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The Package__Hotspot

The parking lot was so crowded. I sat in the car wondering if I needed to go to the store to pick up the last items for the New Year gathering. Next thing I recall a guy was knocking on the window pointing at the handicap sign. I reached into the glove compartment and pulled out my blue hang thang. He smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I hadn’t noticed before but the handicap sign had a young boy standing on crutches.  The sign said, ” Remember Me, Keep It Free.” Hotspot! Connectivity!  Yes, my Wi-Fi went into full mode and ten bars were lit. 🙂  The longer I stared at the sign I begin to see the face of the President-Elect, Poot-Butt Putin, BeBe Netanyahu.  Word to the Mother. We definitely got to ” Remember Me, Keep It Free.”   Those brothers are desperately trying to destroy our Democracy. Whew!  let me get out this D**n car.

The time is 2:47 pm. Hold Up! The time may not seem important to the readers but let me throw down a line on TIME.  Tic-Toc goes the clock and frustration are mounting. I got a lot of tasks to complete before the party jumps off.  Time lies in the House of Mind Organization. What happens when your thoughts or disorganized? People of the world you are not working off a TIME CLOCK.  Whatever was scheduled for today or down the road is not going to happen. You want a TOOL to deal with. Tool This!  What was on the Schedule when Don King appeared outside the boxing arena?  Are you getting any of this? Who hasn’t attended any Presidential Briefings?  Get Real! A Scheduled in the hands of a Disorganized Mind and a Tweeter.  Do you think Tweeting is habitual? Think again.  You really don’t know why the President-elect trust Poot-Butt Putin? Wow! It is really Time for the world to be open and focus on Mental Illness.  Neurologists had the low down over 100 years ago. Psych babies just got the news in the last 25 years. What does that tell you?  We need to take a much closer look at the window of SMI (Severe Mental Illness).  Play It Again Sam.  Brought to you by letter A the Tool to help unlock some doors is Anosognosia (Ano-sog-no-sia).

My mind began to percolate.  What runs through your mind when you talk to the conspiracy theorist? Hmm! How many people think they are followed by the FBI or God is speaking to them in Voices they hear?  How many people don’t recognize they are mentally or severely mentally ill? Just think about the people who are told they are mentally ill and don’t take medicine because they think they Don’t Have A Problem.  Before mankind starts shoveling out pills I strongly feel we need to address Mental Illness openly.  We should not make folks feel guilty, shame, or humiliate them. Education is key.  This is not what people choose to be. Mental Illness is not a Choice.  Denial of an illness is psychological in origin.  Ano-sog-no-sia is caused by physical brain damage and related to body structure/anatomy (anatomical origin).

The Time now is 3:16 pm.  I better run to the store and get my Mrs. Shebert dinner rolls.  I will make sure I get some Ben and Jerry Chunky Monkey and Cherry Garcia ice cream for Nadine. Connie likes Shattoo Whole Milk. I won’t forget to pick it up. Remember to get Eric some sweet potatoes.  He wants a pie. Dang! it is so crowded in here. Connie would pass out. She doesn’t like crowds. Time for me to check out.  Pretty good timing. The time now is 3:36 pm. I will make a mad dash to Sammy’s house and pick up my dress. My girl is one hell-of-a seamstress. She is Bi-polar. Sammy doesn’t think she is ill nor should she take medication.  Sammy hit an all-time low, the revolving door of homelessness, unemployment, being hospitalized for a short-term, and jailed struck her in the tail. Whenever Sammy has an episode, more like she goes on a journey, she has to wait forever to get a bed.  There goes Sammy locked up singing Mary J. Blige, I’m Going Down.

Did you know 40% of people diagnosed with Bi-polar and 50% diagnosed with schizophrenia lack insight, perception, cause and effect, poor observation, and not intuitive (right brain thang)? Did you know 40% of people diagnosed Bi-polar have recurring incidents and 50% of the schizophrenia refuse to take their medicine?  Oh, there is so much more to this Hotspot! Connectivity is very low and no bars are showing up. The time now is 4:45 pm.  Dress has been picked up.  Sammy hooked me up. 🙂 I sat around and shot the breeze with Sammy to see where her head is.  She will be at the New Years gathering. Gotta make sure O. G. takes her meds. A few instructions will help. Reassurance and love are in the house and the crew is there to help get her through. Also to make D**n sure she doesn’t drink on her meds.

The time now is 5:30 pm and I’m leaving Sammy’s house. I will stop by Eric to see if he is making his famous Banana pudding. On the list, I’m supposed to pick up the egg-nog happy-chino (the non-alcoholic version). Eric is the stat man on SMI (severe mental illness).  I’ve arrived. It is 6:12 pm. Lawd! Eric has sprayed his hair orange and purple. I’m cool with it because Eric likes a lot of attention and the conversation is all about Eric. Oooh! I can’t wait until Eric gets to the house. We got the Package for him. No! This is not R Kelly, In The Closet (The Package). Another topic for another day. Eric said he had been in and out of jail since he was 12 years old. Eric straight-up said jail was the new asylums for the mentally insane on the membrane. He has spent more time behind bars than in a real mental institution. What happened to the first thing first facilities to evaluate the patient needs (triage facilities). Outdated treatment, 50 years of failed mental health, and Eric made it clear at age 64 he is not singing Michael Jackson, Smooth Criminal. Things didn’t go smoothly at all. Society labeled Eric violent. He was no longer stomping in his Air Force Ones. Medicaid funding practices kicked Eric to the curve.  States failed to give the Cha-Ching to the mental health system. Putting a person in jail only makes matters worse. The burden of mental illness should not fall into the hands of law enforcement. Correctional systems or facilities DO NOT CORRECT MENTAL ILLNESS. Taxes, taxes, and more taxes! Who Benefits? Nobody! Rest assures Everybody pays to the piper.

I got some time for some Evelyn Champaign King’s Low Down Dirty Shame Stats. Go with the flow Eric. Roll it out.

1.) 8.1 million people Bi-polar and schizophrenia suffer from SMI (Severe Mental Illness)

2.) 30% of the population in the US is Bipolar, Schizophrenia, and about 1/2 goes of these people go untreated because they have no insight into their condition. “I’m not sick and don’t need medicine.” Why are you asking me if I’m F**King angry? Do I sound or act like I’m angry? Roll the Tape Baby! Have you seen any behavior which resembles violating a person 2″ perimeter around their body and blowing into the microphone making Rhino sounds? If this is not a gotcha B**ch moment. Hmmm!

3.) 20% of SMI (severe mental illness) are put in jail

4.) 50% of people diagnosed with bi-polar and schizophrenia try to commit suicide and more people without these diagnoses make attempts on their life.

5.) 29% of family homicides is by someone with SMI(severe mental illness)

6.) 30% homeless people are mentally and severely mentally ill.

7.) bed shortage or would you like to use the word deinstitutionalization, No place to roam, no more mental homes.

8.) 1.8 million locked into jails every year

9.) 7% of all homicides by someone with SMI (severe mentally ill)  presents a danger to others, 20% of law enforcement fatalities and 50% of mass homicide associate with people with severe mental illness

I bet Congress and the White House will begin to Rethink Mental Health Policies and come up with new laws for Mental Health Reform now that they are 19 Days away from the Inauguration.  These guys haven’t weighed in since 1960. What happens to Women Rights, Gun laws, Health Care and all the critical issues that will put our broken government back together again? Our broken system cannot be operated by Humpty Trumpty. Why were the words utter over and over again, We do not want the President-Elect hands on nuclear codes? Simple! He cannot run the country because he suffers from SMI (Severe Mental Illness) and an abundance of Ignorances. All the evidence is right on the tape and throughout the media. Say what it is. Now, who is rewarding who? The Electoral College observation is poor. The States that weighed indefinitely did not represent the Latino, Black, Asian, and LGBT communities.

The Nuclear Weapon is no longer on the launch pad. Poot-Butt Putin cannot manipulate what is already launched.  This is the mistake the Republicans made when they let the President-Elect go on and on about OUR President, Barack Obama birth certificate.  Yippy Ki-Yo-Ki-Ya Mother Duck. Who do you think will get F***?  What! Rewards are not understood by the Affluent. Who rewarded the President-Elect for his poor business management skills and granted him money for his lies and Bankruptcy? Who lets this Nuclear Weapon keep his name on buildings just to make money? Who allowed this Nuclear Time Bomb to be entitled to consumerism turn bad into a defense for Affluenza. Mr. Good Life had so much Good Life he wouldn’t know what to do if it was stripped away.  Incarceration is too good for the Affluent no matter what the crime. Spoil the man, spare the rod, and give the  Affluent less Time.  There will be No Consequences but only rewards for the bad Sh*t gone wrong.  Some judge and attorney would come along and grant Mr. Affluent immunity just because he is G-money Dog.  So I hope this helps explain the President-elect behavior when it comes to his reward system.   Regular broke A** Joe’s Consequences are listed above. Death was listed on the menu.  Yup!  We are criminalized, hospitalized, demoralized, and victimized.

Leaving!  The time now is 7:40 pm and I better burn out because the gathering starts at 9:00 pm. Thanks Eric for your knowledge. See you at the party. I know your outfit will be Rocking It. You Go Ru Paul Queen of the Drag Race B**ches.  Whew!  I got just enough time to throw myself together. I’m so glad I live only 5 minutes from Eric. I could have left the car at his house and save me some gas money. While it is on my mind my crew all have something in common.  Ano-sog-no-sia (Anosognosia) is recognized in Alzheimer’s, Strokes, Huntington, Parkinson, NLD Syndrome and other neurological Syndrome/disorders. One of the crew has Huntington Disorder (HD). This disorder results in the death of brain cells. The person has jerky movement and becomes very uncoordinated. It becomes harder for them to talk.  Their gait (pattern of movement of limbs) and how well one can maneuver on solid ground or in water is crucial.  As their mental ability decline dementia becomes quite noticeable or prominent. If family, friends, and associates are aware.  Tic-Toc it’s 9:00 pm. Party Time!

This one is for Our President BO. As I was coming down the stairway I looked over at the mirror and I THOUGHT to myself (I wasn’t hearing voices, okay) 🙂 I looked Yummy. It felt like the good old days when Mitt and his 47% Schlitz Malt Liquor got the best of him. D**n Right!  Smooth as Chocolate cocoa butter baby. Door Bell! Come on in all You Herefords, Whores, and Hussies. Happy New Years! No anger up in the House because Y’all know you’re Scuzzy.  What in the World is in the Big Christmas Box. Hmm!


TO BE CONTINUED: The year just got started.

Happy New Year




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