Open Mind, Open Heart__Open Door

  • Scene: Unexpected visit up in the house on Mother’s Day. The  Conversation between the mother and daughter is spicy and has the flavor of Maharaja Chai Oolong Tea.  It opens the door for Validation to open the lines of communication. Let’s Get This Party Started.


Get in here! What a surprise! I did not expect to see you today.  I thought you were visiting with your friend and their family. I hope you did not go out your way to stop and see mom because it is Mother’s day.  What have I always taught you?  365 Days out of a year and the honey poured over the heart makes it all clear! Every day I will be kicking it.

Boo Boo:

Mom, you are still rhyming. Do you think you can get through this conversation without sounding like you are rapping? I love you for it and you keep it real.


No!  Who needed this learning style to keep from being super bored in school. Just a friendly reminder to let you know good habits die hard and I ain’t dead yet. Hah! Your brother reminded me early this morning everybody got some SLIM SHADY in them.

Boo Boo:

What does that suppose to mean? Does he think I’m Slim Shady?


Absolutely not!  I will not say this is a poor choice for a song to use as an example. On the Flip Side Of  The Chart, I could have stated you have the characteristic of NLD. In the case of SLIM SHADY, Marshall Mathers aka EMINEM, basically states don’t go hating, imitating, or race-baiting because it is all about diversity.  Focus on being true to yourself so you don’t feel the need to hide from oneself. These elements can reach out and touch me, you, and many folks across the sea. This is just another form of AT&T.  In the case of NLD (Nonverbal Learning Disability), I will lay it out so you can see.

  • Today this Sh… is not about Reading, Riting, Rithmetic (3Rs)
  • I did not send you to school for 12 years of your life and college for you, not development friends and relationships.
  • We are dealing with the social/emotional aspect of your life.
  • You have the right to choose a female for your wife.
  • Whatever role in the relationship you play.
  • In this TIME and year of 2014, it will not ISOLATE you today.
  • People are viewed as unstable, disable with no sense of community.
  • INCLUSION is the key which is one of life’s many opportunities.
  • There are similar characteristics that encompass NLD.
  • It is TIME to engage in an Open Mind, Open Heart__Open Door for Immigration and LGBT.

Boo Boo:

Momma is riding her soapbox today. I know as you would say, mom, “It is better than being the wicked B… of the West and those D… RED SHOES led me to my own backyard.”  It really didn’t make sense to go to Egypt to find myself when I could have stayed at home and kept my money in my pocket.  Pilgrimage!  Now I realize to water the flowers in my backyard and address the issues at home. How long have you known, mom?


It doesn’t matter what I have known or how long. What mattered was embracing the fact you made a life choice you could live with. Embracing your decision would never take away from the fact that you are my daughter. It is impossible to separate Blood of my Blood and Flesh of my Flesh.  I have stated on many occasions we can only live one life at a TIME. There are people in our society who feel the need to live your life when they have made such poor choices of living their own life.   Do you know how hard it is for some people to make a decision knowing there may be consequences and they can become an outcast?  Think about the people who are judged unfairly, outcasts because they process information, their environment, and the people within their environment differently.  Being born with an extraordinary mind, unique abilities, and multi-level learning style should give the people who are diagnosed with other exceptionalities and NLD an Inclusive Community.    It is not their choice to be ISOLATED. It is not their choice to fail.  Do you think your brother wants to be viewed as the odd man out or the nerd machine because of his UNINTENTIONAL NEUROLOGICAL BEHAVIORS?   It is understood by me, others, and the psychological community your brother and those who share his playground are not Emotionally Disturbed. The flesh of my Flesh and Blood of my Blood not one ounce of TIME need be wasted because of your life choice. Not one ounce of TIME should be wasted because of what he was born with and the struggle with his decision-making process.  Not one ounce of TIME should be wasted if a person is in an accident,  suffer a stroke,  a gunshot wound to the head, and it alters their lives forever. Do you throw the love and support away because what once had the appearance to be normal and accepted by our society is no longer.  Mark Kelly and Congressman Gabby  Giffords along with Robin Roberts, Ellen DeGeneres,  Quincy Jones and many others were faced with adversities and they hung tough.   TIME can be added to one’s LIFE when you Open Mind, Open Heart__Open Door.

Boo Boo:

What happens when he reads about me or himself?  Will he be ashamed of me? Will he be saddened and view himself differently? Will he think I have deceived him?


You would only deceive yourself.  He already knows.  He has never stopped loving you. You always have supported him and he has stated he will be there for you. When you got into fights in school he would always say, “My sister rolled out somebody today because they tried to say something crazy about me.”  The hardest lesson was teaching him and you it was not the way to handle the situation. Especially in this day and age of gun violence.   It is a life lesson for your brother to look down on this paper and to know that he has a support system. It is an ultimate life lesson for your brother to look down on this paper and not look down on his life. It is a life lesson when you circulate love, acceptance, adaptability.  I was never able to pimp the wings of untraditional/nonconservative methods. It helps lengthen and strengthen my playing field. Will the choices one make cause friction?  Why? Will the choices one is unable to make causes friction? Why?  The choice you made led people to perceive you as different. Being born with what people perceive as different or fail to understand is not a choice of the individual who is born with differences.  Faulty perception rests on the head of the perceiver and one who is perceived as different. UNINTENTIONAL vs INTENTIONAL! Will it be Gravity?  Will it be Friction?

Boo Boo:

My greatest life lesson for today and going FORWARD is making the decision, accepting the decision and to know it can or will be consequences for my life choices.  I will cease to fear to address who I am and I will no longer hide behind what others desire for me to be. My life is not a covert operation. I will no longer slither through the back door.  I will Open Mind, Open Heart__Open Door. What brought you to this brink of accepting what people fear so much?



Learning the lesson of Losses and how to respect the Loss as a gain. Sitting in the front row or in the CHAIR knowing I gave it my all and I did my best.  There shall be no regrets.  When people demanded 100% I knew in my heart where to stop so I would not drop at the end of the day. The demand for 100% was their perfect.  They had to deal with their perfect because it only involved satisfying them and no one else.  I am not perfect and one should never give it all away.   Embedded into one’s soul something needs be left to fight back.   I know what 100% looks like for me and it is caring for others.  You have to be able to identify UNREALISTIC DEMANDS. Those who are unable to identify the UNREALISTIC DEMANDS need to have them pointed out by someone who can be trusted.   You land in tattered shoes and you must choose. Reality is the shock of one’s dues.   I would be able to take the loss and learn the lesson to gain and maintain my strengths. The loss would tilt the needle toward my weakness. In return change and adaptability would shift the needle and strengths would be built.  You know what Boo Boo? You think this is Happy Mother’s Day. No sweetheart!  I am so Happy to be your mother and proud of your life choices 365 days out of the year.  Well, most of your decisions. Open Mind, Open Heart__Open Door.


Inside These Walls__Existing Condition


Over here! Tell your secret service man not to use this bush. It will make me lose my train of thoughts. I haven’t stopped counting. On this day it is exactly 61 days. The BIG D jumps off with getting their party started. There is No SPLIT SCREEN and No DIVISION.

JOAN WALSH said it best with the title of her new book, What’s The Matter With White People? I am the zero count AFRICAN AMERICA vote Inside These Walls. Outside of These Wall MITT ROMNEY holds the zero count on AFRICAN AMERICANS votes. Either way, this is the NO PLAN OF INCLUSION ACT. I want to be included and respected as being intelligent. Instead, I am viewed as the other side of daylight and midnight just won’t cut it. What do YOU PEOPLE know? Give the DIVERSITY CREW a chance and we will show you what we know and what we can do. Yes, this is the remix of TRADING PLACES.

Follow me. I made some special badges. It is TIME to clock in with DEATH. I want to tell you this story from the perspective of what can happen when people ignore the obvious or they just don’t give a damn. Money is more important than a living will ever be. Policies are put in place to help one group of people and everyone else is EXCLUDED. LIES will replace the TRUTH. The DEMOCRACY of our nation will become INVISIBLE.

A spreadsheet of DIVERSITY is pasted to the wall on the bulletin board but the message is so mixed. As I look at the pictures I realize the policy has not been put in place to help everyone. Where have I seen this picture? I remember now at the RNC 2012(REPUBLICAN NATION CONVENTION).

Will the people Inside These Walls of the Existing Condition survive and make it through their shift? Outside these walls can the people and the nation continue to survive policies that will only benefit the ELITE? What is The BIG PICTURE?

Our FIRST RESPONDERS have been taken away and our lives aren’t worth a PLUG NICKEl to a COMPANY THAT IS TOO BIG TOO FAIL. Overall our company has had several bomb threats. We had to take a CBL in A SAFE WORKPLACE. Where is the CBL for a SAFE NATION?

Dr. LARRY BARTON centered his CBL computer-based learning) around the PROBLEM ASSOCIATE versus the ASSOCIATE WITH THE PROBLEM. I was saddened because none of the responsibility was placed on MANAGEMENT. You know the MITT ROMNEY and PAUL RYAN technique.

LIES have been told and the BLAME has been placed. The most recent gripe is “your chair.” I tried to explained to MITT and PAUL their AT&T network was off. The PEOPLE request to be ACCEPTED, know the TRUTH in order to TRUST. The LIES continue and the FIREWALL has come down. Who is the real threat Inside These Walls? Is it Management or the Associate? Who is the real threat Outside These Walls? Is it ROMNEY/RYAN? Is it OBAMA/BIDEN? There is good management and there is bad management. The same applies to the REPUBLICANS and

Recently an associate threatens management in the TOO BIG TOO FAIL COMPANY. It is never appropriate to threaten anyone. It is never appropriate to place the blame on one side. Fact Checking is very important if you want to know the TRUTH.
Chris MATTHEWS would be disappointed but he would not be surprised. What made the associate become disgruntled? What did management do for the associate to respond in this manner? The climate has changed inside these walls. Global Warming does exist.

Cannons to the right of me. These are the angry customers who are totally dissatisfied with our services. Cannons to the left of me. These are the associates or other members of management who cannot communicate with HURRICANE RANDI. This is the new storm in town that is destroying the self-confidence of the employees like BAIN CAPITAL destroyed GS STEELE. If changes aren’t made, problems aren’t addressed and resolved, this store will be headed down a dangerous path. The COLORADO MOVIE SHOOTING, CON AGRA FOODS, and the latest edition added to this list of many tragedies was PATHMARK STORE in New Jersey. The last management was the failed Bush Era but Dick Cheney remains behind. The suffering has not ceased but has increased. HURRICANE ROMNEY/RYAN can increase the PEOPLE and NATION suffering.

Our NATION is headed on a dangerous path with the SPLIT SCREEN of HURRICANE ROMNEY/RYAN. This is the platform of DIVISION. The EYE of THE STORM is not the CALM of their POLICIES.
The EYE of THE STORM is who their POLICIES will FAIL to HELP and who will benefit the most under their FAILED POLICIES. ROMNEY/RYAN refuses to listen to the people’s needs but is willing to destroy everything within its path. A HURRICANE that refuses to PAY ATTENTION to the shift of the WIND and the DIRECTION our NATION is now traveling.

I do not wish to look back and think I could have been the solution to the problem but failed to reach out. I understand the weight on my shoulders. When a customer comes inside the store and says, “TIMES have gotten hard and you have been here a long TIME.”
I know the wind is about to shift. When the customer says, “I would never want to hurt you but in the mist of my madness, I can’t think clearly. I might accidentally hurt you.” I’m listening closely and PAYING ATTENTION. The tide is about to rise. “Even if I make it through my madness and the dust settles I would have to kill you because you know me.” OH BOY! I can’t count the TIMES I have been called a NIGGER in the FRONT END. Customers get pissed off at the lines and say all the TIME I’m going to blow this BI–ATCH UP.

I had a customer who was cussing, ranting, and raving because he did not make the alcohol sale in TIME. His solution was to blow the store up. He said he would let me go because I reminded him of his grandmother. I can live with that but this is what I couldn’t live with. I would get the opportunity to walk away and everyone else goes down. That’s not cool at all. Are you really getting away? Can you live with the fact you left so many lives behind to be destroyed without warning? I understand PRESIDENT OBAMA second term. He would not walk out on the nation without putting POLICIES in place that everyone could benefit from. He would not walk out on a NATION and say, “YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN.” PRESIDENT OBAMA would not walk us BACKWARD into SLAVERY. PRESIDENT OBAMA would not leave our lives in shambles nor in a pool of blood. CONGRESS blew the PRESIDENT UP TIME after TIME. He has taken a risk for our NATION. He is our FIRST RESPONDER and has RESPONDED every time. President Obama is at HOME. This BROTHER HERE, GOT BRAGGING RIGHTS UP IN THE HOUSE! THIS BROTHER WILL ALWAYS HAVE A HOME. He has BONDED WITH THE PEOPLE AND THE NATION.

HOME OFFICE is the HOME of the TOO BIG TO FAIL COMPANY. It is not my HOME. I’M JUST SAYING. HOME OFFICE concern is how well the store looks not how well the employees are. They don’t check in on our lives. They have NOT RESPONDED. Outside These Walls, it would be how much BAIN CAPITAL gain versus the people lose. It could be their job or LIFE. It is hard to separate the two for most people.

Do you know any single person that want so much control and power they manage by INTIMIDATION/RETALIATION? Do you Richard Branson? Do you BILL Gates? What about you Warren Buffett? It sounds familiar inside and outside of these walls.

LARRY BARTON states the best crisis is the one we can prevent. What about the crisis that is INITIATED? What about the crisis that is put in place beforehand so you will never be able to succeed, especially if you are of a diverse race. What happens Inside These Walls of the Existing Condition that no matter what you do it has already been a plan for you to be set up for failure? It has happened Outside These Walls. The Existing Condition is the Conservative Values of the ELITE who are so ELITE our vote doesn’t matter and their program is EXCLUSION ACT 2012.

Why would you go to a member of Management when Inside These Walls the Existing Condition will not get resolved? You will be RETALIATE against by MANAGEMENT? LARRY BARTON did not explain the difference from holding a person ACCOUNTABLE versus RETALIATION. I wonder why. If you cannot remember anything from this story, KNOW THIS.

RETALIATION is DELAY, FEAR, and PUNISHMENT. Most of the TIME people don’t have a clue the RETALIATION FACTOR has taken shape. A very decent person will always give you the benefit of doubt. This is the OBAMA/BIDEN FACTOR. First, you are given the runaround or the “I will get back to you” Mr. DELAY speech, not TOM DeLay. This is the rhetoric CONGRESS, GOP, and the REPUBLICANS gave to the PRESIDENT. Next, you have NO RESPONDERS and you are now the LONE WOLF. FEAR kicks in and you are afraid because you realize YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN. This is the ROMNEY/RYAN FACTOR. Who walks through the door? MANAGEMENT walks through the door. You realize if they cannot have it their way all hell will break loose. WAR and PURE PUNISHMENT has raised its head. The LIES start, sh..t is made upon you, they shut you down, you have no voice/choice, suppress the vote, and totally obstruct justice. ROMNEY/RYAN FACTOR is operating just like Management Inside These Walls of an Existing Condition that has failed to LEAN FORWARD and have a PROGRESSIVE AGENDA.

ACCOUNTABILITY means you are responsible for your BEHAVIOR/ACTION. You are liable.
If you were in charge and you screw it up then you have to ANSWER for it. You do not take HOSTAGES! NEIL ARMSTRONG would say, “THAT’S ONE SMALL STEP FOR MAN, ONE GIANT LEAP FOR MANKIND.” The GOP would say, “GLOBAL WARMING WHO, we don’t believe in science.”

I just want the world to know Inside These Walls the Existing Condition is RETALIATION NOT ACCOUNTABILITY. I want the world to know Outside These Walls the Existing Condition is RETALIATION NOT ACCOUNTABILITY. For the Last four years, OUR PRESIDENT was held hostage and RETALIATED AGAINST by CONGRESS. We have been held hostage Inside These Walls. BLAME GAME
IS ON. A FIREWALL no longer exists and there is nothing to regulate the merging of the INSIDE from the OUTSIDE and keeping us from all being destroyed (GLASS-STEGALL EFFECT).
Remember you have swipe your badge. The workday has begun. Hopefully, it will not end tragically.

Let me introduce myself. I play the role of ERIC HOLDER JR., Attorney General, and I’m holding the fort down on contempt charges in the ATF GUN WALKING SCANDAL. I am the star of getting CARTER. I am semiautomatic decent and I am not down with the NRA. They can’t hang me on my attendance. People use to say don’t give them any ammunition to get you. ERIC HOLDER did everything to satisfy DARYL ISSA. We saw how much sh..t the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Made up of ERIC HOLDER. There were a lot of OVERSIGHTS but the TRUTH was the largest oversight.

Management set behind the cameras in office 100 and makes up BS to take you out just like DARRYL ISSA. They feel the need to GET CARTER and as the CROONER would say, “YOU JUST CAN’T MAKE THINGS UP.” Inside these walls just like the ROMNEY/RYAN CREW, the TOO BIG TO FAIL COMPANY BENT OVER BACKWARDS instead of LEANING FORWARD. They were REACTIVE instead of PROACTIVE. This can cost the lives of many. Inside these walls, the EXISTING CONDITION has been covered up by slapping paint on the walls and putting a bandage over a dam that is about to burst. This is not the SOLUTION.

At RESIDENT EVIL, the UMBRELLA CORPORATION has PLAGUED the lives of employees submission into the BACKWARDNESS of SLAVERY. These are the souls of the employees who have been there too long. Our lives are put on the ROLLBACK WALL. From there we are shuffled over to CLEARANCE. Finally, the employees are shipped to CLAIMS and the company receives the credit for the lives that were EXPENDABLE. This is STRAIGHT UP MITT ROMNEY and PAUL RYAN.

It has the effect of the ROMNEY/RYAN EMPLOYEE CUT VOUCHER PLAN which will be used for our SENIOR CITIZENS. The only difference you are rocking to the beat of a very long EXISTING CONDITION of the 1967 group BLOOD, SWEAT, and TEARS (BS&T) and age and race doesn’t matter. WALL STREET has rolled the dice on your 401k plan and it is now a 201k plan.

GRANDMA has come out of retirement to help the grandchildren when mom and dad get laid off. GRANDMA is taking care of the babies when their knucklehead children screw up and off to jail they go. GRANDMA doesn’t believe in DFS(DIVISION of FAMILY SERVICES) GRANDMA will rumble with you over her children and will give you KNUCKLE SOUP over the GRAND-BABIES. GRANDMA is living longer and has gotten stronger. GRANDMA couldn’t afford to CRY. GRANDMA AIN’T GOT TIME TO DIE! GRANDMA needs a better HEALTH PLAN. GRANDMA has to take a STAND. PAUL RYAN’S mother can afford a summer and winter resort. GRANDMA can’t afford to fart. GRANDMA can’t afford a nursing home. GRANDMA will be left on the streets to roam. Who takes the weight when GRANDMA gets too old? GRANDMA prays it will be the SENSIBLE CHILD and not the PAUL RYAN CHILD who is trying to RIP GRANDMA OFF and steal GRANDMA’S SOUL.

Every time the store is remodeled there will be shortening of hours and firing of staff. The elderly will be disrespected and LIED to just like in PAUL RYAN SPEECH. There will be holiday cuts, cuts, and more cuts. The big BONUS goes to BIG MANAGEMENT or the ELITE.

Inside these walls of TOO BIG TOO FAIL COMPANY a class action lawsuit was ousted out against WOMEN. It claims the lawsuit was TOO BIG and would take the company down. This was definitely a WAR on WOMEN. WOMEN’S pay inside these walls are far from being equal to a man. One day I hope the LILLY LEDBETTER FAIR PAY ACT knock on the door of RESIDENT EVIL and PREVENT the plague of “WOMEN ARE SECOND CLASS CITIZENS and HAVE LESS SELF WORTH THAN A MAN.” This is not for REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS ONLY but for the RIGHTS of WOMEN as A WHOLE

DIVERSITY in the walls of BAIN CAPITAL’S BROTHER is only SLAVERY and one huge COLLAGE of a FACADE. MARTIN BASHIR and MIKE PAPANTONIO it is devastating to see the shackles removed from one’s feet and FORCED around one’s MIND. The minorities and white included are made to feel: 1)You need us. 2)This job pays 2 more crumbs than BAIN CAPITOL companies. 3)Be thankful because we are your WELFARE DADDIES. 4)This is not your home and HR works for the TOO BIG
TOO FAIL COMPANY. 5)If you don’t like it we will have ALLEN WEST send you back to your country. On the way out the door trying not to speak in your language. You are pissing the TOO BIG TO FAIL COMPANY OFF. We feel you are talking about us behind our backs. This is our HOME. ENGLISH ONLY PLEASE!

See STEVE KING, of IOWA, 5th Congressional District will explain it to you. He is your man for wanting DIVERSE cultures to speak the ENGLISH LANGUAGE ONLY. Every 25 years it is TIME to renew THE VOTING RIGHTS ACT. In 1965 STEVE KING, REPUBLICAN voted against the CIVIL RIGHT ACT. He wanted to remove every foreign language off the ballot. He is the KING of NO COMMUNICATION and STRAIGHT UP VOTERS SUPPRESSION. NINA TURNER, Democratic Senator from Ohio, representing the 25th District, if you ever run into STEVE KING let him know you are the QUEEN. Give your biggest smile and say, “STEVE KING THE PLAN DID NOT WORK.”

I know you said RAPE is RAPE. PAUL RYAN called it STOCK LANGUAGE. FORCIBLE RAPE is PAUL RYAN’S LEGACY of language. JOAN WALSH you know how this plays itself out. This language has been an EXISTING CONDITION of PAUL RYAN since 1992. RAPE DOESN’T MATTER! The NEANDERTHAL THINKING of RAPE is another method of CONCEPTION and a HEINOUS CRIME. Within these walls, PAUL RYAN’S FORCIBLE RAPE is raping the mind to be a condition to think the LIE is the TRUTH and the TRUTH is a LIE. TOO BIG TO FAIL companies play and rehearse the same script over and over. The bubble burst inside the wall of the mind and our brain suffers an ANEURYSM.

The same technique is used in the 5 VIDEOS on WELFARE now being FORCE on the public as the TRUTH when it is a LIE. “YOU JUST CAN’T MAKE THESE THINGS UP! “This is now showing at ROMNEY’S IMAX THEATER near you in 3D where the LIES JUMP OUT AT YOU. It would have the same effect as the classic movie CLOCKWORK ORANGE. PAUL RYAN plays the role of ALEX. ALEX is RUSSIAN born. This couldn’t be AYN RAND, son. NAH! Paul is strapped to the chair with the MITT ROMNEY smirk on his face. Walking away from the movie you get the feeling he wasn’t cured. The TRUTH, he wasn’t cured because of the MITT ROMNEY SMIRK and the MITT LIES. PAUL RYAN came back with the term STOCK LANGUAGE. It was an EXISTING CONDITION in 1992 and it is their platform now. STILL an EXISTING CONDITION.

MITT ROMNEY’S father left a wonderful LEGACY and MITT ROMNEY did not follow in his footsteps. TOURE, you could plainly see MITT’S father personality. Secret Agent RA-RA, on the FLIP SIDE OF THE CHART, if you turn the chair the other way guess what happens. Every speaker showed you. You cannot talk about a person who doesn’t know himself. It takes a life TIME to discover who you are. Some people go on trips to discover themselves. Maybe MITT will figure it out on his boat ride. I hope MITT ROMNEY never make cuts to the DISCOVERY CHANNEL.

Bottomline: Children who are labeled disable have a SPONSOR. Whether you are in the PRIVATE JOB SECTOR or PUBLIC JOB SECTOR, UNION or NON-UNION there should be someone there to SPEAK OUT in a PERSON’S behalf to fight for the individuals, rights (an attorney, a teacher, a minister and our FIRST RESPONDER-THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES). Coming from the FLIP SIDE OF THE CHART these are our INTERPRETERS.

Our government has LEAN FORWARD and has provided DAYCARE, RESPITE, 504 and IEPS in our educational system, transportation for the DISABLE, PELL GRANTS, and much more. Government is RESPECTING WOMEN RIGHTS and IT IS A WOMAN’S DECISION. Government is not the ENEMY. ASK GM. We can’t ask BIN LADEN. In our GOVERNMENT SYSTEM, something should be put in place to help everyone in this nation. If not then GOVERNMENT will go BACK to the DRAWING BOARD and LEAN FORWARD with PROGRESSIVE IDEAS.

There is another man who left a LEGACY of a magnificent company, now a HUGE CORPORATION. His name was SAM WALTON. I never got a chance to meet this man but I have ALWAYS heard wonderful things about him. His company has taken a different direction. The wind has shifted. The tide has risen. The Dam is about to break. The last story in the December 2011 archives I had expressed deep concern. Well, it has gone beyond my fears. If it doesn’t happen to this store it can and will happen to another store. The associates have no HOME. The ALWAYS BOND has been BROKEN. Many of the associates/management feel ALWAYS A SLAVES AT WALMART. Where are their RESPONDERS?

Our PRESIDENT has carried a heavy load within his heart and mind. He is being held ACCOUNTABLE by WE THE PEOPLE and OUR NATION. He needs your SUPPORT and VOTE for his SECOND CHANCE. He’s not trying to turn back the hand of TIME. He needs more TIME to TURN US AWAY FROM SLAVERY.

TOM BROKAW once stated he never was worried about the bullet that has his name on it. He was always worried about the bullet that stated: “To WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.”


What you live is never hard to tell. Putting one’s thoughts on paper is the biggest struggle for most NLDER. ONE STEP AT A TIME. NLD MOM/cancer survivor

This story was published on September 4, 2012, an error has occurred with the date. Please refer the second paragraph of Inside These Walls__Existing Conditions and to Twitter for the release date.