB-SO-LUTE-LY! I hope I will be standing in front of the SPEAKER of THE MOUSE or the MINORITY LEADER that hates MINORITIES. Everyone will carry on as though I am the EMPRESS without CLOTHING.


The PAPARAZZI is going to have a field day with this.


No CeCe I will not let anything or anyone get in the way of spoiling the PRESIDENTS big moment. There will be a special headcount. This is to make sure that there will be no secret meetings anywhere. I hate to do this CeCe.


Do What? What is this flashlight for?


You will be just fine. I need you to blink twice and tell me what you remember.


Room service. I’m here with your dress.


Who do you think will be a STICK IN THE MUD or the LIFE OF THE PARTY?

Edit From My Heart

It’s hard to CHOOSE the words to say.

I’m ripping myself apart.

MANAGING my thoughts can be delayed.

I will EDIT from my heart.

When I speak, I’m often CORRECTED,

Being impulsive, appearing rude, and considered not smart.


I will EDIT from my heart.

CLEAN UP my social blunders.

Isolation fuels the sparks.

One does not SELECT to be asunder.

I will EDIT from my heart.

Throughout my life, I will be BLUE PENCILED.

MODIFY me like a work of art.

The hurt and pain removed from its stencil.

I will EDIT from my heart.

No, I’m not very POLISHED.

Take a chance and give me a fresh start.

Our friendship should not be abolished.

I will EDIT from my heart.

Being ORGANIZED is a laborious task.

It plays a monumental part.

I am truly glad it has been unmasked.

I will EDIT from my heart.

DEDICATION: To Jennifer G.

Adaptability is very strenuous and monumental for many people in every walk of life. Once we are able to accept a problem does exist and will continue to exist then we are ready for solutions to our problems.

The transition can be made if and only if we are willing to seek help for our problem. We are allowed more choices. We are better equipped to manage, organize, improve and preside over our new and improved life.

All this and more is hauled around in your LUGGAGE of LIFE. It is TIME to EDIT from YOUR Heart. It is early INTERVENTION to help diminish the PREVENTION of the pain and sorrow one may suffer. NLD Mom/cancer survivor

Smokelbg Life Class__ Dedicated to Oprah

It has taken me a long TIME to get here. I’m so grateful and very appreciative to share my EXTENSION of QUALITY of LIFE with the world. To all the innovative masterminds that have allowed me to reach millions of people by the internet, Thank You.

I was puzzled when so many people became frustrated with Oprah because it took years for them to get on her show. Year after year has passed and I still haven’t got on her show. Did you hear me? HEll, I’m still ALIVE and it’s all GOOD. Year after Year!

Oprah has given out cars, trips, built schools, and funding to people all over the world to help their cause. Oprah is great a philanthropist. She has given hope to others and offered strategies, coping skills, and survival techniques.

She has laughed, cried, and worked all parts of her body to demonstrate the finest of NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS her show could offer. It is quite difficult to teach emotions. Words and body language give out more information.

A lot of information is missed if a person has NLD Syndrome. Oprah turned herself inside out.  Oprah may not have realized the great gift she has given my son. Today I get the opportunity of my LIFE to share some of her TIME.

Think about it. The next TIME you pick up a TIME ADJUSTMENT SLIP at work, step outside the workforce and think how much TIME you need to give to your LIFE. Think about who you want to share that TIME with. No matter how long it takes.

Here I am sitting in the hallway at OWN Studio. Here she comes! Good Morning Oprah, thank you for seeing me today. The last TIME Nicky NLD  (Nonverbal Learning Disability)and Sparky SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder) were here they didn’t get a chance to see you. They waited a long TIME.

I was proud of them for waiting it out. Nicky NLD has a very difficult TIME sitting in a chair for an extended period due to his coordination. He much rather sits on the floor because he has a tendency to fall out of a chair.

People have called him a clumsy idiot and stupid because of his poor balance. Sparky SPD moaned and groaned about the fabric on the seats. He kept saying it was a strange odor in the hallway. At the TIME an elevator was being worked on.

The construction work was so loud.  Nicky NLD had to literally sit on Sparky SPD to keep him from going bonkers. Sparky SPD has a sensory processing disorder. We are quite familiar with Nicky NLD’s syndrome.

We just had a refresher Course In NLD on 10/17/2011. Let me bring the viewers up to date on Sensory Processing Disorder. SPD Foundation had a writing campaign to clear up some false information and hysteria about SPD. This took place back in March.

Their goal was to have 10,000 responses by March the 4th, to bring in positive responses, and the facts about SPD. At that TIME people could register their comments on Oprah’s Website and post their letters in the section listed for ZACH’s STORY.

Sensory Processing Disorder is a neurological disorder. Our brain processes input from our environment. All of our senses need to come out to the playground along with their 2 major cousins and play.

The 5 senses and 2 cousins need to integrate or act as a team. The 5 team players consist of our vision (sight), auditory (hearing), tactile (touch), olfactory (smell), and gustation (taste).

The 2 cousins vestibular (sense of balance and movement), proprioception (the sense of knowing where one’s body movement in space) must come along for the ride. Hopefully with the wires connecting the ride will be smooth.

These are all separate wiring in the brain that needs to make a connection on the merry-go-round. If the connection is not made, there will be deficits in planning, organization, everyday life skills, self-care, work and leisure activities.

The bad misfiring of wiring to the brain will cause extreme avoidance, distress, agitation, fear, and confusion in the management to carry out one’s life in their environment. Children diagnosed with SPD mental processing are normal and have normal health.

They do very well with others as long as their external environment isn’t busy or overwhelming. Children with SPD become very sensitive to outside factors and this depends on the way the environment looks, smells and sounds.

Our 5 senses and the 2 cousins need to hop on the merry-go-round so our body won’t have difficulty processing the information in our environment. This particular disorder has UNINTENTIONAL BEHAVIORS, not caused by the parent, and is physiological.

Treatment for SPD may target life skills, social skills, and emotional behavior. There is some exceptional information on Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). Visit and you are on your way.

Dr. Phil had done a show on a young man named Zach. Apparently, Zach’s behavior was so out of control he made some attempts to hurt his parents. Smokelbg wrote a story on Getting Zach On the Right Track.

This was to give Zach and his parents support along with some strategies and coping skills. Smokelbg wanted the audience to understand ZACH’s behaviors. He was viewed by the audience as a violent and dangerous person with INTENTIONAL BEHAVIORS.

The perception that people have when they are not educated about any type of disorder makes the individual appear to be so dangerous to them and society. This very perception and judgment leave the individual ISOLATED and without a sense of community.

ISOLATION is the KISS of DEATH and invites a MENTAL DEATH to an individual which leaves the individual unable to RESURRECT oneself. Those who have misjudged encounters, bullying, sexual, social, emotional, and physical abuse.

RESURRECTION from this grave site may be very hard to achieve if the individual has been stripped of their self-esteem and self-confidence. The body, once it loses hope and sense of purpose, will lose self-determination and cease to exist.

This grave site has now become a permanent address. Smokelbg wrote a story called Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep_NLD Mother’s Prayer when you get the TIME please go back and review this story. It is posted at

I chose 5 questions from Oprah’s LIFE CLASS that I felt it was very important to share with the WORLD.

1.) What is it really that I’m supposed to be doing with my LIFE?

a.) Teaching individuals to PAY ATTENTION, helping individuals to RECOGNIZE the importance of TIME and how important it is to RESPECT TIME by cherishing and RESPECTING THE QUALITY of their LIFE.

b.) Helping individuals understand the importance of Validation.

c.) Giving Recognition to the Unrecognized- Nonverbal Learning Disability that has been overlooked by our society for 41 years.

d.) Making people aware that NLD Syndrome’s, a neurological disorder with UNINTENTIONAL BEHAVIOR is mirrored through the INTENTIONAL BEHAVIORS of people who can make the CHOICE.

e.) Writing stories, books, so NLD Syndrome is simplified/individuals will not find the information intimidating and will seek help.

f.) As a cancer survivor, I want to motivate individuals to LIVE BEYOND THE PINK.

2.) What is your gut telling you right now? What will you do about it?

a.) People are paying attention, I can hear it through their words, body language, and even what they wear.

b.) I am doing it right now by reaching out to people and getting the information out there.

3.) What are you grateful for?

a.) Being able to take whatever adversity in life and use it as a teaching tool.

b.) Having a masterful mentor and educator, my son, who has taught me whatever I CAN DO–DO.

c.) Breathing on a mirror, seeing my breath, my LIFE.

4.) What is the pain that you thought you would not survive and what got you through it?

a.) The greatest pain was loving someone more than I love myself. When I was diagnosed with cancer I realized at that moment I may not have enough love for myself to save MY OWN LIFE.

b.) When you look into the eyes of your children, family, friends, and see the fear that they have for YOUR LIFE, it all changes. The fight has begun. You want them to know you will do your best to fight back. There is enough love left to pull it off.

As your legs swing over the edge of the hospital bed and you wait for the test results to roll in, you can see the NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION at its PEAK. The silence in the room is unbearable. The body language will reveal all.

Whatever QUALITY of TIME that was designated I wanted to LIVE and LOVE MYSELF from this day FORWARD.

5.) If you were giving your last lecture what would be your best piece of advice for appreciation of life?

a.) I hope I have lived my LIFE in such a manner that even when I can no longer dress, feed myself, or bath myself someone will try to HELP ME near the END. Even in the last days of those final hours I will know, feel the love, respect, and appreciation for those who are there to mourn me. I would ask for a pillow and my mirror so I could prop my body up and say to everyone present in the room, ” I did not have to die alone.”

I would breathe on the mirror and know I had moved FORWARD from that MOMENT ON.

The Truth About NLD (Nonverbal Learning Disability) And Who It Can Resembled your

One day the American Psychiatric Association took a really good look at the traits and characteristics of NLD Syndrome. Who did those traits and characteristics resemble? You guessed it, the APA. Nonverbal Learning Disability (NLD) has been around for 41 years and has not made the list. Sometimes when we look into the mirror or under our own microscope we do not like the reflection that bounces off the mirror. Even worse, we really don’t like the disease under the microscope. So what would be the best solution?  A cover-up will be just fine. The APA can drag their feet for years.  The American Psychiatric Association sees the correlation of NLD Syndrome to their Association. So why test or even acknowledge this syndrome?  NLD Syndrome might start popping up all over the place. It might just resemble too many people who are RECOGNIZABLE. If the American Psychiatric Association started testing for NLD Syndrome on a consistent basis, it’s no telling who might turn up on THE LIST.

Let’s take a look at the history of the American Psychiatric Association, who has decided to distance themselves from the Psychologists many years ago. The APA (American Psychiatric Association) was formulated in 1844 in Philadelphia. Their symbol carries 13 stars over a head of an individual inside a coin-shaped emblem. The stars represented the 13 superintendents and organizers of the insane asylums and hospitals which were constructed to formulate the new American Psychiatric Association. The APA has had a pattern of making irresponsible decisions for many years.  At one time homosexuality was placed on the DSM as a disorder. It was voted out and removed in 1973.  APA later had the Mission Impossible effect to change the name to protect themselves. The name of homosexuality was changed to ego-dystonic sexuality and later removed from the DSM in 1987. Once again the tape has blown up on the mission. The American Psychiatric Association is back to putting a crazy diagnosis on their list. They were considering putting Internet Addiction on the list.  Imagine that. For my NLDers who cannot imagine, it would be putting the Internet on medication and locking it up in an insane asylum for no more viewing. This would hide the truth about the APA and who they may resemble.

Dr. Allen Frances MD.,  who use to be a member of the DSM4 task force, wrote a very interesting article on April 8th, 2011.  The article was in Psychology Today. It was called DSM5 In Distress. This is how the Dr. Allen Frances List looks.

1.) DSM5 keeps missing their deadline.

2.) The APA proposals were reckless.

3.) They had poor planning and missed deadlines.

4.) APA over promised and under delivered.

5.) The APA procrastinated and has compromised the coding of the DSM5.

6.) APA poorly thought out the proposal.

7.) 1st draft of the DSM5 was written sloppily.

8.) APA gave extension and wasted these extensions in many ways.

9.) The International Classification of Disease (ICD) World Health Organization in Geneva codes and modification may have been compromised.

10.) ICD-10 codes were written to align themselves with the DSM4. What codes will be written to align themselves with the DSM5?

11.) A window of opportunity will be missed to place a significant diagnosis on the list.


1.) problems with time on tasks

2.) trouble with organizational skills

3.)  difficulty with scheduling, disorganized, cannot project or judge

4.) can’t put their thoughts on paper/written responses,  can talk the talk but cannot walk the walk, problems with productivity when it comes to paper tasks, expresses themselves eloquently

5.) difficulty getting started on a related task, needs to be jump started to initiate plans or on related task, problems in the areas of communication, difficulty multitasking, difficulty understanding what is relevant/irrelevant

6.) faulty spatial perception, problems with executive functions, difficulty being creative and can only think in black and white

7.) difficulty with motor impairment causing writing task to be grueling, slow

8.) difficulty with transition and adapting to change

9.) talks their way through the motor task

10.) they constantly talk their way in or out of a situation

11.)  gestalt impressions (they just don’t get the whole picture)

12.) Problems with their decision-making process which makes it very difficult to understand cause and effect.

13.) trouble with alignment

These characteristics and traits of NLD Syndrome resemble the American Psychiatric Association and their work in progress on the DSM5. We may begin to recognize NLD Syndrome is more common if consistent testing were done.

It SHOULD matter if it is my house, or your house, the poor house or the White House!  NLD could be rearing its head in recognition and striking very close to home. (DYNAMITE, DYNAMITE)  There are many unexplained behaviors which have revealed themselves in the past years to many who are RECOGNIZABLE.  Dr. Allen Frances, I hope this explains why the American Psychiatric Association (APA) is off task. This might even explain why NLD Syndrome has never been placed on the list. Sometimes a reflection of who we may resemble may keep us from looking directly into the mirror. It is the FEAR, SHAME, GUILT, and HUMILIATION of being found out. The American Psychiatric Association may not be as credible as we may expect them to be. Who truthfully is NLD? Who does NLD resemble? WHY is the American Psychiatric Association (APA) keeping NLD SYNDROME off their LIST (DSM5)?

Coming to an IMAX  Theatre in May 2013, in 3D, the DSM5–Hopefully