Is Doctor M.E.D. In The House?

I haven’t forgotten about the story you shared with your brother. I don’t mind sharing. I think this would be a great life lesson for the FLIP SIDE OF THE CHART. In my day it was called TOUGH LOVE. Every child did not get the same program. For some odd reason the elders I was surrounded by could read your behavior. In my TIME the elders or the much older generation was highly respected and you listened to what they had to say.  The elders would state every child cannot tie their shoes.  So if the child couldn’t tie their shoe you would either look for another way to help them or get a different shoe.  Assume nothing, ask the questions and teach everything.  The elders would always say, “Every child cannot look and hold cheek and tongue.” This meant give eye contact, smile, and hold back their words. There was a strong sense of Mother’s Wit/humanness and the elders put out a lot of love and Time.  The frightening experience would be the elders would tell you something and it would appear to always happen.  Look out Nate Silver, Nate Cohn, and Sam Wang! The elders possessed an intuitiveness of Confident. Know yourself, Be Sure of yourself and Be really proud of yourself and this would help you climb the ladder of success. If you thought it was all about your IQ then you were wrong. The higher you climb the ladder of success one day you could wear PRADA and dress to impress. Going straight forward with IQ leaves you empty, scripted like a robot and staring down the throat of boringness. Would you like to be accompanied to the next Christmas party by the Untold Story Of The Prince Of Darkness?

On the opposite side of the spectrum, it is called Emotional Intelligence. Yeah, baby, all those people out there packed around their HARVARD, YALE, PRINCETON UNIVERSITY degrees along with all the other IVY LEAGUERS who were regarded as an expert. Hey, don’t get me wrong. I love the IQers when they can mix it and wear grey stuff.  Why was it so hard for all the Brilliant IQers to not have the decency or common sense to be a real D… human beings with feelings and emotions? What is wrong with kicking it with your friends and causing a commotion?  One cannot always be socially appropriate.   How in the hell did these people ever get promoted to the top of the class into high-powered position?  For some reason, they don’t know when to fold their deck of cards. Who committed an act of treason? Bite the bullet baby.  Who will be tough out of luck? We got real human beings coming on the scene. All of these contenders are rocking the BIG EI (Emotional Intelligence). Who said you couldn’t have your cake, ice cream and the rest of the pie. Smooth Operator revealed to the world IQ+EQ makes one well-rounded. It helps with your characteristics/traits and keeps you grounded.  Okay! Go ahead and go to the party with Putin. Dance with Mr. Stiff  Starch Shirt who never appears to cry. The next time Putin ask you out I’m quite sure you will think of a lie.  Contender Time!

JOE is definitely not out of date. Whooo! Did you see the BLING BLING in JOE’S eye?  We get this and we know WHY?  The way the Mack steps out the car and you know he enjoyed the ride. When loose lips fly people can truly relate. What bounces off of JOE’s lips it isn’t synonymous with HATE.  This Brother is representing the United States. Confidence is pouring all over the place.  JOE has chosen to throw his shoe in the race. Did you think EI (Emotional Intelligence) was trendy or just a waste?   IQ leaves a person very black and white. Time out of your job, leave the conversation behind, go grey, and have a date night.   Brother Bernie is a man who definitely gives credit where credit is due. Bernie has made it clear if you bash the Commander-in-Chief make sure Bush and Cheney get sued top with a cherry and jailed too. Bernie will let you know if you haven’t got a clue. The crisis with ISIS was dropped by the whole shoe. That’s right Boo, Bush and Cheney have the stench, poison and all of the residue. Sooo what do you think is true? I’m convinced there’s a hell-of-a-lot of evidence so our nation never needs to wonder or filter through the suspense.   Elizabeth comes on the scene as the wrecking ball bank crushing queen machine. She has a true heart, very spirited, and almighty self-esteem. Elizabeth comes off as the mom and nanny of next door. Pay attention to her glide and strut across the Senate floor. If Elizabeth weighs in it would make a huge dent. Her soul does not rock the leisure of ENTITLEMENT. In the Blue Hall Of Fame, there are many contenders with EI (Emotional Intelligence) game. Step up to the plate throw your hat into the ring and let the world know there is no fear and no shame.

Jonathan altered the game on the street. He said it was stupid to say I’m In It To Win It which only reveals the person true agenda. Winning is everything to the person and Emotional Intelligence goes on hiatus. What is so wrong with showing you care?  The IQ puts the person back out in front to once again get picked off while the analyst is saying there is no stronger contender than Hillary. The contender could use the other half of the equation. Will the nation arrive at the destination of another Iron Lady? Who really has the appeal of a grandmother? Who really takes on the face of the Iron Lady? Can you be a true leader without the combination of both? Will the people be able to relate?  Strong-willed is cool. I’m quite sure it would be nice to lean back in one’s easy chair and see the twinkle in the contender’s eyes and feel the calmness of chamomile tea every once in a while.

DR. M.E.D. this is where it gets really kind of sticky. When the Brother on the street looks just like Tricky Dicky. When charm and charisma float through the air. When you are In It To Win It and you really don’t care.  Did you peel back the banana hull to see if the person was sincere?  Was the person using their IQ advancing as the player of the year?  Lack of Emotion without Devotion just another grand old scheme. Trust was stolen, hearts were broken and only lies left to be redeemed. We have been down this path before and yes it was an ugly scene. The question is always asked, “Are you better off than four years ago?”   Many changes were made. The balance of IQ+EI  gave the nation hope. When you are looking through the lens of faulty perception you are dangling from a rope.   The opposite end of the spectrum has the opportunity to choose.  Struggling with Emotional Intelligence On the Flip Side Of the Chart can be the beacon of light to show a great leader who lacks this characteristic of EI will determine what they can lose.

I knew a young man who had it all. IQ, EI and straight up GQ. In this moment and TIME, he could have been  Eric H. or Barack O. I remember when he first got in trouble and he went to jail. I thought his incarceration would buy him TIME to get his act together and stay out of hell.  Well, this is what I was told. You spent your money and it will not redeem my soul.   Stop trying to cover up my dirty sins.  You keep reminding me of all of my wonderful qualities and traits. You just haven’t learned I can’t  hardly wait. To rob people of their dreams for believing in me.  As I looked over my shoulder I realized what a rotten person this Brother turned out to be.  He lived for danger, excitement, and intrigue. Hide your stash there goes your weed. To all the folks I just want you to know do not connect the last sentence to Barack O.  I could not understand for the life of me why this Brother had everything and he let it all go. He pointed it out I wanted him to change. He was happy being ruthless and running a criminal game. Life provided this Brother with all the skills to conquer and lead. Instead, he used his skills to make the hearts of those who trusted in him bleed.  Why didn’t this Brother want to succeed? He said it was his choice and he was quite pleased. The greatest lesson I had to learn was to peel back the hull and stop getting burned. Showing love and all the concern one must let go because you have exceeded your term.  Is DR. M.E.D. In The House?


One comment on “Is Doctor M.E.D. In The House?

  1. kynny garrett says:

    Let the truth be known that there has to be a balance between e.I and I.q. if not you could have a sovante. Everyone should be aware of otther peoples emotions and surroundings. Don’t blink or you will miss the life lesson of the e.I and what is the general pupose of emotion intelligence

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