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What Did They Contribute?__Mental Illness

Hold up! Hold Up! I’m not off the grid. I am here. I am laying back in the cut chilling. It is my “cooling down process.” You will see these words again. Ah Hell Naw! Don’t be throwing MENTAL ILLNESS around like it’s a wet rag. Dude, back the Hell Up! You do not mess with my EMOTIONS nor will you play with my PASSION. You are about to see THIRTY SHADES OF BLACK. Step off and just sit BACK.

Watch out! Before you know it, parents will be fighting the battle of integration/inclusion into the classroom once again. We are going down the alley of SEPARATE SELF-CONTAINED SCHOOLS. Any child who is labeled emotionally disturbed, mentally challenged, and has a behavior disorder will be “UNABLE TO BE DISABLE IN A ZERO TOLERANCE ZONE.” The gap is closing fast and more students will be pushed into the court system based on how they are documented by the schools and their districts. Where does the BURDEN OF RESPONSIBILITY LIE to prove whether or not your child shall remain in his placement? You got it, the SCHOOLS DISTRICTS and their SCHOOLS. Who is documenting your child? I hope the parents have documentation to refute the schools/districts negative hit list. The school districts are laying the groundwork for a paper trail yeah long and Lehigh University Deep. 🙂 You can’t hide your IVIES from me. This is very important. Gun violence is closing the gap. It is a shame that whatever the schools and their districts document can reach out from the grave. The greatest injustice and disrespect is TRAYVON MARTIN’S family has to defend his rights. Before we get anything twisted I am not saying TRAYVON MARTIN had any problems with his mental processing. I take it as if he was the victim. His school records were dirty laundry to seal his coffin. What did the schools and their districts contribute?

Yeah, Baby! The schools/districts just got another powerful weapon to EXCLUDE your child with a disability out of their schools. WOW! Lock and load TIME. A child will get suspended and excessive expulsions at the drop of a dime. LOOPHOLE! The SUPREME COURT RULING 484U.S.305-HONIG V DOE laws and regulations did not define the disciplinary action of a child with a disability. If you see the words Violent, Disruptive Conduct, and Dangerous Student anywhere on paper get ready to fight. The schools decide who will be delivered to the special “DAY SCHOOLS.” Are we back to SEGREGATION in our schools again? UNILATERAL DECISIONS will be made by your districts at night behind closed doors like the 47% video. This violates the SUPREME COURT RULING 484U.S.305-HONIG V DOE It reminds me of Michigan having those emergency manager meetings to sort of kick a child to the curb. Rick Snyder, governor of Michigan, is probably doing the training session with the Superintendent of your local school districts.

Parents just won’t get a say and all the child’s right will be stripped. Parents get it together. Your child is your responsibility. Don’t go calling the police on your child, talking about he is out of control, and you can’t do anything with him/her. How old is your child? What! He is 17. What do you think the police is going to do in 17 minutes of his police report that you should have done 17 years of his/her life? Come on Parents! We must change and change the stigmas that have been placed upon our children’s heads. Keep your MONKEY A.. out of the casinos and bars. Go home and spend some quality TIME with your children. Don’t wait until your child graduates and find out they can’t read. This doesn’t look very promising for a bright future in college or anywhere else. What did you contribute?__MENTAL ILLNESS

Your child is put up under the microscope from day one to see if he/she can be mainstreamed with the so-called normal behaviors. Whatever the hell that means. The highest level of government officials did not display appropriate behaviors. Their BEHAVIORS were INTENTIONAL along with CONGRESS, WALL STREET, AIG, CORPORATE AMERICA, the OIL, AND GAS INDUSTRY.They were rough riding tough along the side of a bunch of RUTHLESS PEOPLE. Still is. Some schools/districts go through the motion and pretend; a.) We did everything we could to help your child. b) we included you in the decision-making process although we already made up our minds at the late night candlelight dinner. c.) Every TIME your child acted out we drew up several IEPs to set him/her up for failure. d.) We went back to the drawing board to figure out a way to screw your child out of his education. The idea, NOT the IDEA which includes disabling children, was to document your child as a dangerous and violent student so we can push him out of our school. e.) We don’t care where he lands as long as he is out of our hair. Parents who are staunch advocates for their children know it is all about EXCLUSION and the BUDGET CUTS BABY. Holla! For the Dollar!

You are now looking at Light V. Parkway who claims the school and their district did everything they could for your child. Yes, they went out their way and bent over backward to include your disabled child. Even though the schools and their districts did not understand your child disability, were not trained, had no intention to get trained, documented your child to the tenth degree indicating he is a danger to himself and he will cause danger to others. We have done our good deed and we are not punishing your child. We just want him the hell out of our schools and to put his education into limbo. Well, doesn’t that sounds like CONGRESS and the beef they have with the President? No Good Deed Goes Unpunished. BS! What! BACHELOR of SCIENCE? NO! MALARKY!

One of the top priority of some educational institutions is getting rid of the wounded and the refusal to accommodate children who are mentally, socially, and emotionally challenged. Why? We wanted a bigger swimming team or a better football team. Having a football team did not ensure the safety of children. Are you sure you want to put a gun in a teacher’s hand when children are now being molested by their teachers? EX-CUUUSE ME! Don’t ask. Don’t tell. What did they contribute?__MENTAL ILLNESS

Yes, there are laws or SAFEGUARD PROCEDURALS put in place to SAFEGUARD your child. There are loopholes in the laws. PARENTS should always be included in the decision-making process so their child cannot be WAREHOUSED into a SEPARATE SELF-CONTAINED SCHOOL or CLASSROOM. Who wants to STAY-PUT in a placement that is no longer SAFE for anyone as long as they have these crazy gun laws? Whose shoulders do the burden of responsibility rest upon? I know it’s VIDEO GAMES. Yeah right! Will the responsibility rest at the feet of the MENTALLY CHALLENGED?

How do we go about getting rid of your child that is MENTALLY CHALLENGE and keep them out of the mainstream? I know! School Districts will go through the back door of education. Let’s make a List.

1.) They can Create An Atmosphere of Fear around the individual, (Wayne La Pierre Syndrome).

2.)Go to due process but we can’t let the kid hang out in our schools for 45 days or more until the hearing gets started. Hey, what is the rush? Why would you have a due process hearing under Chapter 536? Wouldn’t you end up in court? Get out of here! Really! Don’t the due process hearing takes care of that? Isn’t that what the STAY-PUT PROVISION under IDEA does?

3.) Look dumb A.. we are not trying to get the kid to stay in his/her placement just in case something unforeseen comes up. We will be ready to roll the TROs (TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDERS). These restraining orders will buy TIME to keep this child out of his PLACEMENT. You get 15 days on a TRO. Our plan is to keep renewing the TROs just in case the DUE PROCESS HEARING goes pass the number of days of the hearing. The power will be placed in the Districts hands. They will become Untouchable and Invincible.

4.) Can you do that to a child? What is the Purpose of the restraining order? The purpose of the restraining order is to ALLEVIATE the RETURN of the child to school as a RESULT of the STAY-PUT PROVISION. WOW! We never did that before.

5.) Okay, we will document him/her to be the next CHARLES MANSION. CHARLIE is still on lockdown. That is dangerous as dangerous can get. The idea of documenting your child like a criminal. Whew! From School To Prison Pipeline.

6.) That will help us get around that stupid rule, “10 Day Suspension Does Not Constitute A Change In Placement”. We don’t care if it was a manifestation of the child’s disability. You see we have ways of getting around his/her behaviors. Later in life, we can come back and Permanently ruin the life of the individual with a permanent restraint to lock the person down forever.

7.) Let’s make a MOUNTAIN out of A MOLEHILL for the child’s Attorney. The Attorney will be too busy fighting the child isn’t violent, dangerous, and disruptive. In the mean TIME, the FOCUS will be lost on restoring the child’s placement. Bottom line: Do not let SEGREGATION happen again in the schools because of the gun violence. Children who are mentally challenged will be ship off. They will not stand a chance in the mainstream.

I have been advocating and teaching my son how to advocate for himself for years. I had to back it up and put on the brakes. I realize parents are advocating for the LOSS OF their CHILDREN not the LIFE OF their CHILDREN. What happen PEOPLE? It is not supposed to go down like this. Why can’t gun laws be given immediate disciplinary actions if behaviors can be given immediate disciplinary actions? The laws will kick children out of their school placements, put them in the court system, be placed in the INSTITUTION of PRISON. This is not the way to help children who are disabled. Instead of getting help through their schools, children are railroaded out of their FREE AND APPROPRIATE EDUCATION (FAPE). Are your guns more important than a CHILD’S LIFE? So are we back to the BEHEMOTH of a gun industry called the NRA who are out of step with their own members? What did they contribute?__MENTAL ILLNESS

Oh! Don’t tell me you don’t want to talk about it. It is debatable. Excuse me! It is not MOOT. Why? Why should I answer you when you want to cut me off at the knees? What do you mean it ain’t important or relevant enough and we just can’t make no decision? I’m cool. You are the one that can’t make up your mind. It is happening all over again. How many TIMES does an incident have to occur before we can make a final decision and take action? Get the Hell out of here. It is called PROBABILITY and REASONABLE EXPECTATION. How many schools have fallen victim to gun violence? SHUT UP! Whose head will be severed? Who will be made the SCAPEGOAT? Are we back to the HIGHLANDER? There can only be one Get my DRIFT. I got your DRIFT 🙂

Dedicated to President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Arne Duncan, Katrina Vanden Heuvel, Joan Walsh, Dan Malloy, Dr. James Peterson, Michael Eric Dyson, and Chris Matthews.

My contribution__MENTAL ILLNESS is to keep from placing all the blame on MENTAL ILLNESS, educate people to seek help, and minimize stereotyping/destigmatization.

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