Dagger In The Heart_More Meat

Sundar Pichai_CEO of Google, Susan Wojcicki_CEO of YouTube, and Patti McCord_Former CEO of Netflix (also calls herself the Queen of Good Goodbyes), Stacy Brown Phipot_CEO of Task Rabbitt (IKEA) bring on the Revolution. If you could just pull CEO Doug McMillon and Walmart over to your point of view it may reshape Wal-mart culture. I never want to walk away feeling issues that need to be resolved have no solution or a treatment plan.  Wal-mart leaves their employees emotionally drained. The associates feel the insurmountable pain.  I hope you are well aware of who’s gonna take the blame. The only subject matter is Wal-Mart’s money, power, control and their capital gain.  So I’m here to shine the light on Wal-mart infamous reign.  Thank you for addressing Gender Diversity, Sexual Harassment, Artificial Intelligence, Changing the World, Global Warming, languages, Photos, Immigration, Automation, Women place in the tech industry,  and driving the point home on how technology is so valuable to the medical industry. This Video is at the top of my list for viewing. Visit Revolution: Google and YouTube Changing The World-MSNBC.com can also be viewed on NBC. Thank you, Sundar Pichai for standing by your zero-tolerance policy. Outspoken and tough, That’s What I Like. Just having a YouTube moment Susan Wojcicki. I’m getting my brains cells revved up while Bruno Mars is playing in the background. Bringing on the revolution to see what the brain can spin-off today.

I was curious to know why Patti McCord was asked to leave Netflix. McCord states, “Companies don’t exist to make you happy, You know that right. The business doesn’t exist to serve you.” Well Patti, take a walk on the wild side and visit Inside These Walls_Existing Conditions in the August archive of NLD Recognition. Carry on Patti and read Thanks For The Memory_Wordpress.com, Inspirational_You, #2857 Disruptive Innovation_Those Who Are Disruptive, Unjustifiable_Negative Evaluations. The culture created by Netflix is totally at the opposite end of the spectrum from Walmart.  Netflix created a culture of excellence. While Walmart and their CEO failed to build an inclusive environment but built a culture of Destruction. Buckle Up! The associates will learn what other companies offer. To all the Walmart associates tell me if you feel as though you have been hijacked.

Reviewing Netflix crafting a culture of excellence placed a Dagger In The Heart_More Meat. I did review the 125 points of the Yin Yang culture. Thank you for giving me a peek at the other side of midnight.  It is so good to see the light of day. If there is light at the end of the tunnel make sure you got an escape route. The tunnel with the light at the end may have no exit and you are caught in a maze. Clocking into a work environment that has the feel of a Schindler’s List, the remake of Amistad with the Walking Dead made me appreciate Bates Motel.  If the younger generation isn’t aware who Steven Spielberg and his movies Amistad and Schindler’s List, Sundar Pichai will be here to assist you. GOOGLE IT!.   With so much chaos and confusion, I became the Dark Knight while Christian Bales got the lead role in Working on the Chain Gang.  It gets darker. Where is Dark Man? I better text Liam Neeson.  Hell, it is Pitch Black in an environment when you have no say, not respected as an individual, teaching is not valued, every decision comes from the top or Home Office.  I need to borrow those special glasses of Vin Diesels so I won’t fall off the set.  These guys are not my Homey   It’s tough being in an environment where there is just night, no positivity, total control, vesting (owning people like slavery), The Bro Culture has never left nor the pat on the back for promotions. I see the words posted all over the walls but Wal-Mart doesn’t live by their basic beliefs. Walmart doesn’t believe their own beliefs.  Aka Babyface Doug McMillon probably walk by and say, Who the Hell put that up?  Call up Lee Daniels. Remind Lee who has total control and Power to this sequel. Please return the Lion before Queen Sugar returns home from Falcon Crest.  Who is on their way to Dallas?  Where is JR Ewing when you need him?   Wal-Mart’s Final Destination is the corporation who denies Freedom, except no Responsibility and seek Excellence to fulfill their pockets only.  Wal-mart going to Spring Break? No, they’re leaving for Peru with their Tax Break. We Know What You Did Last Summer? As far as Wal-mart Changing The World, Wal-mart took away the employees livelihood.  It was a Nuclear Holocaust. Why? Wal-Mart is The Hand That Rocks The Cradle. Killing jobs, taking control, being obsessed with money and Wal-Mart investors are their Fatal Attraction.

Sorry, this corporation does not value what we value. Integrity, Communication, Respect, Excellence is not aligned with Big Snuffy.  This is not a walk down Sesame Street.  Hell, This Is A Nightmare On Elm Street. Who is that over in the corner with the red and green striped sweater, pimped out brim, and razor-sharp claws on one hand? Who slash all those jobs and got rid of their co-managers?   The real teachers of Wal-mart got cut not rewarded.  Wal-Mart has no values. Don’t say that. They value their money. The associates are just not included. Walmart’s high performance is base on the element of beating the associates down by Control. There is no Freedom just shackles on the feet and chains wrapped around the employee’s brains.  What about Context? You have no ideas at Walmart. Your situation is your own. Creativity, absolutely not. I repeat you follow Directive. Wal-mart doesn’t care about what you think.  Management doesn’t want to hear your voice and don’t give a d**n about your opinion.

Netflix embraces the best people for the job. Yes, brother man is an “A” player and d**n good at his job. Whew! There will be fewer mistakes for the company to fix. On the other hand when you do the dance of favoritism, nepotism, and the pat on the back you get the most unqualified, unintelligent, White House/Walmart staff in the nation. Nothing will pass. Nothing achieved. The achievement will be for the money dawgs at the top who kills all the growth and development of people at the bottom.  Oh excuse me, the rules of the game has changed. Who changed the rules. The Men In Black in favor of the big corporation.  Even if you were a “B” player at Netflix and you had consistency when it was time to say bounce baby bounce they still gave you a decent severance package to help you land on your feet Somewhere Over The Rainbow. Susan, I just wanted to have a YouTube moment with Patti Labelle.  At least you landed back home and not in OZ.  Look at Stephanie Mills blowing her pipes to the tune of Ease On Down The Road. Is that Wal-mart national anthem?  I know it is a song they could live by.  You get the opportunity to meet the Queen of Good Goodbyes singing Whitney’s I wish you joy and happiness above all I wish you the best.  Hold up!

This is a real Dagger In The Heart_More Meat. Walmart is not in the business of helping their associates start over. Time to hit up Indeed.com.  You are viewed as  The Expendable, not valuable. If you work for Walmart you will be escorted out. The associates get no severance package. The associates have to fight like hell to draw unemployment. What associate will last at this corporation to receive retirement without being forced out?  Make sure you get rid of all the older associates or force them into a part-time position. Order 66 has now taken effect. Kill everyone connected to the Jedi Order. What! no more intelligent scholars left on the planet. D**n are we back at the White House? No, we are inside of Wal-mart.  The Umbrella Corporation thinks their associates are straight up ignorant.    This corporation will do or say anything to AVOID paying out any type of benefits. Not a dime for workman compensation, unemployment or whatever ails you. How can you establish trust with a company who rid themselves of 63 stores and never gave the associates any notices?  Did Wal-mart give any of these associates severance pay to restart their career? Hell To The No No.  Trust, Honesty, I don’t think so. Nice sounding valued no one believes in.  Sorry! Wishmaster was canceled.  All the wishing in the world will not change Wal-mart Corporation downright hostility. Turning people against one another (divisiveness) is the big gulp of hot chocolate made with Shatto milk topped with heavy whip cream and Ghiradelli double chocolate syrup on to the top. Yummy!  Whatever an associate enjoy Walmart takes great pleasure to destroy. I just wanted to spell it out. Can we bring Stacy Brown Philpot_CEO of Task Rabbit (IKEA) to help us put the pieces of the puzzle together?

Dagger In The Heart_More Meat the Flix said they hired, rewarded, tolerated full form adults. Hooray for Hollywood. Walmart is the Punisher.  Dolph Lundgren was pissed when Wal-mart took over his role. Who is Dolph Lundgren?  He is a brut with a brain and an Einstein with muscles, baby.  In real-time Dolph Lundgren is a chemical engineer. He starred in Punisher, Expendables, Red Heat, Masters of the Universe, Universal Soldiers and sooo…..on.  Wal-marts make the mistakes thinking their employees are ignorant.  Wrong! What the hell do we know?  Come on! you know Dark Shadows don’t have any grown-ups in the room. For Walmart, it is always company first.   Are you a Walton? HR policies are always enforced. You don’t talk to the bosses, managers, subordinates or colleagues. Retaliation comes into play with the Open Door Policy. Sun Down Rule means keep waiting. Cheryl, are you wearing the clothes from yesterday?  I have been standing out here by the assistant office for someone to get back with me. I guess I will see you in that dress tomorrow. She will figure it out.  When she realizes her personal hygiene is attracting attention.  When Ge Ge arrives at work, ask management to get keys, and management shows up 30 minutes later, it is not her fault her job starts late.  Then GE GE is asked why she got a late start. For Real! Really! You want to coach WHO. For What! Consistency lies in the belly of communication. There is no consistency at Wal-mart. You can send in the gastroenterologist. Only constant Chaos starring Jason Statham. So you feel like you have an ulcerated stomach.  Get checked out. You work for Wal-mart.

It’s pretty cool knowing Somewhere Out There companies give 10 days PTO and 10 days holiday pay. Go Netflix!  Wow!  The associates Inside These Walls Of Existing Conditions get rejected for days earned at Walmart. The rejected button is pushed and the slave masters let you know who is Boss Hog. Days! It took years to accumulate TIME under Dark Vader rule.  The force was not with the associates  Maybe if they gave the associates their time in a timely manner much of the PTO TIME would not be paid out in February. The Queen of Good Goodbyes worried about fairness and consistency. Well, that is not a problem at the Big Snuffleupercus Company.  Fairness and consistency are not in Wal-Mart’s dictionary nor embedded in Wal-Mart company’s policy. McCord felt she would get better results when you rely on logic and common sense. That lets me know McCord hasn’t visited the White House or Wal-Mart Corporation. Taking a trip to Resident Evil would be equivalent.   I repeat Directives are given not options. How Loyal are You? Oh! Oh! Is that McCord picture on the wall with  Sally Yates, James Comey (not the president Homey) and the rest of the gang.


This is just another strategy of getting rid of associates to make room for the store remodeled. Walmart can offer their associates a nice severance package so they can make room for their Big Event. I’m not talking about a measly $1000 per year every year the associate worked for this company.  Good Lord! If you worked 30 years for this company $30,000 just won’t cut it.  The Black Panther’s costume cost more.  $1000 per year of service is shameful and would leave The House Of A Thousand Corpses lying around. I’m quite sure the associates are looking forward to Independence Day. I wonder what Will Smith thinks about this. Wal-mart is looking forward to Terminator V Judgement Day so no associates are left standing tall and alive. Hey! just a friendly reminder to check the coaching in your files. It has the same effect when you go to clock in and you have no task.  When you on your way to lunch ALL OF A SUDDEN you have a task. Management swears up and down it was there all the time.  The task shows up at 5:00am and you leave at 7:00am. Yeah Right. Remember the number 3 is very key.

Thank you, MY FRIEND, WITH THE YELLOW PEN. I went to Market Watch and found an article written by Sue Chang on June 7, 2015.  I didn’t want to misquote the 3 largest employees in the world. I missed which ones you listed so I backtracked to get the information. U.S Department of Defense employed 3.2million people.  People Liberation Army of China employed 2.3 million people.  Wal-mart employed 2.1. Since it is 2018 I’m quite sure Wal-mart is in 2nd place due to GREED. In the private sector, Walmart-ranked number #1. Oh yeah, my all time favorite is GlassDoor who loves to give the people on the beat the 411. The top 10 most sought-after jobs out of 100 in 2018 World ranked as followed: 1) FaceBook, 2) Bain and Company, 3) Boston Consulting Group, 4) IN-N-Out Burger, 5) Google, 6) Lululemon, 7) HubSpot 8) World Wide Technology, 9) St. Jude Children Research Hospital, 10) Ultimate Software. You know you been robbed once you read the company’s mission statement and the cultural climate the Ceos has created for their employment. Dagger In the Heart_More Meat and suffering defeat working for the #1 largest Corporation that employes the most people in the U.S. and abroad.  Times Up! Turn up the heat Wal-mart needs to create a non-hostile cultural environment which is inclusive, supportive, with decent salaries and bonuses that will compete with other corporations.  One time Bonuses are not allowed. Back to those evaluations.

Big Dagger In The Heart_More Meat whenever I hear the word TRUTH. What!  Netflix eliminated formal reviews.  No more 5 point scale to grade one’s evaluation. Yes, it is a ritual. Do you get any better after being lied on? This will impede one’s development and performance.  A penny raise does not motivate one to work smart. The sad piece of this story the truth doesn’t get told on your evaluation. but the person giving you the review has never worked with you. How can a manager or co-manager evaluate an associates performance when they are not objective themselves? Passed down negative information from the only Co-manager Therese Renzetti who lack communication skills and has had several write-ups her self. Home Office, HR, Ethics Hotline is fully aware of Theresa Renzetti behavior. So they cannot say they aren’t aware. That’s like saying General Kelly didn’t know Rob Porter, White House Office Staff Secretary, did not beat his 2 ex-wives. Jennifer Willoughby, Colbie Holderness.  NOW YOU KNOW WHY THEIR ROB PORTER’S EXS. Why is Wal-mart pretending they do not know of Therese Renzetti existing Intentional Behavior. JUST A BREEDING GROUND FOR UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR.   What happens when we don’t speak out? What happens when we hide? Is this how society let people like Joe Paterno, Larry Nassar, Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, Vincent Cirrincione, and a host of other Recognizable Personalities get away with their behavior for years. If anyone isn’t familiar with these names Just GOOGLE IT. Sundar is waiting.

I like to introduce you to Sundar Pachai_CEO of Google. Anything you can’t find just GOOGLE IT.  Walmart’s Unethical Behavior can be viewed at Lawaspect.com. Visit Demos.org and put in the search box Walmart and get a wealth of information. Also, visit Alliance for Justice at afj.org.  You can go to the media CNN, MSNBC, and so on. Now you can add NLD Recognition.  Go to the search box and type in Wal-mart.  Recognition of Wal-mart can be viewed at http://nldrecognition.wordpress.com. Go to Glassdoor and look at the reviews about Wal-mart. How would you rate Wal-mart on a scale of zero? Okay then!

Dagger In The Heart_More Meat was reviewing Netflix 9 Behaviors and skills. This company hires and promote the people who demonstrate the following skills.  1.) judgment 2.) communication, 3.) impact, 4.) curiosity, 5.) innovation, 6.) courage, 7.) passion, 8.) honesty, 9.) selflessness.  Uhh! This is Wal-mart.  Judgment is Judge Dredd. Who holds the power to arrest (punish/retaliate), convict, sentence, and execute (frame or fire) their associates.  You know who makes and control all of the decision. Communication there is none. The Impact associates make is based on all-time task. There is no room for creativity. It stunts the associate’s growth. The 8 hour work day for Wal-mart associates is for management to get 24 hours worth of work out of each associate.  Do you have any popcorn left? You are the rising star in 12 years Of A Slave.  As far as Curiosity Wal-mart has stripped away the desire to learn. All incentives to become a Shining Star by Earth, Wind, and Fire is over.    Associates are in constant fear of losing their job, retaliation, bullying. Why you think the associates don’t speak out?  Little Shop Of Horrors took on a new meaning.  We have no teachers but you are expected to do a job thrown at you. Get an F for what you never were taught. Sure it’s all your fault. That’s the Wal-mart Way. Wal-mart never admits they are wrong. Innovation are you kidding me. Your ideas belong to you. Wal-mart appreciates if you keep your thoughts to yourself.  Wal-Mart is not going to give up CONTROL to hear the person on the lower end of the scale,  forget it.  Change only comes from the top not the bottom in this company.  It would be a REVOLUTION if the associates take over.  Wal-mart views associate Courage as controversial, threatening to the company, troublemakers. Your courage and what you say will get you retaliated against or fired. I know this too well. Passion is a very strong emotion of enthusiasm. Wal-mart! No, especially the emotional part.  Wal-mart has no feelings. They don’t care. Honesty is definitely a No. Why? Would you like to review Wal-Mart’s Unethical Behavior again? Selflessness through the lens of Wal-mart culture is not advocating on the associate’s behalf. Being proactive in Wal-Mart’s culture of destruction and sharing ideas with other associates are taken as if the associate is trying to form a union.

Wal-mart culture is everything of MAJOR importance becomes MINOR.  Everything of MINOR importance becomes MAJOR.  Internal Behavior is cut throat and the mission statement is Sink or Swim. There is NO FREEDOM just hard work. The associates are pushed to the brink.  Creativity doesn’t exist only traditional workforce behavior. Wal-mart lead and the associates follow. The associate’s fight for their PTO, vacation time, leave of absence, any time they have earned. It is a pure dictatorship. The associates are left with the blame and shame. Leadership belongs to Walmart Corporation, not the associates. Now go get your popcorn and watch V For Vendetta. Tell me if this movie reminds you of your life inside of Walmart? Maximize rules and chaos exists within this company.  Flexibility is not allowed in a company who is behind the times. Wal-mart mimics the behavior of their competitors. Leadership cannot be developed if the company doesn’t surround you with good people to help one grow.

The store manager (Mark Hoyt) thinks management and associates lie when he can’t understand what you are trying to communicate. Is Mark Hoyt trying to understand?  He still has his Ipad by his side.  End Of Days  Co-manager Theresa Renzetti was rewarded and is on the grocery side. Although she got the most calls to Home Office for her Intentional Behavior, the ethics hotline called numerous times, targets black, white, tan, beige and LGBT community she did not get bumped to leave the store or the company.   Co-Manager Theresa Renzetti played a role in getting rid of the few black managers and other members of management in the store. The courts out on the last and only Black assistant in the store who recently walked out of the store due to massive amounts of frustration and favoritism. Did you notice how more CBL’S (computer-based learning) popped up?  I give credit where credit is due.  Well, The Umbrella Corporation only controls and never communicates. How can a company grade an evaluation when they can’t be upfront about closing 63 stores without notice?  The person handing down information can’t be trusted at all.  There were 3,500 co-managers jobs slashed.  The last co-manager standing replaced Bruce Willis in the Last Man Standing Part II.  Who made the decision to keep Co-manager Renzetti in the Store. Was it the Market Team? The Store Manager? What role did HR, Home Office, and the Ethics Hotline play knowing what they know? Times Up! Time to CLEAN HOUSE.  Go back to the story where all the foreign associates/immigrants got fired on the grocery side in the year of our Lord January 14, 2016.  Read or review The Five Days Before Christmas.  What Happen to Assistant Manager Ricky Farr and Assistant Manager Stephanie?  Maybe Therese Renzetti forgot to share the real truth with the store manager, Mark Hoyt. Honesty cover is blown again along with being responsible. Wal-mart rewards the mirror image of themselves.

Whenever I mention Co-manager Theresa Renzetti name or the Store Managers name, Mark Hoyt, my name Linda Garrett is also mention in the process.  I want real transparency, the Butt-naked truth released, and most of all I am not hear to LIE or Slander any of these people.  Walmart always wants to hold the associates accountable but never take RESPONSIBILITY for Therese Renzetti Intentional Behavior.  Just to let you know I will not be Rolled Back because I’m not afraid.  I have been retaliated and discriminated against many times by Therese Renzette and Walmart looked the other way.   I did not wish to contain this information in the boundaries of store #2857 but to let everyone across the nation here MY VOICE.   When Wal-mart decide to put me on their clearance wall and clear me out I went down for the associates who have been bullied, harassed, self-esteem was at an all-time low, retaliated against and too afraid to speak out for fear of losing their job. I want the associates to remember the Texas Chain Saw Massacre of all the jobs Wal-mart have taken away. Remember how Wal-mart Corporation views the associates through their lens. Does Wal-mart care?

I”m sitting at the computer in my Black pants suit and my white rose is on top of the printer. An associate asks me once why I wasn’t afraid of Walmart.  My reply will always be Walmart cannot add to my Quality of Life.  Wal-mart has no Specialty to add TIME to my Life. Once you cross over into the world of the great scholars, for example, an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, nephrologist, cardiologist, neurologist, radiologists you go to YouTube.  You turn on Jay-Z who is rapping 99 Problems So for me 99 problems and Walmart isn’t one will be my anthem to bring to the associates with Solutions.  Wal-mart started out with the lowest wages and locked many associates wages down. This corporate culture is built on Destructive, corruptible, and Intentional Behavior. Whatever Quality of Life I have left belongs to me. I own it. I live It. Wal-mart can not give me a TIME ADJUSTMENT ON MY LIFE. Wal-mart Corporations has NO CONTROL and NO POWER over my mind, body, and spirit.  Walking into a room where a doctor is holding your life chart, money and the material object will not be the first priority. Your Life and Time will rule the day. It doesn’t matter how much money Aka Babyface Doug McMillon has nor Wal-mart Corporation. They have no Power or Control over how long they will live or how much TIME.  They should put a new slogan on their wall if they can’t respect the individual or believe their own beliefs.  It should go like this.  You Thought Money was priceless. You thought Oil was priceless. You thought diamonds were priceless. Time is Priceless. Time to Respect Time and a Priceless Human’s Life.  These are people I want to know and show how the largest corporation in the world treat their employees. I am paying attention. These are progressive people on the move along with progressive movements.

Roll Call:

Bill Deblasio-New York Mayor

Claire McCaskill-Senator of Missouri

Bernie Sanders-Senator of Vermont

Louis Gutierrez-Senator of  Illinois

Warren Buffett-Entrepreneur Berkshire Hathaway

Mark Zuckerberg/Facebook (I’m cool with raising taxes) Universal Basic Income

Joseph Kenndy-Congressman of Massachusetts (Mr. Commonality)

Elizabeth Warren-Senator of Massachusetts

Joaquin (Congressman of Texas, 20th congressional district) and Julian Castro (former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development)

Me Too Movement

Times Up Movement and there are so many more people out there.

Wal-Mart culture of destruction treats their associates as if they know absolutely nothing.  You have highly intelligent associates from all over the world. When I look over my shoulders I see future assistants, co-managers, and store managers within the associates. Wal-Mart is too afraid to create Teams.  The culture of Wal-mart doesn’t like teachers. Or you kidding me! They only teach you what they want you to know and that is just enough so you can’t take an assistant, co-managers, or the store manager position. Wal-mart tells their associates to upgrade their career preference when the job has been taken already. The job is posted and the management TEAM goes through the motions to fill in the blank.  As far as communication, Walmart is skilled players at miscommunication turning the associates against each other.  Their coaching process is a.) to show you are not promotable, b.) to avoid giving the associates a raise, c.) to rank your evaluation low so you or on your way out the door, d.) to keep the associates from transferring to another store. Big Picture is RETALIATION TIME.  The Hunger Games is on. Have you noticed even when you do get good evaluations you are not progressing forward toward a promotion? Do you feel you are locked into your position?  The same strategy is applied to the older associates who are locked into their salaries. The older hardworking associates get paid less. The associates who don’t work as hard or not at all get the same pay.  The new associates get paid more for no experience, less, or some experience. Bottom line is to set the Associates up for failure.

My jaw dropped when Patti McCord_former CEO of Netflix, Sundar Pichai_CEO of Google, and Susan Wojcicki_CEO of Yahoo address getting the best person for the job. All the best people are held back, force out, get fired. from Walmart.  The Team of HR. Market Managers, store manager,  Ethics Hotline all know about Co-Manager Therese Renzetti behavior.  The choice to keep Therese Renzetti in the store and put her on the Grocery Side is like jacking up the Impeachment Procedure.  The Elephants under the glass are obstructing justice placing the blame on the FBI. Just as Wal-mart, the culture of destruction, blames everything on the associates and never the TEAM of Wal-marts crew who upheld co-manager Therese Renzetti repulsive/disgusting behavior.  My name is Linda Garrett.  B.O. (The For Real President) would say, You Just Can’t Make This Sh*t Up. Well close enough.  He is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!  Please visit or Revisit the following stories: Snitch This Here’s The Playlist(July 13, 2013); Five Days Before Christmas (January 14, 2016); Charlotte’s’ Web_ Redemption Time (October 26, 2016). To all the CEOs this takes the YIN out of the YANG. Here’s the deal. If Lily Ledbetter took 20 years to get the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to pass. Eleven years of Therese Renzetti is worth standing up for the associates who live in constant fear OF PUNISHMENT, RETALIATION, AND DISCRIMINATION.

Therese Renzetti, co-manager, played a large role in targeting blacks, browns, beige, LGBT community, and whites. Dagger To The Heart_More Meat is for Walmart to create a breeding ground for bullies, harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination, and retaliatory behavior. This is not the climate to promote this type of Intentional Behavior.  Climate Change is here. Freedom, Responsibility, and seek Excellence is the hall of shame at Wal-mart. Over in this corner pocketing all the money, Bonuses, stocks is G-Money Dawg_Walmart. Over in the losers corner, knocked out once again is the associates, 3500 co-managers, and 63 Sam Clubs stores. Did anyone get the E-mail? No Sir Chris was laughing about the Memo. Did Devin Nunes (Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee whose House of Card crumbled, so did Kevin Spacey) get his message across? No, it was just like Wal-mart who never sends a message. You’re just out in the cold.

To Sundar Pichai: How many offenses would a manager or an associate have to make before you fire them? Would you be reluctant to fire a manager or an associate because of their race, sexual orientation, gender if they had been reported to HR numerous of times? Susan Wojcicki: McCord talks about the jerk on the job.  Would you fire the jerk’s when his behavior crosses the line and is not align with the company’s policy?  McCord also addresses what is best for the company. Would you fire the associate/manager whose Intentional behavior is not conducive to the work environment or both? Do you feel it was best for the company?  Do you feel it is right to aid and abet a worker because of prior lawsuits of harassment, gender stereotyping, sexual harassment, and retaliation against the company?   Would you remove an associates/manager whose Intentional behavior cause emotional distress toward their co-workers/ management and fear to the work environment? Would you keep the associate/manager out of fear they may retaliate against the company and file a suit based on their race, gender, sexual orientation?  Walmart is known for gender stereotyping and how bad they treat their employees. So it is Time to point out the wrongdoing, scandalous behavior, dishonesty, corruption, indecency, immoral, unprofessional, and whatever you observe that is not honest. We can now zero in on inappropriate language or behaviors. Now Ruby understands the meaning of IMPROPRIETIES.  It just needed to be explained. It did not go over Ruby’s head. Ruby hates to ask the question when she doesn’t understand because members of management make her feel as though she is stupid. Ruby has more pieces to the puzzle.  Well, Ruby, they may not have an answer or they may not understand themselves. If you look closer you will see who really knows. Sir Lawrence was really effective at explaining the word Treason

You would think as many times Walmart has gotten busted on their Intentional Behavior, the GINORMOUS corporation had to pay for Gender discrimination (to the tune of 11.7 million, dollars in 2013) they should exit the Titanic and try not to hitch a ride on the  Hindenburg.  Maybe this company loves being well documented. Time is up for Sexual Harassment, Harassment, Retaliation, Discrimination in the workforce. Time is Up for this negative behavior anywhere, any place at any time. Who granted the power and sent the wrong message that Intentional Behavior is the norm and Unintentional behavior should take the fall? Who put on their books Walmart is ABOVE the law? Reparation cannot take away the pain and agony one suffers or replace a human life. There is not enough money in the world to make it right.  General Snuffleupagus and his gang need to step outside their culture and see if they can Spotify a new generation, hear the Tidal Wave moving in their path and realize a new tsunami is coming to drown Walmart for their misdeeds. Sam Walton said no one should feel the need to leave the company. On that note, I say Run Forest Run.

Dagger Through The Heart_ More Meat is putting more information on the associate’s plate with food for thought and the associates are not reading. We must all continue to learn and read. Please don’t tell me you don’t read well.  Please don’t tell me you hate reading. There are auditory books. You listen! Okay, so you don’t have a computer. There is always the library. This is not about what you don’t have. This is about the ability to adapt to change.  We can find a way to work around the issue. If change is difficult for you to make try little baby steps. One day you will wake up and say, “I really have changed for the better.”   A library card is my golden passport to new knowledge and adventure. I live for the (Here and Now).  I look forward to the future.  I want to have a YouTube moment with Susan Wojcicki_CEO of YouTube. I  love the layout of all the artist who has a similar genre.  Go ahead and hit Luther Vandross up for his song. Even when I write there are many YouTube moments percolating in my head to help me reach out to the people. As my grandchildren say, “NANA PLEASE  DON’T GIVE US ANY STALE WRITING.”

To the geniuses in Silicon Valley(computer and electronic industry), and all the Tech heads across the world who has advanced our world I truly appreciate your knowledge and your special kind of brain. The clock is ticking.  What are the beliefs in your company? Don’t walk by the wall and look at the signage and know in your heart this is not what you do.  This is not what you believe. Do what you do. Believe in what you do.  Set a course and take this world to a new horizon. Live what you believe for the good of all mankind.’

Thank You, Netflix for revealing the true purpose and value of HR and who they work for. HR works for the company, not for the associates. If Walmart is going to remodel their stores, go by the wayside of Automation then Walmart needs to be progressive in their policymaking. Reinvent HR or get rid of your HR. Hey, Walmart didn’t mind getting rid of the 63 stores and 3,500 Co-managers. Just another budget cut.

One comment on “Dagger In The Heart_More Meat

  1. Kynny garrett says:

    So much for law abiding citizens because Walmart rewards and abide bad intention behaviors. For example when it came for evaluation time for the co managers on who stays and goes, Walmart kept Therese Renzetti who been targarting blacks and other racial ethnicities since 2007 and got rid of Keith who was fair and for the people. Come on now Mark Hoyt you are going to tell the associates that she is good for the job and the store when in fact she forced associates out by demeaning their spirits by causing a hostile work environment. By law of labor regulation, that is a constructal discharge. If you dont know you better look it up. If you don’t know now you homie. Mark Hoyt you are abiding and rewarding bad intentional behavior by keeping a person who is known causing unrest and a hostile work environment so how should you plea in the court of law guilty or innocent.

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