You’ve Given So Much

I’m rocking Stevie Wonder song in my ear.  The birth of this young man taught many lessons.  His life and all the things defined in the life that he could not do paved the way for new choices, changes,  and accommodations.  Whatever was defined as his deficit gave our family a great strength to go and do research.   This would help find this young man a way to navigate a path to success.  Yes, it landed on our doorstep.  Our family was not afraid to tackle the frustration. For some family members, there were moments of embarrassment, tears, and laughter. This was an educational moment! The greatest teaching moments of all TIMES was not to be viewed as all the things he could not do. It gave each family member the opportunity to see what they were not to take for granted and appreciate what they had the ability to do.

Coming from the Flip Side Of The Chart as the diagnosis was handed down at that very moment in TIME I realize my diagnosis was more of the killer.  Cancer is a systemic disease and can spread like a wild-fire.  Nonverbal Learning Disability is encompassed by social, motoric, and visual-spatial components. This is not a killer.  Secondary to the initial diagnosis, anxiety, panic, stress, and depression can raise its ugly head.  Don’t be afraid it is TIME to develop strategies and coping skills.   The only thing which would be a killer about my son diagnosis is not knowing, not having a support system, and understanding that his behavior was UNINTENTIONAL.  My son is not Emotionally Disturbed. He cannot read or understand people emotions because of impaired social interaction.  This happens when he or others fail to respond to their name and often avoid eye contact with other people. He has difficulty interpreting what others are thinking and feeling because he can’t understand social cues such as facial expression, the intonation of one’s speech, body language, and he doesn’t watch others facial expression to gather social cues.  His behavior would seem inappropriate because he lacks the ability to show empathy, compassion, and support. The good news is he is willing to learn.  Was his behavior Intentional? No! Parents, relatives, friends, and associates need to learn and realize about people we encounter in life as awkward or may not be considered as social butterflies. The OSCARS proved that by a young man admission of feeling rejection and had attempted to take his life at the age of 16.  Now it was his moment in TIME to shine. Bottom line, the opposite end of the spectrum should not judge the behaviors of others because they can choose and make the right decision.   They choose to throw it all away because of selfishness and greed. Every individual does not have that choice.  Neurological disorders rob many individuals of that choice.

All that Psychological jargon or babble and all it boils down to helping the individual put the pieces of the puzzle together when they don’t get the whole picture. It is making the person aware that if he sounds rude or terse point it out and helps him use more constructive words. Give the individual HOPE and let them know everyone makes mistakes.  Make it clear it is not one person on this planet that knows everything or can do everything.  Make it clear there are 24 hours in a day and they did not mess up all 24 hours. Whatever you do always INCLUDE the individual. Never assume the individual knows always TEACH.  Life is a thread. Through the eye of the needle, our stitches must be bound tight and we must pay attention and stay focus. For those who cannot stay focus another route can be taken.

You’ve Given So Much

When he became frustrated with tying his shoes he wore slip on and velcro. It was his choice to learn to tie his shoes and he did it after 11 years.  No pressure!  No big deal or rush.  He got sick of people saying use your imagination. We came up with the appropriate words to help people understand abstract concept needs to take shape on concrete planes. This is not Christopher Columbus you are dealing with. In today’s TIME, it would be Dora The Explorer. You are working with the ultimate construction worker who needs the concrete poured on. In today’s TIME, it is Bob The Builder.  So what if you couldn’t use a mop or a bucket because it is hard for you to measure. Check out that Swifter you are slinging around like Zorro.  Washing your clothes has become a breeze using those new PODs. No longer will you need liquid bleach now that they have Evolve Bleach Tablets.  Man, there are so many wipes.  There are furniture wipes, glass wipes, electronic wipes,  and disinfectant wipes. Spray bottles would slip out of your hands.  As Seen On Tv has developed so many inventions to keep you from ever using a knife because of coordination problems.  It lowers the risk of you cutting yourself.  The injuries had diminished since platform beds are now the trend. To make life more bearable the sofa bed and the hide-a-way sofa beds inside the chest is ever so awesome. Forget about getting frustrating because you can’t put the sheet on the bed. Who cares!  Just shove that bed back down in the chest and Voila! These Chest sofa beds can be found on,,, Tuesday Morning and HomeGoods. So we are not tripping off the fact you can’t fold your oversized comforter. Now we have throws 50×60 or 60×72.  Make sure they are nice and soft if you have sensory integration issues.  Those wonderful swivel chairs.  Don’t forget the swinging chair from Pier One. Make sure you got your flavored tea, coffee, and scented candles ready to go.  What about the sensor trash can you run your hand over or the Perfect One-Touch Tea Pot. Oh, Lawd!  Otto-mation! Those oversized ottomans which are really chest and no more anger with the hangers.  Just put your clothes in the chest and have an organized room.  The navigation device on your iPad and all the Apps that have brought your world into clear focus. It’s all about CHANGE and the ability to make CHANGES.

You’ve Given So Much

To help me through the darkest storm.

Research and education kept me armed.

The diagnosis set off a few alarms.

Applying LOVE and UNDERSTANDING it could do no harm.


Through the lens of my eyes, I acknowledged faulty perception.

Make sure you address any type of deception.

Isolation is used for man’s transgression.

Inclusion, Strategies and Coping Skills is used for man’s progression.


Whatever was lost it can become one’s gains.

The lesson to learn is to reduce the hurt and pain.

Make changes in your life and banish the stains.

The Greatest Love Of All will always remain.


My son opened a doorway and handed me a key.

Reflecting on his life will help him be the best he can be.

It knocked on our door for us to see.

He is a masterful educator for you and me.

You’ve Given So Much

Mom and the Crew are just around the corner looking out for you.

Breaker Breaker One__Who The Hell Needs A Gun?

I don’t think my boi, WAYNE LaPIERRE understands how this works neither does CONGRESS. If they had some information on how the NERVOUS SYSTEM operates, ain’t no way they would put a gun into the hands of a person with severe balance problems, difficulties with fine graphomotor skills, and lack of coordination. DUDE! More damage would be done to the individual with the gun than you can ever imagine. The 100 billion neurons of the nervous system each person’s brain have aren’t the functional unit of CONGRESS and the NRA. Their 100 billion neurons are their money in the bank and nothing in their brain. I wonder where their e-mails to their neuron chamber are being sent. I don’t think these people ever took a close look at how their children/adults function. It is all UNINTENTIONAL BEHAVIOR and nothing is planned for a person that has been diagnosed with a COORDINATION DISORDER. From the FLIP SIDE OF THE CHART, you would be listed as 315.4 COORDINATION DISORDER. On a regular day if you don’t know you will soon find out. People will view you as a clumsy, awkward, nerdy A.. person who is embarrassing to be around.

Weapons of mass destruction is a person with poor psycho-motor coordination. They are ostracized for yet another UNINTENTIONAL BEHAVIOR. Let’s get into the SPECIFICS. Talking about clumsy and awkwardness you have just learned the true meaning of BEYONCE singing to the left to the left. You are out for a walk and you realize your partner is constantly in your space. It looks like a shoving match. I hope you are wearing a bright orange or a yellow safety vest. It is possible you can ACCIDENTALLY get shoved into the street. Yes, and we know you are IRREPLACEABLE. Please find a walking trail. Stay away from the sidewalks close to the streets. Breaker Breaker One__ Who The Hell Needs A Gun?

Tell the coaches to get off the kid’s back. Sure he has the CHARLIE BROWN SYNDROME. He is concentrating on the ball, not his balance. Every time he goes to kick the ball he is going to land on his A.. This is not funny and his/her classmates need to stop the bullying because they feel their classmate is an octopus. The person puts all of their concentration on the ball, forget, to maintain their balance, and hit pay dirt. Remember the movie WHITE MAN CAN’T JUMP. Even if he could jump it’s not any good. He can’t land on his own two feet nor can he automatically resume his balance. It takes two to tango and jumping- jacks looks messy when you are trying to coordinate two sides of your body. The individual looks like they are shadowboxing without the shadow. Their body is all over the place getting beat up.

No GRASSHOPPER, your athletics skills will not be mastered. You will never be a NINJA. You must learn GRASSHOPPER how to secure your equilibrium. It will not happen with this diagnosis. BLAA…..AH! You will not be taking any leading roles in QUENTIN TARANTINO’S PRODUCTIONS. OKAY, kid, I do not mean to leave you without any hope. You want to play in the movie MACHETE. Aren’t KNIVES very dangerous for a person with a coordination disorder to manipulate without getting cut? You took four fingers off the last TIME when you tried to cut a hot-dog down the middle. Do you like sauerkraut that much? Really! Forgive my ignorance I failed to RECOGNIZE your pattern of repetitive behavior. Repeat performances are what you do. I have been very insensitive to understanding that you are not doing this to annoy me. WOW! Another action-packed and very bloody movie in the making. I’m just letting you know GRASSHOPPER a machete is a big knife. You can get pretty messed up trying to sling it around. Breaker Breaker One__Who The Hell Need A Gun?

Separating the right from the left side of your body, running from head to toe is a line marking the middle of the body called midline. So which is the dominant side? More problems are visible on the left side of the body for people with NLD SYNDROME. The left side of the brain represents the right side of the body. Left, left, ain’t no left right left. There are problems with left-right orientation. So you need to stop getting mad at your friend for turning right on ASKEW when you told them left. Don’t get no attitude because you told them to go north on SUMNER and go east on BELMONT. So what if you exited off 210 highway and landed in a “SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL” The next TIME you will travel with someone whose company you enjoy instead of the WICKED ..ITCH OF THE WEST. Keep your A.. out of the TWILIGHT ZONE. DIRECTIONS can be very DEADLY when you ask someone with poor coordination. Help me LAWD! ORGANIZATION people is not working up in their house. Breaker Breaker One Who__The Hell Needs A Gun?

Give me a break! You did not hire this person to be a HITMAN. Did you give them DIRECTION? How much information did you give them? How much TIME did you allow for this crime to take place? Did you organize the information for them? Are you expecting your HITMAN to put the details in order? Did you send ROCCO from the BOONDOCK SAINTS to do the job? What! You drove by McDonald and your client has not been HIT and remains alive. GET OUT OF HERE! People with coordination disorders will not get there by your map or anyone else directly. They certainly won’t be on TIME to do the crime. COUNTERPRODUCTIVE HEH!

Three people who were at guns shows shot themselves. A person shot himself on gun appreciation day at a gun rally in Washington D.C. I hope they were not HITMEN. What I do appreciate is this proves my point. Did the guy in the movie theater have a distinct problem when he sat down and shot himself in the A…? Why did he have a gun in the movie theater? Was there some confusion on where the appropriate place where a gun is allowed? Are you entering the SOCIAL SECURITY BUILDING? Did you not see the sign on the door that said federal property NO GUNS ALLOWED. There is a TIME and a place for everything. If you do not understand the hidden rules, you can SET IT OFF. Breaker Breaker One__Who The Hell Needs A GUN?

Please tell me you didn’t try to teach them how to tell TIME on an analog clock. They will be staring at those little lines forever. DIGITAL PLEASE! Yes, they will be late TIME and TIME again. So ease up and ask them if there is some way you can get to the movie or anywhere else on TIME. Please, Lord, don’t let it be a military funeral. You are not going to get there on TIME. Maybe the person can camp out like he/she is waiting on the HOBBIT, a new movie release in stores. When the military gates open at the cemetery, VOILA! You think the family will notice the person suit is wrinkle and doesn’t look too fresh. Does the person smell a little musty? It doesn’t matter to them because they are there for you and the family. So stop getting embarrassed because it will happen again. TIME and TIME again because I hope you realize by now they DO NOT DO TIME. TIMING can be a matter of one’s LIFE OR DEATH. Breaker Breaker One__Who The Hell Needs A Gun?

Did you notice when the person try to write it was difficult holding the pencil correctly? Did you notice how they would hold the pencil with that tripod grip? Did you notice when you ask them to write certain letters they just couldn’t remember the shape and form of the letter? Okay! You are now holding a razor in your hand. Your face is now the paper and the razor is the pencil. Do not stare at the person when they arrive at work with little pieces of paper all over their face. He had to figure out a way to stop the bleeding. Too bad wittiness wasn’t a strength for the person with poor psycho-motor coordination. He could hold up the fingers that are now cut or shorten and say to his co-workers, “Say hello to my little friends.” I am SCARFACE. A RAZOR to the face of the individual who is trying to shave has become an instrument of danger. All because of an impairment of their brain. Try a ROTARY SHAVER of that stinking MAGIC SHAVE creme. The smell alone is a legal FUNK BOMB to the person sensory of smell. Breaker Breaker One___Who The Hell Needs A Gun?

Why is the toothbrush so raggedy? Your mouth is the BLACK HOLE. We have bleeding gums all over the place. Endless amount of damage is done to the mouth because the person with the coordination disorder has brushed past 2 minutes, applied too much pressure on their teeth and gums and can’t feel the pressure. Who’s your DADDY? It isn’t the tooth fairy. Brother-man is on his way to the DENTIST with damaged gums. Where is the toothpaste? All over the mirror, sink, up to their arm everywhere except on the toothbrush and in their mouth. Please use electric toothbrushes only. Breaker Breaker One__Who The Hell Needs A Gun?

Don’t forget to put a reminder notice on the mirror or a checklist of DO for hygiene purposes. Combing one’s hair or getting the blanket balls out of the person’s hair is not the #1 priority when you have difficulty with prioritizing. Taking a bath is not first on the hygiene list when the person wakes up hungry. Peppy Le Pew our skunk friend has come calling. Don’t tell me that BODY ODOR is not an assault weapon on the person that lives with you or to the people who work around you. Breaker Breaker One__Who The Hell Needs A Gun?

Just remember when you sit down and do homework assignments with your children pay close attention. When they become frustrated with writing and it is taking them a long TIME to get the necessary output in work, guess what is going to happen next. The lead will break in the pencil and then you will feel some excruciating pain in the eye. You are big pimping an eye patch for at least 6 months. The results of the static tripod effect happen when pressing the pencil to the point of no return. Baby Boi is trying to get control of his writing. It looks as though he wrote with a dark crayon. Is he writing or is he drawing? Why? Your child/adult has FINGER AGNOSIA. Silly GOOSE! Those fingers, mostly their fingertips have the inability to recognize and interpret sensory impressions because of impairment in the brain. You didn’t know that. SHUT UP! Breaker Breaker One__Who The Hell Needs A Gun?

Oh, so you sent little JOHNNY in the kitchen to take the ice tray or the bag of ice out of the freezer to pour it into a glass. Really! That sounds simple. Did JOHNNY miss pouring the ice into the glass? Where did the ice go? Did you call out and ask JOHNNY did any of the ice get on the floor. JOHNNY doesn’t initiate conversation. What! You didn’t ask. Are you in the kitchen? You slipped and fell. Who’s fault is it that you broke everything that you stood for and your leg. Smart HUH! Communication is very essential when you know you failed to jump-start the conversation when the other person lacks to initiate conversation. Lack of COMMUNICATION is a terrible assault weapon. Miscommunication is reloading your assault weapon. How many rounds? Don’t ask CONGRESS this question. What! Thirty-six TIMES to repeal OBAMACARE. Breaker BreakerOne__Who The Hell Needs A Gun?

Do not feel publicly embarrassed if your dinner date keeps taking you out to places that have finger food. This is their hidden way of compensating. They resist eating with a fork and spoon. So what if they eat their GREENS with their hands. I did too and smash my cornbread up in my GREENS. I didn’t know it was a problem eating without a fork and spoon. I was so happy to have food. Hell, we were poor and utensil wasn’t so important to me. I was hungry. Sopping those biscuits up in the gravy makes me want to stop writing this story but I won’t leave you hanging. Yeah, baby! Your fingers can be a dangerous weapon when it comes to eating and your partner just thinks you are grotesque. Guess what? It is not INTENTIONAL. Breaker Breaker One__Who The Hell Needs A Gun?

Don’t ask them to do any art projects involving scissors. It is hopeless with scissors and with a coordination disorder you are not the star in EDWARD SCISSORHANDS I know it bothers you to keep tying your kid’s shoe because they always seem to come untied. Surprise! They were never tied. You might be tying their shoes for them for years. SLIP-ON! VELCRO anyone? Fine motor skills are impacted because of lack of finger dexterity. Lose the embarrassment and try understanding. If you are teaching them how to use scissors be sure to move your hands out-of-the-way. They will accidentally cut themselves and you will be next. The person did not mean it. So do not retaliate and cut them. Breaker Breaker One__Who The Hell Needs A Gun?

CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS loved to explore the world. Well, in relationships there are many people who are not hands on. Some people you want them to keep their hands off. Don’t go telling a person you think they are weird because they are not touching you. It may be for the best. The psychologist would put it in this manner. Due to lack of tactile perception and psychomotor prowess, this is required to have a smooth affectionate encounter to establish INTIMACY. Who writes this BS? Forget the psychobabble, Girlfriend/Boyfriend wants to be HANDLED, touched and aroused. Okay your A… is alone again. You are now the star in LES MISERABLE singing your dream ain’t what it turned out to be. ISOLATION has taken over your WORLD. ISOLATION is the KISS OF DEATH. Breaker Breaker One__Who The Hell Need A Gun?

My Buddy and I are heading to the airport. It is TIME to blow this pop-stand. WOW! I hope we can get on the plane without getting into a fight. He will bump into people and he doesn’t apologize unless you tell him to say, “EXCUSE ME.” I got my spray bottom with me with the purple food coloring in it. Why? This is the same BRO I was raised with. He will walk straight through mud, water, glass and knock a person down. We had to pull his A.. out of quicksand. I am not about to do a GLASS PLUS commercial with the bird taking a smackdown flying into the glass. I’ve done that before. This was not PLEXI-GLASS. I spray every open area to make sure it isn’t a glass. I hope my DAWG doesn’t walk through the Glass and my dumb A.. is following. Guess who got cut up? Guess who walked away without a scratch. Reminds me of the drunk driver syndrome where the driver walks away without a scratch and everyone else gets seriously injured or killed. Breaker Breaker One__Who The Hell Needs A Gun?

Call me when you get home. I had NE-NE to rearrange the closet and remove the hangers. I get tired of her fusing about you can’t hang your coat up. All of your clothes are halfway off the hangers. It takes a lot of concentration and coordination to take your clothes and make sure they are turned inside out. Some people think this simple skill of hanging clothes on a hanger is automatic. Not if you have problems with concept formation or visual-spatial organization (up/down, over/under. bottom/top). Whenever you were in the closet after laundry day you would become so frustrated. You literally got HUNG UP. If your mind can’t recognize the characteristics, the labels, and the information gets chunk together the job will take a very long TIME or it won’t get done. MALCOLM it took NE-NE a long TIME to understand you do not do well with generalizing information. The information is too broad and the gap needs to be shortened or closed so you can operate and do your “thang.” Connecting the dots is hard as Hell for you. When explaining the information that is similar the analogies just flies right over your head. I am glad NE-NE is learning and not complaining. Folding your clothes and putting them in a chest made it easy for you. I bet it has improved your SMOOTH AFFECTIONATE ENCOUNTERS to “GET IT ON.” Yeah, there has been an improvement in touching. You think you’re MARVIN GAYE. Are you blushing? Breaker Breaker One__Who The Hell Needs A Gun?

MALCOLM I am very proud of you. Although our FLIGHT has been delayed you have not fallen out of your chair. Sitting in a chair is a real balancing act and a high wire experience. I hope DENZEL is not the pilot. I like looking at the brother but he can’t drive, fly, or walk me anywhere. So it was just a movie. He did a D… good job of convincing me and he gets an ACADEMY AWARD. I can wait for another plane. MALCOLM when you started getting nervous you ask for some gum. When you found out the flight was going to be delayed you grabbed your I-POD and start chilling. You are doing really good modulating (regulating) your behavior. I am the one that’s tripping. What is the name of the website you and NE-NE are getting all this information from? Go to and go to treatment. Also, click on LIBRARY. Hey, you are now at WORLDS OF FUN. Cool, let me get out my notebook and CLICK ON so I can settle down. I have never been nervous about flying until I saw that movie. WHEW! When you want to get an early start click on or just Discover the meaning of SENSORY INTEGRATION by clicking on.

Do I have an open channel on ONE? Do you hear me out there? I need this message to go across loud and clear. Breaker Breaker One the other thirty-nine channels are blocked. Breaker Breaker One__Who The Hell Needs A Gun? Look at the LIES told by the BUSH ADMINISTRATION. Did they ever find a BOMB? Breaker Breaker One, HUBRIS revealed they were some rotten__SON OF A GUNS. No matter what the message of the GOP and TEA their ARROGANCE, VANITY, IMAGE, and PRIDE made them V.I.P. It has cost the TRUST OF YOU AND ME. Breaker Breaker One__Who The Hell Needs A Gun?

For WAYNE LA PIERRE and his GANG, it is TIME FOR YOU TO CLICK ON. If you can learn about Guns I hope you find the TIME in your day to learn and strategize this. Visit:

2.) and click on