Haters, Players, and Dragon Slayers

I’m quite sure it was Katt Williams who said don’t hate the player hate the game. Now that it is 2015 this saying needs an update with an additional frame. Let’s take it a step further. Don’t hate the hater the game remains the same. Hating the hater will leave you emotionally drained.   The Hater is a Hater because they are never willing to change. Learn from the Hater and never forget from which you came.


Never willing to cooperate but always ready to isolate.

Moaners, criers, and complainers never believe their disclaimer.

No fault of Accountability lacking integrity and credibility.

Haters never care how you feel because haters are out for the kill.

Always ready to instigate, never ready to investigate, only to manipulate.

Who are the killers to the bone that wants to rule and rock the throne?

If you are doing well Haters will send you to jail or hell.

Haters information is neither beneficial nor reliable and will always be deniable.

Haters will never admit they are wrong?  Are you ready for the dance and song?

Corruption, Bribery and Lies, Haters thinks it can all be justified.

Haters Hate!


Players can take a different path strolling down the avenue.

We saw contenders called out as pretenders smeared with manure residue.

Are you a competitor of the game or competing for your own recognition?

A team player passes the ball and will not get caught up in blind ambition.

We thought the game was in the bag when Jordan scored 60+ points.  What did it cost?

The sportsman played one hell of a game and the Chicago Bulls still lost.

It’s okay to shut out the external noise and focus on one’s success.

Think about the changes you can make but do not exclude the rest.

Athletes, actors, entertainers, contestants are all players.

Are you ready to step your game up and become a Dragon Slayers?

Players Play! Ain’t no doubt. Don’t mess around and get Played out.

Dragon Slayers:

Know This! If you must insist a Dragon Slayer never quits.

No more campaigns,  rolled the dice, won it twice, 2 years left, and I am through with the Bull sh…

Back in the day, it was called a quest.

In the year of our Lord, 2015,  it is called a mission and you know the rest.  Who was put through every test?

The Haters tried to sue me, jail me, impeach me to destroy my legacy.

Change the game, put down the sword, pulled out the pen to put an end to the Haters fantasy. Welcome To My Reality.

To savor the flavor of the food it is all about the sauce.

An organizer willing to compromise, equalize, governing/executing remaining for 2 years more and you know who is the boss.

Write the rules, update your tools, get new strategies and convey to the last players.

The pen has become mightier than the sword.  A tool saved for last by the Dragon Slayer.

Dragon Slayers Slay and handle the business of the day.  There is the twinkle in the eye, a smile on the face but he doesn’t play. Okay!

Are you a Hater, a Player, or a Dragon Slayer?