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Breaking News

We interrupt this program to bring you BREAKING NEWS.  I have nothing to lose and NO SPONSORS. The occupants residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue should not be allowed to give a repeat performance of Helter-Skelter Decisions.  Our special task force unit will come around to check and remove all rolls of quarters. There will be NO KOOL-AID served. I repeat, NO KOOL-AID will be served. This is not the Jim Jones’ Inaugural Ball.

The Super Brains of Intelligence and the Emojis of Emotional Intelligence has left the Whitehouse.  The Lights are OFF.  The departure of President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and Dr. Jill Biden taught skills of expressive language.  These great orators embraced the podium with their smiles, laughter, tears, and sincerity.  We The People felt the connection. We The People open our minds, hearts and were receptive.  It was not just a dream but this team took the lead.  Match Point!  President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden’s intelligence reflected Equality of the People and Equality of our Nation Rights. Great minds will always Lead the Dream of Hope, Change, Diversity, and Inclusion.

Speaking of great minds, the Obama Administration had their moments.  When President Obama penned an Executive Order I don’t recall feeling threaten and bullied. LEFTY signed off on Executive Orders and I felt quite relieved as he poured the concrete.   Our Nation moved FORWARD in a positive direction. This was the moment of truth for Hope and Change.   President Obama did not send my brain and the old memories stored in my brain into fight or flight mode. I did not feel I was on the reality show SURVIVAL. The limbic system plays a huge part in our gut feelings and survival role.  My brain was in Safety Mode.  My central nervous system wasn’t singing Boyz To Mens, End Of The Road.   President Obama was my Uber driver for motivation and learning. He kept my emotional engine running.  My Limbic System was set on cruise control.  The Limbic System structure of the temporal lobe is responsible for regulating many of our emotions, as well as forming and processing memories. It’s wasn’t all about my Limbic System.  My dawgs in the carpool, Amygdala, Hippocampus, Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Cingulate Gyrus, and Basal Ganglia all played great roles.  You got to give credit where credit is due. It’s fun riding 6 deep. Just keeping it real.  Trump better keep plenty of fuel in all of his modes of transportation.  Bottom line, Trump shakes my Sh*t up. How about you America? I am not giving him a ride. Okay! A-myg-da-la plays a hell-of-role and should be nominated for the Oscars. Girlfriend is packing Fear along with her BFF, Cingulate Gyrus.

A-myg-da-la is the grand central station for emotions.  She takes her job serious integrating and coordinating emotional behavior.  There is 2 almond-shaped mass. One on each side of the brain located in the temporal lobe (hearing and memory).  Amygdala hangs out with Arousal.  She is associated with fear and anxiety disorder, OCD, Post Traumatic Stress, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Personality Disorder. My girl can jack with your blood pressure and play Fast and Furious with your heart rate.  Amygdala and fear shouldn’t hang out.  She is hard on the nervous system. My Lessons Learned is from Hard Yard University. It’s Hard in the yard.  There is a price to pay. It is called Accountability.

1.) autonomic response associated with fear

2.) hormone secretions

3.) arousal

4.) memory

5.) emotional response

Hippocampus brings new memories to the table. We never forget to grab her on the way to work. Why? Without my dawg, you couldn’t live in the present.  You would be stuck in the past. If hippocampus gets damage we’re looking at severe mental illness (schizophrenia) and some severe depression. Oh boy! When the hippocampus shrink it is said a treatment has been made available to reverse the process and help people with bipolar disorder and depression.  Hippocampus can get affected by estrogen.  Alzheimer will be looking up your address and staring you in the face. Special Note: Steve Banning, Chief White House Strategist, and White Supremacist ideologies are not New Memories. Steve Banning ideologies of Make America White Again should be BANNED. Living in the PAST. BIG TIME!  Hippocampus, Banning, and Trump will never be on the same flight or in the same car.

1.) hippocampus is seahorse in shape. Mirrored in the right hemisphere of the brain and left hemisphere of the brain.

2.) emotional response

3.) navigation-mapping out one’s environment

4.) spatial orientation-just your memory being able to navigate through your environment (and if you can’t navigate through your environment use the cell phone GPS, the car high-tech verbal GPS)

5,) long-term memory cannot record new memories but connect emotions to memories

6.) declarative memory-memories purposely recalled for facts and events

7.) motivation

Thalamus involves sensory perception. Understanding is gained through one’s senses (sight, taste, smell, sound, hearing, touch etc.).   Thalamus functions control motor, sleep, and awake states. Memory formation, pain perception, and emotional expression is part of Thalamus function. Other functions of the Thalamus package are sensory signals to the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex which process the majority of our information is divided into 4 lobes.  The cortex thin layer of tissue is grey and referred to as grey matter. Nerves in this area lack insulation which makes other parts of the brain appear white.  The Thalamus process information. More functions included by the Thalamus is thinking, perceiving, producing and understanding language. My dawg has nerve connection with the cerebral cortex and the hippocampus.

1.) motor control

2.) receives auditory, Somatosensory (conscious of touch, perception of pain, and warmth that occurs anywhere in the body, position of movement, vibrations of muscles and joints, skin fascia (connective tissue), and visual-perceptual

3.) relays sensory signals to the cerebral cortex

4.) memory formation and emotional expression, pain perception

5.) controls sleep and awake stakes

Hypothalamus, pearl shape size, is the control center of autonomic functions. This is respiration, blood pressure body temperature, regulation of the endocrine structure. Endocrine System secretes a hormone, regulates growth, digestion, metabolism, sexual development. Homeostasis process of maintaining body equilibrium by monitoring and adjusting (physiological process) body part functions. Hypothalamus regulates emotional responses through its influences on the pituitary gland, skeleton muscle system, and nervous system (brain and spinal cord and complex neurons). Hunger, thirst, sleep mood, and sex in addition to stress and emotional responses are regulated by the Hypothalamus.

1.) balance of water and electrolytes such as sodium and calcium

2.) production of body fluids (saliva, sweat, tears, urination, defecation)

3.) Endocrine System glands-pineal, thyroid, parathyroids, thymus, adrenal, pancreas, gonads (ovaries and testes)

Cingulate Gyrus helps put emotions and pain in check. It involves predicting and avoiding negative consequences. Functions of the Cingulate Gyrus are listed as followed: Communication, maternal bonding, language expression, decision-making, regulate aggressive behaviors and coordinates sensory input with emotions.  Cingulate Gyrus has tapped on our door because We The People and Our Nation feel the heat from all the turmoil. Who better to walk us through this unpleasant experience of fear.  The body definitely wakes and truly traumatized. I will personally fasten Cingulate Gyrus into the car. Damages to (CG) can cause cognitive, behavioral and emotional disorders. This includes Depression Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Chronic Pain, Alcohol and Drug Abuse, problems with communication dealing with changing situations, anger, easily frustrated, emotional and violent outburst linked to attention deficit disorder. Schizophrenia, Autism, and Psychiatric Disorders are inclusive when damages to the Cingulate Gyrus.

Basil Ganglia is Mr. Motor City. He is involved in a primary movement, processes information related to emotions motivations and cognitive functions. BG’s home address or location is deep within the cerebral hemisphere of the brain. Basal Ganglia is associated with a number of disorders that influence movement.  Parkinson disease demonstrates gradual loss of the ability to initiate movement.  Huntington Disease characteristics are the failure to prevent parts of the body to move unintentionally. Hemiballismus is a very rare movement disorder with involuntary flinging motions of extremities.

BG has 3 cousins who are a cluster of neurons (caudate nucleus, putamen, and globus pallidus). Did you say, Putin? No, I said PUTAMEN. Just checking! They are responsible for involuntary movement such as tremors,  athetosis (characteristics: involuntary, convoluted writhing movement/twisting/squirming and contortions).  The person in this situation is suffering great physical and emotional pain.  Fingers, hands, toes, feet, and sometimes the leg, tongue, and neck are affected.  Lesion to the brain is the cause. Athetosis does not act alone.  It is accompanied by cerebral palsy. Chorea is abnormal involuntary movement. It is located in one of the neurological groups called dyskinesias meaning involuntary muscle movement.

Basal Ganglia is responsible for voluntary motor control, eye movement, cognitive and emotional functions along with procedural learning. The MRI SCAN has been ordered. I needed a Refresher Course on the Limbic System. I’m the star of Homeland and I cannot miss anything. I will not risk We The People and Our Nation. Sh**t I got to make sure I take my meds. Trump will go into an impulsive tango and will do something more erratic to bring the White House Down ( Jamie Fox plays the role as President. Whitehouse is under assault by the terrorist, released 2013) Sounds familiar.

When Executed Orders are signed by Trump it feels like Weapons of Mass Destruction against We The People and Our Nation.  I arrive on the set of FEAR FACTOR fearing for my life and angry as hell.  No PROMISES KEPT for our FUTURE GENERATION because we have an Incompetent President with Severe Mental Illness (SMI) with the Nuclear Codes in his Pockets. If they are not in his pocket check Putin’s Pocket.  Andrea Mitchell could use the No Drama Obama Factor.  So could the entire nation. Trevor Noah’s Tweet of No Excuses turns into Fear All You Can Fear It’s The American Way.  This Does NOT Make American Great Again. Once again I will not sit at the table with Caligula. The words of Caligula “Let Them Hate So Long As They FEAR.”  My response was Hell To The No! No! Democrats rise up from the table and fight an untraditional fight. Where is Dan Rather? I need to talk to him.

Are you ready for the RECALL? Big Eddie would say “Get Out Your Cell Phones. Secret Agent RA! RA! would say, “Let’s see what the results of the PPP Poll are today.” She then would lean in toward the camera, clap her hands together with her eyebrows arched in an arrow position. The next words out her mouth are “BREAKING NEWS.” 🙂  Sir Chris Matthews, Knight of the Round Table, you can delay having your GD moment. Trump has not made it to the SITUATION WAR ROOM. Thank God! Can you even imagine what the outcome of a Global Situation would be? Yes! We’re looking at what Trump has done to the Muslin community. Straight Up Unconstitutional! Do we run the course of fighting it out in court? YES, We CAN! 🙂  Before We, The People and Our Nation get our A** blown to Smithereens let’s go for THE RECALL.  Just 10 days in office! To hell with 100 Days. Get me Michael Moore on the phone.  Also, call Oprah. She knows the process of RECALLS. Tell Ari, Joy, Krystal, Tamara, Toure, Chris H., Andrea and Chuck Todd to get their A** in here Now! I want real stand up journalism when more BREAKING NEWS come in.  Sir Lawrence, why are you standing over there in the corner with that blank sheet of paper with those big black dots? I get it. Wipe that smile off your face before I give you a visual image you won’t be able to get rid of.  Have Gail bring me my notes from the last briefing on the 25th Amendment. I called Oprah and her line is still busy. Keep trying. I need that information.

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) Mad Cows Disease, the Cattle and the Beef was RECALLED. Ford Motor Company RECALLED their cars. Tylenol RECALLED their pills,  EBOLI OUTBREAK, people were RECALLED, and AUTOPSIES were performed.  Whenever there is an outbreak or Epidemic and lives are endangered a RECALL by the CENTER OF DISEASE CONTROL (CDC) or NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH (NIMH) is convened.  It is Time to convene and RECALL the President.  We The People should not live in FEAR.   We The People should not work in FEAR. We The People should live to Survive our own adversities. We The People CLOCK OUT from the Job. We will not let TRUMP CLOCK OUT our LIVES by his irrational behaviors and decisions.  Our Nation should not Die at the hands of Trump Adversities. Trump has disorders wrapped around many concurring conditions including Hatred and Racism.  You would think Benny and The Jets Carson would come forward and validate Trump’s behavior. Ain’t he a neurosurgeon? Carson is retired from that position and so is his mind. RECALL him too.

RECALL the Electoral College, Mitch McConnell (Senate Majority Leader), Paul Ryan (Speaker Of The House), and Reince Priebus (Chief Of Staff of the White House), They appear to be the New Order and the faces of White Supremacy.  NOS (Not Otherwise Specified) has been Identified.  Has there been any sudden outburst of Irrational, Impulsive and Destructive Behavior? Yes, the firing of Sally Yates. She is Acting Attorney General from the Obama Administration. Sally Yates is of sound mind and body. Did Trump process any of his actions before he took the path of Mental Shortcuts?  Did he have any bullet points or his less information sheet to carry out his irrational behavior? What?  No Mam! Future Lady President. Did He carry this action out on Twitter? LAWD! LAWD! Dear JE–SUS! Are the results in?  The New Order of White Supremacy took over the Republican Party. Well, it is the same Order of White Supremacy who held the backroom meeting to make sure President Barack Obama would only be a 1 term president. The same Order of White Supremacy dressed in suits who would not allow President Obama to select a Supreme Court Justice. Really! The idea of letting Black, Brown, Tan, Beige tell the HOODIE BROTHERS what to do. Have you forgotten already? Conversion Time! Take back the country and MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN.

President Obama was called out on his Birth Certificate. He was called an appeaser.  The PRICE OF HOPE was extremely costly but through it all, he remains quite calm. I never worried about the Nuclear Codes. I’m quite sure President Obama did not sit in the SITUATION WAR ROOM and take MENTAL SHORTCUTS.  Mental Shortcuts can lead to COGNITIVE BIASES. Mental Shortcuts are used to classify and categorize people. RELEVANT information which is overlooked.  Stereotypes and Prejudiced will ascend from the ashes of hell to create a false reality.  President Obama absorbs an abundance of information.  He was there for ALL the briefings.  TWITTER IS NOT THE PLACE  to run the United States of America.

President Obama was able to apply old information to new.  He was not stuck in the past. President Obama’s hippocampus checked out perfectly. President Obama did not FADE OUR NATION TO BLACK.  We are a Nation that has Come out of the Dark no longer to live in the Shadows. YES WE CAN__FORWARD. President Obama used his Executive Pen to move FORWARD but not for the purpose of Hatred, Racism Retaliation, and Discrimination.  Congress blocked the President at every turn.   Now it is TIME to hold Congress ACCOUNTABLE for cheering on Negative Behaviors. If I couldn’t get the job done I would be out of a job. President Obama did not sign We The People and Our Nation’s Life away. He fulfilled many promises. He reached across oceans and climbed the highest mountains for our NATION to be that of an INCLUSIVE NATION. This Is The PRICE OF HOPE, CHANGE, DIVERSITY, and INCLUSIVENESS. The Lights are On Lead by a Magnificent Mind.

Trump goes into his mantra/chant of “You know what this Mean” Hell Yell! I know exactly what it means.  Repetitive Obsessive, Impulsive, Destructive Behaviors of punishment all caught on tape. Did President Obama ever DRAW his signature on an Executive Order? Did President Obama ever say, ” you know what this means?”  A sharpie! Look closer at the signature.  You call that writing?  I call it dysgraphia. Whew! When a child sits down and is forced to write. You know what this means. As soon as they get up from their desk or table the frustration and anger will manifest itself. Surprise! All hell is going to break loose.  The behavior will become quite explosive. Baby girl just broke my TV.   Replace this skill set of writing with the use of an iPad.  Thank God for Steve Jobs. Look what Trump broke in less than 100 days in office with that sharpie. Hmm!  Can Trump write?  He lied about writing the book Art Of The New Deal. Do you recall President Obama ever holding up the Executive order and using a flat or monotone facial expression? He can write. President Obama had his mind made up about the Affordable Health Care Act. He leads his own thoughts and was not manipulated by others.  Here we go with 69 Shades of Grey from Congress and they don’t have a plan yet to Repeal and Replace Obama Care. President Obama executive functioning really is functioning. The lights are OFF in the White House. Does Trump have a mind? I sure would like to see the results of his MRI SCAN.

The results are in. Where did you get that MRI SCAN from? Don’t worry about it. I got connections at Grey’s Academy. Don’t you mean Grey’s Anatomy? No! We have to find a way to call the cable company and disconnect Trump Tv.  Is this legal? Where have you been?  Everything that has happened in this week is not legal and Unconstitutional. BREAKING NEWS: The Cerebral Cortex and its 4 lobes checked out. The Frontal Lobe: voluntary muscle movement/motor functions, thinking, decision-making and planning, higher order functions, reasoning, judgment, impulse control, memory, language, and speech.  (Check Baby, Check Baby 1,2,3). Well, he’s top Lefty Chief of Organization Skills. Parietal Lobe: Cognition, Receiving and processing sensory information. The 5 senses are in excellent condition. Taste/gustation, smell/olfaction, touch/somatosensory, sight/visual, and hearing/auditory, movement coordination, visual perception, reading and writing, math computation, understanding spatial orientation.  (Check Baby, Check Baby 1,2,3).  Occipital Lobe: process visual information from the retina, visual perception, color recognition, reading, reading comprehension, depth perception, recognition.   Lefty clearly understands what he is seeing. Can I sing a new tune? Please! When I first saw you, you had Sparkle in your eyes. Go Head! Cameo 1979. Shut Up before you tell our ages.  Okay Stevie B imitation. Joy has told you about she can do her job. Don’t ever say Shut Up again. I apologize. Okay: Temporal Lobe: Organize sensory as well as auditory, perception, memory information, speech production, and language. Checkmate!

Dan Rather, you are absolutely right. Extraordinary Times cause for Extraordinary Measures. The election was an Enigma. Trump is an Enigma. I will keep my promise.  Here is the information you wanted on Severe Mental Illness (SMI) and concurring conditions which overlap.(In real time, Dan did not ask for this information).   There will not be a stain or stigma residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.  In the first 2 years of President Barack Obama’s PROMISES KEPT  he stated, “LET’S BE THE GENERATION THAT MAKES FUTURE GENERATIONS PROUD OF WHAT WE DID HERE. Will there be a future generation if Trump continues his Negative Behaviors?  Has anyone seen Trump replace any Negative Behaviors With Positive Behaviors? Will there be a moment in time NOW where our nation can survive the punishment that is being inflicted by an Incompetent President with monumental threatening behaviors?  Instead of Donald Trump being held accountable he is rewarded for Negative Behavior.  He does not understand Consequences nor does he fear consequences.  Trump’s cheerleader is mirrored after him and lacks knowledge just like him. Look at the Billion Dollars Babies he picked for his cabinet who are not qualified to do the job.   Trump cabinet members will hinder his ability to make an appropriate or good decision and solve problems. Steve Banning(Chief Strategist of the Whitehouse) is on my knock-off list. Don’t you mean 250 counts white sheet and white pillowcase man? Low Count!  More like No Count.  What’s up with the Bullet Points?  Hmmm! MENTAL SHORTCUTS.

There are times when we need to put our brain on speed dial.  Mental shortcuts (heuristics) allow us to problem solve and make decisions quickly and effectively.  The 2 most common heuristic are availability heuristic (accessing relevant information in your mind). Representative heuristics (decision-making process by comparing the Present Day situation to mental examples in your mind). These shortcuts are designed to save on time when determining risk.  This process filter through a lot of information.  Just think if our brain had to analyze every single aspect of a situation or every decision we make.  This is a nice coping skill device to keep our brain from going into maximum overdrive. If our brain takes a walk on the wild side not a D**n thing will get done.  Whew! Makes me tired just thinking about the outcome.  Okay! Reach down into your pocket and pull out your RULE-OF THUMB. We can save on brain gas and function more effectively so we don’t blow out all of the tires having to think about everything and what will be the next step of action. Lots of people don’t have a spare in the back of their trunk or a donut. These are the people using fix-a-flat. Sir Lawrence O’Donnell can you imagine fix-a-flat brain?  Mental Shortcuts  can be dangerous and can lead to the following  BIASES:

1.) confirmation bias-People refuse to listening to the other person point of view or consider facts in a logical manner. Information given only confirms what they believe.  ex., People who feel global warming doesn’t exist and confirm their belief.  People who believe there should be no background checks for Gun control. The Wayne La Pierre Syndrome, ” the only way to defeat a bad guy with a gun is to arm a good guy with a gun”.   Trump who thinks there is voters fraud. American should be White again. Trump confirms his belief that Muslims are terrorist.  I’m not hearing it. I Did It My Way Program. Even when you know there needs to be No hearing for voters fraud, Trump needs to confirm what exist in his mind only.

2.) hindsight bias-When you here, I knew it was going to happen. I knew it all along. It was inevitable. Polls being more predictable than what they truly are. I knew it syndrome. Well, that sure in the hell didn’t happen in the 2017 elections. Just venting!

3.) anchoring bias-The first piece of information we hear. Quick decisions we make when we don’t shop around. How much are we willing to pay?  The information you give your doctor can make him susceptible/influence to make the wrong diagnosis.  When you go to negotiate for a salary increase the First Lady would say, when they go low you go high. 🙂 Just letting you know I was paying attention. How long a person expect to live? When should my kid start dating?

4.) misinformation effect-The questions contain misleading information distorted by memory. The original information got mixed up with the misleading information. The misleading information took over my memory. The misleading information is more recent. Misleading information comes to mind first.  When the incident happen the information that was important got switch around in one’s head. So now their using the misleading information to fill in the gaps.  Time, discussing the events with other people/witnesses, news (especially fake news) and excessive exposure to alternative facts plays a major role in misinformation effect. 🙂 Okay!

5.)  actor-observer bias-People can’t see their own actions or behaviors. When something goes wrong they blame their action on some outside force. ex. Danny’s teacher gives long and drawn out lectures. He failed his exam. The teacher got blamed. No! Danny A** didn’t study?  As the observer people tend to blame their actions on internal causes. John is never on time for the movies (internal) John is always so tired and sleepy.

6.) false consensus effect-over value their own opinion, Overestimate how many people beliefs, behaviors attitudes and values are the same as theirs. Overestimate the vast majority think the way they do and it will benefit their self-esteem. Overestimates the people who share your political views, share your preference. The false reality if one person support you in that particular neighborhood everyone will support you. False reality if I like it or buy it everyone should follow my lead.

7.) halo effect-overall impression impacts you evaluation process.  Physical Attractive people or more favorable. Global impact of  likable personalities. (stereotype) The smart and pretty effect. Drab and not attractive would be considered not intelligent. Employers rate eye candy as smart, competent, and qualified. Marketers get a celebrity to endorse a product and the rating goes up.

8.) self-serving bias-Give themselves credit for SUCCESS and lay the blame for FAILURES on others. TRUMP SYNDROME. LLC Incorporation! Since people became INCORPORATION let’s include Mitch McConnell (Senator Majority Leader of Kentucky), Paul Ryan (House Speaker), Reince Priebus (Chief-of-staff). This is the New Order. The self-esteem protector leads to faulty attributes such as blaming others for their shortcomings.  It also keeps the self-esteem intact by blaming a person age, gender, race, and DISABILITY.  NOT MY FAULT, NEVER! NO APOLOGIES.

9.) availability heuristics mental shortcuts design to save time when determining risk. Relying on this way of thinking lead to bad decisions and poor estimates. ex. Lotto time. I need to start buying tickets. What are your chances of winning. Making judgements on what is readily brought to mind. Man! There have been a lot of airplane crashes. Hmm! I bet not take a plane. Whatever comes to mind you base your decision on that information. Even if the information is not relevant.  Ford had 64 layoffs. I probably be next.

10.) optimism bias-Too optimistic for your own good. It can happen to you not me. Why me! Our rational and logical brain goes south. Ain’t no way in the world I’m suppose to lose my house, get a divorce, diagnose with an incurable disease. You are vulnerable and suffer illusions of vulnerability. We believe we are less likely to suffer misfortunes and more likely to be successful.  What are the odds of being struck by lightning? The odds of a tornado striking because one has not hit the area you live in.  Impacts of false optimism is health risk, drinking, drugs, gambling, and smoking. The God will take care of it Syndrome. God needs your undivided attention, cooperation and participation. This Bias isn’t all bad. We need optimism with a sense of REALTY to move forward and look toward the future. Giving hope and motivation so when we do fail we will take responsibility and not blame others.

What! Trump has no THUMBS. That is NO EXCUSE he has feet. He needs to be held ACCOUNTABLE for whatever body part he has left.  Trump has more biases than what I listed.  Donald Trump stepped on a lot of toes and pissed a lot of people off. Has anyone checked on Mitt, Chris, and Rudy? We thought we give them some time and space to cool off. Well, you better ship them to Alaska because I don’t think it will be no time soon. Do you think they were committed? No!  This is what happens when Affluent Mental Illness Goes Untreated. This is the facts, not alternative facts. What is Affluent Mental Illness gone untreated? The high dollar privileged individual (Richey Rich) folks that are let off the hook for their disruptive and violent Intentional Behaviors by their peers, a judge, and society.  Even when mental illness can be a factor in their national cheerleaders don’t seem to care and encourage more negative behaviors. All sins are forgiven and it is okay for the person or persons to pay for their sins with cash, corporate credit cards donate high dollars to affluent judges or charities. The list gets better. Sleeping With The Enemy Part II influences a Nation Election being compromised.  BECOME THE PRESIDENT, LIE, CHEAT, STEAL, and even RISK the lives of the many troops for the Dumb A** oil statement.  Speaking of OIL, Trump even pissed Dick Cheney off. Wow! Cheney said he went too far on the Muslin ban. Unbelievable! Even Cheney changed his position. What do you think Sr? Chris Matthew? You think Dick just want a piece of the Spotlight? Make me smile and say CHENEY for me. Come on!

Trump does not reside in Reality Boulevard.  The President lacks information, gullible, lack wisdom, experience, lacks judgment, especially in foreign affairs. These are the components of NAIVENESS. Who can benefit from exploiting Trump deficiencies?  Say It With Me Now! Vladimir Putin! Who will feed Trump the BS he wants to here so he thinks he is King? Who wants to control the WORLD? Who played Russian Roulette with our Nation’s Election? Everyone in the Nation has witnessed Trump out of control behaviors. The media and the Democrats are looking in the wrong spot. Revealed through the lens under the surface of one’s skin a passageway has open and revealed what is deep within. There is nothing for you to attain. Right before your lens, the answer lies in Trump’s Brain. The RNC wants an AUTOPSY. Well here’s my Contribution. Fight On The Assessment of Observation and Evaluation.  With the biases listed above, we will not judge. We will be able to evaluate REALISTICALLY.  All have been documented on tape and viewed through the lens of We The People and Our Nation. RECALL:


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